The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (183 page)

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Ananda Marga
(Skt., ‘path of bliss’). Movement founded in India in 1955 by Shree Shree Anandamurti, known to his followers as Baba and regarded by them as a
or miracle-worker. Imprisoned in India in 1971 on a charge of murder and later released when Indira Gandhi fell from power, Anandamurti's career, as well as that of his movement, evoked controversy.
Though it has been suggested that this ‘revolutionist’ movement has several million adherents, the actual membership is undoubtedly very much smaller.
Hindu responsive teacher and spiritual attainer, who reached the goal without studying the scriptures, and without a
. She was married at 12, but gave priority to spiritual development. She passed through the attainments of
within six years, and she became known as ‘the mother filled with bliss’, instead of her original name, Nirmala Sundari Devi.
Anand Karaj
(Sikh marriage)

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