The Copper Horse #2 Pride (37 page)

Read The Copper Horse #2 Pride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #erotic, #crime, #Gay, #victorian, #BDSM, #bondage, #pony play, #Slavery, #animalization

BOOK: The Copper Horse #2 Pride
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“Turn around for me,”
whispered Erik, already moving his hands to Reuben’s hips.

Reuben snorted and
shook his mane as he gave Erik a twirl, happy to present himself as
a show pony. He took a deeper breath at the sight of Erik’s naked
body, already impatient to have another cock inside him. The one
that counted.

Erik smiled and pulled
on the reins, but instead of leaning in for a kiss like he usually
would, he undid the fake ears on Reuben’s head, only to close his
fingers around the horn. “I want a special treat tonight,

“Hn?” Reuben leaned
down to make it easier for Erik to reach his head. What perverse
activity could his master possibly dream of after all that he’d
already seen at the party? Whatever it was, Reuben was ready to
comply. But his stomach tensed when the bridle loosened around his
head. He had the urge to hold on to the bit with his teeth, but it
was no use, and it came off, along with the horn. Immediately he
felt more naked than ever before and wasn’t sure what to make of
it. He automatically pulled his hooves closer to his chest, as if
that could hide him in any way.

Erik reached out and
took them in his hands, making Reuben think of them as hands as
well. It was all sorts of confusing, and when Erik unfastened the
first strap on his wrist, Reuben’s knees wobbled. “Do you want to
ask me something?”

Goose bumps appeared
all over Reuben’s arms as Erik pulled off the first hoof. It was as
if his voice was trapped in his throat. Communicating with his
master through gestures was so much easier and natural by now. “I--
I…” his voice was raspy and unfamiliar.

Erik massaged Reuben’s
wrist, rubbing circles with his thumbs. “You’ve made me very proud
today,” Erik whispered without looking up. “I don’t think you know
just how much.”

“I have? I’m happy to
hear that, Master,” Reuben found his voice, trying to imagine the
restraints were still there. Hans stood by the wall like a statue,
but his presence didn’t make the situation any less intimate.

Erik dropped the hoof
to the rug and squeezed the newly freed hand. He tugged on it,
gesturing for Reuben to follow him toward the bed. Reuben’s hands
were usually shackled when around Erik, either cuffed to his thighs
or behind his back. Only the hoof boots and the tail were keeping
Reuben in his unicorn persona, but he had a feeling those were
going to come off as well. The bed was making him increasingly
anxious, and he slowed down even as Erik’s hands entwined with

His master’s brown eye
blinked back at him. “You’re not in pain after the match, are

“No, master. It was…
his prick was thick and nubbed, but not bad,” Reuben muttered,
looking down to the ground. There was no point in lying after what
had happened with the female pony.

Erik smirked. “Well,
you did seem to enjoy yourself,” he said, maneuvering Reuben to
face the bed and pushing him on his back. It was a signal to bend
over. Reuben put his hands on the mattress for balance and bent
over. He spread his legs. With the hooves on, his ass arched up

“He scratched and
bit,” Reuben confessed, but Erik’s hand on his ass was a soothing
balm on his nerves. He loved being touched there, and the skillful
pull on the tail made him bite his lip with pleasure.

“But would you like to
be bred by him again if you had the choice?” Erik asked casually,
just as the phallus left Reuben’s body empty and tender.

Reuben lowered his
face to the bedding, wishing he could hide in there completely. “I
suppose it was nice,” he whispered.

Erik’s warm hand
brushed over his ass in a slow, soothing motion, but despite
Reuben’s predictions, the nimble fingers didn’t go into the
warmed-up hole. “Sit down.”

Reuben turned around
and followed the order, anticipating what would happen. He
swallowed. “Shouldn’t Jack undress me, Master?”

Erik’s eyes met his,
but there was no doubt Erik knew what he wanted. He gestured for
Reuben to raise his foot. “He does it when I want him to.”

“Why don’t you want
him to?” Reuben wasn’t sure if he should cover his half-hard dick
now that his hands were free.

Erik chuckled and
rested Reuben’s hoof on his stomach, unbuckling it slowly. “That’s
because I want to do it myself, silly thing.”

Reuben hid his smile
with his hand and looked away, unsure whether he should feel so
happy right now. “I thought you wanted a unicorn tonight.”

Erik massaged his
somewhat cramped calf as he unfastened the boot. Only when it
landed on the floor did Reuben realize just how stiff his foot was.
“I already got my unicorn. Now I want something else.”

“I’m only Copper,
master,” he said as Erik began unfastening the other boot, the last
thing that Reuben had on. Only the white paint on his skin was
left, but he believed it would chip off if they stayed on the

Erik stopped for a
second, as if considering that, but he quickly resumed his moves
and pulled off the boot. He straightened and dropped it to the rug
with a smile. “You can lie down if you want.”

Reuben pushed back on
the mattress, not feeling like a unicorn anymore. He was only a man
covered with white paint. “It’s a nice bed.”

Erik’s odd eyes
climbed all the way up Reuben’s body, the gaze almost tangible as
it caressed his feet, calves, his cock and hips, his chest. And
when it passed Reuben’s throat, it felt almost as if there were
strong fingers gently pressing, if only to prove a point. “It

“Is there a special
reason I’m here, Master?” Reuben slowly curled up with his knees
touching his chin.

Erik had already
placed his knee on the mattress when he stopped and gave Reuben a
sober look. “Would you rather be somewhere else?”

Reuben’s breath
hitched, and he couldn’t help a little smile as he looked down to
his toes. “No.”

Erik’s shoulders
relaxed. He climbed on the bed and under the canopy, only to lie
down next to Reuben. He propped his head on his elbow and looked at
Reuben, his eyes wider than usual, as if he himself was trying to
figure something out.

“You want me to suck
you, Master?” Reuben scratched his head, feeling like a fish out of
water. Not being bound was more nerve wracking than he could have
ever imagined.

“If you want to.” Erik
lay his head on the pillow and brushed the back of his hand up and
down Reuben’s side. It was so different to just lie with him, both
of them completely naked, in a bed. As if they weren’t master and

Reuben wasn’t used to
making decisions. What if this was a suggestion of freedom? Maybe
he’d served his purpose, reached the pinnacle of what a stallion
could be, and now Erik wanted to get a new one? Reuben leaned
closer and slid his arms around Erik’s waist to hug him. Funny how
this man who could strike fear into criminals was so small in his
arms, his shoulders so thin when compared to Reuben’s own, all
bones, more delicate.

Erik reciprocated the
embrace right away with a soft exhale, burying his face in Reuben’s
hair. Reuben never laid with anyone like that, and it sent his
heart into a frantic rhythm. He didn’t want to offend his master in
any way, but Erik didn’t seem to mind anything he did. Slim hands
were moving up and down Reuben’s back in the gentlest of caresses
as Erik drew back and bumped his nose into Reuben’s with a slight
smile. Reuben nuzzled him back, feeling happier by the second. It
was as if his heart wanted to escape through his throat.

“I love you,” he
whispered into Erik’s lips, watching his master’s eyes, searching
them for truth. Darkness spread through the pale irises, as if his
words had unleashed something in Erik that consumed the strange
unevenness in his gaze. Suddenly, both eyes matched, the pitch
black pupils shining as they looked into Reuben’s own.

Erik exhaled and
tightened his arms around Reuben, his erection digging into
Reuben’s thigh. “Since when?” he whispered.

Reuben swallowed, too
nervous for words. “Since… since…” He had to take a deeper breath,
because he wasn’t even sure how to pinpoint the moment it started.
“I don’t know. It’s all so… you take care of me, and I can be of
use to you, and you’re so handsome,” he babbled, already
embarrassed at how scattered his thoughts were. “You saved my life.
Took me from the Pit of the Dead.”

Erik pressed their
lips together, sliding his hand into Reuben’s mane as he pulled
ever closer, molding his body to Reuben’s. “You sweet, beautiful
thing,” he whispered, sucking on Reuben’s bottom lip.

“I’m not sweet,”
Reuben muttered. “I lied to you for so long. But it’s because I was
scared.” He closed his eyes and licked Erik’s lips. The bedding was
so soft, like a cloud in heaven.

Erik deepened the kiss
and slowly pushed Reuben to his back, sliding their bodies
together. Heat grew between them like a house fire, ready to spread
and scorch the bed itself. “Never lie to me again, then.”

Reuben raised his
hands to Erik’s cheeks, annoyed by how much they trembled. Erik
probably only let him go because he knew what a coward Reuben was.
“I’ll try not to.” He spread his thighs to accommodate his master.
It felt as natural as breathing.

Erik cupped Reuben’s
cheek and lay atop him, hard chest heaving against Reuben’s, cock
already half-hard. Even now he was in control, and Reuben was ready
to follow. “Do you want me to call you ‘Reuben’ when we’re like

“Only if I can call
you ‘Erik’,” Reuben whispered back, unsure of what was actually
happening here. There was no doubt he liked it, though. Being like
this was different from being Erik’s pony, Copper, yet still
exciting as ever. This way, they could get to know each other more

Erik’s gasp shook, but
he nodded, his dark eyes never leaving Reuben’s. He slowly moved
his hips between Reuben’s thighs, and their cocks brushed against
each other in the sweetest way possible.

“You’ll get paint all
over, Erik.” Reuben smiled, feeling a silly excitement at calling
his master by his name. He slowly wrapped his arms around Erik’s

“Master Erik? I’m not
sure this is safe,” Hans’s voice came from outside their cocoon,
spoiling the mood and getting Reuben embarrassed again.

Erik didn’t seem to
have lost his ground though and answered his guardian with a slow
exhale. “Fine. I’ll tie his hands,” he said with a kiss to Reuben’s

“I don’t mind. I
understand,” Reuben said, looking into his eyes. It was
unfortunate, but he understood there could never be complete trust
between them, especially after Erik’s past with Chestnut. He
obediently held out his wrists to his master.

Erik stared at him,
his mouth half open, but eventually he shook off the stupor and
reached out for the same cuffs he’d used after he’d allowed Reuben
to cane him. They were soft leather, pleasant around Reuben’s
wrists as he willingly submitted to Erik. He had the feeling that
Erik was thinking about the night he chose to trust Chestnut too
much, and all he wanted was to caress the pale scars that gave his
master that permanent half-smile. He pressed a kiss to one of them
as Erik attached the cuffs to the sturdy headboard.

Reuben smiled at the
sight of white paint on Erik’s chest and stomach. A part of him on
his master.

Erik took his time but
eventually let go of Reuben’s hands and climbed down his body,
massaging and kissing every bit of skin. It felt like worship, and
despite Erik’s very obvious erection, his master didn’t rush

“Does he have to
watch?” Reuben whispered, afraid to even look Hans’s way.

Erik drew in a sharp
breath as he nuzzled Reuben’s cock. “Hans, out,” he commanded as
his fingers found their way between Reuben’s buttocks.

Reuben gasped, not
even bothering to watch Hans leave. All his focus was on Erik’s
hands. It was different now that he was to have sex as Reuben, not
Copper, as if they were doing it for the first time. But soon
familiarity was back: he knew the smell of Erik, with or without
his leathers. He knew the firmness of his touch, the roughness of
his ink-stained fingers, even the softness of his lips. What
new was the long, slow finger-fucking that made him
break out in sweat and thrash under Erik’s gaze, which seemed to
burn through him like two pieces of scorching coal. He was so
tender after the dragon fucked him that every touch felt more

With Hans gone, Reuben
lost all shame and lifted his knees to give Erik better access. He
wanted to be close, to kiss, caress and fuck all night. What he
experienced as a pony was amazing, and gave him a sense of peace
and freedom, not to mention being fucked in public had him coming
so hard his balls ached. But once in a while it was nice to just be
close to Erik in a more intimate way, to lie with him in bed and
open up to this other person, who for that moment wasn’t a master
but someone to hold and kiss like any other man.

Erik was careful when
he entered Reuben’s tender hole, slowly filling him in a way that
made them both gasp as he pushed all the way in. Erik moved his
hands over Reuben’s chest, squeezing his arms, caressing them so
gently. This was nothing like the encounters Reuben had before he
met Erik. Or any after that. This was wholly new.

The bedding smelled of
lavender and was softer than even the freshest hay. Reuben held
Erik close with his legs, inviting his lover to fuck him in
earnest, even though it was nothing like the way the dragon had
pushed his cock in. This was two people who actually knew each
other. Reuben got kisses and caresses all the way through, and even
though he couldn’t expect Erik to love him the way a pet loved
their master, there was care and tenderness in their coupling.
Everything a horse could wish for.

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