The Corner Booth (9 page)

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Authors: Kelly Ilebode

BOOK: The Corner Booth
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Beyond excited, Cassandra stared down at her small bag. She was not naïve enough to think that she was going anywhere but to Sakis’s house for the weekend. That simple thought caused butterflies to flutter around in her stomach in anticipation. Nervously glancing at her watch, she hoped that the driver would show up soon. The quicker she was out of the house, the less likely she would have to deal with another confrontation with Jennifer. Not that they had words today. Whatever Mason had said to Jennifer worked and she didn’t say a peep, but the daggers thrown in her direction at every opportunity was enough for Cassie to know her employer was beyond pissed.

She had forgotten her phone in her bedroom, so she glanced outside one more time to make sure the car hadn’t arrived before she ran full sprint upstairs to the third floor. After she retrieved the misplaced phone, she was just headed down when the doorbell rang. She groaned as she reached the second floor landing. Jennifer, it seemed, was the first to the door. Stephanous stepped in at her urging.

“Hi, Stephanous. I am coming,” she called out.

“That is fine, Cassie. No hurry.”

Stephan held out his hand in greeting to Jennifer; his eyebrows rose as she crossed her arms over her chest. Coughing in embarrassment, Mason stepped forward.

“How are you? Mason Hunter.”

Stephanous smiled as he shook the proffered hand, but there was a definite shift in his posture at the rudeness of Jennifer and a chill filled the foyer. When he held out his hand to Cassie as she stepped down the final stair, his features softened.

“I hope that this is not going to be a habitual thing. Cassandra has commitments,” Jennifer spat.

“Jennifer!” Mason was horrified.

With a gentle push to move Cassie behind him as if to protect her from Jennifer’s verbal assault, Stephanous bent to pick up her bag, his features completely expressionless.

His head bowed slightly, he stared Jennifer down for a full minute, without replying, fully aware that his silence made the situation even more awkward. It had the effect he wanted: Jennifer dropped her head and snapped her mouth shut, her face a bright pink. “I will certainly be sure to pass your heartfelt comments on to Mr. Carras, Mrs. Hunter, and I thank you for allowing Cassie to have the time off for her birthday.”

“Please, it really is not an imposition at all. We are more than happy to give her the additional time. Well deserved—she is a hard worker,” Mason stuttered.

Jennifer glared at her husband as Cassie and Stephanous exited the home.

Cassie was mortified at the way Jennifer treated Stephanous, and her hands shook as she attempted to put on her seat belt. Strong hands grabbed hers and stilled them. Cassie looked up into eyes that seemed to be laughing. Relieved he hadn’t taken the insult to heart, she allowed Stephan to put on her seat belt while she got herself under control.

“Mrs. Hunter is quite the bitch. Don’t let her get to you, Cassie. You are too good for that.”

With a laugh, Cassie brushed her hair out of her eyes. “Yes indeed. Can we please go now?”

Gunning the engine, Stephanous shifted gears and tore out of the driveway.

It didn’t take Cassie long to realize that they were not headed to Sakis’s house as she had assumed and no matter how hard she pressed, Stephan wouldn’t tell her where they were headed. Instead, he teased her about the family she worked for, mimicking Jennifer every time Cassie asked a question. Before long, she stopped asking and laughed at his playful antics.

It took a bit of time for them to get through Boston with Friday traffic but several areas she recognized. She was confused as to why they were at Boston Commons instead of Chestnut Hill. Comprehension finally dawned when Stephanous pulled up in front of the Ritz Carlton.

Stephanous smiled, but immediately became serious at Cassie’s face, which had gone completely pale.

As he leaned closer to her, he grabbed her hands, now tightly clasped together.

“I can’t go in there. I am not properly dressed.” Cassie turned her wide, horrified eyes to his.

With empathy, he squeezed her hand gently. “No worries, Cassie.” He handed the keys to the valet before he opened her door. “Stop looking that way…you will be okay. You said you trusted me, right?”

Nodding, she tilted her head to stare up at the impressive building.

“This is your birthday weekend, and not one second will be spent frowning. I insist.”

As she followed him into the grand hotel, she didn’t say a word; he walked directly to the elevator. Stephanous continued to glance at her. He felt bad for her insecurities but in a few moments, everything would be righted and she would understand. After he opened the door to the room, he waved her in.

As she stepped into the opulent room, she gasped at the décor, which included a gas fireplace pit. Everything was pristine. Sakis was not in sight. As if reading her mind, he steered her towards one of the many closed doors. “Sakis is still at work. He wanted you to come here and relax before dinner.” He handed her a glass of champagne as they stepped through to a bedroom. On top of the queen bed were a pile of boxes held together with the most amazing bow. Curious, she walked over and slid out the smallest box from the pile. A note was tied with a gold ribbon. She stared at the words in disbelief.

Happy Birthday, Cassandra. I look forward to celebrating your twenty-first with you and hope to for many more.”


The note dropped onto the bed, and she slowly opened the first box. Nestled in tissue paper was the most beautiful matching underwear and bra. Her face immediately flamed a bright red, and she refused to look at Stephanous.

“I think this is my cue to disappear, as you unwrap your gifts. I will be outside if you need anything.” Stephanous softly closed the door behind him.

Box after box was a different item of clothing: each one tasteful and very expensive, all more than suitable for the style of a sophisticated twenty-one-year-old and more importantly, for a guest at the Ritz Carlton. But she felt uncomfortable with the amount of gifts. Cassie was sure that Sakis was not the one who picked out the clothing, and she wondered, not for the first time, who he was and where this relationship was headed.

After a quick glance at the clock, Cassie guessed dinner would be much later and after taking stock of the luxurious bedroom and private bath, she hoped it was late enough for her to take a soak in the huge tub as she finished her champagne. Several hours later, Cassie stared at her reflection in the mirror and barely recognized herself. No longer was she a country mouse, but could easily pass as one of the socialites who graced the gossip section of the
Boston Globe
. Her hair, brushed to a high sheen, was held back by a crystal clip that had been among her many gifts. Soft tendrils fell on both sides of her perfectly made-up face. Cassie was proud at how well she managed the makeup and said a silent thank-you to Sean and his patience for teaching her how to apply it properly without being overdone.

Her sleeveless, loose silk shirt showed off the muscle definition of her arms from the daily push-ups she had been doing all summer. The shirt flowed over a pair of white pants that also moved easily around her. This would not have been an outfit that she would have chosen, but she had to admit, it suited her body perfectly. On her feet were sandals with Swarovski crystals on the straps. For Cassandra, they were perfection. She looked and felt sophisticated, and she couldn’t wait to get Stephanous’s first impression of the outcome before Sakis returned.

Opening the door that led to the main area of the suite, she stepped out onto the plush carpet. Stephanous was just in the process of raising his glass to his lips, but stopped midpoint. Sakis, catching Stephan’s look, turned to see what his friend stared at. Both rose slowly, stunned at the transformation. Finally remembering his manners, Sakis set his drink down on the coffee table. He strode over and kissed her softly on both cheeks. The fire in his eyes was enough for her to know that he approved of the outfit but she had to hear it.

“You like it then, Sakis?” she whispered.

“Very much. Cinderella has transformed herself into the princess I always knew she was.” As he took her hand, he pulled her closer towards Stephanous. “What do you think of our friend, Stephanous?”

For Stephan, there were no words to describe her transformation. She was absolutely stunning. For a brief second, he wished he were to be the one taking her to dinner.

“You, young lady, are a beautiful vision. Quite stunning actually, Cassie.” He glanced at his watch and turned to Sakis. “Reservations are at eight. I will have the car brought up.”


After a short ride to the restaurant, the driver drove up to the front door and both back passenger doors were opened simultaneously. The driver walked Cassie around to the side of the vehicle, and both were quickly ushered past waiting lines by Stephan. The maître d’ must have spotted them as they entered, because he quickly stood next to Sakis. Cassandra stifled a giggle as the tiny man did everything short of bowing. She looked up at Sakis’s face, which was unreadable, but after a quick glance at Stephanous, who rolled his eyes before he stared straight ahead, Cassie almost fainted. She had known him for only a week, but she had never seen him break rank. She was ready to drop into hysterics.

“Good evening, Mr. Carras. It is so wonderful to have you back to the Pavilion. Your table is ready as you requested.”

Sakis didn’t say a word, only placed his hand in the small of her back to steer Cassie past the many tables. The restaurant was filled to capacity. Cassie felt as if all eyes were on her. Sakis, sensing her unease, leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“They are looking in envy at the most beautiful woman in the room. Walk tall. Be proud of who you are, Cassandra, because that is all you can ever be.” His words and empathy towards her touched her deeply, especially because they were the farthest from what she felt at the moment. But she knew he was right. Straightening her shoulders, she stood as tall as she could and walked with a confidence that she didn’t feel. When they reached the table, Sakis held out her chair and brushed the side of her neck with light fingers as he bent down. “That was excellent. Always walk proudly, whether you feel it or not. Half the battle with people can be won just by how you are perceived, even if it is not reality. I have found if you do it enough, it actually becomes your new reality.”




The lighting was perfect, the food incredible, and the company took her breath away. Sakis was attentive to her every need. She truly felt like Cinderella at the ball, but she hoped that everything wasn’t going to end at midnight.

“What are you thinking of, Cassandra?” Sakis asked during dinner. She had gone incredibly quiet, and he didn’t like it.


“Always. With you, I never want it any other way,” Sakis replied.

“I can be no farther from that small farm in Vermont than I am right now. I was just wondering when this was going to end.” She saw the frown form, and she laughed lightly. “We have known each other a week tomorrow, and all of this seems to be moving so fast. Normally I would run the other way, but I find myself in a curious situation of not wanting to run, but to charge full speed ahead to see what is around the next corner.”

Nodding his head in understanding, Sakis’s eyes lit up. “Well, then, you and I seem to be having the same quandary. I am finding myself in territory that I have never really been in before. Normally, I would not have looked twice at you, yet…” As she quickly lowered her eyes, he reached across the table and held out his hand palm up, wanting her to touch him. Cassie slid her hand into his. “Do not misunderstand. You must let me finish…yet…I find a certain young lady taking a piece of my heart, and I am not quite sure how she has done it, as you said, in less than a week. You are like no other, Cassandra, and I am willing to forge ahead to see what is around the corner, just as you are.”

Her head cocked to one side, she smiled. “So why have you allowed yourself to step out of your comfort zone, Sakis?”

As he leaned back in his seat, Sakis took a long sip from his drink before he replied. “It was Tony, actually.”

“Really?” His answer surprised her.

With a laugh, Sakis nodded. “Tony and I are old friends. I went to the pizzeria the night we were introduced to ask him to come and work for me. He declined.”

“Oh, I am sorry.”

Sakis shrugged and waved the comment away. “It was nothing. It was what he said after he declined that made me think heavily on who I am, what I do, and what I want. The next night, you showed up at my nightclub and—” Concerned, he looked at Cassandra as she choked on her drink. “Are you okay?”

Gasping, Cassie pressed the napkin to her mouth. “Yes, I apologize. Did you say

“Yes. Didn’t you know that?”

As she shook her head, she tried to wrap that thought around her mind, but she really wanted to know what had been said.

“The next night you showed up,” Sakis repeated, “and I thought it was destiny. When I asked Stephanous to invite you to my table and you declined, I had to know you better, if for no other reason than to meet the young lady who could say no to me.”

“That is very arrogant to say, Sakis!” Cassie could not help laughing.

“Really? I don’t think so.” He smiled in return.

“So what was it that Tony had said to you?” she asked curiously.

“He said that his happiness was not based on wealth but who held him at night. I was envious of his words. With all of my money, I have been lacking in that area.”

Cassandra couldn’t believe what he said. “For goodness’ sake, Sakis. You are not even going to tell me that you lack in the sex department. There is no way.”

A sly grin emerged as Sakis raised his eyebrows. “Really, Cassandra. What thoughts have you been having about my sex life?”

Cassandra could feel the heat on her cheeks and she had no response.

“No, don’t answer. Maybe it is better for me to let you show me.” He enjoyed the deepening color even more, before he became serious again. “Tony wasn’t talking about sex. He was talking about trust. For him, he has been lucky enough to find someone who he looks forward to going home to at night. When he lays his head on his pillow, no matter what kind of day he has had, the one laying hers down next to him is the one who he will whisper his hopes, dreams, and fears to. He believes that that person, the one who holds him and his heart, would remain steadfast no matter what she is told.”

“And you?” Cassie whispered.

“What Tony has found is rare indeed. Either I have not found that person, or I have not allowed myself to find her,” Sakis answered truthfully. As he stared into her brilliantly blue eyes, he lost another piece of himself in their depths.

“Trust certainly is the magic link to many successful friendships and relationships, isn’t it?” Cassie’s comment really hadn’t been directed towards Sakis; she remembered how many times she had thought that she could trust someone, only to have it shattered into a million pieces. She had made a promise so many years ago that she would not allow them to break her, but more importantly, they wouldn’t change her. That was the moment that she decided to be someone who would be known as trustworthy and someone who could hold secrets to her death.


“Tony is a smart man.”

“Yes he is. You like him?” Sakis asked.

“Tony is what I envision what I would have wanted a big brother to be if I had one. He is sweet and kind and now, after this conversation, I understand a bit more why his voice changes when he talks about his wife. He really loves her.”

“Yes, he would do just about anything for the right person.”

Leaning back, Cassie felt full from the delicious meal. “Yes. Even a stranger he barely knows.”

“He told me how he has taken you under his wing.”

“He has done more than that, Sakis. I was going to tell you sometime this weekend, but I guess now is as good as a time as any. I am moving out of the Hunters’ home soon, keeping my fingers crossed I get a job. Tony is going to loan me some money, if everything goes well.”

Sakis tried to push down the feeling of jealousy that washed over him, but he couldn’t quite do it. His voice was cool and clipped.

“You could take money from him, but not me?”

Confused, Cassie wasn’t sure what to say. “Sakis, it was business. I will be paying him back with interest.”

“Again, you could take money from him but not me.” This time it was not a question but a statement.

“Yes, actually, that is correct. I have known Tony for three months, Sakis, and in that time we have formed what I hope is a lasting friendship. Good grief, when you offered me money, it was the same night we met. It wouldn’t have been right. How was I to even know that we would even be seeing each other again?”

Sakis could understand her logic, but he still was not happy with the situation.

Cassie’s nerves tightened. She shouldn’t have told him. “Don’t you dare say anything to Tony, Sakis. I would be so angry with you.”

“You have no right to ask that of me.”

“Really? So, tell me, is this the confidence and trust that you want to have in a friendship?” Cassie spat back sarcastically. “If I had known that you were going to react this way, I wouldn’t have told you.”

Reeling from her question and her tone, Sakis stared down into his drink. Cassandra was right. He spoke of wanting one thing and then stayed exactly the same. This was going to be so much harder than he thought.

Cassie watched his handsome features carefully. She could actually see the wheels spin in his head as he struggled with her words. Slowly the tension disappeared and Sakis started to relax again. She didn’t believe for a second, though, that this was over. Deep down, Cassie knew that there was a side to Sakis that she hadn’t even begun to see. Here was a man used to getting his way; everything he wanted, he took. Cassie wondered what the damage would be when he finally got what he wanted from her.

“You must never—”

“Good evening, Sakis.” A male voice interrupted their conversation.

Both Sakis and Cassie looked up at the same time. Cassie cocked her head curiously as Sakis rose from his chair to shake hands first with the man, and then the woman who stood next to the stranger. Stephan had appeared from out of nowhere to stand next to Sakis.

“Derek, what a surprise.” Sakis responded to the greeting coolly, irritated that the ATF officer hadn’t taken his eyes off Cassie. The last thing he wanted was for Cassie to be added to their list, but short of coming across as rude, and knowing just by not introducing her would raise red flags, he gestured to her.

“Cassandra, I would like you to meet Derek Chandler, and his guest, Camilla.”

Both women nodded at each other, but Derek extended his hand to Cassie.
What was the relationship between Sakis and the woman?
“It is wonderful to meet you.”
God, she was beautiful.
Her ice-blue eyes cut into him.

“Same here,” Cassie responded softly.

“Do I detect a slight accent, Cassandra? I can’t seem to place it, but you are definitely not from Boston, are you?”

Before she could respond, Stephanous took a step closer to the table. Cassie immediately caught the subtle movement of his head. She gave Derek her brightest smile as she lifted her delicate shoulders slightly in a shrug, not missing a beat. “Boston is my home.”

Derek returned her smile before he turned back to Sakis. “I apologize for the interruption. I saw you both, and didn’t want to be rude by not saying hi. It is good to see you again. Enjoy your evening.”

The men shook hands again, before Derek escorted his date out the door.

Once seated, Sakis stared at Cassandra. “You never cease to amaze me. Well done.”

Internally, Cassie heaved a sigh of relief. She obviously had read Stephanous correctly, grateful the bodyguard was so close, but the whole incident left her uneasy as she wondered whether Derek Chandler caught the look between Stephanous and Sakis.

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