The Corner II (28 page)

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Authors: Alex Richardson

BOOK: The Corner II
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The Ruler’s Back



lim arrived at the club accompanied by Antwan and Reese, the two men who’d fled to the Cayman Islands with him a couple of years ago. They stepped out of the coal black ’09 Seville STS and headed for the front door. Noonie and DC were standing outside to greet him, and he looked different. He was the same height and skin color of course, but he’d put on a little weight. He had nothing to do with his time but live the life of a king, and a daily workout was part of that. His facial features were a bit tight and hardened matching his now more muscular physique. Ears were curved a bit, and his nose wasn’t as thick as before, and his skin was smooth with a pencil thin goatee. He had a look that was what women liked—a bit smooth and comforting but with a bit gangsta.

Noonie looked in the eyes of his boss as he stood in front of him. There was a pause, and it seemed as if time had stood still. Noonie knew it was the man, and seeing Antwan and Reese whose surgery wasn’t nearly as good as Slim’s, looked almost the same as they did three years ago.

“So you just gonna just stand there, or are you gonna show your boy some love?” Slim held his arms out and Noonie hugged Slim.

“It’s good to see you back, man. I’m sorry about Lucky,” he whispered in Slim’s ear.

“Oh don’t worry about that. I’m going to handle that and get to the bottom of all the bullshit that’s been going on.”  He looked over at DC and smiled. “I know you gonna come greet a nigga!”

“What’s up, fam? I missed you, bro.”

They hugged then DC and Noonie did the same with Reese and Antwan.

Noonie asked Reese, “Damn nigga, you went to the Islands and grew some real dreads, huh?”

“You know it.”

Slim, who was wearing a three-quarter-length leather coat, slacks and sweater told the men, “Enough of this shit. It’s cold and it’s gonna take me some time to get used to the weather here in the city. I’ve been lying up in the sun fucking them pretty island women. And besides I gotta meet that nigga I used to play GI Joe with when we were seven.

They got out of the whipping Chicago wind and once inside, Slim and his boys were impressed with Lucky’s club. Everything was nice from the fancy tables that seated two or four to the new leather sofas that offered a bit of privacy and comfort for a couple, to the long fully stocked bar with a lot of top shelf liquors. On the walls were pictures of jazz musicians, actors and other various black celebrities that entertained throughout the century. And of course the picture that stood out in the center was Chicago’s own President Obama.

The afternoon was usually the time when Frank and Lucky would be checking out bands and singers that were auditioning and poets who were there to try their hand at flowing on the mike. But a meeting was taking place and Slim only wanted the people in the crew to be there for he had to find out what was going on and what they were going to do about his man, Lucky.

*     *     *

LaTanza had tried to visit Carlos the past two nights to no avail. They weren’t giving him any visits and she had to wait until today, four days after his arrest. To Chavez and the rest of the crew she looked a mess, even though at her worst she still looked good. She rode the elevator up to the visiting room floor. She was at the Metropolitan Correctional Complex in downtown Chicago. Carlos had been transferred there as well as everyone else who’d been arrested. The feds didn’t want Carlos talking to anyone so they held up his visits and phone calls until his lawyer and LaTanza made a few phone calls complaining about his rights. But the feds made sure that he knew that the other men were getting visits. They were already starting to fuck with Carlos. He saw Lucky walking with the CO on his way to a visit. Tesha had come to see how he was doing and to put a grand on his books. She was also there so Lucky could give her the 411 on what had gone down and what move to make next. She advised Lucky that Jamel had made the call for him, and that she had talked to Slim and made all of his arrangements to arrive back in the city, and that he’d made it.

The CO brought Carlos out to the visiting area, and LaTanza was sitting there looking as good as ever. She could see the relief on her husband’s face when he saw her. She smiled brightly showing off her beautiful teeth. She hugged her husband and shed some tears and sniffled telling him how much she missed him. They kissed and then he asked where Carlita was. She told him that she didn’t want to bring her until the next visit because she knew that they had business to discuss. Business that was very important and she wanted to see how the atmosphere was before she brought their child. Even though his heart ached to see his little one, he understood LaTanza’s thinking.

They got right down to business. The two held hands as Carlos told her exactly how everything went down. She took it all in and told him that Chavez said to ask if he thought it was Rios since he, Rios and Chavez were the only ones who knew of the meet. Carlos said that he know it wasn’t Chavez, that they went too far back for him to pull something like that and that he had nothing to gain seeing as he never wanted and doesn’t have the desire to be head of the family. That he was fine with being a lieutenant so he could still hang in the streets and soldier, that he liked getting his hands dirty. Carlos told his wife that if Rios fought the police they would fuck him up good. But if Rios got out soon, that meant that a deal was cut, and since he’s the first in line to be boss of the crew, then the early release would speak volumes, and they needed to take care of him.

LaTanza looked her husband square in the eyes and told him that Chavez and Fernando agreed that she should be in charge and that all he needed to do is say the word and that she would run the family to the fullest with the help of Chavez and Fernando.

Carlos leaned back and took in what his wife was saying. He wondered if she was up to the task of being boss then immediately thought, yes. Over the years she had given her input on a lot of the decisions that he’d made and she was never wrong. She has book and street smarts and could read the hell out of people. Along with Chavez, he figured they could hold down the fort until he could come up with a better idea if there was one. He thought for a second then told her to contact his cousin in New York and tell him what had gone down and ask him to make a trip to see him. Carlos’ cousin had lived in Chicago and New York most of his life and was second in command of a cartel there in the east. He had worked with Carlos for years and now Carlos needed his help. He trusted his wife to the fullest, but he needed someone who was used to running a drug empire and his cousin Jose, had been in the mix in the two cities for years. It was time for him to help the cousin who taught him the game and put him on. He needed him to help and look out for his wife, LaTanza. Now LaTanza, on the other hand, didn’t agree with it but didn’t let Carlos know that. Jose was a cross between Carlos’ highly street intelligent mind and Chavez’s savvy and ruthless mind so she’d have to be careful, but if Jose tried to run things and not let her be the Queen Bee, he’d end up wishing he’d stayed in New York and continued taking his bites out of the Big Apple.

*     *     *


Slim saw the barmaid smiling as she fixed a Jack and Coke on the rocks. Antwan and Reese would have to place their order for she only knew what Slim wanted. Slim told everyone that he’d meet them in a minute. Antwan asked where was the office and Noonie directed him and Reese telling them that they could get a drink in there. Tesha set the drink on the bar and came from behind it. The lights were dim, but Slim was able to see how the body was still growing.

“Damn, girl! You need to quit it!” he said looking her up and down.

She walked toward him with arms held out ready for the hug she was going to receive and give. “Shut up, boy, and hug ya girl!”  They embraced each other and rocked side to side as the hug lasted for awhile.

Slim held her and whispered, “I’m gonna handle whoever set up Lucky, believe that!”

“I know, baby, I know,” she sniffled, doing her best to hold back her tears.

They let go of each other and Slim asked, “So where the hell is your dude?”

Tesha smiled sheepishly.

“Don’t be looking all like that. Lucky told me about you and Ant. And where is that nigga? I ain’t seen him since we were shorties. Tell him to get his ass out here!” Slim looked around the club and when he turned to look behind him, Ant was standing there.

“Ant?” Slim said even though he knew it was he. Lucky had sent pictures of Anthony and here he was standing face to face with his old sandbox playing in partner.

“Whad’up, fam?” Ant said as reached out to give Slim some dap.

“Fuck that! Gimmie some love!” He hugged Ant telling him how glad he was to have him home and sorry about Auntie Gloria. Anthony’s mom wasn’t really Slim’s aunt, but they spent so much time at one another’s house when they were little that Slim called her his auntie. Ant told him thanks and sorry that he had to come back under these circumstances. Slim told him not to worry, that he was going to get Lucky out, and it was time that some people paid for fucking with his crew.

Ant replied, “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

Slim grabbed the Jack off the bar and nodded for Tesha and Ant to follow him to the couch that was facing a flat panel that was playing BET. The three sat and from there on out it was business. Tesha was on one side of Slim and Ant the other. First Slim wanted to know what Lucky had told Tesha when she went to visit him. Tesha told him that Lucky was doing well considering the fact that he was locked down. Money was put on his books and some woman he was dealing with was taken to see him. Tesha also told Slim exactly what Lucky told her about what went down and all events that led up to him getting arrested. He took it all in especially about the anonymous tip that led to the arrest—a tip that was aimed at Carlos. Slim thought for a moment about the set up being aimed at Carlos and that Lucky just happened to be the one dealing with him. He sipped on his drink as he realized that he had to wait and see who was appointed as head of their family while Carlos was gone. It would possibly give him some insight as to who had a part in the set up and it had to be someone close in their organization because seeing as how Carlos wouldn’t have let it been known to just anyone that he was going to be at a meet with the drugs.

Slim told Tesha and Ant that he was ready to go talk to the other members of the crew. He looked Ant over and said, “Damn when we were little I'd never thought you were going to grow up to be this damn big! All cocky and shit. When we get time we’re going to have to hit the gym, what you pressin’?” Slim did the imaginary bench press with his arms.

“Fam, I don’t know my max but I can hit 315 for ten reps. Can you handle that?” Ant asked smartly.

Slim laughed and said, “Oh you cocky, with yours, huh? I see we gonna have to bang together.” He patted Ant on the shoulder. “Cause you beasting it and I’m trying to get my swole on.”

Inside the office were DC, Noonie, Ant, Tesha, Greg, Antwan, Reese and Slim. This meeting was for Slim to let everyone know what his plans were in dealing with the problems that have been occurring over the past few months. Lucky had kept him abreast of all that was going on, and he didn’t like what he was hearing. He left Lucky in charge to run things the way he wanted and things were going good until lately. Soldiers getting killed, stash houses getting robbed and lieutenants getting jacked, namely DC. He told everyone that sloppiness couldn’t be tolerated when you are making money hand over fist because the haters are out there and will cut your throat for your piece of the pie. That sometimes niggas will knock you off just because they hate seeing you riding in that whip that attract attention. He told them to be mindful of when they bounced in the club and all the women flocked to them because of their power. The haters who are too lazy to grind themselves or don’t have the skills to grind whether it’s legal or illegal gets pissed—especially when they’re full of the liquid courage.

Slim laid down the law that no product is to be kept in any house that you lay your head at and definitely not where a funky ass broad is staying. He told Tesha, “No offense, not talking about you.”

She knew what was up and that he was directing that order to DC mostly so she shrugged her shoulders saying, “None taken.”

He told Noonie that he wanted to know where every stash spot was at and what corners they ran. He also wanted to know where that nigga, Bone’s, spots were at and where he laid his head. He looked at DC telling him and that ho, Cat, also. Everyone caught the look and knew DC didn’t like it, but the fact was that he slipped when it came to a bitch and that’s what Cat is and Slim wasn’t about to let a Myte deal go down again. He then told everyone that they still were holding their respected positions even though Antwan and Reese were there. He explained that they were to report to them and they would report to him. He told DC to get all the men that ran the corners together and he would meet them tomorrow so he could lay down some laws and to get to know them.

Ducet, one of Lucky’s bouncers knocked on the door and waited for the answer to come in.

“What’s up?” Noonie yelled.

Ducet who was tall and heavyset opened the door and stuck his head in. “Sorry to interrupt.” He looked at Slim. “A white man in a Lincoln pulled up. I got him at the bar. He says he was told to meet you here. Says he’s Lucky’s lawyer.”

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