The Cowboy's Surrender (19 page)

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Authors: Anne Marie Novark

Tags: #Diamondback Ranch#2

BOOK: The Cowboy's Surrender
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Gillian opened her eyes, a soft smile curving her lips. She lifted her arms to stroke his chest, teasing his nipples with feather-light touches, and slowly trailed her fingers along his jaw, cupping his face.


The precipice of fulfillment gaped before him. Dallas ignored it. He deliberately slowed his movements, pulling his shaft almost free, holding himself above Gillian for a long moment, before plunging deeply back into her gloved warmth. Again and again, he moved in and almost out, teasing and taunting. He felt ready to burst, knew he couldn't last much longer. He wanted to prolong the sweet torture a few minutes more.


Gillian clutched at his shoulders. "Dallas--" Her breath hitched as her body shuddered in another climax.


That was all he was waiting for. Dallas hammered his body into her flesh, burying his shaft, impaling himself until he balanced on the knife's edge. For one heart-wrenching moment, time stopped. Then his arms buckled beneath him, as he felt himself exploding, splintering into a million pieces. He fell off the precipice, spiraled downward through a sensual maelstrom, finally landing safely in Gillian's warm embrace.


She bore his weight, loving the feel of his body pushing her down on the mattress. A feeling of oneness melded them together. Dallas's hot breath fanned her ear as he lay on top of her, his head resting above her shoulder. His arms came around her, hugging her tight, clasping her closer, branding her as his.


Gillian had never experienced such complete fulfillment. She had lived her entire life not knowing. She would never be the same again. She smoothed her hands over the muscled back, rubbing her fingers up and down the entire length of his spine. A hot kiss on her shoulder sent tingles down to her toes.


"I want you again," Dallas whispered in her ear.


He lifted his head, locking his gaze with hers. Nibbling her lips, he pressed gentle kisses at the corners of her mouth, rocking his body, seeking deeper penetration.


A delicious heat ignited low in Gillian's tummy. Like a dormant volcano awakening, molten fire smoldered at her core. She caught Dallas's teasing mouth in a mind-searing kiss, boldly plunging her tongue inside, tasting, tempting, seducing.


He thrust hard and deep, his hands cradling the sides of her head, his eyes searching the depths of her soul.


Increasing the tempo, he urged her toward the dizzying heights once again. Together, they executed the steps of the primordial dance--advancing, retreating. Lunging, plunging. Gillian moved fluidly under him. Their movements flowed in, out, and around one another. It was difficult to distinguish where one body stopped and the other began. They were truly one, joined in the most primitive way.


His eyes bored into hers, devouring her with his need, consuming her very essence. She clasped her arms around his powerful neck, thrilling to the touch of his muscles cording beneath her fingers.


"Let yourself go," he growled in her ear. "Come with me."


He rose above her, his strong arms balancing his weight, and made the strokes deeper, more forceful. Gillian lifted her body and offered herself to his demanding urgency. With each hammering thrust, he pushed her back against the mattress, only to rise again to propel himself even deeper into her moist heat.


Sweat beaded on Dallas's upper brow. He strained against the tautness of his body. With one last plunge, he fell on Gillian and emptied himself inside her.


Gillian felt herself floating, skimming along a sensual haze of pleasure. Dallas's heavy breathing burned her ear as she held him in her arms.


"Wow," she whispered, kissing his rough cheek, tightening her hold on him.


Dallas turned his head and grinned sinfully. "Wow, yourself."


He eased himself away, then gathered her to him. She snuggled against his hard body and felt him drift to sleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, his heart beating strongly in her ear.


As she lay in the afterglow of their lovemaking, his arms holding her close, Gillian knew without a doubt that she had lost not only her heart, but her soul to the belligerent cowboy.








Dallas waited with Tyler at the Lubbock airport. Any minute, Cameron's flight was due. Flipping through a magazine, he tried to ignore Tyler's teasing remarks. He had managed to ignore the taunts all day. His patience was shot and Tyler stood in imminent danger of being pounded to a pulp.


"Look, damn it," Dallas said. "I'm not telling you anything about last night. Now back off."


"Must have been something," Tyler said, whistling under his breath. "Okay, okay--I'll shut up. But before I do, just one more thing. Don't hurt her. There's something special about Gillian. I don't know exactly what it is, but I know it when I see it, and I see it in Gillian."


Dallas didn't say anything. Of course, he didn't want to hurt Gillian. Hell, he didn't want to get hurt himself.


He thought sleeping with her would get her out of his system. But now that he'd kissed her and possessed her--damn, he didn't know what to think. Yes, he did. He wanted more. Needed more. Couldn't get enough. He had never experienced anything remotely close to what had happened last night. It scared the hell out of him.


He lost count of the times they made love during the night. Then this morning, she had invited him to join her in the shower. Said she was calling in that rain check. He didn't know how they had kept from slipping and falling in the tub when the passion flared between them. Thinking about it made him want Gillian all over again.


"Hey, that's Cameron's flight being announced. Let's go." Tyler stood and stretched, then took off toward the gates.


Dallas tossed the magazine and followed. Glancing at his watch, he knew it would be close to midnight before they returned to the ranch. Too late to call Gillian. He gritted his teeth. Tomorrow would be busy and so would the next day. He didn't know when he would get the chance to see her again.


"Cameron, over here," Tyler called, spotting his brother in the crowd of passengers exiting the plane.


Cameron shouldered his way across the terminal. "Damn, that was a hell of a flight." He shook Tyler's hand, then Dallas's. "Is Jessie okay? How's the baby?"


"They're fine," Tyler said. "How does it feel to be a father?"


"It hasn't quite sunk in yet," he said with a grin. He slapped Dallas's shoulder. "Thanks for being there and helping Jessie. I really appreciate it."


"Yeah, well--don't ever pull a stunt like that again," Dallas said. "I can't believe you went to Hawaii of all places with Jessie so big and pregnant. You owe me big time."


"I know it." Cameron smiled. "Can you believe that
a daddy. I don't know the first thing about babies. What am I going to do?"


"You'll wing it. Austin's done a good job with Kelsey. He can give you some pointers." Tyler threw his arms over both brothers' shoulders. "Let's get your bags and head back home. We were up late last night. Tonight's going to be even worse."


After battling the crowd at the baggage claim, Dallas led the way to the truck.


"I wish I could see Jessie now," Cameron said as he tossed his bag in the back of the pickup.


"Have to wait until tomorrow," Tyler said. "It's way too late tonight. You can go first thing in the morning."


Cameron nodded and settled in on the passenger side. "So, bring me up to date on everything."


Tyler had been relegated to the back. He propped his arms on the tops of the front seat and leaned forward. "Dallas has a girl."


"Oh, really?" Cameron glanced at his older brother. "Who's finally caught


"Nobody you know." Dallas elbowed Tyler hard on the shoulder, shoving him back against the seat. "Better watch that mouth of yours, Ty. If you don't, I'm going to shut it up for you."


"I'm trembling in my boots, big brother."


Dallas glanced at Cameron. "I was telling Austin the other day that we should have beaten the crap out of him when we had the chance."


Cameron nodded. "Yeah, something needs to be done about him. I bet together we could take him if we put our minds to it."


Tyler snorted. "It would take more than your minds to take me down."


"That's it," said Dallas, slowing the truck.


"Hey, what are you doing?" Tyler asked. "Okay, okay. I give, I give. I won't say another word about Gillian."


"See that you don't." Dallas resumed his speed.


"Gillian, is it?" Cameron said. "Nice name. Nice girl?"


"Hell, now don't
start. There's nothing going on. She works at the drilling site. Nothing's going on."


Tyler leaned forward again. "He spent the night with her last night."


Dallas shoved him back again. "Shut up." He glanced in the rearview mirror. Tyler grinned at him. "I'm warning you!"


"I'll tell you all about it later, Cam," Tyler promised.


Cameron stared at Dallas. "I can hardly wait."




The next morning, Dallas pulled his truck into Kincaid's Garage for a fill up. Cutting the engine, he climbed out of the cab and began pumping gas.


He hadn't seen Gillian since Saturday, and his body was edgy from wanting her. He needed to see her again. Touch her. Taste her. Just be with her. He missed her, damn it!


If he didn't know any better, he'd say he was half in love with her. Not good. Not good at all.


The nozzle clicked off and Dallas went inside to pay. He cursed under his breath when he saw Nadine Cooley sitting near the desk, drinking a soda, talking to Sam Garza.


"Hey, Good-looking!" She jumped up from her seat and almost spilled her drink.


Dallas caught her arm so the soda can stayed upright. He quickly released her and turned to Sam, ignoring the way Nadine sidled up against him. "Here you go."


Sam took the bills and walked over to the old-fashioned cash register behind the desk. "I talked to Jessie yesterday," he said over his shoulder. "She and the baby seem to be doing fine. I can't believe you delivered that baby."


Dallas repressed a shudder. It still gave him the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it. "I can't either."


Nadine squeezed his arm. "You're a real live hero, Dallas. But you've always been
hero." She rubbed her body against him.


Dallas stepped away from her, barely able to repress another shudder. "I have to get going."


Sam handed Dallas his change. "You think your sister will be coming anytime soon to see Jessie and the baby?"


Dallas pocketed the coins. He had a sneaking suspicion Garza had a thing for his baby sister. "Don't know for sure. I imagine she'll drive up from A&M as soon she can get away from school."


Sam nodded and avoided eye contact. "You'll probably see Jessie before I do. Tell her not to worry about the garage. I have everything under control."


"Will do." Dallas made for the door, eager to get away. Nadine was one crazy woman. He didn't like how she was always finding excuses to touch him. Talk about the heebie-jeebies.


Nadine tossed her empty soda can in the trash and caught Dallas's elbow, sliding her hand in its crook. "Walk me to my car, will you? I want to tell you something."


Dallas stiffened at the contact. "Sure, Nadine. But make it fast. I'm in a hurry."


"It won't take long, sugar lips." She squeezed his biceps and leaned her head against his shoulder.


Dallas quickly pulled away and opened the door, waiting for her to pass in front of him. The woman was nutty as a fruitcake.


He followed Nadine to her car. "What is it you wanted to tell me?" He glanced at his watch, then at the woman.


She sighed and puffed out her lips in a pout. "I bet you're glad Jessie won't be staying in the ranch house any longer."


Where was the woman going with that? "What do you mean?"


She leaned forward and played with the buttons on his shirt. "I mean, she must have made you uncomfortable, reminding you about the drilling and all. I know how much you hate the drilling on your land."


"I'm not crazy about it, that's for sure." He caught her hands and pushed her away. "I really need to be going."


"Wait!" She blocked his path. "You know I'd do anything in my power to make you happy? You know that, don't you, Dallas?"


He swallowed hard. The woman was downright scary sometimes. "Sure, Nadine. Whatever you say."


She kissed her fingertips, then pressed them against his lips. "You'll be very happy, very soon. I promise." She backed away and opened her car door.


Dallas watched her pull onto the highway, then made his way to his truck.
What the hell was that all about?
He started the pickup, trying to shake the weird feeling caused by the strange encounter. Stranger than usual, even for Nadine.

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