The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment (51 page)

Read The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment Online

Authors: Chris Martenson

Tags: #General, #Economic Conditions, #Business & Economics, #Economics, #Development, #Forecasting, #Sustainable Development, #Economic Development, #Economic Forecasting - United States, #United States, #Sustainable Development - United States, #Economic Forecasting, #United States - Economic Conditions - 2009

BOOK: The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment
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Questions, about investment


Rainfall, in relocating for the future


Randomness, universal tendency toward


Range land


Rate of change


in exponential growth


“speeding up” and


Rationing, in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


Real estate, in foreseeable world economy


Real GDP


Realism, in coming economic crisis


Recession, current economic crisis as


Reclamation services, in future




in future


of mineral resources


Reduction in use, of mineral resources


Reefs, destruction of


Rees, William


Reflection, in investment


Reinhart, Carmen


Reinvestment, of energy


Relocation, in preparing for the future


Renewable water


Rent, in GDP calculation


Residential water use


Resilience, in preparing for the future




in future


in Undulating Plateau scenario


Resource flows, in future


Resource limits


exponential growth and


on minerals


as predicament


quantitative easing and


Resource management, in future




consequences of limited


economy and


future opportunities in


future uses of existing


in foreseeable world economy


oil/petroleum as


in three future scenarios


Resource use


exponential growth of




Restructured debt


Retailers, inventories of


Rethinking, of the future


Retirement, future of


Retirement funds


as savings


underfunding of


Retrofitting, future energy supplies and


Return, net energy




in future


of mineral resources


Revenue, sources of government


Rich, the.
Wealthy individuals




insurance against


preparing for


Ritholz, Barry, on debasement of government inflation statistics


Rock phosphate, depletion of


Rogoff, Kenneth


Roman Empire, coinage debased by


Roosevelt, Franklin D.


Root cellars, future food supplies and


Rule of 70, in exponential growth


Ruling class


of England


in internal defaults


Rural communities, in relocating for the future


Russia, pilot breeder reactors in


Saltwater resources, declines in


Sand piles, predicting behavior of


Saudi Arabia


exporting of water via food to


oil production by


on oil production decline


oil reserves in


in Peak Oil Recognition scenario




economic growth and


hyperinflation and


pension and retirement funds as


uses of


Savings rate


historic lows and decline in personal


in United States




of transitioning from oil to alternatives


turning the corner in exponential growth and




as future of water


future world and


uses of


Schopenhauer, Arthur




author and


generational advance of




Seafood, depletion of


Seckler, David, on water depletion


Secondary wealth


future opportunities in accumulating


money and


Second Law of Thermodynamics


violation of


Secured debt


Securities, investment and


Security risks, of nuclear power


Self, trust in


Self-assessment, in preparing for the future


Selfishness, in preparing for the future


Self-liquidating debt, investment debt as


Self-reinforcement, of bubbles


Self-sufficiency, in preparing for the future


“Self-unemployment,” of author


Seminars, author’s economics


Semper Augustus tulip


Services, in Slow Tumble scenario


Setting targets, in preparing for the future, on true inflation


Shop skills, future management






in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


in Undulating Plateau scenario


Silver (Ag)


as money


money backed by


in preparing for the future


Simmons & Company International, on alternative energy sources


Simon, Julian


Skills, in self-sufficiency.
See also
“Reskilling”; Shop skills


Skill sets


in future


future management


in relocating for the future


Slow Tumble scenario, economic future in


Small steps, in preparing for the future


Smith, Adam, on wealth


Sociability, in relocating for the future


Social contract, money as


Social gains


Socialism, in end of growth


Social limitations, on adopting existing technologies


Social movement, toward long-term prosperity


Social order, oil shortages and


Social Security


official debasement of statistics on


truthful inflation reporting and


underfunding of


Social unrest, future


Social upheaval, bursting bubbles in




economic growth of


energy needs of


net energy available to


truthful inflation reporting and


Sociological events, bubbles as




in coming agricultural crisis


decline in


dependence of civilization on


depletion of


dirt versus


in food production


in relocating for the future


replacing fertility of


Soil erosion


Soil nutrients, depletion of


Soil quality, as wealth


Solar power


fossil fuels versus


future energy supplies and


future opportunities in


oil versus


self-sufficiency in


transitioning from oil to


Solutions, to problems


Sonora, California, farmland and tract housing near


Sources of energy, in foreseeable world economy


South America, in South Sea Bubble


South Sea Bubble


South Sea Company


Spain, in South Sea Bubble


Special Treasury bonds, as accounting fraud


Speculation, inflation and


“Speeding up,” during exponential growth


Sperm whales, toxins in


Spindletop oil field


Spread, in money lending


Stability, of money


Stainless steel, cobalt in

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