The Creation of Inequality: How Our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire (101 page)

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Great Bend of the Nile: defined, 398

Great Sun, 298–302

Great Zimbabwe (site), 223

Griddle (for tortillas), 368, 455, 556

Group-oriented society: defined, 295

Gu’edena, 492–493

Guilá Naquitz Cave (site), 139–142

Gumlao (society): defined, 192

Gumsa (society): defined, 192

Gutians (society), 497

Habuba Kabira (site), 468–469

Hacinebi (site), 469–470

Hadza (society), 15, 19, 35–37, 40, 122, 181, 223

Haida (society), 82–85, 237, 267, 271

Halaf (society), 267–275, 286, 291, 399, 454, 470, 473

Hall of Pillars (at Uruk site), 462

Hammurabi (ruler), 499

Hasina (life force): defined, 360

Hassuna (site), 262–263

Hatshepsut (ruler), 417–419

Hawai’ian(s) (society), 209, 314, 316, 332–337, 341–348, 358, 362, 364, 367–368, 376, 379, 413, 473, 497, 500, 531, 555

Hayonim Cave (site), 125–126

Head-taking (head-hunting), 96, 98, 105, 112–113, 121, 188, 201, 204–206, 243, 322, 375, 407, 438–440, 444, 551, 553, 560

Hemamieh (site), 401

Heraldic crests, 77, 81–82, 85–86, 221, 293

Hesp, see Nome

Hidatsa (society), 153, 172–174, 180–183

Hierakonpolis (site), 404–406, 420, 448

Hieroglyphic writing, 370–371, 376, 386, 388–392, 406–407, 412, 505, 531

Hilazon Tachtit Cave (site), 127

Honaunau (site), 336

Hopi (society), 153, 156, 159–162, 166–170, 173, 183, 563

Huamelulpan (site), 374, 393, 459

Huánuco Pampa (site), 540–542

Huaricoto, 151–152

Huauque statue(s): defined, 534

Huitzilopochtli, 511–512, 517

Huitzo (site), 232–233

Hunting magic, 13, 55, 76

Hunza (society), 347, 355–359, 362–364, 367, 373, 463

Hxaro, 33–34, 44, 86, 142, 560

Hypertrophy: defined, x

Hypogamy: defined, 233

Ibbi-Sin (ruler), 498–499

Igbo Ukwu (site), 435

Inca (society), 59, 517–519, 523, 525, 530–543, 557

Inca by privilege: defined, 532; 537

Inca Cueva 7 (site), 146–147

Inca road system, 525, 537–538

Incest, 17, 46, 54, 300, 313, 321, 531

Indirect rule: defined, 530

Individualizing society: defined, 295

Infanticide, 22–23, 25, 62, 148, 301, 559

Inka (ruler), 531–534, 542

Inland Tlingit (society), 85, 293

Ishbi-Erra (ruler), 498

Isin (site), 498–499, 501

Jebel Aruda (site), 468–469

Jebel Sahaba (site), 40–42, 394

Jemdet Nasr (society), 458–464, 475

Jericho (site), 132–135, 159, 205

Joint rule: defined, 530

Kachin (society), 191–202, 206, 229–230, 233, 237, 258, 294, 307, 333, 489, 541, 553, 563

Kalasasaya, 524–525

Kamehameha (ruler), 344–348, 354, 360, 363, 368–369, 379, 497

Katcina (kachina), 162, 169

Kava: defined, 320

Keatley Creek (site), 79–80

Kemovo (holy man): defined, 106

Kepele cult: defined, 100

Kero(s): defined, 522

Khipu (quipu): defined, 522

Kingdoms (of Egypt): defined and dated, 409

Kish (site), 484, 486, 494–495, 498

Kiva(s), 110, 151, 155, 157, 159, 161, 167–169

Klasies River Mouth (site), 6, 7, 8, 9, 33

Kostienki (site), 12

Kotosh (site), 150–152, 540

Kraal: defined, 349

Kullaba (sector of Uruk site): defined, 457

Kumase, 437

!Kung (society), 30–35, 37, 91, 122, 142, 564

Kuntur Wasi (site), 246

Kurgin: defined, 221

Kwakiutl (society), 72

La Galgada (site), 148–152, 238, 241

Lagash (Tell al-Hiba site), 478–479, 484–486, 489, 492–493, 495

Laissez-faire capitalism, 501–502

Lake Titicaca, 524–526

Langis (elite burial mounds): defined, 317

Lapaha (site), 317–318, 323–329, 331–332, 336, 369

Larsa (site), 460, 477, 484, 498–499, 501

Lascaux Cave (site), 14

Las Huacas de Moche (site), 379–380, 411, 527

La Venta (site), 328–332, 369

Legend: defined, 56

Life force, 57, 106, 179, 181, 208, 225, 241, 281, 301, 303, 322, 331, 359, 377, 410, 547–548, 553

Liholiho (ruler), 348

Like-a-Fishhook Village, 176

Limestone Temple (at Uruk site), 462

Lindenmeier (site), 28–29

Lobamba, 423–424, 431

Lower Egypt: defined, 398

Lugal: defined, 485

Lugal-zagesi (ruler), 493, 495–497, 556

Ma’adi (site), 399–401

Ma’at (order): defined, 409

Machu Picchu (site), 532

Madagascar, 358–362, 555

Magdalenian (society), 14–15, 17, 20, 23

Maker’s mark(s), 380, 411

Mammoths, 5, 12–14, 125

Mana (life force): defined, 208

Manahune: defined, 314

Manambu (society), 187–191, 206

Mancos (site), 155

Mandan (society), 153, 172–174, 176–180, 182–183, 187, 210, 359, 552, 563

Marind (society), 97–98, 155

Market(s), 413, 501, 517, 533

Mastaba: defined, 410

Matapule(s): defined, 320

Matrilineage: defined, 37

Maya (society), 365, 367–368, 384–393, 420, 456, 460

McNichol Creek (site), 77

Me (order): defined, 481

Men’s house, 45, 101–105, 110–152, 201–202, 207, 210, 229, 231, 233, 237, 260, 295–296, 335, 550, 552, 554

Merimde Beni-Salame (site), 399

Merina (society), 347, 359–361, 364, 367, 377, 463

Mesalim (ruler), 486, 492, 495, 497

Mesa Verde (site), 156

Mexica (society): defined, 510, 520

Mezhirich (site), 13–14, 27

Middle Missouri tradition, 171

Mirador Basin, 384–388

Miri (society), 251, 253–254

Mir Silim Khan (ruler), 356–359, 363, 373

Mit’a: defined, 533

Mite clans: defined, 252

Mixtec (society), 373–374, 389, 465

M’lefaat (site), 123–124

Moche (society), 379–384, 393, 411, 521, 525–527

Moiety: defined, 45

Moka, 101–104, 175, 210, 551

Moka pene, 104

Monte Albán (site), 368–377, 379, 393, 405, 452, 455, 459, 471

Monte Negro (site), 373–374, 393, 459

Monument capture, 525, 538

Morung (men’s house), 112–113, 201–202

Mosaic Temple (at Uruk site), 461–463

Moundville (site), 304–306, 312

Mt. Carmel caves (sites), 4–5, 46, 123

Mt. Hagen tribes, 101–104, 117, 163, 210, 553

Mountain Ok (society), 111, 113–116, 119, 128, 149

Mswati (ruler), 424–426

Mumi (Big Man), 117–120

Mummy: defined, 410–411

Mura clans: defined, 252

Myth: defined, 56

Nabta Playa (site), 396–398, 408

Na-Dené languages, 11, 80

Naga societies:

Angami, 104–109, 120, 130, 191, 243, 552

Ao, 104–105, 110–113, 119, 128, 134, 178, 191, 201

Konyak, 104–105, 201–206, 229, 237, 258, 282, 296, 307, 314, 333, 511, 553

Lotha (Lhota), 104–105, 107, 243

Rengma, 104–105, 110–111

Sema, 104–105

Nahuatl, 507, 518, 520

Nakbe (site), 384–386

Nam (destiny): defined, 481

Namesake(s), 34–35, 59, 86, 189, 560

Naqada (site), 402–405, 420

Naram-Sin (ruler), 481, 497

Narmer Palette, 406–407

Nasca (society), 521

Natal, 349–350, 354, 362, 423

Natchez (society), 298–303, 310, 445, 535

Nation building, 560

Natron: defined, 410

Natufian (society), 123–127, 131, 139, 144, 146, 395

Natural Law, ix, 547–548, 563

Nave-and-apse temple(s), 461–462

Naxpike (ritual), 180

Neanderthal(s), 4–6, 10, 17–18, 42

Necropolis: defined, 405

Negev, 400, 408

Nephrite, 78–79

Netsilik Eskimo (society), 15, 19, 21–22, 24–27, 29, 32, 37, 57

Nevali Çorı (site), 129–131, 159

Nezahualcoyotl (ruler), 512–513

Niga: defined, 221

Nina (Tell Shurgal site), 484–485

Nippur (site), 484, 486, 493, 495, 498


by blood, defined, 217

by command, defined, 217

by wealth, defined, 217

Nome: defined, 409

Nootka (society), 72–80, 82–83, 91, 109, 136, 177, 187, 195, 554

Nubia, 398, 402, 413, 556

Nun: defined, 397

Obsidian, 28, 159, 212, 272, 467, 504, 513, 517

Odwira (ritual), 444–445

Ohalo II (site), 122, 148

Okipa (ritual), 178–180

Old Oraibi Pueblo, 156, 166–170, 178, 191

Oligarchy: defined, 213

Oracle(s), 247, 539

Osei Tutu (ruler), 436–440, 444

Ozette (site), 78

Paloma (site), 148

Panamanian society, 219–223, 231, 246, 266, 270, 303, 312, 362, 410, 445, 467, 489, 535

Panji(s): defined, 105

Paramount chiefdom (territory): defined, 227

Payan: defined, 541

Peace leader, 178–179

Pèe (life force), 56

Personal freedom, 19, 83, 86, 501

Pharaoh: defined, 409

Phratry: defined, 167

Pikillaqta (site), 523, 530–531

Pocahontas, 312

Pochteca: defined, 508, 516–517

Polis (Greek city state), 484

Political hierarchy, 224, 227, 347, 372, 378, 429–431, 453, 456, 458, 484–485, 555–556

Polygamy, 23, 49, 73, 84, 92, 98, 209, 349, 431, 434, 479, 535, 555, 563

Potlatch, 72, 75, 85, 551

Potters’ marks: defined, 267

Power sharing, 226, 363, 377, 392, 413, 446

Powhatan, 312

Primogeniture: defined, 224

Privatization of land, 256–257

Public assembly, 281, 463, 485

Pueblo Bonito (site), 157–159, 509

Pukara (site), 524

Pukara Pantillijlla (site), 531

Purba: defined, 220

Purple nut-grass, 8

Pyramid(s): defined, 411

Qafzeh Cave (site), 4

Quechua, 530–532, 538, 541

Queen mother, 427, 429–433, 441–442, 445–446

Quetzalcoatl, 504, 508–510, 518

Ra’atira: defined, 314

Ralambo (ruler), 359

Rank-size hierarchy: defined, 452

Rations (for state workers), 368, 455, 556

Reincarnation, 22, 51, 54, 57, 479, 559

Relaciones geográficas, 507, 557

Ring Site, 144

Ringed seal, 24–27

Royal tombs of Ur, 487–489

Rucana (society), 533

Sacred bundle(s), 167, 173–181, 359

Sacred landscape, 166, 327, 332

Sahul Shelf, 9, 10

Samarran (society), 267, 284, 290, 399, 473

Same-sex marriage, 559

Samoan(s) (society), 209, 211, 314–316, 321, 333, 555

Sampy: defined, 359

Sampy masina, 361

Sanga (site), 223

San José Mogote (site), 143, 230–238, 368

San Juan Pueblo, 156, 162–166

San Martín Tilcajete, see Tilcajete

Santa Cruz Island, 68

Sargon of Akkad (ruler), 494–497, 556

Scalp taking, 83, 155, 169, 179, 302, 553

Scorpion Macehead, 405–407

Seal impression(s): defined, 272–274

Seals, administrative: defined, 274

Section system: defined, 46; 49, 59–61, 63

Self-love, ix, 66–67, 551, 553

Self-respect, ix, 551

Semitic language(s): defined, 484

Sexism, 558

Shabik’eschee Village (site), 154–155, 157

Shaka (ruler), 350–354, 363, 416, 424–425, 497, 555

Shan (society), 197–198, 233, 294, 541

Shell valuables, 69–70, 116–120, 127

Shicra: defined, 240

Shiqmim (site), 400

Shukbah Cave (site), 126

Sibling marriage, 333–334, 410, 531, 537

Sickles, overfired clay: defined, 283

Sinchi: defined, 538

Sipán (site): royal tombs of, 380–382, 489

Site H, 400

Sitio Conte (site), 222

Siuai (society), 116–120, 198, 218

Skhul Cave (site), 4, 9

Skull rack, 372, 508

Sky spirits, 192–198, 230

Sling missile(s): defined, 265

Slit-gong(s), 117–119, 188, 199, 202–204, 552

Sobhuza I (ruler), 423–424

Sobhuza II (ruler), 426, 431

Social stratification: defined, 313; created by Hawai’ians, 333–334

Social substitutability, principle of, 40, 51, 75, 143, 550

Southern Levant: defined, 395

Spear-thrower (atlatl), 4, 14, 28, 47, 51, 142, 144

Spencer’s mathematical proof, 364–365

Spirit children, 61, 181, 559

Split inheritance:

in Hawai’i, 335, 341

in Peru, 527

State of Nature, ix, 19–39, 67, 83, 87, 472

Stela of the Vultures, 492

Stinkards: defined, 301

SU Site, 154–155

Subincision (ritual), 61

Substantivist economics, 502

Sumerian(s) (society), 451–452, 457, 475–502, 516, 536–537, 556–557

Sunda Shelf, 9, 10

Sungir (site), 13

Susa (site), 449–459, 472–473, 496

Susiana plain, 448–459, 472, 474

Swazi (society), 422–434, 438

Sweat house, 77, 110, 550

Syrian Saddle, 261

Tagish (society), 84–85

Tahitian (society), 314

Talisman(s), 359, 361, 445

Talking drum(s), 443–444

Tananarive, 359

Tapa: defined, 320

Tapu (taboo): defined, 209

Tasmanians (society), 47

Tattooed Serpent, 229, 302–303, 445

Tee cycle: defined, 100

Telarmachay Cave (site), 147

Tell Abada (site), 289–291, 294, 473

Tell Abr (site), 293

Tell Aswad (site), 271

Tell Brak (site), 470–471

Tell el-‘Oueili (site), 291–293, 473

Tell es-Sawwan (site), 263–266, 473

Tell Hamoukar (site), 471, 473, 495, 497

Tell Maghzaliyah (site), 132, 134, 473

Tell Uqair (site), 289, 473

Temple(s), 138, 152, 207, 210, 212, 214–215, 217, 226–227, 229–250, 260–295, 300–301, 303–310, 315, 335–336, 342, 345, 374–377, 405, 414–416, 419, 429, 434, 442, 446, 454, 460–464, 467–468, 470–471, 476–477, 478–491, 505, 517–518, 536, 539, 554, 556

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