The Crescendo (26 page)

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Authors: Fiona Palmer

BOOK: The Crescendo
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‘You set her up. I'm going to get Wilkins to pick up more sedative from our supplier and see if her screaming alerted anyone.' Randall left the room, the door clicking shut.

Ryan dragged the girl to the bed and laid her down on it. Quickly he darted out of the cell, locking the door and headed to the small office while he had a chance. From previous visits he only saw the one camera that was set up facing the cell, and another one facing the vault, but Ryan wanted to check out the office. If he could get some names and details to pass on to the agency, then this would all seem worth it.

He stepped into the room, still holding onto the doorknob. First he looked to the tall filing cabinet against the corner wall, then the desk with a computer and printer set-up, then more filing and a big shredder machine on the floor. Where to start first? How much time did he have? Ryan stepped to the desk and tried to see if Randall had left anything unfinished.

There was a sheet with flight details on it and meeting times. The meeting for the buyers? Ryan took out his phone and took a photo of it. He'd be shot if they found this on his phone.

Risk for reward, he reminded himself.

Quickly he sent the photo to Tilly then deleted the photo and message. Did he go for the filing cabinet next? He went to open the top drawer but it was locked. Damn. Where would they hide the key for that?

He ran his hands under the desk, down the back of the cabinet and even behind the door. Nothing. Maybe Randall kept the key on himself at all times.

Ryan went to the other filing cabinet on the floor, it too was locked. It was like being in a maze full of dead ends.


He jumped up, his heart racing as he darted from the room. Glancing about, he found the door still shut. His eyes passed over the girl in the cell, her shoe had come off her foot and fallen to the floor. Jesus, it had scared him to death.

With no time to waste, he went back into the office and decided to rifle through the shredder, picking out strips of paper and trying to see if anything made sense. He pulled out one that had more flight details. Quickly he tucked it into his pocket. It was all worth checking out. As long as he didn't get caught with it on him.

‘Reece. What are you doing?'

Fuck! Randall. Where had he come from?

Now what?

He was kneeling on the cream carpet, in a room he wasn't allowed in, and Randall was behind him. How did he not hear the door? Had this been a test? Would Randall believe anything he was about to say?

‘I've lost my contact lens,' he said quickly.

‘I didn't know you wore lenses,' he said slowly.

‘It's not something I go around telling people,' he said as he pretended to pick it up and put it in the bin. ‘I needed a new one anyway.' He got up and Randall was still watching him.

‘What were you doing in here anyway?' demanded Randall.


Ryan was drawing blanks. Heck, had he just blown his cover? Think, Ryan, think, his brain screamed.

‘I was chasing a tissue, she spat on me.' God he hoped this was enough. ‘I couldn't find one and was trying to wipe it from my eyes when my contact fell out. We really could do with some antibacterial wipes or something,' he said, wiping his face again for good measure.

The silence from Randall was deafening. He only had to ask Ryan to empty out his pockets or hand over his phone and he was in deep shit.

He itched to put his hands in his pocket and screw up the bit of paper until it resembled something that had gone through the wash. He also wanted to try and turn his phone off. But Randall was watching him, waiting for him to sweat. It was taking all efforts to remain calm and innocent, which was hard when his body was screaming to fight and flee.

‘The thing with all this, Reece, is it's plausible, but I've had this feeling about you these last few weeks and I wouldn't be doing my job right if I didn't double-check.' Randall almost smiled as he pulled out his gun. Ryan was left to his mercy.

Would Randall shoot him here? Now?

‘Normally I'm a shoot first ask questions never kinda guy, but with you it's a bit sensitive. The boss has a vested interest in you. He has things to consider. But I'm going to take my concerns to him. And we'll go from there. Maybe you are innocent, maybe not.'

He motioned with the gun and Ryan stepped out of the office. His heart was racing like a million machine guns.

‘You're barking up the wrong tree but I understand you gotta do what you gotta do.' What else could Ryan say. He didn't want to plead innocent and then be caught with the paper in his pocket, or if they went through his phone and managed to extract that photo he'd deleted. The only thing he could do was play along and be cooperative, as if he was innocent. He only had to check his eye for his other contact lens too, which he could say he'd lost earlier? Maybe he'd say he took both out as it messed with his head only having one contact. Yeah, that could work, just. Maybe.

‘How about you come and wait in this cell and keep the girl company while I go and speak to Jamison.'

Ryan headed to the cell with the gun at his back. Stay calm, he told himself. Don't give anything away yet, it could be salvageable still. He couldn't throw away just how far he'd come with Jamison on Randall's overactive mind.

‘Just know that when Jamison finds out that I'm legit, you may be finding yourself working under me.' Ryan allowed a little smile to appear. He made sure it was cunning and as if he'd just set a trap and Randall had walked straight into it. If he could make him think that this was maybe his plan all along, it might make Randall think twice.

Randall's Adam's apple bounced as he swallowed hard. His eyes shifted uneasily around the room. ‘Unlock the cell,' he demanded, trying to take back control.

Ryan did as he was asked and stepped inside.

Randall locked him in and then asked him to hand over his key. ‘Just make yourself comfortable while we sort this little situation out.' His hand remained outstretched. ‘Phone too, please.'

Fuck. He handed it over and hoped it took them ages to find the stuff he'd deleted.

Ryan shrugged, trying to portray a calm that he didn't feel at all. ‘It won't be for long,' he said without a care as he sat on the end of the bed, moving the sleeping girl's legs.

Randall's neck jumped with his pulse, his skin moving like something was crawling under it. He never did like Randy Randall.

Without another word, Randall left the room, locking the main door.

Ryan sat there, trying to think. He had to hide the bit of paper without anything showing up on the camera watching the cell.

How much time did he have? What would happen when Randall came back? Would he be tortured or spared due to Annaliese? Jamison was a hard man and if he thought Ryan was a spy and had used his daughter to get to him, well, he'd surely be sliced and diced into little bits of shark bait. He just hoped Jamison's daughter meant enough to him that he'd make sure to give Ryan a chance to prove himself.

There was a lot of if's and unanswered questions. Ryan couldn't predict what was about to happen next. If he died, he hoped Jaz would move on and be happy. Maybe he could get word out through the girl in the cell with him? Even if it was a goodbye message to Jaz. One last, ‘I love you.'


It was all turning to shit.

Chapter 25

Jaz was at the gym, cleaning some mats, when a shadow passed over her. For some reason it felt like the grim reaper as her body shivered involuntarily. Something had her senses on edge, maybe it was the nightmares she'd been having about Ryan mixed up with the Shesha Serpents, his face all gaunt and looking like a junkie on Ice. It had been a hellish week and a half and no sign of Ryan again did nothing to ease her frustration and despair. She just hoped that he'd turn up in the next few days at the pub. It was all she seemed to live for, not even the morning surfs could deter the feeling of dread that followed her around at the moment.


She looked up at the shadowed figure, his voice familiar but so out of place at the gym. ‘Tilly.' Jaz left the sponge on the mat and jumped up. Tilly was at the gym! Something must be up for him to risk coming here. ‘Hey, what are you doing here? What's going on?'

Tilly's face was normally grave looking so it was hard to get any sense of what was coming. He still looked like a scruff in torn black jeans, white t-shirt and a red check flannel shirt. Even though it was hot outside.

‘Is there somewhere we can talk?' he asked glancing around.

There was no one else but Jaz here, but she locked the front door and took him into Pax's house so they couldn't be disturbed. The whole time her heart was racing. Was this about Ryan? Or did Jaz have new orders? Was James back and wanted to meet? Had she been compromised?

‘Can I get you a drink?' she said, feeling uneasy.

‘No, let's sit.'

Crap. Never a good sign. Tilly hated to sit still.

Chairs scraped against the old lino as they sat, and then silence. Jaz was about to chew right through her nail to her finger if he didn't hurry up. ‘Tilly!'

‘Sorry. I'm not sure how to put this. When was the last time you saw Ryan?'

Shit. It was about Ryan. Not good. Not good at all. ‘Last week at the pub. Why?' Had they been caught kissing? Had someone got suspicious?

Tilly put his head in his hand and massaged his temples. ‘He hasn't been back to his flat all week,' said Tilly softly.

‘What? What do you mean?' Jaz reached out for his arm and shook it, maybe a little too hard. ‘Tilly?' He sat up, his pupils like pinheads.

‘Every morning Ryan does a drop out the front of his flat. Sometimes there is nothing to report, but our man is always waiting and sees Ryan come and go. But he hasn't been back since Saturday.'

‘He could be on a trip?' Jaz offered hopefully.

Tilly shook his head. ‘Annaliese hasn't been seen with him either. She's still going on as normal, so she either knows where he is or has been told something different.'

‘I don't get it. What are you trying to say, Tilly? Is Ryan okay?' Jaz felt completely confused. She just wanted a simple explanation.

‘I think he's in trouble.'

Her belly dropped to her feet and her head started to feel light-headed and dizzy. ‘Say what?'

‘Saturday afternoon I get a text from Ryan, a photo actually, that listed flight numbers and meeting times. It was big, Jaz. Great intel we can use. But because no one has seen or heard from Ryan, I'm wondering if this intel he collected got him caught.'

‘Oh.' What else could she say. This was just Tilly's opinion, he could be wrong. But in thinking that, Jaz knew Tilly was right. She'd had an awful feeling all week and now Tilly comes to her with this, it just made sense. ‘How can we find out for sure? What can we do?'

‘What can you do is what you should be saying. Jaz, you have the connections with the gang members. You need to pump them for information about Ryan. They have to know something, or noticed his absence. They should have some sort of clue. Can you do that? Have you got close enough to them to get this info?'

‘Yes, I think so.' Jaz was already thinking about how to extract info from Bud.

‘I hate to say it but pillow talk works best.' Tilly wasn't smiling or teasing her. He was stating a well-documented fact and going on past experience.

Jaz knew if it came to that, she'd do whatever she could if it meant helping Ryan.

Heck, what if he was already dead!

Tilly lent over and gripped her hand, her thought must have been written all over her face.

‘Jaz, don't fall to pieces on me. You need to be strong and not think the worst. We don't give up on anyone until we have proof. Right now we have nothing except my gut feeling.'

He was right. Jaz pushed her fears away, burying them deep down. ‘It's not just your gut feeling, Tilly. I've had this bad feeling all week since I last saw him.'

Tilly frowned. He didn't like that news one bit. His reaction didn't make her feel any better either.

‘When is your next shift at the pub?'

‘Tomorrow night.'

‘Good. You know what you have to do. If you have information for me, wear your hair up when you go surfing, then I'll stop by.'

Jaz raised an eyebrow at Tilly. He'd been keeping tabs on her? Or maybe he'd been talking to Cody? No, he must have seen her surfing to know she always left her hair out.

‘Righto, will do,' she said as he got up.

‘Out the back?' he asked.

Jaz nodded and let Tilly out the back door so he could slip away undetected. Ever the cautious one.

Jaz locked the door, leant against it and then slid down to the floor. Tomorrow's shift couldn't come soon enough. Until then, the worry was going to eat her from the inside out.


Jaz walked into the pub the next day full of jitters, like it was her first day and she was about to be tested on everything. So much depended on her coming away with information, but what if Bud never came? She'd have to endure another day! Just the thought threatened to drive her insane. As she started work, she was all fingers and fumbles. A glass slipped from her hand and shattered all over the floor.

Jaz felt like that glass, so close to shattering into a heap of bits.

‘Leave it, Jeni. I'll get this,' said Ted who'd turned up with a dustpan and brush. ‘Go serve the thirsty lads.' He pointed to the end of the bar.

‘Hi guys, what can I get you,' she asked the two blokes waiting with their money in hand. She almost missed their order as more patrons walked into the bar area. Part of her was hoping it was Bud and the other hoped it was Ryan.

All night she kept praying for Ryan to walk into the pub. Please let him walk in, she begged to the universe. But he never came. Bud did though, only because Jaz texted him to make sure he was coming by, and to sweeten him up she said she'd got an early knock off if he wanted to take her for a drive.

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