The Crimson Bond (7 page)

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Authors: Erika Trevathan

BOOK: The Crimson Bond
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            “Look Alex, I like the idea of us getting married, as crazy as that seems, and I like the idea of being with you for eternity, but I’m not going to lie to you. I’m terrified of being turned. What if I don’t survive it or if I can’t control my urges for blood and go on a killing spree. It’s just scary.”
            My forehead wrinkled and I momentarily froze when a thought occurred to me. “I don’t like the idea of drinking blood, but I’m assuming that I won’t mind when I’m a vampire. What I want to know is where will this blood come from? And where do
get the blood you drink?”
            Alex rolled on to his side propping his head up on his hand and looking down at me. I let my gaze drop from the ceiling and met his clear blue eyes. I was taken aback by the way his eyes softened when he looked at me. And there was something else, something that caused my heart rate to soar and oddly enough a sense of peace to settle over me at the same time. I couldn’t remember anyone ever looking at me with such reverence. He lowered his head and brushed his lips against mine. The electricity between us before was nothing compared to this. I reached up letting my fingers intertwine in his thick dark hair and deepened the kiss. Right then, I made up my mind that I absolutely would let him turn me if it meant spending eternity right where I was now.


            After Alex left I had the answers to the major questions that were bothering me but I had already warned him that there would be more to follow soon. I had also talked him into agreeing to give me one week to prepare myself for my ‘new birthday’, as I had sarcastically pinned it. As for marriage, we agreed to plan something within a couple of months so that I would hopefully be accustomed to my new life and have time to make arrangements for a small ceremony. He had also patiently answered the inquiries about how I would feed and where he gets his blood from. I had insisted that I only be given blood obtained from donor banks. The thought of feeding off of someone was too much for me. And I was slightly disturbed to hear that Alex got his blood from willing female donors. He explained that fresh blood was much more potent and vampires that drank directly from humans were stronger than those that drank the prepackaged kind. I decided that that was a battle for another time, but I definitely planned on addressing that issue if we were going to be together. Jealousy stirred at the thought of Alex with other girls even if it was only as a means of sustenance. Pushing the thought aside, I let myself drift to the subject of how we could read each others minds if we left them open to it. Apparently, I left my mind open all the time, but supposedly Alex chose not to listen. I wasn’t entirely sure if I believed that he ignored my thoughts. It seemed way too tempting. I was going to have to be extra careful with any thoughts I didn’t want him to hear. It was tiresome just thinking about it.

            He also explained that he could sense my mood from wherever he was and that’s how he knew that Ethan had found me earlier. He said he was jolted into awareness of my situation by my feelings of panic and was able to locate me so quickly because of the bonding process that had already started in our blood.  Apparently, one of the benefits of our bond was a kind of built in GPS that fed off the magnetic pull of our blood. While it was mind boggling, it also made sense in a way. And luckily, I would also be able to sense his emotions and location once I had transitioned into an immortal state.
            I had just put on some pajama shorts and matching camisole for bed when the sharp ring of my cell phone pulled me out of my thoughts. I was slightly shocked to see Brad's name on my display and marveled at how different my life had become in a little over a week. Just the fact that I had barely given him a second thought since I had moved out solidified my choice to end things. And there was no comparison between the powerful relationship I now had with Alex and the lukewarm relationship I'd had with Brad. Not really wanting to answer the call, but knowing that I should get it over with, I picked up the phone and said hello.
            "Hi, Brooke.” I had to admit there was an immediate calming effect at hearing his voice. I guess the sound of his voice reminded me of the completely normal, albeit boring life, that I had led up until the past week. Still, I felt a little awkward talking with him knowing that I had moved on so quickly. When it came right down to it, part of me loved Brad and always would, but now that I had my feelings for Alex to compare it to, I knew that what I felt for Brad was more the love of a friend. I hoped that he would find someone one day that would share the same dreams for life that he did. I took a deep breath in preparation for what was sure to be an uncomfortable conversation.
            "Hey Brad, how are things?"
            He seemed to hesitate before answering and when he did I could detect undertones of sadness. "Well, I'm missing you. I'm still hoping that you're hating Charlotte and thinking about moving back."

            Okay, so this was going to be
uncomfortable. "Umm, no not even close. I really love it here. I'm happy." How could I even begin to describe what was going on in my life right now. Better to just be vague and make it clear I had no plans on going back to Oakwood and no plans to renew our relationship. It would be cruel to let him go on thinking we might have a chance.
            "I still think once the newness wears off you'll miss our life together. People here are asking what happened with us and every time they do I feel like I've been punched in the gut."
            Yep, this had to end right now. I might as well rip the band aide off, so to speak.
            "Brad, I've met someone else. I know it's only been a week, but my feelings for him make it pretty clear to me that we both made a good decision when we decided to go our own way. Believe it or not, you made your choice when you weren't willing to compromise on our life together. I still love you, but not in the same way anymore. I hope we can still be good friends. I think of you as my family and the thought of not having you in my life, in some aspect, is heart wrenching."
            The pause was so long I began to wonder if he had hung up on me. When he finally did speak, his voice was thick with emotion.
            "I know that part of the reason we aren't together right now is my fault, but this hurts Brooke. All I can do is hope you realize this is a mistake. Just know that I will always love you and regardless of what happens I will always be here for you."
Tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't help but feel pain that I was hurting him.           "Thank you, Brad.”

            "Goodbye Brooke."

            After our conversation had ended I spent a few minutes lying in the dark trying to fall asleep. I just had so much on my mind that there was no way that I was going to drift off anytime soon. I assumed that if I didn't calm myself down Alex would be wondering why I was so anxious. Thinking to make myself a cup of tea, I headed to the kitchen. I found Anna was already sitting at the round glass table eating a bowl of cereal. She was dressed in a pair of pink, silk button down pajamas with her blonde hair piled haphazardly on top of her head. When she saw me wondering over to the cabinets to drag out the tea kettle she raised an eyebrow. "Couldn't sleep?"
            I sighed deeply and put the pot of water on the stove and turned on the islet. Grabbing a couple of cookies out of the jar on the counter I made my way over to the table and sat down across from her. She grinned between bites. "Tea and cookies at almost midnight? Must be bad."
            "You have no idea."
            "I think I might. Paul called me tonight to tell me what had happened with Ethan. It must have really shaken Alex up. Paul said he was in a rage when he talked to him. Brooke, you know you can't put off being changed much longer, right?"
            "I know. And stalling is risky, but I at least need a chance to get things squared away at work. I can't just not show up anymore. I've worked too hard to get that position. Alex is going to let Julie know this week that he's transferring me to a different office. I have no idea what excuse he is going to give, but I wanted to make sure that I could come back to work eventually, without a whole lot of questions."
            "That's understandable."
            "Did Paul mention that we're going to get married in a couple of months?" I mentally prepared myself for what I knew was bound to be a lot of jumping up and down and squealing. She did not disappoint me. 
            "What!?!" She jumped up from the table nearly knocking her chair over. “You're getting married? So soon? When? I 'm going to be the maid of honor, right? I mean, I'm the whole reason you even met him!" She ran over and just about knocked me over as she squealed and hugged me.
            "Of course you can be the maid of honor.  But don't expect a big ceremony. I'm thinking it will be very small. The whole wedding party will probably consist of you and Paul."
            She sighed with an unmistakingly dreamy look in her eyes. "How lucky are you? Alex is gorgeous, powerful, rich. You know you would never have to work another day in your life, right?"
            I rolled my eyes. "I think you know how I feel about that."
            Out of the blue she threw the question out that caused my heart to skip a beat. "Do you love him?" And she pinned me with a scrutinizing look that was so out of character for her.
            "Anna, as crazy as it seems considering I've known him all of one week, I do. I wouldn't even consider marrying him if I didn't; bonded or not." It struck me then that I didn’t have any family to call about my impending marriage. Brad had been the closest thing to family that I’d ever had. I guess in this instance, it was a good thing that I didn‘t have to call around explaining why I wanted to marry Alex after knowing him for only a week. At least there was one benefit to not having a family.
            The next morning I got up and dressed as usual - deciding on a bright blue sheath dress and nude heels. I planned on continuing work wholeheartedly. I still wanted to impress Julie and make a good name for myself for whenever I was able to return. I hoped Alex could really work his magic with her. I didn’t want anyone to think badly of me.
            The day flew by in a flurry of paperwork, telephone calls and emails. Kara and I went out to lunch together and I was already missing her outgoing, carefree personality. Like Anna, we had formed a strong connection almost immediately. I found it amazing that in the whole twenty two years I’d lived, I had never made such close friends as I had here in Charlotte. I already considered Anna and Kara my best friends and that was saying a lot. I had never had best friends before. It seemed everything that had happened to me over the last week had happened on overdrive. But nothing felt rushed or forced. I felt more at home then I had ever felt before and so content. If only I could get this vampire turning business done and over with.
            Alex was standing at my office door promptly at 5:00pm. Evidently, he wasn’t taking any chances that I would brave the parking lot without him. He stood at my door dressed in gray dress slacks and a white button down shirt. He was still wearing a light blue tie but I was learning already that it would come off as soon as he reached his car.
            “You ready?” He winked at me and I smiled knowing he couldn’t say or do what he wanted with all the employees still in the office. I’m sure people were talking as it was. I doubt he made it a habit to walk all the marketing assistants to their cars at the end of the day. We stepped onto the elevator and as soon as the doors slid shut I could see in his eyes what was next. It was as if two attracting magnets were placed too closely together. Within seconds we were in each other’s arms swiftly progressing from passionate kissing to a full blown make out session. The dinging of the elevators had us quickly separating and readjusting our clothing. I giggled when I noticed how disheveled his hair had gotten. He ran his hand through his hair in a haphazard attempt to correct the mess and smiled over at me showing the dimple I had never noticed in his cheek. My heart did a double skip and I struggled to compose myself as the doors slid open and we stepped out. 
            Alex led the way to his car and opened the passenger side door for me. I gave him a questioning look, wondering why he hadn't walked me to my car; and he grinned back, his eyes twinkling.
            "Just trust me." He motioned me into the sporty black BMW and I slid onto the gray leather seat. Deciding I wasn't giving up, I looked over at him as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the busy downtown streets.
            "So where are we off to?"
            "You don't like surprises, do you?” He glanced at me as he zipped the car in and out of traffic.
            "I do. I'm just impatient. How bout a hint?”
            He rolled his eyes. "Not happening. Just sit back and relax, because we've got about a twenty minute ride."
            I made an exasperated sigh and plopped back against the seat. I peeked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw him holding back a grin. He was getting way too much satisfaction from keeping me in suspense. 
            As much as I was anticipating this surprise, the rest of the ride flew by as I tried to figure out where he was taking me. I had no idea what this was about, but judging by the way things had gone since my arrival in Charlotte, anything was possible. The busy streets became country roads and I realized we were heading away from the city and towards more rural landscape. The car slowed as I saw a rod iron fence up ahead with a lit guard house. It was obvious whoever owned the house standing at the end of the guarded driveway, was not hurting for money. I don't know why, but it didn't occur to me that we would be turning into the beautifully gated driveway until we pulled up to the gate house.        An intimidating man with a shaved head and a ton of muscles pressed a button inside the small stone building that caused the gates to open. He threw up his hand in greeting at Alex as we drove by, and I noticed a flicker of curiosity as his eyes passed over me. The driveway cut through a heavily wooded area and as we broke free of the trees, my jaw dropped at the huge mansion surrounded by a sprawling and perfectly manicured lawn. It was a gorgeous craftsman style home with gray shake shingles and stone foundation and chimneys. There were a ton of windows, all sparkling in the sunset.
            "Is this your house?" I couldn't keep the awe from my voice.
            "It is. And your house soon too." My eyes widened at the thought of Alex and I sharing this house together. I'm not sure if I could ever get use to living here. It was so huge, I'd probably get lost. Alex parked in the circular driveway in front of the house and walked around to open my door. I stepped out and couldn't help but stare openmouthed at the enormous mansion in front of me. He grabbed my hand, but instead of taking me inside, he led me around the side of the house and towards the wooded area some ways off. I tried my best to keep my questions to myself as we walked away from the house and into the shadows of the tall pine trees. Just as I was about to question him again, Alex gave me a smirking glance and said, "Be patient." Slightly peeved that he had read my thoughts so easily, I sent him a withering glance. I wondered if he was really keeping his promise to not read my mind. His lips curved up but he kept his eyes trained ahead. It was rather suspicious if you asked me.

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