The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell (103 page)

BOOK: The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell
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  “Everyone is present and account for, sir!” Corporal Halsey yelled back after he’d checked.

  “Look for weapons and take up a defensive position.” Rymer ordered him. Rymer saw the pilot eject and he knew what they will face without any weapons.

  Several minutes later Corporal Halsey came back and told Rymer that there are no weapons anywhere in the small town. (Rymer suspected it.) While Halsey was looking for weapons (or anything that could make a good enough weapon) anyone who could do it, made barricades and boarded up the windows with whatever they could find. When Halsey got back Rymer ordered him to make weapons and find any flammable liquid. They then waited through the darkness for Inferno of Terror 154T to make his first move. The wait made the night seemed too long to bear.

  Shortly after one in the morning a fire broke out. The fire consumed two of the nearby unoccupied buildings and was burning one side of the outside part of the farm house that they were stationed in. Corporal Cotswold ran out with a bucket to a water pump to put out the fire that was consuming the farm house. While he was pumping the water Inferno of Terror 154T attacked him. Cotswold yelled out and, out of fear, Carlson threw a homemade grenade. The grenade damaged the water pump and killed Cotswold. Inferno of Terror 154T dove out of the way and landed in the fire that he started. He got up and cried out in pain because his right arm, right chest and the right side of his face was on fire. He then ran off. Nobody could pursue him (nor did anybody wanted to) because the fire blocked any pursuit. Everybody was standing around Cotswold’s body.

  “Take his body and put it near the street. Find something to cover it up with. We have to leave now.” Rymer disappointingly mentioned.

  “We can’t leave it here.” Spender responded.

  “We have no other choice! He’ll slow us down!” Rymer responded.

  After they covered up Cotswold’s body and started to leave, Coville asked if they should say a prayer. But nobody said anything, they all just left. Coville stood there for several moments, she wanted to say a prayer, but she was too afraid to stay behind. She ran to catch up with them when she heard a noise. It was too dark and they only had flashlights to guide them.

  By three in the morning Cottrill started to complain that he was tired and wanted them to stop. When nobody would, he mention that he was not as young as he used to be, and still nobody would stop. He then yelled at them to stop. Ghost Killer then went back, picked him up, and placed him on his back. Forty-two minutes later, Cronin started to complain himself. Night Stalker turned around and went back to put him on her back and they continued on. Shortly after four in the morning Rymer could no longer hide the pain. Ghost Killer caught up to him and told him to wait. He then took down Cottrill and picked up Rymer to carry him. Eight minutes after five only Halsey, Private First Class Gwynn, Sergeant Merritt, Ghost Killer and Night Stalker could continue on.

  “Alright! Let’s rest here.” Rymer informed everyone.

  Twenty-five minutes later everyone heard birds fly off in the distance and it told them that Inferno of Terror 154T must be there. After everybody was rested and after they left, it became apparent to them that Inferno of Terror 154T wanted them to know that he was there. He would break a thick branch, scare off some birds, or make some other type of sound. Everyone was too scared to take him on, not even Ghost Killer and Night Stalker. Both of them, as everybody knew, was too human and, like them, was too scared themselves.

  “We know you’re there! You fuckin’ traitor!” Susan Vanasse yelled out to Inferno of Terror 154T after he scared off some birds. She just stood there cursing him and fending off their attempts to make her continue on.

  “Susan! Susan! Either you come with us… or we will be forced to leave you!” Rymer yelled at her.

  “You know that the EOD will hunt you down and kill you if you kill us!” Vanasse yelled out again at Inferno of Terror 154T. She neither heard nor cared (at that moment) that they left her behind. All she did was to stand there cursing at Inferno of Terror 154T.

  Inferno of Terror 154T knew that she was weak minded and that sooner or later it would get to her if she knew that he was following them and making noise. It was her knowledge of Demon Xs and Cy-Xs that kept on heightening her fear. She knew that, either they had no fear of death, or they just didn’t show it. Either way she knew they were very efficient at killing. They gave her nightmares, including both Ghost Killer and Night Stalker. She hated all of them. Thought nothing less of them other than some type of a monster from hell. She was terrified of them. It’s no wonder that he got to her.

  When Inferno of Terror 154T realized that the others are too far away he stood up. Vanasse, realizing that she made a horrible mistake, stood in shock staring at him. Inferno of Terror 154T reach down and picked up the corpse of Cotswold. He then threw it back down, pointed at Susan with his left hand and then pointed at the ground. Vanasse, trembling with fear, shook her head. Inferno of Terror 154T then reach down and picked up a bucket filled with old dirty baseballs, he then started to walk towards her with a limp. (When Inferno of Terror 154T parachuted out of the helicopter he came down in some trees and injured his left knee.) Susan then turned to run for her dear life.

  Vanasse didn’t get more than three feet before the first of many baseballs came and hit her. The ball hit her on the upper right side of her back. The next one hit her in the lower back which caused her to stumble forward. The third ball hit her in the back of her head and caused her to fall. While she was on her hands and knees a forth ball struck her in her left buttocks. She then reached back and put her hand on her injured buttock and was struck at her left elbow. Each ball that struck her was traveling at least at 90 mph. Everybody could hear her screams down the road and nobody wanted to go back to save her. It reminded them of who and what they are dealing with.

  Vanasse got up to run into the field nearby. The field had tall grass that she could possibly hide in. Before she could get into the field two baseballs hit her in such a way that it caused her to turn to face Inferno of Terror 154T. He then pointed at his nose and made a biting movement with his jaw and then looked at the field. Susan then cried out in frustration. She then turn to ran as fast as she could down the road. Inferno of Terror 154T managed to hit her several times before she got out of range. He then started to laugh in a guffaw manner. (He was trying to laugh loud enough for her to hear him.) He then yelled out that he will, ‘tear her soul apart.’

  Nobody was surprised nor glad to see Susan come run up to them. They felt that way because she did something extremely stupid. As luck would have it, they only had five more miles to travel before they come to yet another abandoned small farm town. They also was luckily enough to find food, water and medicine. But no weapons could be found. It was not surprising since the EOD always require that all weapons from an abandoned town, city, etc., be removed. If there were any weapons then it would be someone’s private stash.

  In the late evening Inferno of Terror 154T reminded everyone that he was still there by taking the corpse of Cotswold and throwing it thru the front door of the store that they were at. Cotswold’s body was on fire and after they put it out, not only did they notice that Inferno of Terror 154T had eaten part of his body, but Inferno of Terror 154T yelled across the street that their fate is his (Cotswold) fate. He then ran off laughing when he realized that neither Ghost Killer nor Night Stalker would give chase. It turned a couple of the scientists against Ghost Killer and Night Stalker.

  “Man, he’s right. You two ARE fucking cowards!” Averillo yelled at both Ghost Killer and Night Stalker when she noticed that both are too scared to give chase.

  “Come on, lay off of them they…” Rymer was saying, trying to calm everyone down.

  “No sir, she’s right. They are cowards and they are going to get all of us killed.” Gwynn interrupted Rymer responded.

  “Now you look here…” Rymer was saying.

  “No! YOU look here, there are two of them and only one of him! So why don’t they go…?” Spender interrupted Rymer responded.

  “Because they are…” Rymer was saying. He stop when he realized what he was fixing to say and the reaction that it will get.

  “What?! They’re cowards!” Cronin said in a rude angrily manner.

  “That’s not what I was fixing to say!” Rymer snapped back.

  “Yeah, I know what you were fixing to say. You were about to call them human. But look at them. Do they look like us? Hmmm?” Coville mentioned. Rymer didn’t respond because he knew that she was right. He was about to call them human.

  “Face it, they’re monsters. Just like their kind. Always have been, always will be.” Vanasse said.

  When Vanasse said what she did it caused Night Stalker to run out with hurt feelings. Ghost Killer then pursued her. He’d tried to calm her down but couldn’t since she was too hysterical. It really did hurt her feelings to be called that. She then broke down and cried and asked him what are they and he said nothing because he didn’t know.

  Over the course of an hour something was burning inside Night Stalker that she never felt before and it scared her. It was too powerful to be rage, but that’s what it was. It was too dark, too evil to be hate. And then she realized where it was coming from. It was coming from the part of her that was a Demon X. She then screamed out in fury and it scared the shit out of everyone (including Ghost Killer) who heard it. She then ran after Inferno of Terror 154T. Ghost Killer stood there not knowing what to do. He then ran after her when the fear of losing her kicked in.

  “Congratulations ya idiots. We now have either two or three of them coming after us.” Rymer said when he heard Night Stalker screamed in fury. Everyone ran out when they could hear both Inferno of Terror 154T and Night Stalker fighting in the distance. They couldn’t see them, just hear them.

  At one point they saw Night Stalker fly thru the door and part of a wall in a small church and land twenty feet near a car. Inferno of Terror 154T came flying through the wall at her trying to stump her but she brought up her foot and it collided with his inner thigh near his groin. She then quickly got up, picked him up, and slammed him so hard on the car that it flatten it like a pancake. He then brought his right leg up and kicked her in the head, rolled over and came charging at her. After he’d tackled her, the two of them started to fight until Night Stalker was able to perform a move that threw him over the smashed car and into a tree. Inferno of Terror 154T hit the tree so hard that he’d knocked it over. She then ran to attack him, but before she got to him he managed to stand up and using the small tree as a club, knocked her thirty feet. And so it went on for hours with both of them tearing the abandoned town to shreds.

  Everyone, including Ghost Killer, was just standing there speechless and too shock to do, or to think, anything. Even when both of them came near, nobody moved. By that time at least three hours have passed. They finally moved out of the way when Inferno of Terror 154T was thrown into, and thru, the wall of the store that they were at. When Inferno of Terror 154T came out, he’d pulled out a piece of wood that went threw his right side, below his liver. He then took the piece of wood, looking at Night Stalker, he threw it to his right and killed Spender instantly. He then laugh in a guffaw manner until Night Stalker, out of rage, tackled him and both of them went inside the store. Nobody could see what they were doing. They could only hear them tearing the store apart. Eventually the store collapsed and both came out… still fighting.

  While they were fighting on the rubble, Night Stalker was injured and she let out a cry. Ghost Killer hearing it, yelled out in rage just like Night Stalker did before. Unfortunately, he was standing so close to the others that it busted the eardrums of both Carlson and Sergeant Merritt. Ghost Killer then did a flying jump kick at Inferno of Terror 154T and Night Stalker, seeing what Ghost Killer was trying to do, grabbed Inferno of Terror 154T’s foot. When Ghost Killer collided with Inferno of Terror 154T it threw him more than twenty feet. And now all three of them were fighting. At that point, despite the danger, everyone wanted to watch the show. It became a lot more entertaining when the three of them ended up in the forest.

  “Where are they?!” Averillo yelled out when she lost sight of them.

  “Me without my popcorn.” Rymer said. Like the others, he was excited to be watching the show.

  “There!” Halsey said when he saw them. He saw one of them hit a tree so hard that it look like a truck hitting it. Halsey then mouthed the words, ‘Holy shit.’

  Everyone then ran to where Halsey saw them fighting and then they lost sight of them. They then tried to find them by listening to the sounds of them fighting. It never dawned on them that what they are doing is extremely stupid, they just wanted to watch the show.

  “What the fuck are you idiots doing?! Get out of here!” Ghost Killer said after he’d got up to rejoin the fight. He was thrown and almost killed a couple of them.

  “After all that work we put in, in creating them?” Carlson said after Ghost Killer left.

  Although Rymer was starting to think that maybe Ghost Killer was right, he just couldn’t help but to continue to video tape the whole thing with his cell phone. (They were too far away to make any calls.)  Besides it is just way too entertaining. Perhaps Rymer should have known better because at one point Night Stalker, upon seeing them through the trees, called them a ‘Bunch of goddamn idiots.’ If she can see them… so can someone else. And it didn’t take him that long to see them.

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