The Cruiserweight (32 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #wrestling, #sports entertainment, #plus size heroines

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“What did you do, call Orlando Wrestling and
give them hell?” Eddie asked. “Brett wasn’t on TV in over a month,
now that’s
scenes he’s had tonight.”

“I sent an email once asking if he’s with the
company,” Karen replied. “I meant it as a joke, though.”

“Somebody got the hint. How’s the

“Fabulous. The little one kicked in

“Are you sure you’re okay? Your ankles look
like footballs.”

“Normal side effect of pregnancy, Eddie.
Otherwise, I’m fine.”

“Oh, speaking of kids, I wanted you to be the
first to know Pheebs and I are looking into adoption.”

“But the two of you aren’t

hold on, do you mean

Eddie nodded. “I proposed at dinner last night,
and Pheebs accepted.”

“That’s great news! Did you set a

“We’re working on one. You and Brett are
invited to the wedding.”

“Well, I can’t speak for him, but I’ll come for

“By then, your baby will be here.” He gently
rubbed her stomach.

“Enough, Eddie. My belly’s not Aladdin’s

“What? You’re cute with your little

“I wouldn’t call this a ‘little pouch’, to say
the least,” Karen replied with a laugh. “I already had one
I was pregnant.”

“You’re radiant, and you’ll make a great

“Yeah, using a walker by the time this child
graduates from college.”

“Nah, you and Brett are going to kick

“Getting back to you and Phoebe considering

have you looked into any

“We’ve made a list of options, including
private adoptions, in case the regular agencies give us bullshit
for some reason. You know at least one will find some excuse not to
give us a kid. Hell, we’re not asking for a baby. An older child
will do great.”

“Eddie, how sweet. There’s lots of older kids
who need homes.”

He nodded. “Pheebs and I would take the whole
lot if we had our way.”

“I know you would.”

“Did you ever consider

“Not for a moment. This one’s mine and Brett’s.
Use your wedding night and make your own.”



The next match was an elimination bout with Dazzle, The Drunk
Rednecks, and Park Perry, who faced Tim Doss, Brett Kerrigan, Ahab,
and Mad Bull.

Doss tagged in Brett, who nailed Dazzle with a
series of dropkicks, and ended with a two count. Brett then
attempted a crossbody out of the corner, but Dazzle dropped him on
his knee and tagged in First Redneck.

First Redneck worked over Brett, ramming in a
series of knees into Brett's gut and rounded off the attack with a
back suplex for a two count. Dazzle tagged back in and got a salto
for another two, and then they exchanged rollups before Brett
caught Dazzle with a leg lariat for the three count, eliminating

Park Perry came into the ring and the battle
was on with Brett. Not intimidated by Perry, Brett got in a Thesz
Press and choked Perry, and then hit a running dropkick to the
referee, sending flying out of the ring.

Oh, hell

that supposed to happen? Better improvise on this one,

Pasting a huge grin on his face, Brett stood by
for a moment as a brawl erupted and spilled out to ringside before
Martin Franks made an appearance near the ramp‘s entrance. As a
result of dropkicking the referee, Brett was eliminated from the
match via disqualification.

“This is bullshit!” he yelled, stomping up the

“You did great, man,” Franks reassured Brett,
patting his shoulder.




Back in the locker room after their match
ended, the usual heckling took place, Dazzle pointing at Brett’s
Speedo. “Hey, short ribs, thinking about your baby mama again?
Quite a tent you have there.”

Brett laughed and blew mock kisses Dazzle’s
way. “No, baby, I was thinking about getting you alone for a
one-on-one oil match, but damn, your wife’s here. Sucks for

“You ain’t my type anyway, bro.”

“Aww, Dazzy, I thought you loved me. Was I just
a piece of ass after all?”

“Damn, and people say
a freak,” Ahab
said, closing a bag.

Doss shook his head. “What kind of weirdoes did
I end up working with when I signed with this company?”

“Tim, with all the years you’ve been wrestling,
one would think you’ve seen it all,” Perry replied.

“I would think so too, Park, but apparently
not. I have to wonder if Kerrigan’s been hanging out with
Sanchez-Garcia and his ilk too long.”

“Just so you know, I haven’t attempted to rape
Patrick for a whole month,” Brett replied in a joking

“That has to be a world record,” First Redneck

“He needs to start behaving if he’s going to be
a daddy,” Second Redneck called across the room. “Right,

“If you say so, big man.”

Second Redneck let out a loud belch, which
vibrated the locker room’s walls.

“Richie,” Doss said, “if you’re hiding a beer
stash, at least share with the rest of the class.”

“Then I won’t have any left to entertain the
women in my room tonight. Forget that shit.”

“It’s cool,” Parks said. “We can all go where
everyone usually hangs out, and Marty Franks should

“Now there’s something I can’t pass up,” Brett
answered. “Let’s blow this dump and go start a tab!”





“Brett Kerrigan’s now a member of Orlando
Wrestling’s New Legend Extremes,” a news report said the following
morning. “First believed he was slated to replace no-show Iron,
insiders state plans were made to add Kerrigan to NLE’s group the
entire time.“

“It’s also being said that Kerrigan will take
over part of the role planned for Martin Franks. There’s a strong
possibility Franks will save most of his energy for something big
at the next pay-per-view.”

Brett was excited about his current status, and
dove into the current script after breakfast, pleased with what he
When Stephanie promised she’d give me something big, she
wasn’t kidding!

Jack jumped into his lap, the cat’s tail
brushing across Brett’s face. He pawed at the papers his master

Brett put him on the floor. “Not now, buddy.
Looking at your ass isn’t in the script, and I just fed you an hour

Jack fussed a moment, then went into another
room in search of another adventure.

“Figures. He wants to play when I’m busy, but
when I’m ready to play, he isn’t interested. Goofy

Brett resumed reading and laughed out loud at
what he was scheduled to do the following week. “Oh, this will be
fun,” he said. “Nothing like winning a match over a six-foot-six
monster via a flying kick. I never had these kinds of opportunities
with my last job!”





Karen worked on her laptop while she waited to
be called to see Dr. Sheppard. She scanned news sites and found
reports on Brett becoming part of the Extreme Legends stable,
pleased that he managed to fit somewhere on the Orlando Wrestling

Have to give
creative department credit for thinking of
something decent for him, outside of jobbing to midgets and
sixty-year-old commentators. Finally, someone’s taking him

She resumed working on her latest article, and
hoped the doctor wasn’t running behind. When Eddie had dropped her
off at the office earlier, Karen told him to return at
approximately three-thirty.

“Ms. Montgomery?” a nurse asked.

Karen looked up. “Yes?”

“Let’s take your vitals.”

She followed the nurse back to an exam area.
Oh, good. I’ll be out in plenty of time to meet Eddie in front
of the building.






“Good, I caught you,” Creative Department head
Chris Bridges said.

“Hey, Chris,” Brett replied. “What’s

“A few changes in this week’s taping

“Oh, shit.”

“No, no, you’ll love this. Ms. Cross informed
us that since there’s been a few suspensions, the Florida
Championship’s vacant. You still have a match with Matt Creed, but
it’s changed to a championship one.”

“Chris, what the hell? Matt isn’t even in our
division’s weight class.”

“Hey, the boss’ idea, not ours. She gets a wild
hair, nobody’s questioning it. You’re up to get the strap

“Damn, just when I think things can’t get any

“Glad you’re happy. I’ll get those changes sent
over to you ASAP.”

“Thanks, man. See you Monday.”






“About time you brought your ass back here,
sweetie,” the stylist said as she prepared Brett for a haircut.
“There’s more splits in this hair than in a Vegas divorce

Brett rolled his eyes. “Can you bypass the
commentary and just give me a trim, Bethany?”

“Going to need more than a trim to clean up
this mess. Come on, big boy; over to the sink.”

He followed her, feeling ridiculous in the pink
cape ties around him. “So tell, me,” Bethany said once Brett was
seated at the shampoo bowl, “what brought you in? Let me guess, job
or woman? If it’s a woman, anyone I know?”

“Jesus Christ, can’t a guy get a trim without
an interrogation? If you must know, it’s for work. Orders from the
creative staff for my new gimmick.”

“Oh? Anything good?”

He grinned. “For me to know and you to find

“You’re no fun.” She led him back to her

“Sorry, but I’m not at liberty to give away
story lines before the shows air.”

“Judging from your mood, I’d like to guess it’s
something you’ll enjoy.”

“I already do, even with the changes that were
sent earlier. Man, I can’t wait for this week’s tapings. You should
come down this week. We’re taping Monday night. I can get you in if
you’d like.”

“Now that you mentioned it, I’m off early
Monday, and since you invited me, I’ll give you a discount

“Does this mean I won’t have to leave a tip?”
Brett asked.

“Even think
and I’ll shave you

“I was just teasing, sweetheart. You should
know by now you’ll get something from me for doing a great

“Hmm, too bad you don’t come around very
often.” Bethany turned the chair. “Have a look.”

Brett glanced in the mirror, pleased with what
he saw. “Nice. You didn’t get scissor happy for a change. This will

“Glad to be of service. You really should come
back every four to six weeks to keep the splits under

“Yeah, yeah. Kind of hard with my schedule.” He
handed her a credit card. “Take an extra ten out for

Brett signed the receipt handed to him. “Thanks
again for fitting me in. Like to chat a bit longer, but I have
twenty minutes before my ass has to get fitted for my new

Bethany nodded. “Call me when you get home, and
we can make plans for Monday.”





“About time you came,” Karen said when Eddie
arrived at quarter to four. “Three-thirty isn’t three-forty-five.
Good thing I didn’t have to go anywhere else.”

“Sorry, K. Traffic was pain in the ass, and
then they had an accident on one of the main roads, forcing me to
take a few back streets. Everything okay at the doctor?”

“Couldn’t be better. I’m close to the big

“Whoa, you aren’t going to labor in my car, are

“Relax, if I was, trust me, you and everyone
else traveling on this road would know. No, he said it’s at least
two more weeks.”


that’s good. Listen, uh, if Brett can’t make it when you have the
baby, I could step in and

“Phoebe’s already volunteered.” She pecked
Eddie on the cheek. “It’s so sweet of you to offer, though. Sorry
for snapping at you about being late.”

“Pregnancy hormones. No big deal. At least let
me drive you to the hospital when you‘re in labor. Pheebs is always
going on about ‘my lead foot.’ My fast-ass driving would come in
handy, provided there‘s no traffic like today.”

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