The Crystal Visions: A Families Journey into the Paranormal Volume 2 (8 page)

BOOK: The Crystal Visions: A Families Journey into the Paranormal Volume 2
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Chapter Ten


          Emma dove off the dock into the river, She wanted to make her usual swim before hanging out with the kids and making sure they didn’t do anything goofy. Shaley, Pippi and Spencer promised to stay out of the water until she returned
from the dock on the far side of the river. Emma often made the swim back and forth a couple rimes when she could get Markie or Sunny to shadow her. You just never knew when a cramp or god-forbid a water craft might come by and not see her. She made her way back across the river still feeling pretty good and the kids were playing lawn darts so she decided one more trip would help get the rhythm of her stroke down pat.

          By the time she was half way across the second time and feeling the burn she took a big gulp of water as a swell from a passing fishing boat hit her in the face.
She tried to keep swimming but she started to cough uncontrollably. Before she could fill her lungs again with precious oxygen something grabbed her ankle and pulled her under. Deeper and deeper she sank into the murky depths. Her lungs cried out for air while her brain tried to comprehend what was going on. She was an excellent swimmer and she knew there wasn’t anything living in the river that could possibly pull her under like that. What was happening? She quickly realized that none of that mattered right now she just needed to get herself to the surface before she became unconscious. ~


          Shaley chased Pippi who had just beat her for the third time at lawn darts. She caught up to her friend and wrapped her arms around her. They both fell to the ground giggling. They rolled in the long unmown patch of Red Clover and Sweetgrass laughing and tickling each other. Suddenly Shaley sat up cutting short their wrestling match. Pippi continued to try to tickle her until she saw the serious but familiar look on Shaley’s face. Shaley stood up and looked toward the Magnetewan all residual playfulness faded. A cold chill ran through her all the way through to her core.

          Pippi stood and went to stand beside her
friend. “What is it Shay?” She asked. Shaley’s eyes scoured the river in all directions. Spencer stood nearby. “Shay… bad… code.” He said his pronunciation of cold sounding more like code. “Where the hell did Emma go?” Shaley suddenly looked worried. Each of the youngsters looked for signs of Emma. Shaley’s heart started to race in her chest. ~


          Emma struggled to free herself from the claw like grip on her ankle. The cold from its appendage migrated up her leg and seeped into her torso feeling like icicles. Her lungs screamed for air and her brain fought to stay conscious. She kicked her strong legs and pushed her arms through the water desperate to reach the surface. She screamed into the depths with her last breath but of course no one could hear. She knew in her soul that this was how her life was going to end… ~


          Both Shaley and Spencer ran as fast as they could to the edge of the dock. “Pippi get my Aunts!” Shaley called over her shoulder. Shaley didn’t stop when she reached the end of the dock and dove as far as she could into the lake. She’d become quite a strong swimmer over the past few years thanks to Emma’s tutelage. “Please Father help me!” Was Shaley’s mantra the entire time she swam to her Sisters’ suspected location. Something told her Emma was close by so she dove down searching with her hands and feet.

was relieved when she found Emma’s wrist and she tugged as hard as she could. The water was too muddy to see anything but in her minds’ eye Shaley saw the man who’d hurt Ruby, his evil smile showing his blackened teeth. “Let go of her you son of a bitch! You can’t have her.” Shaley screamed in her mind as she pulled on Emma as hard as she could. Shaley had promised her parents she would be there for Emma and she intended to honor that promise.

s hand which had initially been gripping her own started to go slack. “NO!” Shaley screamed in her mind again as a ball of bright white light shot out of her abdomen. The ball of energy was larger than a basketball and radiated from her heart to below her navel. A wave of translucent ripples radiated out and away from her center 360 degrees like a tsunami of pure power. Emma’s almost limp hand suddenly clutched her sister’s wrist and Shaley was able to pull Emma toward the light.

          They broke the
surface simultaneously gasping for breath. Emma coughed and sputtered as Shaley looked her over carefully making sure she was really safe. “What the fuck happened?” Emma exclaimed when she was finally able to speak. Shaley still held her sister and began to swim toward the dock. Emma continued coughing occasionally as she tried to gulp copious amounts of air. Spencer took hold of Emma as they reached the dock. “Emma ok?” He asked with more than a little concern in his eyes for his friend. “Did you see anything Shay?” Emma asked. Pippi helped her friend out of the water then both helped pull Emma onto the dock. Pippi picked up towels and placed them across the sisters’ shoulders.

Spencer climbed partway up the old pool ladder on the side of the dock and stood there looking at Emma. She pulled the towel tight around herself her lips almost blue. “Emma code” Spencer said pointing to his friend. It had all happened so fast Pippi hadn’t had time to go to the house for help. “Do you want me to go get Sona or Markie?” Shaley asked. Emma shook her head vigorously. “No I’m ok… just embarrassed mostly.” Emma replied. “Bad!” Spencer said shaking his head. Shaley put her arm around Emma’s shoulder and squeezed tight. ~  


          Emma wandered the upstairs hall. She still felt a little shaken by the afternoons’ events. She peeked into Shaley’s room. Her sister was lying on the floor on her stomach atop a plush pink area rug reading her e-book. Emma rapped gently on the door frame so as not to startle her. “Can I come in?” Emma asked when Shaley looked up from her tablet. “Sure! Are you feeling any better?” Shaley asked. Emma sat down on the end of Shaley’s bed looking down at her not so little sister. “When did you get so big that you’re taking care of me?” Emma asked.

Ruby had followed Emma into the room and jumped up onto the bed beside her and sneaking onto her lap for a pat. Emma didn’t wait for an answer and looked like she wanted to talk about something more serious. “Ruby has been following me around and sucking up all afternoon.” Emma said. “She loves you. You’ve both been through trauma. I think she’s chosen you.” Shaley said. They sat together in silence for a few minutes. “Thanks for helping me. I thought I was a goner.” Emma confessed. “I wouldn’t let that happen.” Shaley answered. “It felt like a cold hand was holding onto my ankle and keeping me from returning to the surface. I’m a little afraid to go back into the river.” Emma confided with an audible gulp. Shaley turned to look her sister in the eyes. “There’s no need to worry. It’s gone now.” Shaley said calmly. “What was it?” Emma asked. “I think Naomi would call it a lost soul or residual energy from the past.” Shaley was done talking about this whole mess. She walked out of her room calling Storm as she went. ~


          Jimmy held Clara close to him. He suspected she had been terribly injured in the explosion but there had been no way to tell for sure. There had been so much chaos on the ship with the screaming, fire and people trying to save themselves. Jimmy had somehow escaped the initial blast because he hadn’t been at his post of all things. He had sustained an injury to his arm and he suspected it was broken but he didn’t have time to worry about that now. The right side of his face and any exposed skin burned and his ears rang.

          He was having trouble keeping the two of their heads above the waves but all he could think of was keeping Clara safe. “Jimmy?” A small voice spoke. “I’m here Clara.” He said trying to keep his own voice calm and reassure her.
He looked around and could see several other passengers and crew flailing around in the pitch black water nearby. Pieces of debris and cargo were scattered about; some still engulfed in flames. Jimmy held Clara with the last vestiges of his strength. He was never going to let her go… not ever. ~

Chapter Eleven


sat close to the shore of the Magnetewan behind The Old Rectory staring out across the river. She was in a miserable mood and was deliberately avoiding people today. She felt an anger growing inside her that only a teenage girl could fathom. Storm lie nearby soaking up the sun’s rays until he couldn’t take it any longer and had to move into the shade. Shaley picked grass and weeds and tore them into tiny pieces to toss into the river then watched as the current took them away. She heard a sound of footsteps behind her but she didn’t turn to see who it was.

could feel the familiar energy of her mentor as soon as she’d exited her vehicle. “Hello Little Sparrow. Do you mind if I sit?” Naomi asked but sat before getting a reply. Shaley took a deep breath, rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. “You were supposed to meet me at the diner this morning. What happened? Are you ill?” Naomi asked knowing very well the answer. “I don’t really feel like talking Naomi.” Shaley said emotionless. “That’s the time when talking is the best medicine and most beneficial.” Naomi informed her.

          Shaley continued to look straight ahead.
“Emma told me some of what happened yesterday. Do you want to talk about it?” Naomi prodded. “Not really no… all I can say at this point is that what I really want to do is punch something. I had terrible dreams last night and I woke up grinding my teeth.” Shaley confided. “I won’t let anything take my family away Naomi… I’ll destroy them first!” Shaley spat. Naomi took a deep breath and looked her young friend directly in the eyes. “Emma told me about feeling like something dark and cold pulled her under the water and that you held on and wouldn’t let go.” Naomi said.

          Shaley nodded.
“Honey the reason you were able to retrieve her was not because of your anger but the love you have for her.” Naomi explained. Shaley blinked a few times absorbing this information. “There are only two real emotions… Love and Fear. All others are derivatives of those. Hatred, anger, revenge or jealousy, they’re all aspects of fear… fear of loss. Humans fear loss of love, status, prestige, power, money or a million other things.” Naomi told her. “The reason you were able to help your sister was your love and devotion to her. Love which is also described by spiritualists as Light will kick fears ass every time. Darkness and shadow cannot exist in Light. Remember that.” Naomi concluded smiling at her.

          Shaley smiled
at hearing Naomi curse. She didn’t use expletives very often so when she did you sat up and listened. Shaley took another deep breath sighing loudly once more. She could almost feel a weight being lifted from her shoulders. After a few minutes Naomi stood up and Shaley followed suit. “Next time you’re not going to show do me a favor and give me a quick call. I was worried about what might have happened to you. Then I just felt stupid sitting there alone.” Naomi gave Shaley’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “I will.  I’m sorry Naomi.” Shaley replied. Naomi retreated toward the Cemetery’s back lot to visit her daughter Sunny. ~

          Shaley continued to stand under the ol
d oak staring across the Magnetewan. She watched as two young people walked hand in hand along the opposite bank. When Shaley looked closer she could see they were wearing old style clothes from the 1920’s. They both turned in her direction smiling broadly and waved. She lifted her own hand and waved back. Something had shifted and she knew in her heart it was a very good thing. ~


          Sona and Markie had spent the day cleaning up the meeting room at the back of the old church. Sona had found having Spencer come over after school each day a very rewarding experience and it made her think about going back to work as an Educational Assistant for special needs children. She hadn’t been able to find work in her field since they’d moved north but she had to admit she missed the kids. It had occurred to her that an afterschool program for some of the local kids might be a worthwhile endeavor. Since she’d met Spencer Sona had met several higher functioning teenagers that didn’t quite fit into the usual day care situation.

  Markie figured they had the space so she suggested they fix up the meeting room. The Church had its own independent washroom and kitchen which would serve their purpose very well. The space was able to accommodate two couches and assorted seating, an activity table, desks with computers with appropriate programs, TV, video games and a small refrigerator for snacks and drinks. They’d found much of the furniture they needed at a local thrift shop along with a couple area rugs they had thoroughly cleaned. The room was cleaned, painted and staged and it looked smashing. Sona was remarkably pleased with their progress.

          Sona had spoken with the parents and guardians of seven children including Spencer. Connor had Downs Syndrome, three boys Brandon, Taehoon and Reuben were Autistic, a very pleasant and helpful young lady named Elizabeth had lea
rning difficulties and Irene had some undefined behavioral problems rounded out the group. Sona stood back and admired their handiwork. Markie smiled at her lover. She enjoyed seeing Sona knee deep in a project. “I think it looks wonderful sweetie.” Markie said. “I think so too. We’ll have to tweak things once we start but all in all I’m very pleased. The parents will feel confident and the kids are going to have a blast.” Sona’s eyes twinkled with joy. “Ok honey if you’re done with me I told Sunny I’d pop by before dinner.” Markie said kissing Sona on the nape of her neck. “Yes of course… go go!” Sona said absently waving her hand still deep in thought.

          Markie made her escape
before Sona changed her mind. The short walk to Sunny’s workshop was delightful. The spring flowers were in full bloom and Sunny had already made the Cemetery property look fantastic. There was no complaining about her ability or work ethic. Markie rapped her knuckle on the door as she entered. Sunny was just washing her hands. “Hey you’re just in time. I just finished Tullio’s truck for the diner. What do you think?” Sunny shouted across the room. Markie made a bee line to the old 1954 Chevy pick-up. “I love it my friend! You really do great work. You maintain the integrity of the old vehicle, retain its character while under the hood it’s pristine.” Markie complimented Sunny. It wasn’t just words either. Sunny had a very unique gift and made a nice profit on the side doing what she loved. Sunny already had the next project vehicle waiting just outside the back door covered in a tarp. Sunny loved to take scrap and return it to working condition. It made her feel good to get those old cars and trucks back on the road for people who loved and appreciated them.

          Sunny went to her mini fridge and pulled out two light beers. They sat down on some old vinyl and chrome chairs and sipped their brews.
Markie watched her friend building up the courage to ask her something. Since the first days Markie had moved to Burk’s Falls she and Sunny had been fast friends. “It’s ok bro…just tell me what’s on your mind.” Markie said breaking the ice. “Ok, I guess I want to know if you have plans for the old Cole house.” Sunny got right to the point.

          Sona and Markie had the opportunity to rent a large plot of land when t
hey bought The Old Rectory and Church. The extra land was 101.51 acres which included the rail car and cottage that was now the diner, an old farm house and several out buildings with a large waterfront where Markie eventually planned to build rental cottages. Uncle Tullio had turned the rail car into their diner and home but the old farmhouse still stood empty and unloved. Markie envisioned using the land all along the river to erect or move building slated for demo to the property to be used for summer rentals to make extra income.

          The land lease had been grandfathered into their property sale and frankly was something they couldn’t pass up. As long as the
y developed the land they could have it for $100 dollars a year for 100 years. The final piece to that was that after the lease expired the land went back to the township. Markie knew of other places farther north close or on Indian land where similar leases existed. It was a way for the infrastructure to be brought onto the property, hydro, sewers and erected modern buildings without the owner having to dish out the money.

          Markie smiled at her friend. “
We don’t have any plans for the house. Frankly we’ve been so busy making the house and Church comfortable that we haven’t even really thought that far ahead. Why, what are you thinking?” Markie asked her friend. “I want to move in with Jenna and my place really isn’t big enough for full time family living.” Sunny scratched her tanned cheek nervously. Markie punched her in the bicep. “Have you asked her and Spencer to come live with you?” Markie asked. Sunny smiled and nodded shyly. “Things have been so great with Jenna and they already spend so much time here… She wants to make sure Spencer is ready since he just moved in with her before she disrupts his life again.”

          Markie smiled happily at her friend. She knew that Sunny had wanted to make things more permanent with Jenna and was happy Jenna felt the same way. “
So anyhoo I just thought since the cohabitation isn’t going to happen right away; I had time to find a bigger and better place to live. That house would be perfect. Spencer could have his own room, its close to work for me, the diner and after care is right close for Spencer… its damn near the perfect location.” Sunny stated all the pros. Markie remembered Jenna telling Sona one time how much she loved that old Victorian but it needed a lot of work.

          Sunny stood
up and went to the fridge for another round of beers. She came back and sat down looking at her friend expectantly. “I love the idea Sunny but I’ll have to run it by Sona first. There are a lot of positives in fixing that place up and having it occupied. Not to mention having her best friend close by.” Markie’s grin was infectious. They discussed some more details about rental price, who would pay for repairs and upgrades and arranged to meet the next day for a preliminary walk through. ~


          Markie stomped into the kitchen where Sona was preparing dinner. She went right up to Sona and plastered her face with a dozen or more gentle kisses in quick succession. Sona knit her eyebrows together. “Markie!” Sona protested but not very convincingly. “What! I’m just giving my best girl some sugar and you’re only getting about a hundred more so don’t be greedy.” Markie teased before giving her another round of kisses. “Markie stop! You smell like beer and motor oil and you’re tracking muck on my clean floor.” Sona scolded. Markie laughed heartily.

          She walked back to the mud room to remove her B
irkies and wash her hands properly in the utility sink. “Sorry about the floor.” Markie said upon her return. “What’s up with Sunny?” Sona asked. “Oh she was asking about the old Cole house. She wants to rent a bigger place for Jenna, Spencer and herself.” Markie broached the subject trying to sound casual. “That house is a wreck.” Sona made a distasteful face. “Ya, but it’s just sitting there empty and with some repairs it could be a nice rental.” Markie stated trying to sound practical. “That remains to be seen. We don’t know what it’s going to take to make that old place livable.” Sona played devils’ advocate. “This place was a mess too when we bought it and look at it now.” Markie reminded Sona while gesturing all around her. “Hmph” Sona took some time to consider all the implications and she had to admit she liked the idea but she wasn’t about to tell Markie that… well not just yet. ”It doesn’t hurt to look into it I guess.” Sona put in her two cents. “Have Uncle Tullio take a look at it.” Markie smiled and nodded her agreement. ~


          Markie met Sunny at her workshop the next morning. “What’s under the tarp?” Markie asked. Sunny had delivered the pick-up to Tullio and moved the next project car into the workshop. A 1968 Impala four door sat waiting its turn to be revived and brought back to life. Through the open back roll up door Markie could see the space that it had occupied already had another vehicle covered in a tarp. “Oh that’s my secret project. I bought a car I’m going to fix up to give to Jenna.” Sunny looked positively giddy with delight. They lifted the tarp to reveal Sunny’s treasure.

          Markie couldn’t belie
ve what she was looking at, a 1934 Ford Sedan. Sunny’s face went slack momentarily in anticipation of her friends’ response. “Well what do you think?” Sunny asked hopefully. Markie walked around looking everything over inside and out. “Sunny.  Where the hell did you get this relic?” Markie asked not giving anything away. “I saw it on line and fell in love with it. Do you think she’ll like it?” Sunny asked again. “I’m going to modernize a lot of the systems so she’s more like a new car but still keeping her style and charm. I’m going to put in air conditioning, brakes and suspension.” Sunny told her friend. “Damn it Markie! What do you think?” Sunny finally blurt out impatiently. “It’s a damn Bonnie and Clyde car!” Markie responded. “Ya” Sunny smiled. “I’m going to paint it white with red and white leather interior.” Sunny said. “I love this car and if she doesn’t want it I sure as hell do. It’s an ambitious project though. It needs lots of upgrades just to make it road worthy.” Markie said.

          Sunny just smiled and nodded. “Well I could look at this beauty all day but I have things to do this af
ternoon. Let’s go check out that house.” Markie said helping Sunny replace the tarp. The house wasn’t as bad as Sunny expected when they did their inspection. The township had been renting it out until a few years ago when Sona and Markie took over the lease. It still had many of the old fixtures but Sunny felt that gave the old girl charm. The roof needed work and Markie wanted to have the heating, plumbing and electrical checked. She would call Uncle Tullio that afternoon and see if he could help out. ~

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