Read The Cyber Chronicles IX - Precipice Online

Authors: T C Southwell

Tags: #lost, #despair, #humanity, #precipice

The Cyber Chronicles IX - Precipice (3 page)

BOOK: The Cyber Chronicles IX - Precipice
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destroyed," the ship said.

"Exit battle

Once more the
dull booms and clangs reverberated through the ship, and Shrain
stepped from the shadows to say, "Overlord Ramadaus requests

Fairen nodded.
"Allow him." He turned to Kole and the two techs. "Leave us. Sabre,

Guards showed
the trio out, and Fairen stepped onto one of the seven pale circles
on the floor. A minute later, a shaft of golden radiance
illuminated the circle beside it.

appeared within it and turned to face his peer. "Greetings,

"And to you,

"A timely

"So it would
seem. Foolish of you to stay, when you couldn't harm them."

shrugged. "You have my gratitude. Why the veils?"

The young
Overlord removed his hood. "I had company. I have sent them

glanced at Sabre, his sallow, cadaverous face stiffening. "You
still have company."

"He's seen you

Why is he here?"

Fairen tilted
his head. "Could he not merely be visiting? He is, after all, my

"Perhaps. Is

"I think you
know why he's here."

The older
Overlord shook his head. "Not really."

"No, you don't.
But you should. Why did you give Myon Two a bracelet to study?"

hesitated, then smiled. "Very clever. I told you I would not stand
for him to live free, that's why I gave them one."

"And by doing
so, endangered every friend we have, including your own."

"They have no
reason to harm my friends."

"And yet, now
that they know how to open a bracelet, what's to stop them, or some
over-ambitious Cybercorp tech, from selling that knowledge to our

frowned. "The fear of reprisals."

"But I didn't
know Sabre had been abducted, because they left the bracelet on
Omega Five. How will you know, if your enemies do the same to one
of your friends now? They could have been abducted and killed
already, and you won't know about it. Or they could be kidnapped
and held to ransom, and you won't be able to find them and save

"No one would

"Not while they
wore a bracelet, no, because they could summon us to their aid, but
now... your friends are in danger too, and every friend of every
Overlord. The others will be angry."

"Myon Two won't
betray us."

"Of course they
will,” Fairen said. “But I'm on my way there now, to exact some
vengeance and justice for my friend's abduction. This you brought
on them, by giving them a bracelet."

"He wasn't
supposed to escape."

"And yet, he
did. So the universe keeps the balance. Now there will be
consequences. And I warn you, if Sabre dies, so will one of your
friends, perhaps both."

"They weren't
going to kill him," Ramadaus said.

"No, they were
going damage his brain, so they could burn him for sport, or
demonstrations. Some such barbarism. Whatever happens to him in the
future will happen to one of your friends, like for like. You
betrayed me, now you know what happens if you do it again."

scowled, but inclined his head. "The orbs?"

"Corsair battle
stations. Perhaps there are more. Only those of us with plasma
particle cannons can destroy them. I'll warn the others."

"This matter is

At Fairen’s
nod, Ramadaus stepped out of the light, vanishing, and the columns
of brilliance faded. In the screens, the Moth Ship had transformed
to its dormant state, the huge wings folded into a sleek
wedge-shaped vessel. Fairen sighed, rubbed his brow and went into
his private lounge. Sabre watched the Moth Ship disappear in a
coruscating shimmer of white light, sending out a rippling photon
and gravity shockwave, then followed.

The boy sat on
one of the soft white couches, and glanced up at Sabre’s entry,
looking tired.

Sabre settled
opposite and poured a glass of fruit juice from the decanter on the
low coffee table between the sofas. "Will that stop him?"

"Probably not.
He'll just make sure no blame can be assigned to him, then threaten
to kill any future friend I might have if I kill or cripple his.
When you take on an Overlord, you must expect a grim battle of
wills, even if you're an Overlord yourself. The only way I can
ensure your safety is if you stay with me."

"I'm sorry it's
causing you so much... strife."

"It's not your
fault that he's such a stubborn, selfish bastard."

Sabre leant
back. "This has been quite a day. Is it always this busy?"

"Yes, pretty
much. Sometimes I have a few quiet days, but not often. There are
about fifteen million stars in this galaxy, with ten planets each,
on average, and one per cent of them are inhabited. That's a lot of
people for just seven Overlords to oversee."

"Why don't you
build more ships and have more Overlords?"

"It's not a
shortage of ships; it's a shortage of Overlords. Of the seven,
currently only two have apprentices, and that's nowhere near
enough. Empaths are rare, and finding them is hard."

"You have
people searching?"

Fairen nodded.
"All the time. Too often we find them when they're too old. They
must be children, or at least young adults."

Sabre consulted
the control unit's clock. "We still have an hour to make it to Myon
Two before the enforcers."

"Yes." Fairen
raised his head and addressed the air. "Translocate to Myon

"You're not too

"If I don't do
this now, something else will come up. I'm fine." Fairen poured
himself a drink, this one a rich, lumpy brew, which looked like a
meal in a glass.

in one minute," Scorpio said, and the dull booms and distant groans
echoed through the ship once more.




Chapter Two


Atrashka looked up from the multitude of vidrecords and data wands
strewn across his polished ebony desk as his assistant burst into
his office, flapping his hands.

"Sir! Sir,
there's a..." The gangly, balding man gulped, looking hunted.

"A what?"
Atrashka demanded. "Spit it out, man, I hate guessing games."

"A..." The
assistant tapped a keypad on the Myon Two president's desk. The
vidscreen on the far wall came to life, and an announcer spoke in a
rapid, alarmed tone. The image that appeared was of a colossal
blood-red ship going into orbit over Myon Two's pearly globe, other
ships darting away from it.

The assistant
waved at the screen. "An Overlord, Sir."

Atrashka stared
at it, his stomach clenched. "The Red Death. Oh, god, what has some
fool done to piss off Overlord Fairen now?"

"It's the
Scorpion Lord, sir, the same one who -"

"I know.
Dammit! Get my best suit, hurry!"

The man ran to
the walk-in vry wood wardrobe and rummaged in it as Atrashka
stripped off his shirt, listening to the announcer.

"...Just seven
months ago, the Scorpion Lord threatened to destroy Myon Two if his
friend was not found. Now he's back, and speculation is rife as to
his reasons this time. Most feel that the Cyber Centre is to blame,
and are calling for an investigation into the goings on there.
President Atrashka will be summoned to face Overlord Fairen
momentarily, we expect, and once more will have to endure the wrath
of the most feared Overlord of all, known as the Red Death..."

switched the screen off. His assistant hurried over, clutching a
clean white shirt, blue and gold-striped tie and dark blue suit,
which Atrashka snatched from him and pulled on.




Fairen gazed at
the pale planet, his brow furrowed. Ships fled from orbits nearby,
moving into space to wait. They were forbidden to leave the
vicinity while an Overlord was there, but clearly wished to put as
much distance between themselves and the Scorpion Ship as they
could. Any ship attempting to leave would be destroyed, and they
knew it.

"Fear," Fairen
murmured. "That's how we rule. Look at them, scuttling like rats
from a light, riddled with guilt. I despise them more and

"Only the
guilty fear you. The Thaytans love you."

"True. Thaytans
are good people, contented and peaceful, artistic and gentle. But
if they transgressed and were punished, they would fear us

"Then they
would have reason to, and good people don't commit crimes."

Fairen sighed,
nodding. "My visit to Thayta was the first time an Overlord has
gone there."

"Then you
shouldn't feel bad that Myon Two fears you. They brought it on

"A few of

"Then they must
police their people better."

Fairen pulled a
face and turned away. "People are devious. Shrain, summon President
Atrashka, Cyber Host Research Department Head Jorran, and Host
Researcher Rond."

Shrain nodded,
tapping his com-link. "At once, My Lord."

"Send for the
enforcer commanders, and Sabre's companions."

"Yes, My

Fairen stepped
onto the shallow dais and pulled on his veiled hood. Adjusting the
voice distorter in front of his mouth, he sat on his
gold-ornamented onyx throne. Sabre went over to stand next to the
dais, glancing at Vorn, who stood in the shadows behind Fairen. The
four pedestal-mounted torches around the dais burst into flame and
the floating globes and curtain back lighting dimmed, increasing
the echoing chamber’s sinister air.

arrived first; the guards marched him in and made him stand on one
side of the room, where he fidgeted, tugged at his collar and
sweated. When the six enforcer commanders were brought in, Atrashka
stared at them with wide, horrified eyes. Kole and the two techs
entered next. They approached Sabre, eyeing the Myonars. Finally
Jorran and Rond arrived, looking dishevelled and scared. They were
brought to stand before Fairen, and bowed low, their eyes darting.
Jorran spotted Sabre and gaped at him.

Fairen sat
motionless for a full two minutes, giving everyone ample time to
absorb the enormity of their crimes and contemplate the possible
consequences. Jorran gulped and sweated, Rond cast pleading looks
at Estrelle and Martis. Atrashka looked sick and the enforcers
stood rigid, their eyes glazed.

Fairen raised
his head. "Judgement."

The voice
distorter made his tone low and menacing, and the word boomed
around the room, jerking everyone's attention to him. Atrashka
closed his eyes, looking ready to pass out. Jorran shifted as if he
wanted to bolt. Fairen waved a hand in a slow, graceful gesture,
and Sabre smiled, admiring the boy's poise and sense of the

"You are here
for judgement," Fairen said. "You have transgressed against me. The
penalty is death. The most senior enforcer commander may

silver-haired, distinguished-looking man stepped forward and bowed.
"My Lord."

"Who ordered
you to hunt the cyber you were told was stolen?"

Head Jorran, My Lord."

"The same man
who stands before me now?"

"Yes, My

Fairen waved a
hand. "Step back." He turned his head. "President Atrashka,

tottered closer with jerky steps, his face stiff, and bowed. "My

Fairen stood up
and wandered to the edge of the dais. "You fear me."

"Last time, you
threatened to destroy Myon Two."

"I did. I may
do so again, if it pleases me. You object?"

"No, My

Fairen tilted
his head. "I am an Overlord, Atrashka. Has that fact escaped

"No, My

"Yet it seems
to have eluded some of your minions. Did I, or did I not, forbid
you to hunt the former cyber known as Sabre?"

"You did, My
Lord, and I swear -"

Fairen raised a
hand. "Do not swear. Your minions disobeyed me. Sabre was captured
and taken to your laboratories, right here on Myon Two. Right under
your nose. You were unaware?"

"I was,

"You are a
pathetic excuse for a president, Atrashka . You are a puppet. You
speak the truth because you are woefully ignorant, which is the way
those who engineered this betrayal want you. You will resign."

nodded, sagging. "Gladly, My Lord."


retreated to his place beside the enforcers, mopped his brow and
shook with relief. Fairen turned to Rond, who stiffened as if
someone had stuck a red-hot poker up his backside, his eyes

Researcher Rond Delra," Fairen murmured. "What do you do in your

"I - we study
cyber hosts. Try to improve them."

"What does this

"Finding ways
to immunise them to all drugs, poisons and diseases, researching
new drugs to enhance their abilities -"

Fairen tilted his head. "Do you work for Jorran Parmal?"

"Yes, My

"And did he
intend to use drugs to damage Sabre's brain?"

Rond nodded.
"Yes, My Lord."

"And how did
you feel about this?"

"I - I hated
it, My Lord. It-it was wrong."

Fairen stepped
closer, bowing his head, then nodded. "The truth. So, given the
chance, you would have helped Sabre to escape?"

"Yes My Lord! I
- They didn't ask for my help."

Fairen turned
away. "Release him."

The guards
ushered Rond, who almost wept with relief, out, and the doors shut
behind him. Fairen wandered past the throne and made a complete
circuit of the dais before he stopped in front of Jorran.

BOOK: The Cyber Chronicles IX - Precipice
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