The Dance (41 page)

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Authors: Alison G. Bailey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Sagas, #Women's Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: The Dance
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My body jolted when his lips skimmed my inner thigh, alternating between nibbles and licks until reaching the top. With his face nuzzling between my legs, his fingers hooked around the top of my panties and slid them down. The combination of the silky lace and Hart’s strong hands gliding over my skin had me seconds away from detonating.

Holding me steady, Hart placed wet kisses along my other inner thigh and mumbled, “Lift your left leg.” I did, stepping out of my panties. “Now the right.”

My mind and body were aching to be consumed by him. I didn’t just want Hart inside of me, I needed him inside of me. Seconds later my wish came true.

Hart’s lips grazed my hipbone, kissing their way to between my legs. His tongue slowly licked from back to front before pressing flat against my center. A bolt of electricity broke through my total body vibrations. I hung on to the headboard as my knees shook. He spiraled his tongue into me, bringing me to the brink of insanity. I was in sensation overload, unable to process it. Shifting, I tried to catch my breath and my bearings. But Hart had such a tight grip on my ass, I was completely immobile. His tongue flicked in and out, each time pushing deeper and deeper.

Gasps, moans, and several cries of “Oh my god, Hart!” filled the room. My head was spinning so rapidly I was surprised anything remotely coherent came out of me.

I rested my forehead against the headboard as my vision blurred. I blinked several times hoping for clarity. When that didn’t work, I thought focusing on something different would help. I glanced down.

Bad move.

The site of blue-gray eyes peering up from between my legs while he sucked me off was my undoing. I squeezed my eyes closed. As my legs gave way, Hart’s massive arms wrapped around the back of my thighs. His tongue remained relentless, alternating between licking, sucking, and pushing farther inside as my body convulsed in pleasure. I sank my fingers into his hair and rode the longest and most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced in my life.

My body continued to spasm as Hart slowed down the pace, placing gentle kisses everywhere his lips could reach.

His nose glided over the bend at the top of my leg. “Are you okay?” The deep rumble of words sent a chill through me.

“I . . . I . . . uh . . . what the fuck was that?”

His laughter had my core vibrating.

Holding onto the edge of the headboard, I picked up my wobbly left leg and stepped over Hart. He held my hand as I lowered to the bed. When I was safely beside him, I blinked several times trying to clear my blurry vision. My entire body felt as if it were floating above the bed. Once Hart was in view, I noticed his scruff was wet with me. From deep down in the pit of my stomach hot energy surged giving my desire a second wind. I wanted him to feel how much he meant to me.

I cupped his face and drew him to me, devouring his mouth. Shifting forward, I brought my leg over and straddled him. His big hands ran up and down my back, setting my spine on fire. Both our moans got louder as I pushed deeper into his mouth. If it had been humanly possible, I would have disappeared completely inside of him. The feel of his hard dick rubbing between my legs only spurred me on.

Hart broke the devouring, gasping for air. “Nightstand. Top drawer. Loose.” The words came out stilted like a caveman.

I reached over, opened the drawer, and fumbled for what felt like a condom. Hart took it from me.

“Are you okay with me putting it on for you?”

“I’m more than okay with it,” he answered.

I tore open the foil packet and slid the condom out. Glancing up at Hart, I gave him what I hoped was a sexy smile. By the return look he gave me, I’d say mission accomplished. His hands continued to roam over every inch of my body. The breath audibly caught in his lungs as I slowly rolled the condom down. Placing my hands on Hart’s shoulders, I raised up on my knees.

I’d been so swept away by everything that I hadn’t thought about how it would be to have a new man inside of me. I expected to be nervous or even scared but I wasn’t. And even if I didn’t want to admit it, deep down I knew the reason was because this wasn’t just someone new, this was Hart.

Hart nuzzled into my breasts as I lowered myself onto him.

Perfect fit.

With our foreheads resting together, my hips slowly rocked.

“Is this okay?” I whispered.

Even though it was apparent Hart could definitely have an erection, I didn’t know what level of feeling he had.

“You’re perfect,” he said, pulling me to his mouth.

I couldn’t help but notice that he emphasized I was perfect.

The pressure soared as he throbbed inside of me. His fingers dug into my hair as mine planted themselves on his broad shoulders. I picked up speed, sliding up and down. While he was deep inside me, I did a slight roll of my hips that caused his head to drop back and his face to squeeze tight. A deep guttural moan rumbled in the back of his throat before his arms tightened around me and several intense jerks took over his body. The feel of Hart climaxing under me sent me over the edge. I thought the previous orgasm was intense but it didn’t compare to the one happening wrapped in his arms.

I pulled Hart to my chest, his arms enveloping me as the sporadic jerks slowly faded, replaced by steady trembles. We stayed in this position until the air transformed our hot sweaty bodies into quivering masses.

“You’re shivering,” he mumbled against my neck.

Neither one of us attempted to move. He reached for the comforter and pulled it over my back, cocooning us in our own little world. We spent several minutes exploring each other’s bodies.

My fingertips traced the outline of the black tribal tattoo wrapped around his bicep. “What does this symbolize?”

“A drunk night out with the guys.” He chuckled.

“And here I thought it had some deep spiritual meaning behind it.”

He placed a soft kiss on my collarbone. “Sorry to disappoint.”

“You haven’t disappointed me.” I tossed him a shy smile.

I directed my attention to the series of tattooed numbers. “Now these can’t be the result of a drunken night.”

His thumb was mindlessly making circles at the small of my back. “It’s the directional coordinates for Charleston. It reminds me that no matter where I’m at or what happens, I can always get back home.”

Staring into his smoky eyes, my fingertips prickled as they ran down the scruff peppering his jaw. I wanted to be Hart’s home. The safe person he turned to for strength, comfort, and support. I wanted to tell him that no matter what happens or where he finds himself, I’d always be here for him. But instead I bit down on my bottom lip, stopping the words from pouring out. We were just two friends helping each other out.

His gaze roamed to every corner of my face. “What?”

“What, what?”

“There’s something rolling around behind those gorgeous eyes.”

Yeah, I think I’m falling in love with you.

Tears pricked the back of my eyes.

I wanted to play it cool. Like a modern, free Carrie Bradshaw kind of woman. But I wasn’t any of those things.

Panic flashed across Hart’s face. “Bryson, why are you crying?”

Shaking my head, I brought my fingers underneath my eyes, wiping away the tears that had a mind of their own. “Ugh, I’m sorry for being such a girl.”

Hart moved in so close that there was no space between us. “You being a girl is one of my most favorite things about you.”

“Thank you for making me feel worth the effort.”

He pressed his lips to mine and whispered, “I hate that motherfucker for not being the man you deserved.” He paused, uncertainty crossing his face as he struggled whether to say his next words. “Bryson, from our very first moment you stole my breath and I’ve been trying to catch it ever since.”

I choked back a sob. “No one has ever said anything that beautiful to me before.”

“Well, the next guy who’s lucky enough to have your heart better or I’ll kick his ass.”

A large lump formed in my throat. Hart wanted to bring me back to the reality of our arrangement by making sure I knew he was only temporary.

I’m a true believer that we each have a soulmate. That one person you connect with on such a deep level that no words come close to describing it. I used to think Will was that person but I was so off track. Looking into his loving eyes, I knew without a doubt Hart was my soulmate. He was the person I was put on earth for. But just because that person exists somewhere out in the world doesn’t always translate into them being with you. People consider finding their soulmate to be the ultimate challenge in life. The challenge was not in the search. The challenge was being brave enough to let them into your life.


I floated slowly into consciousness. Turning on my back, I lifted my arms over my head stretching like a lazy cat that had been lying in the sun all day. The fatigue in my muscles was matched by the soreness. I pulled the soft comforter under my chin and snuggled back into the warm sheets. As my mind drifted, the memory of last night shot through me like a bolt of lightning. The looking, the touching, the dancing, the kissing, and the sexing.

One eye squinted open, widening with each roll as it took in my surroundings. I was at Hart’s house, in Hart’s room, lying in Hart’s bed naked . . . I ran my hand over cold empty sheets . . . without Hart. Inhaling a deep breath, I prepared myself for my very first walk of shame. I raised my arms above my head, stretching all the kinks out of my body from one of the most amazing nights of my life. Hart’s hands never left my skin as I curled into his side, lulling me into the land of dreams with his touch.

Sliding off the bed, I snatched up my clothes and darted into the bathroom. Since I wasn’t exactly schooled in the art of the morning after, I figured a quick and clean getaway was best. I set about to multi-task. As I took my morning pee, I slipped into my underwear and clothes. Then I headed toward the sink to splash cool water on my face. I sucked up enough courage to take a quick glance in the mirror.

Oh, not a good look.

My makeup was completely gone and my hair looked as if I’d stuck my finger in a light socket. I combed my fingers through the mess of twisted strands a few times, making it somewhat presentable. I grabbed one of the small disposable plastic cups that sat on the side of the sink and drank twenty of them, one right after the other. My gaze darted around looking for mouthwash or toothpaste but there wasn’t either beside the sink. I had to do something. My mouth tasted like a cat had curled up and died in it overnight.

I hated to rummage through any of Hart’s personal items but I had no choice. The second I opened the medicine cabinet I saw everything I needed for oral hygiene. Raising my hand to the toothpaste, my gaze inadvertently shifted to the right. I quickly shut my eyes and closed the cabinet but it was too late. I’d already seen the prescription bottle of Viagra.

After Hart told me the level of his injury, I did some research on spinal cord injuries. I wanted to know what he’d gone through and would have to deal with for the rest of his life. When the topic of sex scrolled across the screen, I couldn’t help but skim over the information. Depending on the level and whether it’s complete or incomplete, people with spinal cord injuries can lead healthy and satisfying sex lives. They just need a little help. If I didn’t believe it when I read it, I sure as hell believed it now after last night.

I squeezed a little of Hart’s toothpaste on my finger and sucked on it. I placed it back where I’d found it, eyes focused straight ahead.

Now for the hard part.

Cracking open the door slightly, I listened for any noise indicating Hart was near.


My shoes and purse were the only other items I needed and they were still in the living room. A sense of deja vu hit me.

Note to self: Next time I get drunk and naked at Hart’s, deposit all personal items in one spot.

I headed for the bedroom door, placed my hand on the knob, and inhaled a deep breath. Easing the door open, the delicious aroma of spaghetti sauce coming from the kitchen slapped me in the face as I heard the rumble of low voices coming from down the hall.

. . . with an
! My first sexual experience as a single woman was really going well. Top notch.

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