The Dark Enquiry (34 page)

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Authors: Deanna Raybourn

Tags: #Historic Fiction, #Mystery & Detective - Women Sleuths

BOOK: The Dark Enquiry
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  1. This novel sees the return of Nicholas and Julia to London, where they continue married life after an extended time away from the city. What are the most significant challenges facing Nicholas and Julia as they settle into domesticity? How does the setting influence the story?
  3. This period in history saw tremendous change in technology, in social interests, in the world in general. Describe some of these changes and how they affected Victorian life.
  5. With her lack of interest in domestic details, Julia is not a typical Victorian housewife. In some ways, she is not unlike a modern twenty-first-century woman. Do you agree and if so, what similarities do you find between Julia and the modern woman?
  7. Several new characters are introduced in this book—most significantly, Sir Morgan Fielding. Describe his relationship to the established characters and what role he might play in the future.
  9. What motivates Lady Felicity Mortlake?
  11. Does Plum’s presence in the enquiry agency change the dynamic of the working relationship between Nicholas and Julia? In what ways do you think Plum will be an effective enquiry agent?
  13. Nicholas reveals more of his past to Julia in this novel. What does he reveal and how might it affect their relationship? What do you think their marriage will be like in five years? In ten years?
  15. How do the Roma characters fit your perception of Gypsies? How do they differ? How does Granny Bones fit into the development of Nicholas’s character?
  17. What are the difficult lessons learned by Lord Bellmont in this story? Then, as now, it is not uncommon for men in power to acquire female relationships outside marriage. Why do you think this happens? Why would someone gamble so heavily on their future in this way?

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0766-0


Copyright © 2011 by Deanna Raybourn

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