The Darker Side of Trey Grey (31 page)

Read The Darker Side of Trey Grey Online

Authors: Tara Spears

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Gay, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Psychological Thrillers, #Genre Fiction, #Psychological

BOOK: The Darker Side of Trey Grey
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I worked on breathing, concentrated on Justin’s face, the feel of his hands on my neck, and nothing was helping. My legs started twitching. My fingers fluttered.

“Here, Is Trey sick?”

“Thanks. No, he’ll be fine. Go back to the kitchen please.”

She hesitated, biting her lip and Justin shot her a look. She left, wringing her hands.

“Roll over on your side.” He moved, and guided me over, then wiped off my back.

Oh God, sticky and crusty
. I started coughing, and swallowed several times.

“Are you going to be sick?” Justin asked as he stepped over so he was facing me again.

“Not yet,” I squelched out, hoping I was telling the truth as my stomach continued to roil.

“Come on, let’s get cleaned up.” He helped me stand and a pang through my side and gut caused a leg to give out. He grabbed me, putting an arm around my waist.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded, and he guided me back to the shower. I managed not to throw up thankfully. Justin scrubbed me down with a short bristled body brush, and lots of soap. By the time he was done I had quit shaking. He enclosed me in a towel and sat me on the toilet seat. I winced at the pain in my abdomen, and cradled my arms around, trying to support the sore area. I felt utterly useless. I didn’t understand. How could I do so well then have a breakdown all in the same day?

“I’m sorry, I always ruin things,” I said quietly, feeling a total burden to him.

“You’re doing it again. Quit fucking apologizing. That wasn’t so bad.”

He bent down, kissed my temple, and my whole body did something amazing. It relaxed. Justin felt it, and smiled benevolently.

“Thank you,” I said.

The radiance of his smile could have overwhelmed the sun.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I woke to Justin leaning over me unlocking my cuff. God, he smelled good. I stretched and winced. All the muscles up my side and across my abdomen felt like they had been beaten with a meat tenderizer.
. Who would have thought making love would be so hard on the body.

“What are you wearing?” I asked.

“A shirt and tie. Don’t tell me you’ve never seen them before?” He shot me a smirkish grin as he dropped the cuffs in his drawer.

I grabbed him around the waist, pulling him down. “Why do you smell so good?” I sniffed up his neck.
, he smelled like apple pie.

“You’re going to wrinkle me!” he admonished, sitting back up and straightening his tie. “Do I smell good? New body wash. Green apple.”

That explained his fabulous odor. Vanilla shampoo and green apple body wash. I’d have to remember that one. He leaned over to kiss me, and I snared him again, dragging him down on top of me. He screeched like a girl, while I manned up, ignoring the pain in my body so I could fondle his.

“Don’t mess up my hair!”

“Oh my God, my boyfriend’s a sissy.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“I have an admin thing today and I want to look nice. That does not make me a sissy.” He kissed me then started to get up. It was a crappy kiss.

“That kinda sucked.”

He grinned, giving me a proper kiss with tongue and everything. I was tempted to mess up his perfect blond spikes, but refrained by keeping my hands busy feeling his biceps and strong shoulders. He dressed up nice, really nice.

“Kelly’s waiting whenever you get your lazy ass up. Your bag’s already packed.”

“You know, I’m not an invalid. I could have packed my own bag. It’s just clothes and stuff.”

“And your medications.”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot those. The sedative seems to be working. I slept like the dead.” I shuffled into a sitting position and a sharp pang tore across my gut. I hissed and grabbed my midsection.

“What’s wrong?” Justin asked moving my arm so he could see my wound.

“I’m just sore. I think it’s that nick in my diaphragm.”

He blushed. “We probably overdid it yesterday. Remember to use your ointment and take it easy. If the pain doesn’t get better by tonight, I’ll come get you and take you back to the hospital.”

“I’ll be fine,
Kent. I have painkillers.” I grinned over his sour expression. “Hm, yeah, thanks for reminding me. I think we need to work on your schoolwork. Make it a priority this weekend.” If he didn’t start buckling down, he might not pass all his classes. He was already close to failing two of them, and I couldn’t accept that.

He rolled his eyes at me, yet conceded with a quick nod of his head. “I have to go. Call me tonight, and do me a favor, call me when you wake up too. Just for my peace of mind, okay?”

“I can do that.” I pulled him down, brushing my lips over his once more before letting him go. He ran in to the bathroom and checked his hair before darting out. I should have messed it up.                           

Kelly jabbered all the way across the bridge. Justin hadn’t given her a definitive answer on moving in yet, but it was assumed, and she relayed her plans for packing and what she needed to take to Goodwill. I let her ramble away as I gazed out across the dark blue waters of
Lake Washington. I could feel the smile on my face. I loved the times between Justin and I that came easily. Like this morning.

I watched the gulls swooping over the water, their simple minds only worrying about breakfast right now. What would it be like to live such a simple life of need? Forage, fuck, sleep, raise young. It sounded simple enough, except I would never raise young. The thought of having a son scared the shit out of me despite the fact I didn’t seem to have any pedophilic tendencies. A staggering number of abused boys grew up to become predators themselves, and I wasn’t willing to take the chance it might be in me lurking somewhere.

The lake disappeared, as North Seattle dove down upon us. Willie had been the ultimate predator. If I hadn’t been such convenient prey it would have been another boy, and unfortunately probably was now. Maybe several since we’d parted. Even when he had me, he was always staring, drooling, and licking his lips at doe-eyed boys. Willie hadn’t married my mother for my mother. He had married her to get to me.

It was all innocent enough in the beginning. Holding my hand everywhere we went, cuddling on the couch watching movies, buying me things, rubbing my back. Over a year of foreplay as I grew to trust him, and his desire burgeoned.

The U.W. campus came into view, and I turned away from the window having successfully wrecked my jovial mood. It was my own special talent, as if my mind couldn’t compute happiness so it deleted it the only way it knew how. With the morose virus that was my past.

Kelly pulled up to the front of my dorm and offered me a warm smile.

“Thank you for the ride,” I said as I leaned over to kiss her cheek. “Good luck with your appointment.” I reached for the handle.

“It’s just a tour of their design center today.” She made a face. “I’m not sure I want the internship after making this drive. Not my idea of fun.”

“You could always move over here.”

“Leave you boys? No way, you need me.”

I smiled a real smile at her. “You’re probably right. Just don’t get caught up in the mayhem. You need to live your own life too.”

She looked away. “I could say the same to you.”

I opened the door and stepped out. “I’m trying. See you this weekend.”

As I closed the Honda’s door I heard her say quietly, “I hope so.”

So did I

* * * * *

I entered my Honors seminar leaning on my cane for good measure, even though I didn’t need the thing. It wasn’t hard to look like I had been in an accident or attacked, since right now I felt like it. The cane just helped to complete the effect, not to mention the bruises still shadowing my face. I took a seat in front of the lectern rather than my normal offside location.

Here I was forced to pay attention, not to mention the instructor had a marvelous view of my injuries and discomfort. This being my only class today I figured I needed to make my presence known, and I seemed to have managed to do just that. Professor Greggor’s keen eyes kept glancing at me through his entire lecture.

* * * * *

Suitably hopped up on painkillers, I raised my hand to knock on Freddie’s arched door. It opened before my knuckles made the first rap. Freddie’s grin drooped the second he saw me.

“You look like crap.”

“Yeah, about that, no rough stuff, and we need to talk before we get started.”

He cast his eyes down as he stepped out of the doorway, gesturing for me to enter.

“Yes, sir,” he said meekly.

I shot him an amused sideway glance, his head was still down.


“Sort of, sir,” he answered.

I made my way to the breakfast bar and sat down. Freddie followed, keeping his eyes averted. I knew subservients came in all shapes and sizes, but seeing Freddie in sub mode was... different.

I handed him a copy of my most recent test results showing I was clean. He glanced at them then handed them back before sliding a sheet of paper over. I didn’t pick it up right away.

“Freddie, things have changed since we made this agreement. I made a promise to my boyfriend I intend to keep. I’m moving in with him after finals, and I promised to leave the sex trade at that time. You can have me for a month.”

Freddie looked up, giving me a blazing grin before bowing his head again.

“Sir, I can accept those terms.” He peeked up at me. “I met someone I rather like, and I think he likes me too.”

I nodded and smiled. “A Dom?”

“Yes, sir. We’ve played a few times, and he keeps calling on me.”

“I’m happy for you, Freddie. I hope it works out.” I petted his head, and he leaned into my palm.

“You too, sir. You need someone,” he said in a tone that told me he still wished himself to be that someone, regardless of his newfound master. I couldn’t figure out what he saw in me. But then, I didn’t know what Justin saw either.

“Let’s see what you want from me.” I picked up the sheet.

His mouth opened slightly as his cheeks flushed pink. Now he looked like a shy sub.

Freddie was incredibly easy, if not a bit kinky. A little pain, plus a major pony fetish, and he had
the gear. The page listed what he was capable of, how to cue his tricks, as well as how to discipline him if he became a rank stallion or tried to buck me off.

Which, I found out after saddling and mounting him, he did quite often. He wasn’t a very well trained pony. But he was fucking
. Every tap of the crop brought a buck that forced me to grab his flowing mane in order to stay on. The saddle really didn’t help me in that respect. An additional forceful whack had him behaving as he bolted madly off. We raced around the house until he was sweaty and huffing. I had a blast, and wondered if I could get Justin interested in this.

On the sheet were instructions on where to wash him, as well as how. I led him to the door that had been noted, and opened it. I had to close my gaping mouth. He had an actual wash rack in his playroom. I tied him to the ring set into the tile wall, pulled his saddle and protective leg boots, then turned the hose on him. He snorted and danced away, pulling on his reins. It was rather cold.

I adjusted the temperature, and he settled with a very real sounding nicker. I soaked him down then soaped him up with actual horse shampoo.

I smacked his hardening dick with my hand. “Put it away,” I told him per his instruction sheet. He softened. However, it proved to be an ongoing issue while I bathed him. I couldn’t blame him. I knew how much I enjoyed Justin’s ministrations in the shower.

I had to admit he was one pretty pony. His muscles rippled beneath his tawny coat (skin), and his golden mane hung almost to the tiled floor. Jesus, he had a lot of hair. Needless to say, he had lost the whole enigmatic Thor resemblance, which suited me. I didn’t need to be thinking about my youthful obsession while around him. I knew where that had taken me once, and once was enough.

After he was dry he became human again. He took me to his room, where he gave me a masterful massage that was almost as good as Gale the singing nurse’s. He became naughty and tried to hump me, which meant a spanking according to his instructions. But of course he knew that.

That was how we ended the play session, with him bare-butted on my lap. His rubbered cock was wedged between my thighs, while I spanked him with a studded glove. Five smacks with the glove, then I caressed his scratched behind. It was a nasty glove. He seemed to like it though, letting out long moans with every fall of my hand while he fisted the bedding.

“You can come,” I told him, and his whole body tensed then shuddered. How the hell someone became so disciplined as to come on command was a mystery to me.

He shuffled off my lap then kissed my feet.

“Thank you, sir,” he said, touching his forehead to the top of my feet before scurrying back into a full bow with his hands and elbows resting on the carpet. I wiped the massage oil off with the towel Freddie had provided, then got dressed. I petted his head, and I had to admit he was gorgeous with his chaffed behind, reddened thighs, and marks still present where his saddle had been.

“You behave,” I said as I headed for the door.

“I’ll try, sir.”

I chuckled softly, knowing he would hand me a list of infractions when I returned next week.

As I drove home I had to confess to myself that I liked playing with Freddie. I’ve had tons of clients who wanted pain play, but the experiences have never been as enjoyable for me as today’s.

 Whoever had trained Freddie had done an incredible job. His misbehaviors were part of the scene he had wanted with me, but I was sure with a more experienced master they didn’t come into play.

I wished we had met earlier. Not because I would have been tempted into a relationship, but rather I knew after a few sessions I would have run from the Avenue into an exclusive contract with him. The man was fun.

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