The Darker Side of Trey Grey (7 page)

Read The Darker Side of Trey Grey Online

Authors: Tara Spears

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Gay, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Psychological Thrillers, #Genre Fiction, #Psychological

BOOK: The Darker Side of Trey Grey
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“I don’t do this... I never do this, but... will you come home with me?” Freddie asked, his hand stilling.

“Can I fuck you?”

“Yes.” His breath whispered the word through my hair and “IT” came fully awake. I was sure it was the alcohol talking, but I wanted him and I never wanted anyone.

I heard myself say, “Yes.”

When the blast of cool briny air hit me I regained some reason.

“Freddie, you have to bring me back here when we’re done. No exceptions, understand?” I told him while we waited for the valet to bring his car around.

“Sure,” he replied.

“Freddie, no exceptions,
no matter what

“Trey, I got it. No exceptions. Back here when we’re done.” He tilted his head, sealing his promise with a kiss and some tongue. When he pulled away, I bit and held his lower lip for a second before releasing him.

“I’m serious,” I said. 

He bowed his head, nodding earnestly, and I let my inhibitions slip to the pavement just as a black Masserati pulled up to the curb in front of us.
Fuck even his car was sexy.

Chapter Five


“Jesus, Trey, I wasn’t enough so you jacked off in your sleep? That’s a bit of a slap in the face.” The masculine voice pulled me forward into a state of grogginess.

I tried to clear out the nightmare remnants from my head, but they were pulsing in and out of existence with the resident pounding there.
Drunk asshole, jacked me off while I slept. Fucking rapist. That’s all you are, Willie.
Oh man, my head hurts.

A very real hand traveled down my thigh, and I snapped to the present. My mind stumbled, and then twisted in horror as I felt the slime stuck grotesquely to my hand and belly.
Oh God.
I moaned and right then I realized there was a man moving suggestively against my back. His hard-on was pressed into my ass crack, leaving a damp streak where it touched me. I started to gag, and clambered from the bed as everything lurched around me. 

My palms pressed into my eyes. I felt something wet and sticky on my cheek and eyelid and pulled my hands down. I started to gag and grabbed my stomach. The feel of semen on my belly caused an instant reaction and I retched violently onto the dark blue carpet.

The man uttered something I didn’t catch through the keening in my ears and head. I straightened, letting the drool trickle down my chin, too afraid of what was on my hands to wipe it off. I looked at the stranger staring at me.

“Who the fuck are you? Where the fuck am I?” My voice cracked.

I shuddered and looked wildly around the room. It was grey and blue, expensive... I had never seen it before. How had I gotten here? The blond man shook his head as he gave me a dumb look.

“Shit... Trey, buddy, you had a lot to drink last night.”

My eyes snapped to the stranger. “Where the fuck are my clothes?”

“Calm down. Probably in the living room where we took them off,” he said with a coy smirk. 

An icy shiver ran all the way to my toes at that implication, and the room began to spin.
Oh God what happened?

“You fucked me?” I squeezed out through a tightening jaw.

“Not exactly.” He blushed, and for a moment I thought I recognized him then it flittered off before I could grab hold of who he was.

What the hell does
not exactly mean
? Everything around me wavered. Not my room. Why wasn’t I in my room? I should be in my room!

I have to get home. That’s all. I’ll be okay once I get home. I stumbled forward, out the door into a long white hall and ran down the hardwood. Door. I needed the door. But there were only small interior doors here. I needed a big door. There... a big arched wooden door.

When I reached it, the scene in the living room hit me like a fist to the gut. Clothes, some of them mine, and brown couch cushions were scattered all over the floor. I noticed a pink condom next to one of the cushions harboring a dried dribble of... I covered my mouth. “Mmmm.” I spun away from the debauchery, slamming into the door. I grabbed the handle and heaved, but it didn’t move. I kept tugging, and tugging, but it refused to budge.

  Focus.  Focus.
I banged my head against the door.
Locked. Probably locked.
Glancing down I grabbed the deadbolt, twisted and the door flew into me, crashing into my face. Everything began to dim.
The word screamed in my head, reviving me. As I removed my hand from the lever, the skin stuck and I shot forward, gagging. I made it to the portico before doubling over and vomiting onto the slate.

Something lashed tightly around my waist and I swung hard, connecting with the strangers face, and I was freed. I bolted away, fell down the stairs, hit wet stone, and clambered up.
Where the fuck am I?

Grass, water, a bridge, I spun around and saw another bridge. I was facing
Mercer Island. I-90. North, I have to go north. My fists banged into my head.
I swung left and my feet began to move, and soon I was running through the rain to safety. To my room. I just needed to get to my room.

* * * * *

I smelled soot, felt the warmth, and heard the crackling of a fire. It took me several long confusing seconds to swath out the after effects of whatever drug was hazing my mind. Then several more to recall a few tidbits of what had happened to put me here. My limbs were heavier than my eyelids, and my mouth was viscid.

“You drugged me,” I croaked to the man sitting on the arm of the couch watching me apprehensively. He relaxed the moment I spoke.

“I didn’t, but yeah, the doctor did. You were going to hurt yourself.” He sighed heavily. “Trey, what the hell was that?”

Snippets of a terrified escape swam through my head.

“Me. That was me.” I struggled to sit up and moaned. As I clenched my head in my hands, waiting for the washy feeling to subside, I filtered through the scant memories there. The club, Molly, Molly’s brother Freddie... that was it, that was what I was looking for in there. I went home with Freddie and what? I shook my head to clear it and cringed. That was stupid. I knew better than to move after someone sticks a needle in me.

“Water?” I asked without moving.

Freddie shoved a bottle of water into my line of sight, which I had solidly on the black and brown rug under my feet. I swallowed down a third, then recapped it and set it next to my bare feet. I looked curiously at what I was wearing, and swallowed a groan. I refused to freak out. The big grey Athletics t-shirt and baggy black sweatpants smelled fresh and clean, yet I was wearing someone else’s clothes and I didn’t know a damn thing about the person that normally inhabited them.  

“What happened?” I asked, to take my mind off the clothes.

I couldn’t seem to recall anything after... fuck... the car, his sexy car and, I think, sex on his car. I scrunched up my face trying to remember, but only succeeded in making my head hurt more.

“I don’t really know. You went off the deep end, I think,” he said, his tone quiet.

“How deep did I go, Freddie?” I glanced at him without moving my head. 

He turned away, rubbing his hand across his mouth and chin. A purple bruise cuddled along the outer edge of his eye, and caressed his cheekbone.
Aw crap.
I must have hit him.

“I’d say you jumped off the high dive, Trey.”
  He brought his eyes back to me and narrowed them. “You scared the shit out of me. You don’t remember any of it, do you?” 

I shook my head still encased in my hands. “It’ll come back. It always does.”
  I dropped my hands as I glanced at him, cringing I lifted a hand and gently touched the bruises. “I did that, didn’t I?” 

He nodded and smirked at me. “You have a pretty good left hook when you’re out of your mind.”

“Shit. I’m sorry... and thank you for not calling me crazy.”

“You’re not crazy. You’re just— do you see a therapist?” he asked tentatively.

“I’ve seen several. They prescribe pills, but they’re just a band aid.”

Freddie chuckled lightly. “Mm, yeah, that’s what the doctor did. They’re on the breakfast bar.” He waved a hand towards the kitchen.

 “Doctor? You took me to a doctor?” I asked incredulously, then remembered he had said that before and I missed the implication.

“Nooo. He came here. Gave you a shot to calm you down and took some blood. I couldn’t picture you in my car. It wouldn’t have been pretty if you regained consciousness while locked in there.”

“No, I suppose not. I like that car. It would have been a shame to see it wrecked.”

“You remember that?” Freddie smiled shyly as he turned away.

Shit, I think he might be blushing
. I did remember, in sudden and vivid detail now. Kissing, bodies molded together, fervent hands, and throwing him across the hood of the Masserati then a satisfying, sweaty, wild fuck while I... I held him down.
Oh God.
I shivered at the garbled vision of rape in my head.

“Are you... are you okay?” I asked hesitantly, actually horrified and very much afraid of what I had done.

“You mean other than the black eye?” He chuckled.

“Freddie, I’m serious. What did I do to you last night?” I swallowed down the bile trying to rise. He stared at me, realizing I was in fact serious.

His lips quirked and he rubbed his jaw. “Trey, do you really think you could do anything to me I didn’t want done?”

I opened my mouth then closed it. He had a point. He could toss me across the room if he wanted to, and my doing anything to him without his consent was much less likely.

“You like to be forced?” The idea was outrageous to me, but then Freddie probably didn’t have my background.

“No, I like to be controlled. And you do that in a very satisfying way,” he said softly, eyeing me fondly before he shifted uncomfortably and turned towards the fire.

I groaned as more of last nights debacle crawled into the light. My hands began to itch for my brush as the memories crept forward. I could feel my body tensing. None of it was good. Fucking on the couch, in the shower, a nasty studded flogger and more rough play in his bed before we passed out in that very bed. I began to shake, and tried to cage the beast, but it was too late. The sedative must be wearing off.

“What pills did he prescribe?” I asked, bringing my knees up and hugging my arms around them.

Freddie stood up. “I don’t know.” He rattled the bottle. “Lithane.”

I shook my head swiftly. “Do you have any alcohol?” Lithium and I did not have a good relationship. Once she got herself into my system she liked to torment me with macabre hallucinations.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said.

“Do you want to see me freak out in an all new way?” I asked, turning my head to him.

“I suppose not.” He opened a cabinet over the stove exposing a small liquor stash. “Once was enough. What do you want?”

“Vodka or whiskey works. At least a double.” I curled up and clutched my stomach in an attempt to stop it from rollicking about. I could do this. I’d managed
before in public.

He handed me a tumbler half-full of gold liquid. I sat up long enough to toss it back. “Thanks. I think it’s time for me to leave. I can call a cab.”

“I’ll drive you back to the club, but I think you should eat something first. I’ll make you a sandwich while you change. Pastrami okay?”

The thought of climbing back in my clothes after last night made me blanch.

“Yeah, one of my favorites. I think I need more alcohol though.” I rose off the couch and swayed.

Freddie gripped my arm as he took the glass from my hand. “I don’t think so.”

“It’s not the alcohol, it’s the sedative,” I snapped without meaning to. “Sorry, but you won’t want me here when everything wears off.” I looked around for my clothes and spotted them neatly folded on an oval occasional table near the stone fireplace. My smokes, cash, and the Temptations card sat on top of the pile.

“They’re clean. Dr. Soberg said it might be a good idea to wash them, since we didn’t know what set you off,” Freddie informed me quickly. He must have caught my apprehension.

Dr. Soberg was a smart man. “Thank you.”

He gestured towards the hall. I retrieved my clothes and headed to what I assumed was a bathroom.

I smiled as I flipped on the light in his guest bath. The warm wood and white room was pristine. Well, save for the long legged spider near the skylight.

As I sat on the toilet I noticed the scrapes down my shins and across my knees. I twisted my stinging arms around seeing they were banged up too. A large Band aid covered my right elbow. He had taken better care of me than I deserved, that was for sure. He could have called the cops, probably should have, and I wondered why he hadn’t.

I headed back into the main room, noting the hardwood floor was immaculate, as was the rest of the house from what I could see. Either Freddie was a clean freak or he had a very good maid. I assumed the latter. I set his clothes down on the same oval table.

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