The Darkest Kiss (34 page)

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Authors: Gena Showalter

BOOK: The Darkest Kiss
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Would nothing go right?

It seemed a pall had settled over all the warriors. He'd learned that Paris had returned from Greece a broken shell of a man. Paris refused to talk about it, though, so no one knew what had happened. The warrior would soon be leaving for the States to join Gideon as planned, but Lucien couldn't help feeling guilty that
was the one who'd told the others not to worry about Paris. With the delay, that haunted look, something had clearly gone wrong.

Aeron and Reyes were in the States themselves, though no one had spoken with either and didn't know what was happening with them. Which, in turn, meant no one knew what had happened to Danika and her family. Lucien sighed. The other warriors were still searching for signs of the other Hydras. So far, no luck.

Lucien should be out there, searching with them. At the very least, he should be helping Paris recover from whatever had happened to him. That's the way things had always been. Something happened, and Lucien fixed it as best he could. But he couldn't leave Anya. Wouldn't. She was his life.

Unfortunately, he could not seem to fix her, either.

She remembered neither Maddox nor Ashlyn, though the couple visited her every day to thank her for what she'd done for them. She would listen, seem to soften for a heartbeat, but still her memories did not return. He'd even given her the lollipops she loved to no avail. What more could he do?

“I love you,” he told her.

“Well, I hate you. Let me go!” The bars rattled as she shook them.

He dropped his head into his waiting hands. “You are not going to remember me, no matter what I do. Are you?”

“Go fuck yourself.” She slammed her fist through the bars and into the back of his skull. “I will not be your slave. Do you hear me! I'm no one's slave.”

With a heavy heart—and wanting to die all over again—he stood and unlocked the door.

At first, she simply stood there, looking at him. “Why are you so sad? Why are you freeing me?”

“I cannot bear to see you imprisoned.”

“Why?” Not waiting for his answer, shaking her head and keeping as wide a berth as possible between them, she stalked from the cage and turned narrowed eyes on him. “What's wrong with me? Why do I hurt at the thought of leaving?”

Tears ran down his cheeks, and he scrubbed them away. He didn't dare hope. Not yet. “I am your mate.”

“I have no mate.” She marched toward him, fury in her crystalline eyes. Along the way, she swiped one of the daggers he'd set on the nightstand. “You're going to pay for locking me up.”

Seeing her like that, a memory clicked into place. She'd once stood before him exactly like this, telling him about the cage. Whoever was inside had to do exactly as the owner commanded.

Even kill yourself?
he'd asked.

she'd answered.

It was so simple, really. Scowling, she lunged at him. Careful not to hurt her, hopeful for the first time in days, he knocked the blade from her hand and grabbed her, flashing into the cage, then flashing himself out before she knew what was going on.

She screamed at him as he locked the door. “I'll kill you for this! What kind of sadistic mind game are you playing?” Her gaze snagged on his tattoo, which was pulsing black and red. She blinked as though mesmerized, lost some of her fury. “Pretty.”

Maybe she was remembering. Hope intensifying, he gripped the bars and stared at her. “Sit down, Anya.”

She fell on her ass and glared at him, resentment back in her eyes. It was working. She opened her mouth to yell, but he said, “Be silent, Anya.”

Her lips pressed together. The resentment became utter fury.

If this failed…

“Remember me, Anya. Remember our time together. I command you to remember.”

Her eyelids squeezed shut, and she gasped. Her features contorted, as if in pain. She fell to her back and curled into a ball, clutching at her temples.

“Anya!” he shouted, concerned, swinging open the door and crouching beside her.

A long while passed as she writhed, moaned and cursed, clawing at her head. He held her, muttering soothing words, hating himself.
What have I done to her?
The woman had given up everything for him.

Finally, though, she stilled. A fine glaze of sweat slicked her skin. Shadows had formed half-moons under her eyes.

“I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I'll let you go, but don't expect me to forget you. We're bonded. I'll be on your trail, doing everything in my power to win and romance you. So prepare to see a lot of me. I love you too much to let you go.”

“Like I'd ever allow you to let me go. You're mine. I love you, too, Flowers.” Her dark lashes swept up, her eyes suddenly shining with love. “Gods, I'm so glad that you're alive.”

Such astounding happiness skipped through him, he was shaking as he crushed her against his chest. “Anya, sweet Anya.”

“I love you so much,” she said.

He buried his head in her neck, inhaling her strawberry scent. “Thank the gods, Anya. I was dying inside every time you looked at me as if I were a stranger.”

She kissed and nipped at his face, her hands tangling into his hair. “I thought I'd lost you.”

“You gave up everything for me.”

“Well, that's because you're the most important thing in my life.”

He squeezed her tightly and flashed onto the bed with her still in his arms. Somehow, some way, he would find a way to restore her powers. Maybe putting her back inside the cage and commanding her to regain them would work. If not…“I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

Grinning, she wound her legs around his waist. “That was always my plan. Now, catch me up on what's been happening.”

He, too, grinned. Never, in all of his life, had he been so happy. He told her what he knew about his friends. “William escaped the mountain and has healed. He followed us here and wants his book. I have not allowed him inside the fortress, but he calls me every day.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Oh, I'll give him the book, as promised. Later. I might rip out a few pages first, but accidents happen.”

“He has apologized countless times and his sorrow seems genuine. Mostly, I just want him gone, and he won't leave until he speaks with you.”

“Later. Right now, you're going to make love to me.”

Lucien's grin widened as he slowly stripped her, savoring the sight of her luscious curves and creamy skin. “You're going to wed me, yes?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Good. I know the perfect spot for our honeymoon.”

“The paradise where you almost died?” Her hands worked desperately at his clothing.

“No. Paradise is right here.” He slid two fingers deep inside her.

Moaning, she arched her hips into him. “Then where?”

“There are three more artifacts to find. Most of the warriors are out searching for them. Except for Reyes, who went in search of Aeron and Danika.” In and out he pumped. “Are you up for another treasure hunt?”

“Always.” She rolled him over and impaled herself on his shaft. Both of them groaned at the heady pleasure. “But I've already found the only treasure I'll ever need. And speaking of treasures, what are we going to do with the cage?”

“Keep it. Now that you remember me, there are a few things I'd like to do to you inside it.”

“Mmm, me like. And maybe later we can try and help my dad regain
memory. He and my mom deserve a little happiness after all they've endured.”

“A noble idea.”

“Enough talking. I believe you had some plans for me….”

He was grinning happily as he worked them both over the edge.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-4708-6


Copyright © 2008 by Gena Showalter

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