The Darkslayer: Chaos at the Castle (Book 6) (53 page)

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, Son,” she sobbed, turning to walk away.

“But Mother,” he said. His eyes turned black. Brows buckled. Lips
curled. “You can’t kill me, Vee-Man.”

Venir held Tonio
’s head out over the vat of fire. “Maybe you can’t be killed, but I bet you’ll burn, Brat.” He pitched him over the rim.



“The city holds for now,” Corrin said,
taking a good look at the present company. “The Royals finally got off their arses and stirred a fight. I think the collapse of Castle Almen lit a fire under them.”

Lorda Almen was crying on the bench by the fountain

Melegal caressed her
head. The woman had lost her home. Her entire family. He felt bad.

Where to now, Melegal?” Venir said, drinking from the fountain. “You want to stay and fight, or do you want to go?  You should have left for the City of Three last time, you know.”

“Just a moment,”
Melegal said in Lorda’s ear, releasing her petal-soft hands.

He limped his way over to Venir.

“Itching to see your family are you, Vee?” he said, smiling.

Venir stopped drinking and said, “What family?”

Splash! Splash! Splash! 
“Help!” Lorda Almen sounded like she was drowning. “Detective!”

Turning, he saw Haze had Lorda’s head stuffed down in the water.
He hobbled over. Pulled her away.

ripped a long blade across Melegal’s chest.

“Are you mad?” he exclaimed, twisting the dagger from her hand.

She slapped his face. “I’m a one-man woman, and you’re a one-woman man. Got that?”

He snickered
. “Absolutely, my Lorda.”

“Good,” Haze said, “and I want to go to the City of Three. You promised me.”

“No, I did—”

She glared at him.

“I suppose I did.”

Corrin then said, “You aren’t going anywhere
. The city’s under siege out there.”

“You ever been out of the city before, Corrin?”


“You want to leave?”

“No, I’m going to stay and fight.”

Creed step
ped alongside Corrin. “This is where I’ll be, as well.”

“This is where you’re supposed to be,” Venir said.

“And what about me?” Lorda said, slinging her dripping wet hair over her shoulder.

Creed put his arm around her
. “You’re coming with me. The Bloodhounds can always use another queen.”

The wizards approached.

“Get all the gear you can handle, men,” Boon said. And then he noticed Haze’s glare, “and woman. The underlings aren’t going to let us congregate here forever. I can teleport you miles from the city, but you’re on your own after that.”

“I said I
would never leave Bone again,” Melegal said, shaking his head. “And I’m still certain you’re the root cause of all this, Venir.”

Limping towards the black dimension doors
, Venir said, “Well, at least you have someone to blame. And what family are you talking about?”


Somewhere far away, the Elga bugs came. Slim’s body went.


Master Sinway waited on his throne. Catten, Verbard and Kierway never arrived. He petted one of the Cave Dogs at his side and said, “This isn’t over. It’s just begun.”






Brak’s oversized body held tight on the reins of Quickster as they rode into the City of Three. The poison had passed. He lived, but was far from back to himself again yet.

“Don’t worry, Brak. We
’re almost there. We can get you a bed, healing and a comfortable room. And the stew you’ll eat! As soon as you smell it, your mouth will water,” Georgio said.

Georgio had been nicer to him since he almost died. But that probably had more to do with the City of Three than actual concern.

He wiped from his face the mist that blew in from the massive waterfalls he could see in the distance.

“Isn’t that beautiful, Brak!” Jubilee said. “I’ve never even imagined anything like it. Billip, can we go there?”

“Yes,” Nikkel said, “can we go there?”

“Soon enough. But I’m getting a gullet full at the Magi Roost first!” Billip said, smiling underneath the grit and sand that covered his face.

“I’m filling both my gullets!” Georgio said.

“You don’t even know what a gullet is,” Nikkel said, laughing.

“I do too.”

“What is i
t, then?” Jubilee said.

it’s your belly.”

Jubilee and Nikkel looked at each other and laughed.

“Isn’t it?”

’s mood lightened when they saw the city. Even Brak, who still felt as feeble as a kitten, felt better for it. He looked once up and down at the tall towers whose spires seemed to reach the clouds, but he wasn’t impressed. He just wanted to rest. He was wondering about his father, Venir. He hadn’t had any dreams about him lately. 
Maybe he’s dead.

“This is i
t,” Billip said, stopping in front of a building where a sign hung that read in bright letters,
Billip started dusting himself off. “Joline will kill me for going in there like this.”

Georgio took off his boots, poured the rocks out and banged them together. He took a deep draw
through his nose. “I can taste the stew already.” He sniffed again and made a funny face. “And something else.”

One at a time, Billip leading the way, they entered.

“Welcome, Travelers,” a tall husky woman said. “Have a seat, and I’ll get you some help.”

Brak saw Billip and Georgio’s hands fall to
their sword belts.


“Just who in Bish are you?” Billip said, “
And what have you done to this tavern?”

The Magi Roost was darker and filled with a seedier sort of characters. All the long robes and noses were gone
. The smell of cheap wine and ale was in the air.

“And how did such an unattractive woman get in here? Where’s Kam?” Billip demanded.

“Oh,” the wom
an leaned over Billip with her hands on her hips. “You’re one of her friends, are you?”


It was Joline. She ran up and threw her arms around him, tears streaming down her face. “You’re alive. I’m so glad you’re alive.” She kissed his cheek, then whispered in his ear. “But you need to get out of here.”

!” a man sitting the bar said in a warning tone.

Billip gawped at him. He’d never seen such presence in a man before. Handsome, refined, distinguished
, with eyes as blue as water.

“Don’t dally with Darlene’s patrons. She’s likes to welcome them.”


“I’m hungry, Joline,”
Georgio said, patting Joline on the back.

She shook her head
. “You’ve changed so much, Georgio. You’re a full grown man.”

“Ah, I haven’t been gone that long. Where’s Kam?”

“Just grab a table,” Joline said, “I’ll get her.”

“Mercy!” Darlene bellowed, “Get the
se folks a table!”

Mercy scampered over, chin down
, and led them to their table.

“How have you been, Mercy?” Georgio said, hitching his arm over his chair
and smiling.

“Georgio?” She seemed to wake up from a daze. “Georgio!” She sat down on his lap and hugged him. “I thought you’d never come back!
” She whispered in his ear. “Just stay away from them.” Her eyes flittered towards the woman Darlene and the man at the bar.

“Who is that
?” he said. “I can handle him.”

“No, no,” she said, grabbing him by the collar. “Just leave them be
, and they’ll leave you be.” She hopped off his lap. “I’ll get you stew, to start.” She eyed all of them. “And a big bowl for you, Georgio.” She saw Brak. “And one for your friend, too.” She patted Billip on the head. “I’m so glad you’re back. So glad!”

s something spooky going on here,” Billip said. “I don’t recognize any of these people.”

“Seems alright to me,” Jubilee said, looking around. “Say, who’s the beautiful lady with
only one hand up there? That’s kinda sad.”

“What? There’s no one in here with one hand
,” Georgio said, looking around. “Kam!”

She stood on the balcony in a long green dress, sunken eyed and waving her one
-handed arm.

“Do you know her?” Jubilee said.

Billip said in disbelief, “What in Bish is going on here?”




Unfortunately, the ending is never as much fun as the journey.

This book was a challenge. The hardest one I ever
wrote.  I hope the ending wasn’t a let-down. Most endings are tough and rushed. That’s why I ended the other books as I did, with cliffhangers. I think of this book as one big long ending. I hope it worked.

As for the series, I decided to wrap up
this Darkslayer with this 6
book.  It was time. I think readers wanted some resolution. That’s what made it so difficult. I had a bunch of characters spread out all over Bish. That said, I didn’t want to end it. Originally, I wanted this to be an ongoing saga, but I spread myself too thin and my writing was suffering for it. This segment of Venir’s life ends. But it feels good for me, finishing a full-length fantasy series.

ear not, Darkslayer fans. I have a plan.

The adventures of The Darkslayer, whoever it may be
, will continue. Venir and Melegal will not retire. I’m going to consider two new series written simultaneously. One taking place with Venir, Melegal, Georgio, Brak, and Kam all over BISH. The other taking place with the new Darkslayer, Creed, just in BONE. I might go back to the past of Venir and Melegal as well. The books will each be shorter, so I can get them out quicker, and I’m going to alternate between them.

This way
, I hope to crank out a new book every 2 months. But, as of Oct 2013, I have to finish my other fantasy series, The Chronicles of Dragon, first.  So we’re looking at another year from now before the next Darkslayer book. Sorry.

But at least I have a plan. Just pray I stick to it.

Next. THANK YOU! It has been my pleasure writing for you! Your support is a dream come true to me. My goal is to improve and write even better stories for you, but don’t hold me to that. That way you won’t be disappointed.  ; )

Again, check in with me at The Darkslayer Report by Craig on Facebook. I want to hear what you thought of this series. And if you have time, I’d appreciate a sincere review.


Fight or Die,


Craig Halloran



Craig Halloran is a veteran, husband and father. He enjoys sports (mostly football), working out, fishing, writing, watching TV and entertaining mankind. His books are filled with endless action, exciting characters and compelling stories. He resides with his family outside of his hometown of Charleston, West Virginia. When he isn’t writing stories he is seeking adventure, working out or watching sports. To learn more about him go to:


Other works by Craig Halloran

The Darkslayer: Wrath of the Royals (Book 1)

The Darkslayer: Blades in the Night (Book 2)

The Darkslayer: Underling Revenge (Book 3)

The Darkslayer:  Danger and the Druid (Book 4)

The Darkslayer: Outrage in the Outlands (Book 5)

The Darkslayer: Chaos at the Castle (Book 6)

The Chronicles of Dragon: The Sword, The Hero and the Dragons (Book 1)

The Chronicles of Dragon: Dragon Bones and Tombstones (Book 2)

The Chronicles of Dragon: Terror at the Temple (Book 3)

Zombie Day Care:  Impact Series: Book 1

Zombie Rehab:  Impact Series:  Book 2

It's Not Him; It's them


In the works by Craig Halloran

The Chronicles of Dragon:
Clutch of the Cleric (Book 4)

The Darkslayer: Hunt for the Brigand Queen (A short Darkslayer novel)

Zombie Warfare: Impact Series: Book 3


Connect with him at:

Facebook:  The Darkslayer Report by Craig

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