The day after: An apocalyptic morning (88 page)

BOOK: The day after: An apocalyptic morning
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              "I'm learning that now," she said. "I'm learning it. And I want to thank both of you for everything you've done for me. You two have literally saved my life."

              Paul leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. "It seems like it was a life worth saving, wasn't it?"

              Jack, not used to imbibing in alcohol and marijuana, particularly not after a stressful mission into potentially hostile territory, was dozing on the couch early that evening. He was bundled up in a blanket, sleeping peacefully four feet from the blazing fireplace when the sound of the front door opening awoke him. He yawned and looked at his watch, seeing that it was 6:30. Stacy was home right at her usual time. He smiled as he sat up, feeling his penis stiffen up in anticipation of a later sexual escapade. Since their first night together nearly a month before, he had learned much about the ways of pleasing a woman and had come to crave that pregnant body like a drug. Fortunately the raging hormones in Stacy made her just as horny and allowed her to keep up with the considerable demand. There was hardly a night that went by that they didn't make love at least once.

              "Jase," she called from the formal living room, "are you here?"

              "I'm here," he answered, putting his feet on the floor and standing up. He headed towards the front door, intending to meet her halfway to give her his customary hug and kiss of greeting.

              When he got there however, he discovered that she was not alone. Sara, her working companion from the cafeteria, was standing next to her, hanging her rain slicker on one of the hooks.

              "Hi, Jase," Stacy said, walking over and giving him a kiss on the mouth. The tip of her tongue slid out and touched his for just an instant. "Sara wanted to stop by and visit for a bit. I hope you don't mind."

              "No, not at all," Jack said politely, although he really wanted to be alone with his woman right now. "How are you doing, Sara?"

              "I'm fine," she said with a slight giggle. She seemed to be nervous for some reason although Jack could not think of a reason why this should be.

              Stacy waddled her way into the living room, Jack and Sara following behind her. He lit up a few lamps and candles, brightening the room up while the two women sat on either end of the small couch. Jack, after arranging the candles for best effect, started to sit down in the easy chair across from them.

              "No, no," Stacy said, patting the cushion next to her. "Come sit with me. I've missed you today. The only time I got to see you was at dinner."

              He hesitated for a minute, looking doubtfully at the cramped space between the two women. What was going on here? Finally, after another prompting from Stacy, he walked over and sat down where he was told. He pushed himself as closely to Stacy as he could but still his leg was touching Sara's. She looked at him a little nervously but otherwise didn't seem to mind.

              They conversed lightly for a little bit, Jack rehashing the tale of his trip that day in greater detail than he had shared with Stacy at dinner that night. He rested his hand gently upon Stacy's bulging stomach as he talked, occasionally feeling the strange sensation of the baby kicking at him. Both women seemed fascinated by the story and they often interrupted him to ask questions.

              "You see what he's doing out there while we're stuck in here making dinner and washing dishes?" Stacy asked. Her breasts rubbed softly against his shoulder as she said this, seemingly accidentally.

              "I should have signed up for guard detail," Sara said. "Maybe I still will. I'm taking your sister's gun class tomorrow. Maybe I'll do well enough to get a recommendation. I heard that Maggie got one from her. If Maggie can do it, so can I."

              "I'm sure you can," Jack said politely, wondering for the tenth or eleventh time just what Sara was doing here. Though the two women were close to each other, as coworkers in unpleasant assignments tended to get, she had never visited during the evening hours before. The former elementary school cafeteria worker was somewhat of a loner in town, rarely seen outside of the kitchen.

              "Do you think Sara's pretty?" Stacy asked a few minutes later.

              "Pretty?" Jack said slowly, doubtfully. His hesitation was not because she wasn't pretty. A light haired blonde in her mid-twenties, she was slightly chubby in a big-boned way but far from fat. Her face was very pretty with smooth, well-defined cheeks and eyes that were even bluer than Christine's. And she had enormous breasts, a double D cup at least. His hesitation was instead because it seemed a loaded question, full of potential pitfalls. Why would Stacy ask him something like that? Was it just a casual comment or was it something more?

              "Yes," Stacy said, rubbing her breast against him again. "She seems to think that men don't like her. I keep trying to tell her that she's wrong."

              "Stace," Sara said, blushing, obviously embarrassed. "You don't have to bring that up."

              "I'm just asking a man's opinion, Sara," Stacy said. "I think you've got a cute figure. And I'd kill for those boobs. I mean, look at the size of them. Mine are only half that size and I'm pregnant. Aren't those a nice rack, Jase?"

              Now Jack was the one embarrassed. "They're uh... very uh... nice," he stammered.

              "Isn't he cute when he blushes?" Stacy asked her friend. "That's why I love him so much." She shifted her gaze to Jack again. "Do you know that Sara hasn't been laid in more than five years?"

              Jack almost choked that time. "Uh... no... I didn't know that," he replied.

              "It's true," Stacy said sadly. "How could you stand it, Sara? It must be maddening."

              "It's not easy," Sara said softly.

              "She hasn't dated since she broke up with her husband five years ago," Stacy explained. "She told me all of this the other day and I was just shocked. I mean, I can't stand it if I have to go eight days without you. When you went to go get that chopper, I almost went insane."

              "You get used to doing without it after awhile," Sara told her.

              "But you always yearn for it, don't you?" Stacy asked.

              "Oh yes," Sara agreed. "That never goes away."

              Jack was now very confused. Why were these two women talking like this? Why were they sitting here telling him how long Sara had been without sex and asking him to rate her breasts?

              "Sara and I have been talking a lot over the last few days," Stacy said, leaning in a little closer to him, close enough for him to smell her skin. "And while we were talking, I had kind of... well... an idea."

              "An idea?" Jack asked, trembling a little.

              "Stace," Sara cut in. "Maybe this is a bad..."

              "Hush," Stacy told her, offering a wink. She turned back to Jack. "I thought that maybe you would be able to help her out a little bit with her... problem."

              "Help her out?" he croaked.

              "She needs some dick," Stacy said, dropping her hand down into Jack's lap. "And you just happen to have one. I don't mind sharing it with her."

              "Sh... sh... share?" he asked. Though his mind was having a difficult time processing what he was being told, the object they were discussing understood loud and clear. It began to stiffen up under Stacy's hand.

              "Only if you want to," she said. She smiled, giving him a squeeze. "I can feel that you're giving some serious thought to it."

              "But, Stacy..." he started.

              "I really don't mind, Jack," she told him, kissing his ear. "And if everyone likes it, maybe Sara can move in here with us. We can be like your sister and Skip and Paula. That's the wave of the future in this town so we might as well accept it."

              "It's okay if you don't want to," Sara told him. She seemed to be upset. "I can't believe I let myself get talked into this."

              "He wants to," Stacy said, giving his cock a few more squeezes through his pants. "I can tell. Don't you, baby?"

              "Well... uh..." he stuttered, his mind reeling. Was he really being offered the opportunity to sleep with Sara? Was Stacy the one offering it to him? Was this a dream?

              "Well... uh... what?" Stacy asked.

              "Uh... sure," he finally spit out. "I mean, if everyone's really down with it, that is."

              Stacy smiled, kissing him softly on the lips. "We're down with it," she told him. "Aren't we, Sara?"

              Her eyes nervously took in the bulge in Jack's jeans. She licked her lips a few times. "I'm down with it," she finally said. "If you're sure you don't mind, Stace. I mean, this is so... weird."

              "It's a weird life these days," Stacy said. "Let me show you his cock, Sara. You'll like it."

              Jack felt her hands popping open the buttons on his pants one by one. Though like any fourteen-year-old he was very bashful about his private parts, he allowed her to open him up and push his pants and underwear down. He lifted his hips to facilitate this process. His erection popped out into the light, sticking upward, the head swollen and ready for action. Sara gasped a little as she saw it.

              "Isn't it beautiful?" Stacy asked, stroking it softly a few times with her fingers.

              "Yes," Sara breathed, her eyes shining.

              "Touch it," Stacy told her. "Go ahead. Play with it a little."

              Hesitantly, she reached out her hand and moved it towards him. She stopped for a second just inches away and then, after a few moments of thought, grasped him in her fingers. Jack moaned at the unfamiliar touch upon him. He could not believe he was actually sitting on his couch letting another woman touch him while Stacy encouraged it.

              "Jack him up and down a little," Stacy said, her own breathing starting to get heavy. Jack could see that her nipples were hard beneath her shirt.

              Sara did as she was told, sliding her hand up and down across his tender flesh, feeling him and stroking him. Soon he began to lift and lower his hips in response to her.

              "Suck him, Sara," Stacy said. "Put him in your mouth. You know you want to."

              Sara moaned a little, her eyes completely glazed over with lust now. She lowered her blonde head into his lap and he felt her wet lips and tongue surrounding his cock. She sucked softly at first, her hand continuing to move up and down upon him.

              "Ohhh," Jack said, looking at her head as it bobbed up and down. Stacy began to kiss his neck as Sara sucked. The sensation of two mouths upon him at once was almost more than he could bear.

              "Feel her titties," Stacy whispered into his ear. "Squeeze them."

              He reached out his hands and did as he was told, grabbing those massive mammaries through her shirt. They were soft and pliable and very heavy. Even through her clothing he could tell that her nipples were enormous. She twisted her chest into him, pushing them harder into his hands. Her mouth began to move faster upon his cock.

              Now that the line had been crossed, things moved a little quicker. Sara raised her head from his lap a few minutes later and whipped off her shirt, tossing it to the floor. Her breasts were contained in a large white bra with thick shoulder straps. She reached behind her and undid the clasp, setting them free. They sagged a little with the sheer weight but this did not detract from the aesthetic value of them in the least. Her nipples were indeed huge, the diameter of dimes and protruding nearly three-quarters of an inch from the areola.

              "Suck them," Sara told Jack, pushing them towards his face. "It's been so long since they've been sucked."

              He leaned forward, breaking free of Stacy, who had still been kissing his neck, and put his mouth upon the nearest one. He slurped at the nipple hungrily, tonguing it and sucking it. Sara groaned out her approval, her hand finding the back of his neck to encourage him to suck on. Stacy stroked his back with her hands as he did this.

              "Show her what I taught you," Stacy suggested excitedly. "Show her how you really make her feel good."

              Jack switched to the other breast for a bit and then, heading Stacy's advice, began to kiss his way downward across the pale flesh of her stomach. Her skin there was unlined - Sara had never given birth - and soft and smooth as silk. He licked and nibbled at her in various spots, raising goosebumps on her. When he got to her navel he ran his tongue all around it while his hands began working the buttons on her pants. Soon they were open and he tugged on them. She rose up and he pulled them from her, sliding them down her legs and off, leaving her only in panties that were soaked at the crotch. He pulled these down a moment later and found himself staring at her blonde bush. It was very thick, much thicker than Stacy's, and the odor was much stronger and deeper.

              He pushed her legs apart and then buried his face right in the middle of that hairy wetness, his tongue stabbing up inside of her. She moaned loudly and pushed her crotch harder into him. He licked her up and down, tasting her tart juices and then slid two fingers inside of her slit, just as Stacy had taught him. Soon, when she was bucking up and down, he was tonguing her large clit, making her cry out even more.

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