The Deception (29 page)

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Authors: Marina Martindale

BOOK: The Deception
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"My pleasure." He began packing his gear, but before leaving he turned to say goodbye to Carrie.

"Thank you, Jonathan, for everything." She also extended her hand. "I really appreciate you being here for me today."

"Like I said, it was my pleasure, but could you do me one favor?"

"What's that?"

"It's about your father. Remember how I said for you to not judge him so harshly? I know, from my own experience, there would have been extenuating circumstances beyond his control. You need to let go of your anger toward him, for you own sake, and let him rest in peace."

After saying a final goodbye, Jonathan stepped out. George walked him to his car.

"Go ahead and send me your bill, Jonathan."

"Thanks, but this one's on the house. Hey, before I go, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Isn't he supposed to be her attorney? Because what I just saw in there sure didn't look like an attorney-client relationship."

"He was her attorney, but not anymore. He's taken himself off her case. They had a prior relationship that goes way back and apparently nature has taken its course. I've known Alex for years. He's a good guy and he'll do right by her. They deserve a long, happy life together, I just hope she lives long enough for that happen."

Jonathan shuddered. "What are you saying?"

"I was a homicide detective for years, and whenever I get a really bad feeling, like the one I'm getting now, it usually doesn't end well. Stay safe, my friend."



arrie locked her office door and Alex walked her to her car, slipping behind the wheel as she got into the passenger seat. She still felt too shaken to drive, although Alex was just as shook as she was. Both were silent as he merged the car onto the freeway.

"When does the nightmare end?" she finally asked.

"I don't know, Carrie-Anne. I'm starting to lose a bit of faith in the system myself."

"Really? So were does that leave me? I want my life back. I have a business to run and I'd like to be able to go home. I appreciate all you're doing for me, I honestly do, but I can't keep imposing on you like this."

"Don't be silly, Carrie-Anne. You're not imposing. Not one bit." For the first time that afternoon, Alex smiled. "It's a big house and you're still my best friend. You're welcome to stay as long as you like. Besides, I kind of enjoy being with you."

"Well, I would certainly hope so." Her tone sounded somewhat flirtatious. "And I enjoy being there, but it's still your home, Alex, not mine. You don't need to have me there twenty-four seven. Which, on a more serious note, brings up something that I need to talk to you about."

Alex suddenly felt a knot in his stomach. "What's up?"

"I'm doing a project for J. Duncan Advertising. They're one of the biggest agencies in town."

"I know who they are. They've done some work for us too."

"I see. So earlier today, before everything fell to pieces, I was shooting some photos for an ad campaign they're doing for a motorcycle company. They've also asked to me to do some work on location."


"All the way up the west coast. I'll be working with Carlos and Tina, the two models I had in my studio today. We start in San Diego and work our way up to Seattle. It's a big opportunity for me, Alex."

"I understand," he replied. "How long would you be gone?"

"Two weeks--longer if we have bad weather along the way. At first I wasn't sure about doing it with Allie's wedding coming up, but now, after what just happened, I know I made the right decision. I need a time out. I need to be someplace where I don't have to walk around in fear."

"I understand, Carrie-Anne." He let out a sigh. "On one hand, I'll miss you like crazy, but on the other hand, I'll feel relieved knowing you'll be safely out of Maggie's reach. With any luck, they'll nab her while you're gone. When are you leaving?"

"A week from Sunday, which means I should be back around the first of October, and the wedding isn't until the last weekend of the month."

There was another reason why Carrie took the job. As much as she cared for Alex, a part of her was still unsure about another serious relationship. She needed a chance to sort out her feelings. Alex was quiet for the rest of the drive. To him, two weeks sounded like an eternity. They soon pulled into his office parking lot.

"Do you have a few minutes?"

"Sure," she replied. "What's up?"

"I know you have an appointment to meet with Reggie next week. However, before I left, she mentioned she had some time this afternoon, if you feel like talking."

"Of course."

Alex escorted her inside the building and accompanied her to Reggie's office. After making the proper introductions, Reggie told her to take a seat.

"Are you alright?" she asked as Carrie took her chair.

"I'm not sure. I don't think I've ever felt so scared in my life."

"It was bad, Reggie." Alex pulled up the chair next to Carrie's. "Her life's definitely been threatened, but it turns out Scott Andrews has an alibi for the day the letter was mailed."

"I see," said Reggie, "and speaking of the man, would you like know who his attorney is?"

"Of course."

"Fredrick Carlton Lancaster."

"Really." Alex sounded astonished. "Then Scott Andrews must have made good money while he was with Morton-Evans."

"Who is this guy?" asked Carrie.

"Fredrick Carlton Lancaster, or Freddie, as he likes to call himself, is Phoenix's answer to the O.J. Simpson dream team," explained Alex. "The guy's a shrew. If I were a criminal defense attorney, he's who I'd aspire to be. He's been around for a good thirty years, and rumor has it that all that time he's never once had a client get convicted. It's a safe bet that not only will all the charges against Scott be dropped, he'll conduct his own investigation as well. If there's even the slightest hint of any wrongdoing on the
s part, Lancaster will undoubtedly turn around and file a civil suit against them for wrongful arrest. If that should happen, Scott Andrews will end up being a very rich man. So what about our mutual case?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," said Reggie. "Freddie called me this morning to let me know that as of now he's representing Scott in the civil case as well. Louise doesn't stand a chance. Meantime, Carrie, I'm getting copies of all your phone records. They should help prove that you and Scott didn't know one another before Allison introduced you that night at Hanson Sisters, and that you had no contact whatsoever for several weeks prior to the files being uploaded."

"Jonathan Fields got the same information today from my computers. He said he'll send you a report as soon as it's ready. So what happens next?"

"You're done," said Reggie with a smile. "All that's left for me to do is file a motion for
udgment, which I'll be doing as soon as I get all the reports and I take depositions from George and Betty McCormick, and Jonathan Fields. Don't worry, the judge should rule in our favor. Please keep in mind, however, that it will take several weeks for me to get all my documentation, and that once the motion is filed it, may take some time to get a hearing date."

"I see," said Carrie. "So what's a summary judgment?"

"In layman's terms, a summary judgment means we're asking the judge to dismiss Louise's claim against you before t
he case before it goes to trial
because there is no issue to be resolved, by either a judge or a jury. So there you have it."

"I know you're also going to ask the court to order Louise to pay my legal expenses, but as I mentioned to Alex on the way over here, I've just picked up a project that's going to pay very well, so I'd like to start taking care of your bill. There's no guarantee the judge will order her to pay, or that she'd comply if he did. But after what I went through with my mother's nursing home, I'd like to be debt free."

"Don't worry about it, Carrie," said Reggie. "It's all ready been taken care of. You have a guardian angel. An anonymous donor has come forward to pick up your tab."

"What? I don't understand. Who would do that, unless it was you?" She looked at Alex with a smile.

"Don't look at me, I was working pro bono, remember? I was just as surprised as you are. Reggie and I think it's the Mercer brothers."

Carrie shook her head. "No, it wouldn't be them. Neither one of them were particularly close to their dad and I hardly knew them. In fact, I can only recall meeting them one time. We were filming one of the last
commercials that I ever did, and for some reason they decided to come and watch. Both of them were rude and condescending. They wouldn't even shake my hand when we were introduced. I could see it in their eyes. As far as they were concerned, I was beneath them. I could see their father coming forward to help me, if he were still alive, but not the two boys."

"Well, then, I suppose it could be Mrs. Mercer," said Reggie. "So far as I know she's still around. The point is, Carrie, you have a friend out there, but the donor has stipulated that he or she remain anonymous. It's a gift. Take it for what it is and let's focus on finding out who really did this to you."

"I'm on it," said Alex. "I talked to George before we left Carrie's office. He's going to pull out all the stops to prove it was Maggie."

"Good to know, and speaking of your office, Carrie, I've also contacted your landlord. I told them you needed more space, and it turns out they have a small office building, less than a mile from here, that's completely vacant. You'll have a little more square footage in a better location to boot. They're willing to transfer your current lease over, so you need to call them to make arrangements."

"Thank you, Reggie," she said. "I'll get on it first thing tomorrow morning. Meantime I'm renaming my business L.J. Reed Photography, in honor of my mother. Her maiden name was Linda Joyce Reed. Alex is working on that."

"And I've all ready sent in the paperwork."

"Then it sounds like we're good to go," concluded Carrie. "So, if you all don't mind, I'd really like to go home now. I've had one hell of a day. Thank you again, Reggie, for everything you've done for me." The two women shook hands and Alex walked Carrie back to her car.

"Are you going to be okay until I get home?"

"I'll be fine. I'll see you then."

Alex kissed her goodbye before she got into her car and headed back to his house.



arrie called her landlord the following morning and looked at his vacant office building. It had plenty of space to accommodate her growing business and she loved the location. It was close to her apartment and a five-minute drive away from Alex's office. She took him to see it that evening. He too was pleased. The following week she signed the paperwork and made arrangements for a contractor to renovate the interior. If all went according to plan, her new studio would be ready by the end of October.

J. Duncan Advertising made the final arrangements for the location shoot and Carrie soon received her itinerary. It would take two weeks and she and the two models would travel by rented minivan. It would be a scenic, but busy journey, with photo sessions scheduled each day in a different coastal town. They'd have the weekend off in San Francisco and would finish up the following weekend in Seattle.

Carrie picked up the van on Saturday and Alex looked like a sad puppy as he helped her load it. He took her out to dinner that night, and when they got home they experienced one of their most intense lovemaking sessions ever. Both were unusually quiet the next morning. As soon as breakfast was over it would be time for Carrie to leave. Alex walked her out to the van.

"You're sure you've got everything?"

"Yes, Alex, I'm sure."

"They checked out the van and you've got a full tank of gas."

"Yes, Alex." She gave him a smile. "The van is good to go."

"You've got your camera, and all your bags, and you've got something to drink."

"Right here."

She opened the driver's side door, and as she put her water bottle into the console, she suddenly realized that saying goodbye to Alex was harder than she thought. She felt herself fighting back tears. He wrapped his arms around her and they held one another close before he finally broke the silence.

"I'm proud of you, Carrie-Anne. This is a big feather in your cap."

"I know."

"I just wish you weren't going to be gone for so long."

"It's only two weeks." Except now two weeks seemed like a very long time to her as well. She felt a tear rolling down her cheek. "I'll call you the minute we get there, I promise. I've left you a copy of my itinerary, and I'll text and email you everyday."

"Me too." Alex's voice sounded strained. "Like I said before, Carrie-Anne, I don't want you to worry about anything while you're gone. Not about Scott, or Maggie or your case. We'll all pray that by the time you return they'll have Maggie locked up and this whole nightmare will finally be over."

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