The Deception (6 page)

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Authors: Fiona Palmer

BOOK: The Deception
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He wasn’t gloating but Jaz could hear the pride in his voice and she felt so proud of him.

‘And you’re the first person I’ve told about it,’ he said with a smile.

‘Wow. That’s very cool, Ryan. And it’s a little sad that you don’t get recognised for all that you do. Except for a medal you can’t ever show anyone.’

‘None of us do it for the awards, Jaz.’ He was spot on. Jaz hadn’t joined for that either. ‘Come on, let’s get in there.’

Ryan led Jaz into the large brick church through huge arched doors. She’d never been inside a church before but an eerie feeling came over her, like she was somewhere special and amazing. It might have been the high-swept ceilings, beautiful leadlight windows and the many burning candles.

They walked on a red patterned carpet down the centre of the rows of hard-looking pews. Arched windows on the far walls matched the massive arches held up by big white pillars. There were six people scattered about, some with their heads bowed. Ryan led her to a pew off to the right, which was behind a large pillar and near a door. It’s where she would have picked to sit too.

As they sat down she glanced around. ‘Is he here?’ she whispered.

‘He will be watching. He’ll join us in a minute.’ Ryan leant forward on his knees and stared at the huge colourful mosaic on the end wall, in front of a marble-looking table. Actually, the whole front section looked to be in white marble as it rose up onto a wide stage.

Jaz chewed her lip and jiggled her leg. Ryan shot her a look. ‘What?’

He glanced at her leg and she stopped immediately but then found she was tapping her fingers.

‘There’s nothing to be nervous about,’ he said with a hint of a grin.

‘I’m not,’ said Jaz. ‘It’s being in here. It’s new to me.’

‘You don’t do Bible studies at your fancy school?’ he teased.

Jaz wanted to stick her tongue out at him. ‘No, I got out of them.’ Skipped class more like it.

Ryan’s face came over all serious and she realised they had company. He didn’t say a word as he reached past Jaz and shook the man’s hand.

He was dressed in a khaki-coloured shirt with lapels on the shoulders and pockets on the front, and wore a leather belt and jeans. He seemed like anyone else, except his upright posture gave away his strength. And his steel grey eyes and stern jaw were those of a leader.

The commander looked to be in his late forties, with a few lines on his face and some scars. Others would dismiss them as nothing but straightaway Jaz was wondering what kind of combat he got them from and was his body as scarred as Ryan’s? She also knew that if Ryan trusted him, then so did she. Sitting beside him gave her the similar feeling of protection and safety that she only ever got from Ryan.

‘It’s good to see you again, Ryan. Hello, Jaz,’ he said, with an authoritative voice. The commander smiled and Jaz instantly liked him. But she was no fool. In his eyes and in the grip of his strong fingers she could see a dangerous man, a man who had seen many deaths. What scared Jaz more was that she was able to recognise this.

‘Sir,’ she said. Ryan hadn’t told her what she was to call him.

‘Call me Ian.’ His eyes never sat still, always checking, always on alert.

Then they rested on her briefly. She wondered what he thought of the girl in a school uniform sitting beside him.

‘Finally we meet. I’ve heard some great things about you. It’s not often we bring someone in who doesn’t need all the training, like the others. You have already proved your strength and your bravado.’ He chuckled at this. ‘Although Ryan thinks you were a bit reckless, I’m willing to put it down as determination. I think we are going to see amazing things from you, Jaz.’

Ryan shifted beside her, his leg momentarily touching hers. ‘Thanks, I think,’ she replied.

‘But there is much yet to learn. While your leg is healing, Ryan has got some more training for you planned, and then there is the issue of what you’ve uncovered with Carl.’ Ian, without pausing, glanced about casually. ‘This mission will be all yours.’

Jaz gulped as those steel-coloured eyes locked on to hers. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Exactly that. You know all the details, so you are to give it a name, work out the details of the sea container sale, put people in place to watch, follow the drugs, and decide on when to give the order. It is your operation and you are in charge.’

She was having trouble trying to understand exactly what he was saying. Surely he meant Ryan, not her? Flicking to Ryan she waited for an answer, but he nodded seriously.

‘Even I will follow your lead, Jaz,’ said Ryan.

Jaz’s mouth fell open. ‘Are you serious?’

‘Deadly serious,’ replied Ian. ‘It’s a developed system that is our best for instant training. It will give you the confidence to do it and to do it well.’

This was not happening. ‘But I’m not even eighteen. What if I stuff it up?’ Had Ian breathed in too much of the incense burning by the front door? Or had one too many hits to the head? Jaz glanced to Ryan for reassurance that Ian was totally sane.

‘I was just nineteen when I led my first mission, Jaz. It’s like a great big hurdle; once you overcome that, everything else is easy.’

Jaz felt like sliding off her pew onto the floor in a fainted mess. This was ten times worse than the feeling she got before cramming for a big exam. But with this, so much was riding on the outcome. It wasn’t just a grade, this could affect people’s lives, even cause deaths. A curse rumbled up her throat. ‘Fuuu—’ and then she remembered where she was. ‘Far out.’

‘Nice save,’ teased Ryan.

His words were light and the pressure of his arm against her body gave her calm. She knew he was doing it to show his support, that he was here for her. But did he realise just how much she depended on it? How much she craved his touch and just how much belief it gave in herself? It was as if she could do anything as long as she knew Ryan was in her corner. Even stop a million dollar drug trade without having any casualties. As the seconds ticked by, thoughts were coming together and plans formulating as if Jaz were writing her own scene in a book. Her confidence grew with each idea. She could do this, couldn’t she?

‘If you have any questions or problems you have Ryan, so don’t feel like you are doing this alone. But on the day, all will be under your command.’

‘Mine?’ Jaz pointed to herself, just to make double sure. ‘And you will be there?’

‘Yes, if need be. You let Ryan know how many operatives you will need to see your plan through and we will be there.’ Ian smiled as if he’d just set a date for a picnic.

If only.

‘Right. Cool.’ Jaz didn’t know what else to say. Later millions of questions would probably swamp her, but now she couldn’t think of one.

‘I’d best be off. Until next time, Jaz.’ Ian shot her a smile and for a moment he reminded her of Taylor’s dad. The same gentle smile mixed with an air of significance.

‘Thanks. Bye.’ She had no idea why she was thanking him after what he’d just told her. Ian disappeared from the church. Jaz turned to Ryan, who was watching her intently.

‘What just happened?’

Chapter 5

Jaz clipped her seatbelt into place.

‘Where to?’ asked Ryan. ‘Home?’

‘No. Can you take me to Taylor’s please?’

Ryan blinked twice. ‘You’re going to tell him everything, aren’t you,’ he said with a sigh.

‘Yep. You may be able to keep it all to yourself but I’ve always had Tay and Anna in my corner. Nothing goes any further than them, I can assure you. Besides, since I brought Tay into this mess I like having him to discuss it with, if you know what I mean. It’s one less person to lie to.’

Ryan started his car and drove through the streets with his lights on. The sun had gone but the sky was still lit from its last rays. ‘You have me,’ said Ryan softly.

‘Pfft. Really?’ Ryan was away on his missions most of the time, doing God knows what, God knows where and with God knows who. Jaz couldn’t contact him unless it was important. At least with Tay, he was always around and she could text him whenever or cry on his shoulder. ‘Sorry Ryan, but I can’t depend on you.’

‘Oh.’ His tone was flat and hurt.

Jaz bit her lip. ‘Wow, sorry that came out wrong. I mean you aren’t always around when I need someone to talk to. You have important stuff going on and I understand that and I can’t keep running to you with all my small problems.’ She was really making a dog’s breakfast of this. She was sounding a little neurotic and it annoyed her. ‘With Tay in the loop I can go to him instead of bothering you with trivial things.’ And maybe she’d learn to survive without the constant yearning to be with Ryan.

‘You could never bother me, Jaz, and did you ever think I might like you coming to me? Besides, I also think these “trivial” things you talk of end up being mammoth things.’ He shot her a look, the corner of his mouth curled in a smile. As the streetlights flashed past they illuminated his dark eyes.

Jaz laughed. He had a point. ‘You think I’m too reckless?’

Ryan stopped at a red light and turned to her, his chin jutted out seriously. ‘I just worry about you, Jasmine.’

His deep and husky words sucked the oxygen out of the car. The way he said her name had her gasping for air. Her heart throbbed in her chest as she tried to remain calm under his gaze but it was impossible. Every part of her was in chaos, from shivers to hot melting centres. She felt like she should say something, anything, but she was trapped in his sights like a deer in the headlights. But before she could analyse this moment further a horn tooted behind them, and Ryan turned his attention back to the road. She wanted to ask him what it was between them. Because it was something, she felt it with every fibre and she was sure he did too. Was he really keeping her at a distance for her safety? Or for the sake of the Agency’s rules? Or was it something else? The need to reach out and touch him was so strong she gripped her seat.

Ryan cleared his throat. ‘So over the next week or two you are going to do some more training. Pax will help with a few things, mainly testing your awareness skills. You will also need to start thinking about how this operation is going to go down and start planning it. How long until that sea container sale?’ he asked.

‘It’s in a few weeks.’ Jaz shifted her crutches. They were always in the way or resting somewhere uncomfortable. Maybe she was just moving them to hide the nervous jitters that skipped through her body at the thought of her new task. Jaz’d had a normal, rather unexciting life until Ryan came along. Now each day held some kind of excitement, nerves or danger. She felt like she was on a roller-coaster, one she didn’t want to get off.

‘Good. Plenty of time. Also, once your leg is better we’ll tail that guy following Tay and see if we can question him a little.’

Jaz raised an eyebrow at the word question. Her interpretation of Ryan’s ‘question’ meant using a fist or a gun. ‘So sometime next week?’

‘Yep. You should be walking on that leg in the next few days but I need you fighting fit in case things get out of hand. Never go into a situation with a weakness. On that, you should get a large bandage and wrap it around your … um, chest so you are protected from hits.’

‘You mean strap my boobs up?’ Ryan squirmed in his seat and gripped the wheel. Jaz smiled. Teasing him was such fun. ‘Really?’

‘Yep. Our female operatives all do this and the guys go into battle with a groin protector.’

‘Oh.’ But she could see the benefits, as a kick to the family jewels was a successful way to drop someone. Being prepared for that could save your life. ‘I’ll remember that,’ she added. Wearing a bandage would also hide her gender, making her harder to recognise. It made her wonder if Rich had noticed the bumps on her chest when they were wrestling. An unwelcome shiver ran the length of her body. Damn.

Ryan pulled up at Tay’s house. Jaz didn’t move. It just didn’t feel time to leave him. Maybe it never would? Every minute spend with Ryan was never enough.

‘So I’ll drop round The Ring when I can. Pax is going to take the reins in between. Just focus on getting your leg healed and then we can help Tay.’

‘Okay. He’ll be glad to hear you have something planned. All this waiting is driving him insane. And knowing he’s always being followed and the pressure his dad is under.’

‘Tell him to hang in there. The moment you can kick me without wincing, we are good to go.’ Ryan got out and ran around to get her door.

He held out his hand, Jaz reached for it, clutching his strong arm as she pulled herself out of the car carefully. She didn’t want to let him go but she had to get her crutches. Good things never last, she thought with a sigh. He smelt so fine she just wanted to crawl under his shirt and wear him. Probably not a good look.

‘Hey.’ Ryan reached for her shoulder, warmth spread from beneath his hand. ‘I meant it before. If you ever need someone to talk to, about anything, no matter how trivial, I’ll always be around … somewhere.’

Jaz smiled and was about to say ‘thanks’ when his hand moved up to her face. His thumb brushed across her cheek and before she could nuzzle into it, he’d moved away.

‘See ya Jaz.’ Ryan jumped back into his car and drove off, leaving Jaz alone in the street outside Tay’s house. A piece of her always went with him, hopefully ensuring he always came back.

Jaz waited until his car had disappeared before she clicked up the driveway to Tay’s back door, banging on it with the bottom of her crutch. ‘Open up, Stewart!’

Anna opened up the door. ‘Welcome to our home,’ she said with a warm smile and a wave of her arm.

‘Hey, didn’t think I’d find you here. Is everything alright?’ Jaz stepped into the house and felt the prickle at the back of her neck. Even though it was a while ago, she still relived the moment Tay was held at gunpoint in his own home. She’d suffered a big knock to the head from the same assailant. They were so going to catch the bastards who were toying with the Stewarts.

‘No, everything’s fine. Tay just asked if I could help him with his trig homework. We’re in his room, come on.’

‘Hi Jaz,’ said a voice from the kitchen.

Jaz paused. ‘Oh hey, Mr Stewart. What are you up to?’ It wasn’t often that he was home from work this early. Jaz was suddenly worried that something was wrong. Had the Shesha Serpents threatened him again? Was Mr Stewart home early to protect Tay?

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