The Deception of Love (10 page)

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Authors: Kellz Kimberly

BOOK: The Deception of Love
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Ma, you look real cute,” Nick said slapping me on my ass.

Thanks, I want to make a good impression on your connect.  It has to be about something important if he wants to meet me.” I said.

You mean she.  My connect is a woman.” he told me like it is nothing.

Wait, hold up, you mean it’s a bitch that wants to meet me?” I asked just for clarification.

Yea, it’s a woman; her name is Jay.” he said.

I couldn't believe this shit.  The whole time I thought it was a nigga that wanted to meet me, but it was bitch.  All I know is that Nick better not had slept with he
r ass, and this was her way of putting me on blast, cause best believe she her ass was gonna get blasted.

This better not be no shit, Nick,” I told him.

Before he could respond, there was a knock at the door.  I opened it and let Trey and Diamond in.  I g
uess they could feel the tension in the room, cause neither one of them said anything.

Ny, calm down, there is nothing going on between me and Jay.  I barely even see her.  Whenever we talk, it is by phone.  So, you have nothing to worry about.” he said sounding sincere.

So, why does this bitch want to meet me then?” I asked him.

Shit, I needed answers, and I needed them now.

“I don't have a clue why she wants you to come with us.  The only way we are going to find out is if we go over there and find out.  Now, can we leave, please?” he asked, walking out the door.

Come on Diamond, we riding together tonight, fuck him,” I told Diamond and walked out the door.

Me and Diamond jumped in a cab, and Trey and Nick got into another one.  I didn't realize that I
didn't know where we was going until the cab driver asked me where to.

Diamond, can you text Trey and ask him what the address is?”

Yea sure, but what was you and Nick arguing about?” Diamond asked.

His connect is a bitch,” I told her.

Say word”

Word” I said.

I guess that Trey sent her a text cause Diamond told the cab driver where we was going.

“Damn, Ny, but why was you all upset?  I doubt Nick would cheat on you, and then bring you around the hoe.” Diamond said.

She had a good point, but I didn't ca
re.  This shit seemed strange as hell.

I know, and that crossed my mind, but still this shit seems fishy.” I told her.

Well, we about to get all the answers you want.” Diamond said.

She was absolutely right, cause the first question that was gonna come o
ut my mouth when I came face to face with Miss. Jay was gonna be what did she want with me.  The rest of the ride we just made small talk.  I was really anxious and didn't have much to say.  Nick was texting me, but I was ignoring his ass until I found out what was up.  He’s guilty until proven innocent.

We pulled up to this big beautiful house that made both Diamond and I say damn.  We hopped out the car and waited for the guys to get out.  As soon as Nick spotted me, he came right over and grabbed my arm.

“Listen, I am only going to tell you this once.  I am not fucking this lady, ight.  I don't have a fucking clue as to why she wants to meet you.  All I know is that she asked that I bring you with me, and that is what I did.  Now, fix that fucking attitude before I fix it for you.” Nick said and stormed off in the direction of the door.

Shit, he told you.” Diamond said, giggling.

Bitch, that shit is not funny.” I told her.

We all caught up with Nick at the door.  Before he could knock, the door opened. 
The guy standing at the door looked like the spitting image of Trey.  Me and Diamond just looked at each other confused as all hell.


Chapter 11



Pops, what are you doing here?” I asked my father, as we all walked in to the living room.

Jay asked me to come down here, so I flew out early this morning.” he said.

Well, it’s nice to see you, Pops.  Diamond, this is my father, and Pops this is my boo thang, Diamond.” I said, introducing the two.

I am not his boo thang, but it is nice to meet you.” Diamond said.

It’s nice to meet you, too, sweetie.” Pops said, kissing her hand.

Hold up. Hold up, Pops, back up off my woman,” I told him, pulling Diamond away from him.

Boy, please, I taught you and Nick everything y’all know.  Speaking of Nick, wassup, play boy?  You not gonna speak?”

Wassup, Pops?  You know I was gonna speak, don't even try to play me like that old man.”

I got your old man, but who is this you got with you?” Pops asked, looking at Ny a little too much.

Pops, this is my girl, Nylah, and Nylah this is my pops.”

It’s nice to meet you, Pops.” Ny said.

It's nice to meet you, too.  You look so familiar though,” Pops said.

Ny just laughed like it was nothing, but I knew that my pops was getting at something.  Something strange was going on,
but I didn't know what.



This shit was getting weirder by the minute.  I never expected Trey's dad to answer the door.  I knew him and Jay was cool cause Pops is the one that put us on to Jay.  The fact that Jay asked him to be here too was throwing
me for a loop though.

So, where is Jay?” I asked Pops.

She had to step out.  She said that she would be back shortly, and that we should all start eating without her.” Pops said.

I was starting to feel like this shit was a set up.  How do you invite peop
le to your house, and you’re not even gonna be here?  And then you want them to eat without you?  Nah something was definitely up, and I was going to figure it out.

Well, if she said we can eat without her, then let’s eat cause I'm starving.” Diamond said.

Girl, you always hungry,” Ny said, laughing.

Shut up, you know my situation.” Diamond said.

Yea, yea, yea, that is straight excuses cause even before your situation you was greedy as hell.” Ny said.

Ny, leave my baby alone.  Come on, Diamond, come on, so I can feed you.” Trey said.

Thank you, baby.” Diamond said, sticking her tongue out at Ny.

Y’all make me sick,” Ny said.

Trey, Diamond, and Pops all went into the dining room living me and Ny in the living room.

“This house is really pretty.” Ny said, looking around.

It is, but it’s way too big for me.” I told her.

Nick, I'm sorry for going off on you the way that I did back at the hotel.  I was wrong.  I should have known better then to think that you was doing some foul shit.”

It's cool, ma, I can understand why you was upset, but I already told you I wouldn't doing anything that would intentionally hurt you.  If I was fucking Jay, I wouldn't bring you here to be all up in her face.” I told her.

I know you wouldn't, Nick.  Now, let’s go eat before we end up in one of these bedrooms.” Ny said, winking and walking into the dining room with everyone else.

We was all in the dining room laughing and eating and having a good time.  What was odd to me was the fact that Jay still hadn't shown up.  Right
before I could ask Pops if he heard anything from Jay, my phone rang.  It was Big, so I excused myself from the table, so that I  could take the call.

Big, wassup,” I said.

Man, tell me why that chick Elle just popped up at ole boys house.”

Damn, that’s probably how dude knew when to hit our spots, cause that bitch was running her mouth.  Whenever a spot was hit we was always out with the girls.” I said piecing the shit together.

My nigga, what you want me to do, cause you know I got you.”

Just keep an eye on that bitch.  If she moves, make sure someone is moving with her.  I'ma handle this shit as soon as we get back.”

Ight, one.” Big said and hung up.

I couldn't believe this shit!  That bitch was a snake!  I knew that Elle was Ny's best friend and al
l, but she was about to be six feet deep, and Ny was gonna just have to get over that shit.



I couldn't believe that this nigga tried to end what we had going on over the fucking phone, and it was on voice mail at that.  Nah, he wasn't getting off
that easy.  I still needed him for my plan, so I decided to go over to his house and change his mind.  I got to the door and put my key in.  When I walked in all the lights were off.  I figured he was upstairs in his bedroom.  I slowly opened his door and caught him jerking off to a porn that was on his TV screen, but what caught my attention was that Ny was the one on the screen.  It looked like some type of cheap homemade porn, but just the sight of Ny's naked body was turning me on.  I turned the light on, and that was when Jacob finally realized I was in the room.

Elle, what are you doing here?  Did you get my message?” he asked, trying to cover up.

What are you covering up for?  I already seen what you working with.” I told him.

Hahaha, very funny, but foreal, what you want, ma?” he asked, turning the TV off.

I just want one more night, but don't turn the TV off; I wanna watch, too.”

I slowly started to undress in front of him.  I crawled to him on the bed and started massaging his penis.  I turned t
he TV back on and watched as Jacob was eating the shit out of Ny's pussy.

I want you to do that to me.  Fuck me like I was Nylah in that video.” I told him.

The thought of it must have turned him on because he started licking the inside of my thigh just l
ike he was doing to Nylah in the video.  Then he moved is tongue to my clit and started sucking and nibbling on it.  Within five minutes he had me cumming all over his face.  He was really into it cause he called me Nylah a couple of times.  We went at it for the rest of the night.

Before I left his house he agreed that we could keep this up a little while longer, just as long as Nylah didn't find out.  He told me about the conversation him and Nylah had, and I was a little jealous.  But I pushed it to the
back of my mind and focused on my plan.  The thought of my plan back firing on me never even occurred to me.  If I couldn't have Nylah, then nobody would.  I was determined to make sure that happened, even if I had to kill her myself.


Chapter 12



I co
uldn't believe that after all this time I was going to see her again.  I have been keeping tabs on her and her brother this whole time.  I had to make sure that they was safe.  I always had somebody watching them, but I made sure that the people I hired to watch them kept a safe distance.  I had to run out before my guests arrived because I had to handle some business.  Being a woman in this business was hard for the simple fact that someone was always trying to try you just because you was a woman.  A woman in this game had to be fearless, and had to do whatever was necessary to make sure that the people around them ate and remained loyal.  They also had to protect their family at all cost.

Right before my guest arrived I had got a phone call about a guy na
me Carlos that I was trying to catch up with.  See, Carlos was one of them people who couldn't handle a female being in control.  He felt that females were too soft and vulnerable, so he felt the need to take it upon himself to try to throw dirt on my name.  For a while I let him rock cause I had more important things to handle.  But recently this mutherfucker grew some balls and tried to fuck up one of my shipments.  So, I caught up with him tonight, and I showed him just how ruthless a woman could be.

bodyguards had him chained up in a chair when I got to the warehouse.  I walked right up to him and slapped the shit out of him with my pistol.  He woke up instantly begging and pleading for his life.  I had to laugh because he was the same one that was hollering that women are not made from the same cloth as men, and how you would never catch him begging for his life like a bitch, and here he was doing just that.  I didn't have time to sit there and entertain his bullshit, so I sent him to meet his maker with two shots to the head.  I had my cleanup crew do their thing, and we was out of there within forty five minutes.

I pulled up to my house a little bit anxious and nervous.  I didn't know how both of them was going to handle the news that I was about to deliver.  I walked in and found everyone in the dining room eating and laughing.  This was really a beautiful sight.  I wish that I could have captured this moment, because after I said what I had to say I could bet my bottom dollar that all hell was going to break loose.



We was all having a good time laughing and eating when I suddenly got the urge to pee.

“Excuse me, where is the bathroom?” I asked Pops.

It’s up the stairs in the living room to the right.” Pops said.

I went over and kissed Nick b
efore going off in search of the bathroom.  As I was walking out of the dining room, I saw a lady standing at the door.  I guess we was so into our conversation that we didn't even notice her.  As I got closer I could have sworn my eyes was playing tricks on me.  I really need to stop drinking.

Nylah,” The lady said.

No, this shit can't be real.” I said more to myself than to her.

Nylah, it’s real, trust me, this is real.” the lady said.

How is this real if you are supposed to be dead?” I yelled, and then everything went black.


To Be Continued

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