The Devil Behind Me

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Authors: Evangelene

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The Devil Behind Me



2014 by A. Christina Orfanoudakis


All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced. Stored in or introduced into the retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written consent of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents either is the product of the author’s imagination or is used factiously and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead. Business establishment, events or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction.


The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situation. It is intended for a mature audience. 


The great Cover Art is by:

Dedicated to my father and sister

Thank you for showing me true strength

My Thoughts and Acknowledgements

I think it’s hard for most people, including myself to understand the whole process of writing. It’s different for everyone, but when I started down this path, I did it for me. I wrote a story that had burrowed itself inside my mind. Memoirs of an Immortal, was an adventure and a blessing. I don’t know if I’m blessed with the gift to write well enough for my readers. There are those who love my stories, those who hate them and after some soul searching I realized that that was okay. They are my words and my characters, all of which express emotions and ideas that I cherish. That being said, love my stories or hate them but at least I am writing for me and for those of you who are joining me on my journey, I welcome you with open hands and thank you. Thank you for adding the silver lining to my cloud nine. xoxox

Part of the sales of this book will be going to charity; both my father and sister deal with this horrid disease. It’s been around me my whole life. Watching them both
suffer and not being able to help or to truly understand their pain, was very difficult for me. This book is dedicated to both of them. I cannot truly show you their strength and resilience but I can try but writing about it.  Happy reading and thank you.


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I was glad high school was finally over. Once I finished with my graduation ceremony, I was gone forever from this hellish place. Elision Elite High School was in the middle of Manhattan where all the rich kids went. But this place wasn’t a place for me. I was a charity case. I was some poor kid who some rich guy paid to get in. I had won the Elision Elite scholarship when I was in elementary. I was so excited back then, thinking I finally was able to go to a school that challenged me. I was in the top of all my classes in elementary school. I surpassed every test given to me. Not that I was a genius, but I applied myself. My parents were immigrants, who moved here so we could have a better life. I knew how hard they had worked, so I had to work twice as hard to make their future lives better.

hat was back then, when my naïve self was stupid enough to think brains mattered in this world. I realized quickly once I started high school, all that mattered were the rich and the opportunities they had for each other. Not one person there had a real friend at that school; everyone simply used each other to further their careers or family businesses.

, I was at the top of my class, but it didn’t earn me any respect. I was bullied constantly, especially by one specific person.

Evans. His special attention only added to the amount of times I was picked on or tortured by the others. He never knew the extent of what had happened to me. My textbooks being stolen. My gym clothes being torn. Spoiled milk poured all over my locker. You name it and I went through it. Daimon threatened that no one was to touch me, that I was his special ‘project’ and no one else's. Those who feared him did it all behind his back to get to him. It bothered them more when I never told him what was happening, causing them to escalate their attempts. I did the best I could. I either ignored it or endured it. I did whatever it took to survive through high school. Every day I was subjected to sitting with him at his lunch table while he would mock my family and me. Saying poor charity cases like me shouldn't be here, but since I was, I should be taught the laws of the jungle. If we shared classes, I'd have to sit next to him; well, more like he'd force whomever to move so that he could sit. The teachers rarely got involved; money meant wealth, wealth meant power and the teachers weren’t about to poke the sleeping lions.

The funny thing was that when I first entered high school
, I had always admired at Daimon, his long dark hair flowed wildly he never once wore his uniform properly. He looked dangerous and broken, with his light complexion, dark hair and stunning crystal blue eyes. I had fallen for him then and there. I kept my distance, loving him from afar, never wanting him to know. I had a serious schoolgirl crush. He never knew about me and rarely even looked my way as he hung out with his friends, acting out and laughing loudly no matter where they were.

That was
until one day in our second to last year in high school. Daimon walked into class and headed straight for me, glaring at the girl who sat next to me, forcing her to move. He then sat down and stared at me the entire class period. Quiet murmurs could be heard the whole way through. His direct way of looking at me made me nervous. When class ended, I nervously put my things together and stood up to leave; that's when he tripped me. I fell hard on the ground, dropping my books. He stood and towering over me.

today on, you’re my little plaything. My toy.” He smirked and left me stupefied on the ground.

was known as ‘the bully’ in school. From then onwards my life became a living nightmare. Day in and day out, I was at Daimon’s beck and call. He'd humiliate me in front of everyone and would laugh about it, until finally it was the last day of school and all of this would end.


“Hey Addie.” I knew it was Daimon, only he would consistently bother me especially when I avoided him the most. The ass was following me through the hallway. I moved through the crowd, trying hard to get away from him. 

He kept yelling out my name through the hallway. Man, the guy was a jerk. I stopped running, knowing it wouldn’t get me anywhere. If anything, it would only make it worse.

“What is it?” I gritted my teeth.

“Oh, is Addie mad?  Sorry.” I turned to see his smiling face. 

Too bad he was drop dead g
orgeous. It made me hate him even more. How could a boy who looked that good be so evil?

I thought since it’s our last day together I’d make it special.” He smiled. God, please gouge out my eyes so I may not look at him the way I am now. Damn he was perfect.  Bluest eyes you had ever seen, his dark almost black hair only heightened their color. 

Leave me alone, Daimon,” I spat out, wanting to get ready for the graduation ceremony.

, why?” He pouted, putting his arm around my shoulders, “You’re my best bud. You know that right, Addie?” I knew that tone of his. 

I fe
lt nervous. He was up to something. I vehemently avoided him as much as I could, which was hard only because he sought me out all the time. At least when he saw others try to bully me, he would step in and stop them. Everyone knew not to mess with Daimon. His family was part of the upper echelon of all of New York, let alone the world. If you were in his good graces, you were safe, but if you pissed him off, the boy had a temper and a fist to prove it. Daimon could handle himself. There was no question about it. 

Addie, you know I like you right?” He said so sweetly it nearly hurt my teeth.

Look, let me go do my valedictorian speech and leave me alone,” I pleaded.

“This is different
, you usually tell me to fuck off and fight back.” He acted surprised. 

, today is our last day here and I just want it to be over,” I admitted. 

Sure thing, Addie.” He winked and walked away.

I knew that look
the asshole was planning something


The usual festivities were taking place, with a three-piece jazz band and a professionally catered luncheon with wine and cheese. All the rich and their assistants were here, rubbing elbows and making deals. I was just happy knowing that after the ceremony I would go home to my normal family life. My mom was preparing something special for us to eat and my dad would join us later, once the restaurant closed. I was excited about my new life outside of Elision Elite as I had received a full scholarship to Yale. My dream was to become a doctor. It felt good, it felt really good. Finally, I was going to leave this place and never look back.

time arrived for me to give my speech. I was excited and proud. I was sorry my parents couldn’t make it, but I understood. My parents owned a small restaurant and we needed to pay our bills. It was okay because after this, I was going to go home to my new life and fresh start. 

I had begged
my mom, well more like pushed her, into making me a special dinner. She kept insisting she couldn’t because she needed to work, but I shamed her into it. Telling her that for once, I would like to be appreciated for all the hard work I did for school and for them. I did work hard. I received good grades and finished at the top of my class. I even received a full scholarship to Yale, for God’s sake. So why couldn’t I get my celebratory dinner?  In a few months, I would be gone from home and I would only see them when I was on break and maybe not even then.

stood at the edge of the stage and smiled, excited to give my speech and move on.

I was
finally announced. I took a deep breath, walked out and stood at the wooden podium. I placed my index cards down and took another deep breath. I smiled and nodded, waiting until everyone was done clapping. I could hardly see anyone since all the lights were directed toward me. The crowd had finally stopped and quietly waited for me to start.

It is said that… AHH!” I screamed stunned at what had just happened.

An entire bucket of cold water
had spilled all over me. I was drenched. The teachers were up in arms and the students laughed, while the parents whispered to each other. I looked up and saw some movement in the gallery up above. I stood there frustrated and angry. I couldn’t even have this one day.

“Addie.” One of my teachers called out
, but I ignored her.

I swallowed my embarrassment and continued with my s
peech. I held my head high and didn’t waver, not once. The auditorium door opened and in walked Daimon. He stood close to the stage and looked at me. His eyes almost showing me pity. Well fuck you, Daimon, you did this. I knew it was him. He always did things like this to embarrass me in front of others. Well I was going to say what I needed to say and leave. I spoke loud and proud, just like my dad told me to. I finished my speech and left the stage. I hid behind the curtain and held back the tears that were fighting with me, but I was on the losing end. 

, Addie?” Daimon cried out. “Are you okay?”

I looked
up menacingly, hating what he had done. Daimon tried to touch me, but he recoiled once he saw my face

“Nice touch
, jerk! You couldn’t just let me have today. You had to do it; you just had to.  Well thank you, Daimon, for quite possibly ruining my last day of high school.  Congratulations,” I said sarcastically and walked away.

Hey, wait a minute… Addie?” He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I turned and slapped him hard across the face. His eyes nearly bugged out. He glared at me as he began to bare his teeth.

“Screw you
, Daimon, and all the money you have. Good for you that you’re rich and powerful. I hope the years you had screwing around with a poor little girl satisfied your sadistic need. Are you done now? ‘Cause this girl is done with you,” I said spitefully and left.


Once I got home, I quickly took a shower. There was no way I was going to tell my parents about this. I actually never told them anything about Daimon and yet the ass would even have the nerve to show up in front of my house to take me to school. He knew the other girls who had crushes on him would come after me, but nonetheless, the guy still did what he wanted, thinking he was protecting me. 

Everyone knew I was a charity case
, but only he knew about my situation. Those around me cared very little. If I wasn’t rich, then I was of no use, unless I was an obstacle, which most of the girls in school thought I was. They hated the amount of attention he paid me. I tried to explain it wasn’t what they thought, but they continued to bully me to no end. I never told him or anyone. They all did it behind his back, knowing he claimed me as his personal toy to play with, and if anyone would bother me, they would have to deal with him.

, who was another charity case, was the only one who helped me. He made sure that no one went too far. The funny thing was he was one of Daimon’s friends. It didn’t make sense to me how a charity case could have Daimon as a friend, but then again, I didn’t really want to know. The less I knew, the better it was for me.

finished washing up and was glad that part of my life was over. I looked in the mirror and smiled. In a few months, I would be in Yale, and then I would apply to pre-med; everything was going to go perfectly. No more bulling and no more Daimon. 

“Hey!” Sofia said as she walked in
from being dropped off by the school bus.

“How was school?” I asked. 

“Boring, it’s always boring,” she huffed.

was ten years younger than I was. I loved her to death. While my parents worked at the store, I was the one at home taking care of her and our house. Sofia was like me, an overachiever, but she was beautiful, too. She had the looks in the family and I was proud to be her older sister.

“When is mama coming home?” she asked
, her small voice sounding excited. Sofia was happy that Mom was coming home early for once.

, I think. She asked me to start cooking,” I offered.

ay, I'm going to go do my homework,” she answered back, running up the stairs.

started to prepare for dinner as I didn’t want my mom to feel too tired after she cooked for us, she did wake up every day at four in the morning. I waited at the kitchen table, the onions and garlic peeled and ready for her, but my mother still hadn’t come home. I called my dad, but he said she had left hours ago. Maybe she went to the market or to a friend’s house and forgot the time. Sofia became worried and I tried my best to calm her down. I started to feel badly that I had pushed her into cooking for me, but I wanted to be treated special even if it was only for one day. I sat in the kitchen watching TV when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and there stood two police officers. 

?” I said through the window. 

, I'm Officer Jeff. I'm with the New York Police Department. Can we come in?” He asked, showing me his badge.

, go to our room,” I said as I reluctantly let them in.

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