The Devil in the White City (54 page)

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Authors: Erik Larson

Tags: #2000, #Biography

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“You ought to begin
: Lewis, 36.

“What dreadful things
: Tierney, 84.

“His friends all noticed it
: Miller, 440.

His quirks
: Johnson, 81–88; Poole, 158, 160, 163, 169.

“the most remarkable man
: Miller, 438.

“a most admirable pig
: Abbot, 212.

“My Dear Mr. Trude
: Prendergast to Trude, Daniel P. Trude Papers.

The Invitation

Holmes suggested
: Schechter, 61.

Minnie planned to show
: I’ve inserted here a few of the attractions that Gilded Age visitors to Chicago found especially compelling. That Minnie planned to take her sister on such a tour is likely but not certain, as unfortunately she left no journal detailing the minutiae of her days.

Final Preparations

“anxious effort
: Wheeler, 832.

The menu
: Program, “Banquet to Daniel Hudson Burnham,” Burnham Archives, Box 59.

“Each of you knows
: Moore,
Burnham, Architect,

“The scale of the whole thing
: Moore,

“I fear nothing
: Burnham to Margaret, April 6, 1893, Burnham Archives, Family Correspondence, Box 25.

“I am very happy
: Burnham to Margaret, April 10, 1893, ibid.

“Why do you not write
: Burnham to Margaret, April 13, 1893, ibid.

“The public will regard
: Ibid.

Margaret sent him
: Burnham to Margaret, April 18, 1893, ibid.

: Carter, 368.

At the hotel’s front desk
: Ibid., 374.

“You can imagine
: Burnham to Margaret, April 10, 1893, Burnham Archives, Family Correspondence, Box 25.

“Every body here
: Olmsted to John, April 13, 1893, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.

“We shall have to bear
: Olmsted to John, April 15, 1893, ibid.

“I am afraid
: Ibid.

“Ulrich is unwittingly faithless
: Olmsted to John, May 3, 1893, ibid.

“I suppose that our time is out
: Ibid.

“frightful dust
: Olmsted to John, April 13, 1893, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.

“with sore throat
: Olmsted to John, April 23, 1893, ibid.

“A larger force is employed
: Ibid.

The odd thing was
Chicago Record,
December 16, 1893, in McGoorty Papers.

“It rains
: Burnham to Margaret, April 18, 1893, Burnham Archives, Family Correspondence, Box 25.

“Last night turned out
: Burnham to Margaret, April 20, 1893, ibid.

“The weather is very bad
: Ibid.

“I wrote you
: Olmsted to unidentified recipient (stamped as received and read by his firm), April 27, 1893, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.

“My ulcer has shrunk
: Ibid.

“We are having bad luck
: Olmsted to John, April 27, 1893, ibid.

“I don’t like it at all
: Ibid.

“The diet of the provisional mess
: Ibid.

“I took cold
: Olmsted to unidentified recipient, April 28, 1893, ibid.

“It is queer
: Ibid.

“It does not look ready
: Ibid.

“I get wind
: Ibid.

“gross incompleteness
: Miller, 489.

the World’s Fair Hotel
: Schechter, 56.


Opening Day

Twenty-three gleaming
: For details of the Opening Day procession: Badger, xi, xii; Burg, 111;
Chicago Tribune,
May 2, 1893; Miller, 490; Muccigrosso, 78–80; Weimann, 141–46;
The World’s Fair,
13–16, 253–63.

Burnham and Davis
The World’s Fair,

the sun emerged
: Ibid.

The farm offered omelets
: Bloom, 137.

Bloom gave a nod
The World’s Fair,

“When the fair opened
: Starrett, 50.

Twenty women fainted
: Burg, 111.

Reporters lucky enough
: Ibid., 23.

“Then from the
’s foretop
The World’s Fair,

Director-General Davis spoke
: Ibid., 259.

Nearby stood a table
: Weimann, 241.

A tall man
: Miller, 490.

“As by a touch
: Badger, xii.

At precisely 12:08
Chicago Tribune,
May 2, 1893.

Jane Addams realized
: Badger, xi; Miller, 490.

“The scene burst on me
: Frank Collier to Burnham, May 1, 1893, Burnham Archives, Box 1, File 13.

The official history
: For crowd estimates, see Badger, xii; Dedmon, 226; Weimann, 242.

On Tuesday, May 2
: Weimann, 556.

On the night of Thursday
Chicago Tribune,
May 5, 1893.

Next Chicago’s Chemical National Bank
Chicago Tribune,
May 9, 1893.

Three days later
Chicago Tribune,
May 19, 1893.

In Brunswick, Georgia
: Ibid.

In Lincoln, Nebraska
: Ibid.

Olmsted had yet to complete
: Ulrich, 46–48.

General Electric alone
Chicago Tribune,
May 3, 1893.

“I remain fairly well
: Olmsted to John, May 15, 1893, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.

On June 5 worried depositors
: Bogart and Mathews, 395.

The World’s Fair Hotel

The first guests began arriving
: Boswell and Thompson write, “Every night the rooms on the two upper floors of the Castle were filled to overflowing. Holmes reluctantly accommodated a few men as paying guests, but catered primarily to women—preferably young and pretty ones of apparent means, whose homes were distant from Chicago and who had no one close to them who might make inquiry if they did not soon return. Many never went home. Many, indeed, never emerged from the castle, having once entered it” (87). Franke writes, “We do know that Holmes advertised his ‘hotel’ as a suitable lodging for visitors to the world’s fair; that no fewer than fifty persons, reported to the police as missing, were traced to the Castle; and that there their trail ended” (109). Schechter: “No one can say exactly how many fairgoers Holmes lured to the Castle between May and October 1893, though he appears to have filled the place to capacity on most nights” (56).

He found a place
Chicago Tribune,
July 21, 1895.

They first advertised
: Ibid.

Holmes went alone
: Ibid.

Holmes explained the move
: That Holmes wanted Minnie as far from the hotel as reasonably possible seems certain, given his choice of an apartment on the North Side, though exactly what he told her about the move can’t be known. I propose one likely possibility.

Holmes and Minnie moved
Chicago Tribune,
July 21, 1895.

“seemed to be very attentive
: Ibid.

That he often smelled
: A barber who worked in Holmes’s building reported the many “queer” smells generated within.
Chicago Tribune,
July 30, 1895. In
July 28, 1895, a police detective states, “We have always heard of Holmes’ castle as being the abode of bad odors.”


“I am a candidate
Chicago Record,
December 16, 1893, McGoorty Papers.

“Night Is the Magician”

Only one child
: Weimann, 352. For broader discussion of daycare at the fair, see Weimann, 254–333, 349–52.

Within the fair’s buildings
: Burg, 206; Gladwell, 95; Miller, 494; Muccigrosso, 93, 163; Schlereth, 174, 220; Shaw, 28, 42, 49.

A popular guide
: Burg, 199.

“a fearful hideous thing
: Taylor, 9.

“Every one about us
: Ibid., 7.

“She takes a few
: Ibid., 22–23.

“My Country ’Tis of Thee
: Ibid., 23.

“In which building
: Dean, 335.

One male visitor
: Ibid., 378.

Over the six months
: Muccigrosso, 150;
The World’s Fair,

Often Cody upstaged
: Carter, 372–73; Downey, 168–69

“A strikingly noticeable change
Chicago Tribune,
June 2, 1893.

“No other scene
: Pierce,
As Others See Chicago,

“an inexhaustible dream
: Masters, 7.

“we insisted on sending
: Untitled manuscript beginning: “To him who has taken part,” Burnham Archives, Box 59, File 37.

“Our hour on the lagoon
: Dora Root to Burnham, undated, Burnham Archives, Box 3, File 63.

The fair alone
: Hines, 117.

“As the light was fading
: Polacheck, 40.

“unspeakable debris
: Ingalls, 141.

“Night,” Ingalls wrote
: Ibid.

“It was a common remark
: Schuyler, 574.

Modus Operandi

And so it began
Chicago Tribune,
July 30, 1895, August 1, 1895. In the
July 26, 1895, Chicago’s police chief states, “There is no telling how many people this man Holmes has made away with.” See also
Philadelphia Inquirer,
April 12, 1896.

chemical odors
Chicago Tribune,
July 30, 1895.

There were inquiries
Philadelphia Public Ledger,
November 21, 1894, July 22, 1895; Franke, 106; Schechter, 233. Also see Eckert, 209–10: Eckert quotes a letter from Julia Conner’s mother, dated December 22, 1892. Eckert’s book,
The Scarlet Mansion,
is a novel; the letter, Eckert told me in e-mail correspondence, is real.

Holmes did not kill face to face
Chicago Tribune,
July 28, 1895, where a Chicago police inspector states, “While I believe that Holmes would not dispatch a victim with an ax or other deadly weapon, I fully believe him capable of sneaking into a dark room where his victim was asleep and turning on the gas.”

The subsequent articulation
: Regarding the work of the “articulator,” Charles Chappell, see
Chicago Tribune,
July 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 1895;
New York Times,
July 29, 1895;
Philadelphia Public Ledger,
July 23, 27, 29, 30, 1895; Boswell and Thompson, 81–86; Franke, 98–101; and Schechter, 39–44.

He disposed of other
Chicago Tribune,
July 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, August 18, 1895;
Philadelphia Public Ledger,
July 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 1895.

One Good Turn

The rim arced
: The Ferris Wheel had a diameter of 250 feet but a maximum height of 264 feet because of the necessary gap between the bottom of the wheel and the ground. The Masonic Temple was 302 feet tall, but that height included a cavernous roof that rose high above the building’s last rentable floor.

“It is impossible
: Hawthorne, 569.

“Engines have steam
: Rice to Ferris, June 8, 1893, Ferris Papers, Ferris Correspondence: Miscellaneous.

“I did not trust myself to speak
: Anderson, 58.

“Suddenly I was aroused
: Ibid.

As the wheel began to turn
: Ibid., 60.

“No carriages were as yet placed
: Ibid.

“I could have yelled out
: Ibid.

“The last coupling
: Rice to Ferris, June 9, 1893, Ferris Papers, Ferris Correspondence: Miscellaneous.

“Your telegram stating
: Ferris to Rice, June 10, 1893, Ferris Papers, Ferris Correspondence: Miscellaneous.

“rather handsome
: Weimann, 560.

“Nothing could be more entertaining
: Ibid.

“I realize with some bitterness
: Ibid., 262.

In preparation
: Weimann, 560.

She declared
: Ibid.

“Her Highness
: Quoted in Wilson, 264.

“I am going to leave
: Ibid., 267.

“Royalty at best
: Ibid., 269.


Without even thinking
Chicago Tribune,
July 20, 1895.

First Minnie and Harry
: Despite the stench and pools of blood, the Union Stock Yards were Chicago’s single most compelling attraction for visitors, and tour guides did indeed lead men and women into the heart of the operation. It seems likely that Holmes would have brought Minnie and Nannie there, partly because of the yards’ status, partly because he would have derived a certain satisfaction from subjecting the women to its horrors. In
The Jungle
Upton Sinclair wrote, “It was too much for some of the visitors—the men would look at each other, laughing nervously, and the women would stand with hands clenched and the blood rushing to their faces, and the tears starting in their eyes” (35). For details on the stockyards and the operation of the overhead hog-butchering line, see Sinclair, especially 34–38; all of Jablonsky; and all of Wade. Wade notes that in the year of the fair more than one million people visited the stockyards (xiv). Rudyard Kipling, in his essay “Chicago,” writes, “Turning a corner, and not noting an overhead arrangement of greased rail, wheel and pulley, I ran into the arms of four eviscerated carcasses, all pure white and of a human aspect, pushed by a man clad in vehement red” (341–44, especially 342).

The great fair
: I’ve presented one likely path, based on guidebooks from the era, maps of the fairgrounds, and reports that described the features that exposition visitors found most attractive. For details of fair exhibits, see Flinn, 96–99, 104, 113–14;
Rand McNally,
34–36, 71, 119–20, 126.

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