Read The Devil Rogue Online

Authors: Lori Villarreal

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Historical, #Fiction

The Devil Rogue (32 page)

BOOK: The Devil Rogue
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“Your behind is quite
fetchingly displayed in these men’s breeches you’re wearing,” he said, while his hands firmly cupped the area he spoke of

Ian l
his head, cover
her mouth with his,
her deeply
He groaned low in his throat as he pressed her
lower body
firm ridge of his arousal
He had to wrestle for
control of the
urge to
mate with her, right here, right now
There was something primal within him that was unleashed whenever he was around
whenever he touched her
kissed her
It was
something he

d never experienced before
. He
explain it to himself or anyone else

finally lifted his
mouth away
from hers,
she gasped
“I don’t think we should be doing this right now,” she said
in a low,

“I agree,
” Ian said, “
but I find I
cannot keep my hands off you.”

“I’ve noticed.”

“Did you find anything?”
he asked.

o, I didn’t. What about you?”

“Nothing, I’m afraid
It was a risk coming here, and a long shot to expect to find
what we’re looking for
we looking for?

“I haven’t the vaguest clue
I suppose I was hoping for someth
ng to jump out at me – not literally, of course

she said with a laugh.
he was
remembering the way he had grabbed her in the dark

Sounds of the servants returning to the study
prompted Ian to step away from her
“I want to be alone with you,
” he said low
“Tonight, when all is quiet I’ll come to your room
And then w
finish what we started here

The ride back to the house was an interesting experience, with six people crammed into a closed carriage that was designed to seat only four comfortably
Ian had hidden the vehicle in a nearby side alley and led the way
Angela, Rosemary
and the three aging servants followed quietly behind him like a bizarre group of ducklings.

Getting into the house unnoticed was another matter entirely
Mrs. Brown met them at the rear entrance wielding a broomstick with the dedication of a knight fighting in the Crusades
If it weren’t for Ian’s quick reflexes, his skull might have sustained permanent damage.

“Oh, your lordship, I had no idea ‘twas you!” Mrs. Brown exclaimed with a hand over her heart
“You scared ten years out of my life, you did.”

“Good evening, Mrs. Brown,” Ian said, relieving her of her weapon
“I’m sorry to have frightened you.”
He felt oddly calm in the midst of such an unorthodox entrance into his own house
It seemed that unusual events were becoming a common occurrence around here lately
. W
hat was even more unusual,
or possibly even disturbing,
was that he took
it all
in stride
with an uncharacteristic

He watched Mrs. Brown’s eyes widen as she took in the sight of the others filing in after him
is that you, Miss Angela?” she asked, tactfully pretending not to notice
“And Rosemary, too
, I see. W
ho are these other people?”

Feeling a bit out of sorts for having to explain to a servant who the three strangers were standing in their back foyer, Ian said curtly, “We’ve acquired some additional help, Mrs. Brown
Could you see to their accommodations for the night
More permanent arrangements can be made on the morrow.”

Angela stepped in front of
him in a move to protect
his servant
“Mrs. Brown,” she said kindly

e’ve brought with us three good and loyal servants from my
previous household
With the conditions being as they were, Lord Blackridge has most graciously offered them a position here.”

Mrs. Brown’s expression remained impassive, except for the quick blink of her eyes
Ian suppressed
his amusement over
use of diplomacy on his behalf
Her protective instincts were so ingrained in her that it was second nature for her to defend others without even thinking about it
Did she see him as such an ogre
He hoped in time she would come to trust
him enough
judge him so harshly.

“To be sure, Miss Angela
your lordship,” Mrs. Brown said
“I’ll get to it right away.”

Turning toward the three servants, Angela introduced them
“Mrs. Haversham, Connors, Viola
this is Mrs. Brown
She’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping tonight.”
They each nodded in understanding and moved to follow Mrs. Brown.

The last in line, Viola stopped before Angela
“I’m glad to see you away from the likes of the baron, my dear,” she said, her voice parched with age
Placing her gnarled hand on Angela’s arm, she continued, “It’s all come full circle, child
Mayhap this time
fate will right itself.”

Angela could only stare at the old woman
Before she could get the words she wanted to speak off her frozen tongue, Viola was out of sight, swallowed by darkness
“What – what do you suppose she meant by that?” she asked no one in particular

She looked at Ian, catching his intent gaze
Rosemary had disappeared, and
suddenly realized they were alone together.
A small oil lamp cast an amber glow in a weak radius around it
The way the light r
eflected in Ian’s eyes, it made them appear
positively predatory
The blatant desire and raw sexual need she saw there was impossible to miss, causing Angela’s breath to
catch in her throat

knows something of your past,”
said, his voice deep and rich

Angela licked her dry lips
“Do you suppose she knows who my father is?” The subject was fast losing its hold on her attention
Her mind, her body
and her senses were
all shifting toward
something less tangible, and yet as powerful as the pull of the moon against the tides.

stepped closer to her
and leaned in,
ing deeply, his nostrils flaring.
“She’s old enough to have been around when your mother was alive
By her words alone, we can assume she has some knowledge of the subject
Now,” he said, taking her into his arms
“It’s time we went to bed.”

Fire ran through Angela’s veins, her nipples harden
against the solid wall of his chest
His mouth came down on hers, hot and demanding, turning her legs to
She felt the thick ridge of his arousal pressing into her belly, causing heat to pool between her thighs
Every part of her was aware of him – how his lips felt against hers, where their bodies touched, the smell of his shaving lotion
She became disoriented for a moment, and then realized he

d picked her up without
breaking the kiss, cradling her in his arms.

Pulling his mouth from hers,
gazed at
without a word, turned down the lamp and headed through the darkness to the stairs
Miraculously, they made it to her room without crashing into anything, or breaking their necks
Someone – Rosemary, most likely, had already lit a couple of lamps, and
turned down the bedcovers, revealing crisp, white sheets
The evening was warm, a gentle breeze fluttering the filmy curtains at the room’s two windows.

“It’s amazing what one can accomplish with the proper motivation,” Ian said with a rakish grin.

“Do you think we should be doing this
Angela a
sked, still nestled in his arms, “
with your mother here, I mean?”

“My mother isn’t here
She’s in her own room, asleep.”

“You know what I mean.”

“We’ve gone beyond the barriers of propriety, princess, and now that I’ve had a taste of you, I hunger for more.”
His grip loosened, allowing Angela’s feet to drop to the floor
“As deliciously adorable as you are in breeches, I think it’s time to remove them.”

Stepping back from him,
ran her gaze down his magnificent form, pausing for a moment on the distinctive bulge in his trousers before moving back up again
“I think it’s time to remove your clothes, too, my lord,”
she said
with a saucy smile
“And I would like to do the honors.”

his arms
wide, he rasped,
“I’m at your me
rcy, princess.”

Angela’s mouth went dry,
with trembling fingers, she began unbuttoning his immaculately tailored jacket
She marveled at the physical differences between them as she concentrated on her task
He was so much larger than her – the width of his shoulders, the muscled expanse of his chest, the strength of his arms.

As soon as t
he jacket
the floor, her hands
skimming over the finely woven material of his shirt
She felt as though he were a wild animal, his power barely
while he allowed her to explore as she wished
It was by his will alone, Angela realized, that
he restrained himself
from acting on instinct and taking what he wanted
This, in turn, gave her a sense of power
the feeling that she was in charge, that it was she who set the pace
He possessed the size and strength to dominate her
to overcome her, yet he didn’t use
that power
against her.



Villarreal / The Devil Rogue




attention to the buttons on his shirt, releasing each one down to the waistband of his pants
She pulled the edges apart, revealing skin made golden by the mellow glow of the lamps
She heard his sharp intake of breath when her hands skimmed along his belly and ribcage
Her fingers
traveled slowly up his chest, and
over his shoulders, slipping the material
away u
ntil it draped
in loose folds
down his arms

The heat radiating off his body engulfed her, raising her own temperature to a dangerous
Suddenly, she felt overdressed, but she wasn’t finished with her expedition just yet
With her lips, she traced the path of each scar, her tongue tasting the saltiness of his flesh
Finding his nipple, she
on it
, a thrill shooting through her belly when it puckered
, accompanied by a low groan.

up at him
“Where did you get these scars?”

a hoarse whisper
“I was sixteen
. O
ne of my father’s hunting dogs had turned vicious and attacked me.”

“I’m so sorry you had to endure such pain,”
said softly
, sympathizing with the younger version of the man standing before her

“It was a long time ago
. T
he memory of it has since faded
I was rather proud of the scars
back then.” His lips curved. “They
made me feel more rugged, more ma

“I cannot imagine a more rugged
masculine man
than you
are right now

Angela said, smiling.

“I was quite scrawny at that age.”

Well, t
hey detract not at all
your beauty
unlike my own

“Do not say it
Your scars b
witness to the victory of your survival

your perseverance of the baron’s tyranny.

He p
his hands on either side of her face
“You are a
, sensual woman, Angela
I’ve known many beautiful women, but none of them can match your inner spirit.”

“I don’t think I care to hear of all the beautiful women you’ve
, my lord,” Angela said with a spark of jealousy.

every single one of them
the moment I saw you, princess.”

“Nice try.”

If y
continue with
what you were doing, I guarantee no one but you will occupy my
In fact, when you touch me the way you were, all intelligen
takes flight.”

, warmed by his admission
It mirrored her own reaction to him
“Then I believe it’s time to remove these,” she said, reaching for the fastenings on his breeches.

“I’m all yours,”

Angela slid the now open breeches down his
hips, freeing
the rigid
phallus jutting
from the
of black curls
Stepping back, she admired his naked body
He was magnificently formed, more perfect than any marble statue could ever hope to be, because he was flesh and bone
The sight was such a stark contradiction to her
female curves, the golden patch of hair between her thighs
her sex hidden deep within her, where his was displayed so blatantly.

She began by placing gentle kisses on his chest, her tongue darting out to lick each nipple in turn, and then trailed down the center to his belly button
She smiled against his skin when she heard him hiss through his teeth
Her hands explored every plane, every ridge of muscle, and as she moved lower, caressed his firm buttocks.

Kneeling in front of him, she
wrapped her fingers around
his penis,
completely absorbed by its size and shape, and the velvety softness surrounding its steely hardness
Slipping her tongue
, she licked the tip, so soft and smooth
the tiny droplet that had been released, evidence of
state of arousal
Still curious, Angela took him
into her mouth, closing her lips around the thick shaft, exploring further with her tongue.

Sweet Jesus

Ian’s temples pounded, his chest expanding with the need to fill his lungs with more air
The sensation of Angela’s mouth on his cock was something he had not anticipated
It was ecstasy in its purest form, setting his blood on fire
He was consumed by it
closing and
head dropping back
he allowed himself to become lost for just a moment

“My God,” he said, grabbing her shoulders, and pulling her to her feet
“If I let you continue, my sweet angel, it will be over before it’s even begun
We need to get you out of those clothes – now.

Urgently, h
e fumbled
the buttons o
the men’s jacket she wore
t was removed, his clumsy fingers tangled in the cloth of her shirt.

With a huff of exasperation, Angela made a suggestion
“Why don’t you just rip it off?”


“I said why don’t you just tear it off me
It would be quicker, and the thought of it quite excites me, I must admit.”

Great Christ
, Angela
,” he said hoarsely, “
I don’t want to hurt you
You’ve managed to get me to a level of need
quite frankly
fear may become too intense

Ian practically groaned the words, his breathing labored, muscles trembling from
of his

“I’m not made of glass, Ian
Rip away.”

Needing no further encouragement,
Ian tore the material of her shirt down the front, sending buttons flying in every direction
The sight of her bare breasts drove him further over the edge
Lifting her, he p
her to him, fasten
his mouth fully over one nipple, sucking and licking, while he worked on removing her breeches

Both of them c
ompletely naked now, he mov
with her in his arms
the bed
He continued to suckle at one breast, then the other,
as he lay her down upon the
cool sheets
preading her legs with his knee
opened her to his wicked fingers
She was slick
and hot
, writhing under him in her own state of building passion.

Positioning himself at
to her body
, he thrust into her
as he could go
, a shout of triumph bursting from his throat
He heard her cry of pleasure, and covered her mouth with his, kissing her
hotly, passionately.

in and out with
, powerful strokes
while she welcomed him home
honeyed heat
groans and cries of delight beckoned him like a siren’s song, luring him
further into the realm of
fairytales and
They were separate, yet singular,
driven by an instinct a millennia old.

“Wrap your legs around me,”
in a raspy voice

When she did, he went deeper still, the head of his cock pushing against the entrance to her womb
For a split second, he remembered her request
to prevent a pregnancy, but it was too late
Her inner muscles contracted around him, signaling her impending climax
He came with an explosion of such intensity, that for a moment, he felt as though he were no longer in his own body, transcended to some other plane of existence on a current of joy.

rested his head in the curve of her shoulder, gasping for air
Both of their bodies were slick with perspiration, already cooling
ow that they lay motionless
“My God, Angela,” he
whispered hoarsely
“Is it not apparent to you now that you are the only woman who occupies my thoughts?”

Angela stroked the back of his neck, running her fingers through his dampened hair
Her breathing was steadily calming to a normal rhythm
, as was the beating of her heart
Except that
it seemed
her heart had fill
with an overwhelming emotion, making her chest ache
Tears escaped from the outer corners of her eyes, trailing down her temples

When had she fallen in love with him

She supposed it didn’t really matter
it happened
, just that it had
And whether or not his proposal of marriage was born of a guilty conscience, she was, regardless, in love with him.
Suddenly, the ache turned to warmth, a feeling of blissful resolve washing over her
he would have moments like these to cherish in the years to come.
It didn’t
matter how this

to her side
, tucking
her head on his shoulder
Sighing, he said, “I’m sorry, princess, I forgot about your concern about an untimely pregnancy.”

Angela turned her head up to look at him
“Aren’t you concerned about it, as well?”

“Of course
it concerns me
. I
t’s just that you
bewitch me so
think of nothing else but kiss
your body, touch
every inch of you, and bury
myself deep inside you.”

BOOK: The Devil Rogue
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