The Devils Harvest: The End of All Flesh.

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The Devils Harvest: The End of All Flesh.
Glen Johnson
Sinuous Mind Books (2012)

Jacob Cain’s life changes forever when he starts to receive a series of reanimated corpses, each impart a fragment of a message. An ancient tale unfolds as old as time itself relating humanities darkest untold secret – the biblical story from the Devil’s point of view.


As the chain of events unfolds Cain repeatedly finds himself confused and covered in blood. Suddenly he becomes a fugitive from the authorities, wanted in connection to multiple murders, his garden now a mass grave.


Guided by one catastrophic event after another, Cain finds whole villages eerily silent with corpses littering the streets as a new plague from an unimaginable source starts to sweep the country. At an old farmhouse he comes face-to-face with mankind’s worst nightmare. And buried in a field is the answer to all the riddles that climax in a terrifying, unearthly twist.

As Cain fights for his life he must unravel the shocking truth, before billions die. He is all that stands in the way of a global pandemic on an apocalyptical scale.



By Glen Johnson

Published by Sinuous Mind Books

Copyright © Glen Johnson 2012

Cover image: Shutterstock

Glen Johnson has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead or undead is entirely coincidental.

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not be, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without Sinuous Mind Books or Glen Johnson’s prior consent. Except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles.

Typeset: Caecilia LT Std/Italic

Bible quotes taken from: 21st Century King James Version. Common English Version. New International Version – UK

Also by Glen Johnson from Sinuous Mind Books

(Available on Amazon)

Lamb Chops and Chainsaws:
Nine Disturbing Short Stories About the Darker Side of Human Nature.

For my big brother

Steven McLeod


hanks to my older brother, Gary Johnson who went over the raw manuscript with many read-through and editorial help. To Matthew Chilcott for help with cover suggestions. To Steven Mcleod, Anthony & Barbara Stokes, Anthony Pike, Victoria Tamkin, Sarah Shortt, Rachel Shapter, Kate Pike, Sarah Kelly and David Choules. And once again not forgetting Jamie Kerr, Stacy Folan, Richard Plaine, Kimberley Driver, Stacey Driver, Amy Barr, Chris Manning, James Smith, James Northcott and Catherine Flaherty – for the
Good Old Days
– but not forgotten.

hereas the structures, wall paintings, ancient text and locations in this book are real, the events and characters are merely a fabrication of my imagination.

Glen Johnson

Now it came to be the day when the sons of the true God entered to take their station before God, and even Satan proceeded to enter right among them. Then God said: “Where do you come from?” At that Satan answered God and said: “From roving about in the earth and from walking about in it.”

The Christian Bible, Job 1: 6-7

I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld; I will smash the door posts, and leave the doors flat down, and will let the dead go up to eat the living! And the dead will outnumber the living!”

The Sumerian legend - The Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet VI

Even though millions of people worldwide read the New Testament – whether from curiosity or religious devotion – very few ask what this collection of books actually is or where it came from, how it came into existence, who decided which book to include, on what grounds, and when.”

Bart D. Ehrman – Lost Scriptures


The Ultimate Biography


illions have died. Tens of millions across England, and the world, are still suffering from the loss and confusion that only a catastrophe of this magnitude could create.

As for my life, it will never be the same again. My perception of the world has been completely distorted. Even now I still grope for the right words to describe what has happened. How such an experience can be placed into simple words to be read. How it has without doubt changed my life, and the very way in which I view life itself. And the way life – in my adopted country of England – even now tries to recover.


Almost five million souls were ripped from their warm bodies.

When you consider there are almost seven billion people in the world today, the chances are astronomical that the devil would choose to knock on my front door. But he did, bringing death and destruction in his wake. You can read the dark chilling story of how death came knocking and the story he brought in with him from the cold, a story that will transform your life forever.


A single person (I think he can be called a person) came into my life and gave forth his story. One he said needed to be told; needed to be out in the open. Because the Bible has warped people’s perception for thousands of years and now it was his turn to put what happened into words. Tell the story from his point of view. Set the record straight.

God be damned.


I would be the devils biographer.

Many will not believe the words conveyed by him. At some points I didn’t even believe what he was saying. But all I can say is, you needed to be in the same room, see his decorum, the way in which he held himself. And the things he showed me; hallucinations? I cannot say. But they felt real to me, as if I had been there, viewing them with my own two eyes, feeling the light tickling wind upon my skin, and the baking suns heat upon my face, the sticky blood upon my hands. What if it was only hallucinations, tricks? But small things also made his story believable. Things, that as I now look back, made sense. The way he sat, hand movements, simple things that conveyed a lot. He was a good showman.


Now I am simply rambling, confusing you. I will start my story, as all stories should start, from the beginning. I will allow you to judge for yourself, to see if you believe his words, his stories, and his view of events that have transpired.

I will let you come to the decision to whether you believe the Dark Angel Satan, the Devil himself, appeared before me and gave his side of the story, his view of creation and the happenings thereafter. Why he was thrown out of heaven, along with countless other angelic rebels. Why, along with some of his angelic brothers, he now resides upon the earth: earth being their playground and their prison. And his plans for the future, and how it affects each and every one of us, and the very future of mankind itself.


Or whether you think that I did indeed simply lose my mind (as I sometimes believe) and I am now paying the consequences for that.

Of course now, at the end of it all, I know the truth. I now know what it was all about. But I will let you read my story, read the events as they took place in chronological order. Then you can be the judge. But I will not give away the fatal twist that makes this whole story all the more unbelievable, more horrific.


Just remember, what makes a person evil, their actions, their effect on others? Could someone so evil and so unbelievably cruel, who caused the death of untold millions, truly aspire to the name of the devil himself?

Read the Devils Harvest and make up your own mind.


But be prepared, the truth will blow your mind. Your world will never be the same again.

Millions have died...


The Fallen Angels

So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.

Revelation 12:9


Dead Man Walking


t was a cold January evening. The wind was howling outside, making the laden trees give up there burdens, depositing even more snow on the already heavily covered ground. Roads were blocked. Telephone lines were down, having snapped from the weight of the snow upon them. So far it has been the worst winter in living memory, and apparently, so the meteorologists say, the worst was yet to come.

It’s at times like these that I wonder – and not for the first time – why I lived in a godforsaken place like this? Dartmoor, or the Moors, as the locals refer to it.


England has ten national parks, only two, Dartmoor and Exmoor, are situated in the southern part of the country, in a county called Devon. I live on the larger of the two, Dartmoor: a large national park area, covering several hundred square miles. Wild ponies roam aimlessly, and sheep continually try to run you off the road by appearing at almost every bend in the narrow hedge crowded lanes, where most of the time two cars can’t even pass each other. You spend most of your time reversing to let others pass, (they never seem to give way to you).

There are only two notable cities nearby. Dartmoor sits sandwiched between Exeter to the east and a navy port of Plymouth to the west. Few noteworthy towns or villages. Mainly though the area was just a large collection of identical little towns skirted by even smaller villages, around the Moors fringes and dotted around the Moors itself. Apart from that it’s a sleepy section of an already sleepy countryside.


But then, as I reflect, that’s why I choose this section to be my home. Away from the cruel streets of America. Away from Washington D.C., my home city for thirteen years. Away from the mad hustle ‘n’ bustle, the crime, and the shootings. Most writers prefer to be in the middle of everything. Be where the pulse is, as some of my writer friends refer to it. But I’m not like most of them.

That soon became abundantly clear.


Sometimes I do miss my former home, my old hectic life. I used to live close to the waterfront. Maine Avenue Fish Wharf was only a short stroll away. The countless times I had walked over the Francis Case Memorial Bridge to get to Pruitt’s Seafood Restaurant, looking down to see the faded red painted sign of Jessie’s Cooked Seafood, sprawled across the dirty white wall. I had tried many of the large restaurants along the half-mile strip, but no one steamed crabs like Pruitt’s.

Once, I had even considered buying a boat and living in the marina. But that’s before I had travelled to England to do some research for one of my books, and ended up falling in love with my mother’s home county of Devon. That was more years ago than I cared to remember.


Both my parents were British. My father dragged my mother across the Atlantic Ocean to his new job, working for the Sacramento State Department of Geology. I was born on a day trip to Lake Tahoe. I was awarded American citizenship, purely because that’s where I came out. If I had waited another twenty-eight days, and not been premature, I would have been born in England, like my mother planned. The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.

My mother still had a choice, because she held a British passport I could of been registered as British. She never did explain why she choice American?


In the end my mother couldn’t stand the heat, or my alcoholic father, so I returned with her and my older brother and sister, to live with my grandparents in Biggin Hill London, leaving my father behind, with only his drinking habit for company. I never heard from him again. I was an American by law, even though I lived there for only two months, as a baby.

My mother died from a brain aneurysm when I was twenty-one, two weeks before my first book was sold to a publishing house. By twenty-two, when my first royalty check cleared, I moved back to America – my birthplace, but still an alien land to me.


I left the grey streets of London as a young adult. I tasted the dramatic life of America, and found it wanting. Now I have found somewhere I can be at peace with myself and my chosen life. I found Devon. And I had been back living in England for three years. I now lived sixteen miles away from where my mother was born and raised.

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