The Dirty Anthology (4 page)

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Authors: Anthology

BOOK: The Dirty Anthology
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“Yours,” she screamed. “Goddamned yours.”

It was that tone of euphoric elation that threw me over the edge. My head banged against the wall as I tried to catch my breath.
Never had I come so much in my life. Spurt after spurt left my body, causing my knees to feel weak and my arms to tire, but it was all worth it.
My eyes looked down; a stream of my come ran down the wall and onto the carpeted floor.

Next time, it would be our combined juices that flowed out her pussy.

A beautiful sight.






“Fuck,” I heard her hiss out, and I pressed my ear once more against the wall. She was moaning. It was real.  “Please, don't stop.” I saw red. Any trace of my recent release vanished with that thought.

Was my girl in there with another? Fuck and no.

“Devin,” she whimpered, followed by the sound of a hand slapping against a wall. The red haze disappeared just as soon as it came; my smile grew. I was proud. You couldn't pay me enough to remove the smug grin of my face. “Oh fuck me, Devin.”

My girl was on the other side of that very wall, pleasuring herself to thoughts of me. Using my image to make herself come. Perfect.

The water was turned off, and I stood in place, arms braced on the wall, holding my trembling body up. Pure fucking fervor burned through my veins; I wanted her. Needed to feel the heat of her skin on mine, enveloping me.

I whispered out low and backed away. “You better be ready for me.” It took everything, every ounce of sheer will to pull myself away and start to get ready. Looking down, I found my dried come on the carpet and shook my head while smiling. Before this weekend was through, our combined juices would be found over every flat surface of this room.

It would smell like us. Like perfection.

My shower was quick. In and out. I needed to be set for her departure as I would be following shortly after. With sweaty palms, I paced the floor inside my rented four walls. It was only a matter of time now until I had her.

The next time I came, it would be inside her pussy—she would be drenched in me. 

“Shit, I’m so late,” I heard my girl grumble exactly an hour to the minute after I pushed off the come-stained wall. “Fuck. Devin and his cock…I shouldn’t have watched his last movie on the plane ride down.” The distinct sound of Lucia's heels as she closed her door and strode past mine became faint the farther away she got. I was barely able to catch a small glimpse of her figure as she cat walked down the hall. 

Come-and-fuck-me boots. That’s all I could make out of her through the small peephole in my door. These were the kind you wanted your woman to wear as you fucked her. They spelled trouble. A little pain. And a lot of pleasure.

“Bad girl.” My whispered words were ignored by the stunning beauty a few feet away. She never turned my way while I closed the door behind me and walked past her. Her smell caused me to pause for the shortest of seconds. She smelled of innocent sin, the kind the good Lord above couldn’t with good conscience punish you for; my reactions to the woman were out of my hands.

Lucia paid me no mind while I opened the door leading to the stairs and stood just inside the doorway, nor while I watched her slim form. She was so close to danger and completely oblivious.

The elevator dinged, and my girl huffed. “Come on!” She’d been pressing the down button incessantly, lacking patience; another thing we held in common. Lucia entered the elevator, and I looked down at the watch on my wrist—we were on schedule. My timing had to be just right as I needed to head down without being caught or mauled by 
 own fans.

The moment I was inside my car, I called Clifton. He answered after two rings in his usual jovial way.

“Dude, this will be epic…the place will be packed, but we have everything ready for you. You owe me—” All this was said in rapid succession, almost too fast for me to follow.

I laughed hard. “Breathe.”

“But, Devin,” he whined out, and I had to put a stop to him. If I let him get too excited, there would be no reining him in tonight. I’d be stuck babysitting an overemotional gay man and not fucking my girl. Not happening.

Bypassing his inane chatter, I spoke. “I’m on my way. Stop, breathe…tell someone to give you a strong shot and relax.”

“You suck.”

“No, that’s what you do. I like to eat pussy.” This made him snort and then let out a huge breath. “Better?”

“Yeah. Get off the phone and see your girl.” Didn’t have to tell me twice.

Once at the restaurant, I parked and entered through the back door. Walked through the large kitchen and thanked the staff as I passed by them.

The owner was waiting for me right by the waiter’s entrance with a smile. “Welcome to Antonio’s, Mr. Andrews. We are very happy to have you here tonight and help you in any way we can.”

“Is she here?” Extending my hand out for him to shake, he took it and the extra few hundred dollars I passed him for all his troubles.

“Yes, sir.” Antonio nodded enthusiastically. “She’s having a few complimentary drinks by the bar while the group waits for their table to be ready. We were just waiting on your arrival, Mr. Andrews.”

Nodding, I clamped my hand on his shoulder, squeezed, and walked through the staff’s door and into the main dining room. That’s when I saw her, just across from me at the bar sipping on a cocktail and laughing with her head thrown back.

“Fucking beautiful.” And it was the truth, something every other man in this restaurant noticed while they admired her. Her face. Her laughter. Or that motherfucking ass of hers that I yearned to spank. To see the print of my hand adorn those succulent cheeks while she rode me in reverse cowgirl.

No one paid me any attention while I walked across the room and sat down the bar from her. Not in the clothing I had on. I blended in well with the patrons here tonight, and it pleased me. Made me feel normal for once.

Dressed in a simple pair of jeans, polo, and a baseball cap, I was invisible. Even to her.

It wasn't as if I were stalking her, I just wanted to make sure my girl was being treated right. That she was having a good time and not being approached by the sea of men who seemed to naturally flock to her. Her beauty turned heads no matter where she went.

Dinner was sensational to say the least—well, at least my personal show was. Being close enough to witness the way her plump lips caressed the fork after each bite of her food was a beautiful sight. My eyes had an undisturbed view of her heaving chest in the low cut, almost indecent halter she wore tonight.

So close was I, that my ears were within distance to hear the moan of pleasure that passed her lips. My cock was both tortured and thankful.

She was the most alluring creature, and it wasn't just my eyes that realized this. More than once, I had to glare or growl out a warning to the idiots who attempted to approach. See, my girl was positioned at a corner table, two down from my booth. To get to her, you had to bypass me, and those that tried were dissuaded fast from their intentions.

My career be damned when it came to taking care of what was mine.

I would fuck any one of them up; of that there was no doubt.

The girls had a blast as they ate and got to know each other on a one-on-one basis. I could hear the murmurings, squeals, and laughter as they all discussed her latest book and crush on me. 

“Jesus, the things I would do to that boy,” one said as she fanned herself, earning a laugh from the bunch and a blush from my one and only. “Suck him so good.”

“Oh my God,” another one of her fans squealed. This woman I knew; she was from Arizona and an admin on her page. “Look at Lucia’s blush. What’s going through that head of yours? Spill, missy.”

“It's just, this um... fuck. Okay, there’s this scene that I’ve had in my head lately. All I see is Devin taking me hard and fast. No romance or soft touches. A motherfucking claiming, and it’s driving me insane.” Everyone at the table laughed and ribbed her some more in hopes she would spill.

“Is that all?” the one that started with the offer to blow me asked. “You usually have so much going on in that head of yours.”

“No,” Lucia grumbled before taking a long sip from her drink. “There’s one more bunny. A bit naughtier, and different from anything I’ve written before. It’s consuming me.”

“Don’t leave us like that!” some woman yelled out much to my girl’s embarrassment.

“Fine,” she huffed with a smile. “And this is all I will say on the matter. Devin is older in this one, a much older doctor than my supposed eighteen years. Yes, my ass is young in this fantasy. He’s a dominant, and falls for the town female version of a troublemaker. She’s about to turn eighteen, and he waited until then to pounce and correct her behavior.”

A chorus of
“yes, please”
rang throughout the table. The women around her all giggled and began to talk about chains and whips. A little disturbing, but I’d love to tie Lucia to my bed. Maybe use a few toys to torture her for making me become this crazed asshole for her.

They discussed this new idea until it was time to go; the bunch was surprised, yet elated when told that a patron had paid for their entire meal.

Of course, Lucia protested, but it was a done deal at that point. No way of getting around it. Her beautiful eyes scanned the room hoping to find the gracious guest’s eyes, but as she searched, they happened to land on mine.

Reality slipped.

I could see the recognition flash through her expressive eyes. Disguised or not, she knew who I was and was seconds away from saying so. It was just my luck that a friend pulled on her arm, her eyes diverted, and I took that as my cue to leave.

Leaving through the busy dining room was easy. Everyone’s eyes were too busy watching the live band playing to notice the celebrity escaping. Once outside, I made my way over to the driver I’d hired for the night and gave him the exact instructions of what I wanted.

“Deliver them to the club precisely at ten, and not a minute earlier. It’s important, and if you fuck this up, I won’t be happy.”

Nodding, he extended his hand out and took the envelope with his pay and generous tip. “Of course, sir. Ten on the dot, and I’ll make sure they get there safe and happy. Will I be waiting outside after?”

“One of them will be returning with me, but the others will need to be returned to the hotel. Keep close to the front. It’s been arranged for you to park there without any issues from the owners.”


“Good.” Nodding, I turned around and made my way over to my bright orange rental. Opening the door, I slipped inside quickly and tilted the seat back just a bit. My girl should be coming through those doors any minute now, and I shouldn’t be seen.

Lucia didn't disappoint.

No sooner had I climbed inside when she walked right by me. Her eyes were looking everywhere. 
That's right, baby, search for me. See only me.

She walked next to me and then stopped, her eyes trying to get a look inside the car I was sitting in. Lucia tilted her head to the side and through squinted eyes searched all around for the something she’d seen. No dice. Too bad for her my windows were tinted all black and impossible to see through at night.

“Come on, Miss White…it’s time to get our party on,” one of her readers declared. It was followed by choruses of “
hell, yeah”
“bring on the liquor”
from others.

They all piled into the awaiting van, and you could see most of them already wearing the effects of the alcohol consumed with dinner. The entire group, including my girl, danced in their seats as they drove down to Club Mansion. I followed them just a few cars back and laughed at their antics. It was cute.

People in the cars around them, through heavy traffic, were amazed by the rowdy bunch and cheered them on.

Only in Miami, I tell you.



The music was thumping as I entered the club. From my understanding, the group was already being seated in the upper level VIP lounge, and was well on their way to enjoying their first of many complimentary bottles of tequila.

The latest club banger from a popular male Cuban artist had just begun to play, and almost every person in the room walked towards the dance floor. Bodies swayed—hips grinding and lips singing the catchy tune, that now had become an instant favorite of mine.

She was on the floor when I approached—in the middle to be exact—with quite a large fan base watching her every sway. Never had I seen a pair of hips move so enticingly to a beat. It was almost as if the conga and drum beat flowed through her veins.

She was the envy of all women in the room and a temptation to all men.

No one saw me as I made my way across the room and stood behind her. Mere feet away by the bathrooms, I hid and watched my girl dance. Witnessed her be propositioned and turn every motherfucker down.

Good girl.

Lucia stayed on that floor for nearly an hour straight, only stopping because she was signaled over by her friend from Arizona. She held Lucia’s phone in her hands; it’d been ringing nonstop for the past five minutes. All calls had come from me.

It was time.

“Your phone's vibrating, chicky,” she yelled over the loud music. “We were going to ignore it, but it kept ringing. We didn’t know if it was an emergency or not.”

On your mark.

“Let me see.” Lucia opened the screen of her phone and sighed. “It’s a friend. She’s supposed to make it tonight.  Ah shit, she needs me to call her. Fuck, I hope she isn't canceling.”


“Call her; I'm sure she just needs directions.” With a nod and her phone tightly gripped in her hands, Lucia walked right into my trap.


Her back was to me when I reached her, concentrating on the phone call she was attempting to make—a call that would never be answered. My hands took hold of her tiny waist and pulled her flush against my chest, her back to my front. Her body stiffened and her mouth opened to let out a scream.

“Don’t,” I whispered against her throat before laying a small tender kiss beneath her ear. “I will release you in a minute, baby, but I won't be letting you go. No screaming. There’s no need to be afraid.”

“Please, don’t hurt me.”

“I could never.” Another kiss and then a gentle bite on that sensitive area beneath her ear. For someone so afraid, she never attempted to push me away. Instead
she stood there and followed instructions like a good girl.

“Then let me go,” she begged, and I smiled. She’d be begging for an entirely different reason soon. 

“You captured me with your words, Miss White. Motherfucking ruined me, and I only think it’s fair that I return the favor. I’m yours, if you’ll have me.” My hands released her slowly—now, she fought to move away, but the moment we stood face to face, she stood as still as a statute.

“You,” she accused, much to my amusement. “I fucking knew I saw you.” Lucia began to pace the small hallway, tiny measured steps, but not once did she venture far. “Motherfucker, am I being Punk’d?”

“No, babe. And yes, it's me.”

“Oh fuck me.”

“I plan to.”

“Oh God…you!” She was in shock, as was to be expected, but at this point the girl literally looked to be well on her way to passing out. That wouldn't do.

My lips crashed onto hers before she could utter another word. Lips, so soft and pliant against mine, battled for dominance. They wrapped themselves around my tongue and began to suck. That action sent sparks of electricity to my already heavy balls.

“Motherfuck.” A low growl ripped itself from deep within my chest, and my hands reached down to squeeze her succulent ass. Her sinful body molded itself against my harsher planes. Every inch of her was wrapped around me, rubbing herself against my hardness. “I need you.”

My eyes almost rolled into the back of my head.

“Please,” she whimpered while I picked her up and wrapped those legs I’d dreamed about around my waist. Her back hit the wall; I used it to hold her top half up while my hands held her hips still. She protested with a weak growl of her own, and then she did the cutest thing in the world:

She bit her lips.

Cute, but not working on me this time, baby.

“Don’t fucking move, love.” This time I got a glare. “I'm not kidding, Lucia.”

She rolled her denim-covered pussy against my cock. “Or else what?”

“Keep that shit up, and I’ll fuck you right here, against this wall, for any motherfucker who comes back here to see.” She opened her mouth to speak, but one harsh bite from me on her lower lip kept her quiet. “Now, that being said, I'm taking you home with me.”

Her groan made every nerve ending in my body tingle. “My friends—”

I ignored her and licked the swollen lip. “I wasn't kidding when I said I was putting a claim on you. One way or the other, I will have you, but I would prefer if you wanted this too.”

“But... fuck, that feels good.” Her tiny fingers embedded themselves into my hair and pulled. Her hips continued to move, seeking the friction she needed. “We don’t know each other, Devin.”

My name coming from her lips sounded so sweet.

“We've been friends online for months, sweetheart.”

She pulled back to search my eyes for any sign of deceit. “What?”

“I know you hate the dark, and think Friday the 13th movies are traumatizing. You love the ocean and collecting sea shells from the ones you've visited thus far.” Her eyes were huge and filled with unshed tears. “Also, I know that when you were eight, you had the biggest crush on a member of a popular boyband we won’t mention.”

“You’re DevA?” she asked, and I nodded with a smirk. “Oh God, how embarrassing.” Lucia pushed her face into my neck and hid. The heat from her blush warmed me. She remembered that conversation now through private messages.

“And finally, I also know that you masturbate to thoughts of us as you write. It’s that quirky, yet feisty girl that I want to fall in love with.”

“This is insane, Devin. I don't know you.”

I had to put a stop to this shit right there.

“Yes, you do. Every conversation we’ve had online was real. Everything we’ve discussed

from our favorite music, to literature, to the porn sites we frequented—was honest. All of it.” A single tear ran down her cheek. “I told you all about my childhood, and the death of my chihuahua Rocky. About my cousins, and their penchant to pick on me because I was the last to hit puberty. You know me, love. Know the real me—not the man in front of a camera, but the dork who loves Guns N’ Roses and reads comics.”

“Please don’t laugh.” She giggled while wiping her cheeks. I raised a brow. “I began to think I was a lesbian…”

I choked on my spit. “Come again?”

“Thought I was falling in love with a...” My lips smashed into hers once more.

“Want you, Lucia.”

“This is crazy, but God do I want you too, Devin. Have for a long time.” I couldn't help but let out a booming laugh at the way this declaration had turned out—we truly were a pair.

We left the club immediately after. She told her friends she was feeling ill. They wanted to leave with her, but after assuring them she just needed to sleep, we were off. We walked out hand in hand toward the private parking area for the club’s famous clientele. The moment her eyes landed on my car, she punched my arm.

“Ouch.” Violent little thing.

“I had a feeling I was being watched as we passed by.”

“I've been watching you all week, baby.” Leaning down, I lightly bit her neck and she let out a tiny moan. “I can't wait until I'm buried balls deep inside that sweet pussy of yours.”

“You’re mean.” She pouted while I chuckled and opened the door for her.

“Not when I plan to deliver the moment I have you back in my room.”

The moment we stepped through the penthouse I had rented for the duration of our stay, I had her pinned against the door with my mouth attached to her flesh.

“Please,” she begged while my lips trailed over her collarbones and down toward her chest, following the edge of her barely there shirt with the tip of my tongue. Her chest rose and fell rapidly while I bit into the swells of her breast. Each nip was followed by the soothing caress of my tongue as I worshiped her every pore.

“Take my top off, please. I need to feel you, Devin.” Her impatience scorched my veins. She wanted me. “Just take it the fuck off!”

“As you wish,” I snarled and ripped the offending halter in two, the sound of splitting fabric only enhancing the erotic moment. My girl arched her back, neck straining as she pushed her breasts toward my face.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I murmured before taking a stiff peak into my mouth. Her breasts were so soft in my hands, such a contrast to the pebbled flesh I was currently biting, licking, and flicking between kisses.

“Shit!” Lucia hissed, her fingers gripping my hair tight and pulling me closer.

“Like that, do you?” I couldn't help myself; seeing her so lost in the sensations I was creating—it was a boost to my ego and cock.

“Yes.” Her hand reached down to unbuckle my belt.
Way ahead of you, sweetheart.
The moment her hand encountered the hard flesh of my cock, her body shivered and her lips opened in a silent

Lucia’s eyes snapped up to mine, watching me while stroking my engorged flesh. “So soft…so huge.”

“I want you to feel me for days after—every time you walk, you'll feel an ache, a twinge of pain, from how far I've stretched you.”

“Please.” Her plea came with a harsh tug on my cock; my body trembled in an effort to hold back. There was something I needed to hear come from her lips first.

“Please what, Lucia?  Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you.”

“Fuck me. Stretch me. Break me.” Music to my goddamned ears.

“You shouldn't have said that.”

Within seconds, I had her boots, pants, and underwear on my floor. Her lacy pink boy shorts hung from my finger, the saturated fabric enticing me to sniff the drenched spot as her intoxicating scent hit my senses. Drawing the lace toward my nose, I took in a deep inhale and groaned.

Her natural smell was sweet and fruity. My body wanted to cover hers, claim what was mine, and begin to satiate the thirst I’d had for this beauty for quite some time. Instead, I pulled back and enjoyed her natural enchantments. My girl’s body was a work of art: pert breasts, flat stomach, yet she had wide hips that led to a bountiful ass that begged to be fucked.

There wasn't a piece of her that wasn't perfect.

My eyes continued their perusal until I hit her pussy. Bare and pink. Swollen lips that were bathed in her essence and a tiny clit that peaked out from between her flushed labia.

My mouth watered.

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