The Dirty Divorce Part 3 (20 page)

BOOK: The Dirty Divorce Part 3
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Once we got in the car, I looked in the backseat. “Put your seat belt on, lil’ girl,” I ordered. “And stop crying. It’s not your fault that your father is an asshole!”

As I tore out of my driveway, I looked at my ceramic Chanel J12 watch. It was 9:45 p.m. and that bastard had yet to call. Trixie ad Rich were definitely gonna get the surprise of their lives when I interrupted their sex session.

I made it to Ft. Washington in no time, becoming angrier by the second the closer I got to her house. I pulled in the driveway a few minutes later, Rich’s car was no where in sight.

He’s probably parked in the garage
, I told myself.

“You can take your seat belt off now,” I told Juanita who hadn’t said a word since we left.

After putting the gun in my pocket and helping her out the car, we walked up the front door, with me ringing the doorbell at least ten times. When that didn’t work, I started knocking like the fucking police.

When Trixie finally opened the door looking like she was half sleep, I raised my hand and slapped the shit out of her.

“Aighhh. What the fuck is your problem, Marisol?” Trixie asked as she shielded herself from my next two blows.

Juanita continued to cry. “Mommy.”

“Bitch where the fuck is Rich?” I asked. I had plans on pulling Miss Pearlie out if she wanted to play dumb.

Trixie held out her arm. “Juanita, come in the house, baby. Go to your room.”

As the little girl took off running, Trixie made sure her daughter was out of harms way before she turned back to me. “Did you hurt my daughter?”

“No, I didn’t Now, where’s Rich?” I repeated.

“I don’t know! Damn, what the fuck is going on?”

Furious, I pulled the .380 out and pointed it toward her face. “Bitch stop playing stupid. Y’all got me fucking watching your daughter while y’all over here fucking! Where is he?”

“Marisol please, I swear, he’s not here! I just got home from work. What the hell is wrong with you?” She looked scared as hell.

“His phone accidently called me and I heard him fucking somebody! Are you covering up for him?”

Trixie quickly shook her head. “No. You can call anybody at my salon and ask them. I just left not to long ago.”

Normally, Trixie was a shit talker, but I guess anybody would change their tune with a gun pointed in their direction.

“Ugghhhh!” I yelled mad as shit. I couldn’t believe I’d let her see me like this over that no good nigga.

As bad as I wanted to apologize my pride wouldn’t allow me to. I finally lowered the gun.

“So, when was the last time you talked to him?”

“I haven’t heard from Rich since he left this morning. He said he was taking Juanita to the zoo,” Trixie responded.

“Well, your daughter has been at my house all day.”

“That lying muthafucka.”

So, are you and Rich still fucking?” I asked.

“We’re not just fucking, we’re together. He sleeps here with me almost every night.”

I bit the inside of my mouth to try and calm myself down. “I just asked him were you all sleeping together and he said you were just his baby's mother. Wow.”

“Oh yeah! If that’s the case then why is some of his stuff in the drawers up stairs? He’s lying to you,” Trixie added. “So, wait a minute, y’all still fool with each other?”

“When I feel like it. He just tried to get some earlier, but I turned him down.”

Now more than ever I hated Rich for making me look like a dumb ass bitch. He was gonna pay for humiliating me in front of trash like Trixie. Then it dawned on me. While she was mad at him, this was the perfect opportunity to get the information I needed about Carlos. My pride had to be put to the side for now as I fished for information.

“Look Trixie, I’m sorry for attacking you like that in front of your daughter, but I’ve been through a lot lately. I don’t know if Rich had told you all we’ve been through this past year.”

“All I know is that the Sanchez’s have been dropping like flies and I told Rich I didn’t want my daughter around all that shit.”

“Did he ever tell you what happened to Carlos?”

“No, he didn’t. He never wants to talk about it,” Trixie said.

“Well, all I know is that when I catch that nigga it’s on and popping. I ain’t nobody’s joke.”

“If he wasn’t fucking me or you tonight, then I wonder who you heard him with?”

“I’m about to find out.”

I was pissed off as I stormed away from Trixie’s house and got in the car on a war path. Rich was foolish if his ass thought he was gonna keep betraying me and get away with it.

He’s probably at his mother’s house with that bitch
, I thought to myself as I peeled out of Trixie’s development and made my way back in the city.

Rage consumed my body as I pictured him fucking me and Trixie at the same time.
Was I the new Lisa?
Thinking about how he’d destroyed her life,
I became even more furious for allowing Rich to play me for a fool.

Hopping on the Beltway, I took my Porsche to the limit as I headed toward I295 at top speed. Hoping there were no police around, I banged on the steering wheel and cursed Rich out all the way to his mother’s house. There was no way he was getting away with this. Once I pulled up to the house, I looked for the spare key he’d given me in my purse, which I quickly located on my Tiffany keychain. He wanted to make sure that I always had copy for emergency purposes, and as far as I was concerned, this was one hell of an emergency.

I got out the truck and ran around to the back of the house to see if there were any vehicles trying to be incognito. Although his mother’s old beat up Toyota was back there, and his Range wasn’t, I was still convinced that he was inside.

That broke muthafucka can’t afford to pay the maintenance fees on that Range anyway so the shit might be on the side of the road. Hell, it’s a possibility that he might be driving his mother’s car

Making my way back to the front of the house, I took out my gun just in ce I needed to put a cap in his ass. I was gonna show Rich that I meant business. Not even being discrete or trying to be quiet, I put the key in and unlocked the door.

“Rich! You bitch ass nigga I know you in here! I’m gonna show you not to fuck with me!” I yelled through the house.

I looked through every room on the main level, but he wasn’t there. After running up the stairs, I checked both of the guest rooms along with the bathroom in the hallway first, but he still couldn’t be found.

“Where the hell are you?”

Walking into his room, the first thing I did was check the bathroom. After realizing he wasn’t in there either, I made my way toward the bed that was neatly made, and didn’t look disturbed. At that point I was convinced that he hadn’t come to his mother’s house to fuck, however, there were some women’s clothing scattered all over the floor like she’d been in a hurry.

“Maybe they were here, but left,” I said.

Picking up one of the shirts, I was surprised when I realized that it belonged to me. When I noticed my Alexander Wang racerback tank, along with my Hudson skinny jeans that’s when I knew all that shit was mine. Scanning the room, my eyes grew the size of Texas when I noticed a Louis Vuitton suitcase sitting in front of his closet. My heart beat was so loud, it sounded like that shit was about to jump out of my chest.

As I walked over and flipped the top of the suitcase back, my initials MGS, immediately stared back at me. It was the suitcase I had the morning of the robbery.

God no
It can’t be
. I thought to myself.

I was furious and hurt at the same time. Chills covered my body as I shook my head in disbelief. Where was the loyal man that I loved? Digging for more evidence, I decided to look in his closet to see if there was anything else to prove he was there, and once I saw the blood stained New Balance I was convinced that Rich had robbed me.

My heart felt heavy as thoughts about that morning ran through my mind. This man was foul and now more than ever I felt like Rich had to die.




















Chapter 22


When I woke up this morning, I was tired of looking like shit. Feeling extremely depressed, I didn’t have much of an appetite since we’d gotten back from New York, so I knew I’d lost a few pounds. My emotions were mixed. I hated Javier for what he’d done to me, but I missed what we had before everything went downhill.

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Maybe my mother and Chanel were right. I needed to go out and enjoy myself. Chanel had been calling me like crazy, but I’d been ducking her calls. I finally broke down and answered earlier today, and agreed to go out to Pure Lounge with her later on to make up for lost times. Since I’d lost myself and I looked like a train wreck, I called to see if Jermaine could bring me back to life. From the urgency in my voice, I’m sure Jermaine knew it was an emergency, so he agreed to do my hair, which was exactly what I needed to boost my spirits.

As I finally peeled myself out of bed, I looked in the mirror and was disgusted at the image staring back. Now, I could see what my mother was talking about. Dark circles had taken over my eyes and the bags underneath them made matters even worse. There was no way in hell anybody was gonna mistake me for Lauren London right about now. I was gonna get back, and I’m sure Jermaine was gonna help make that happen.

After getting out of the shower, I mixed baby oil and lavender lotion together and put it all over my body. I couldn’t remember the last time lotion felt so good, which meant I was in need of some true pampering. After putting my panties on, al I could do was shake my head. This damn depression wasn’t doing too good on my body because my ass was starting to get smaller. Thank God I still had my breasts though, but my ass was what I loved most. Not that I was trying to get with anybody anytime soon, but I just wanted to love myself again when I looked in the mirror.

Knowing the July air was really hot outside, I slipped on my Shadyboots t-shirt, Rock & Republic jeans, and Tory Burch flip flops. After grabbing my Louis Vuitton bum bag I strapped it around my waist then threw in all my girlie essentials, and my cell phone. I headed out the door moments later.

It felt like I was in Miami when I left out of the house because that summer rain was playing peek-a-boo not knowing if it wanted to pour down or let the sun shine. I decided to drive my mother’s 650 BMW convertible since she never drove it anyway and if the sun would stay out long enough, I could stunt around the city. Once I pulled out of the gate and was out of our bougie neighborhood, I put my Kanye West CD on blast. The
remix with Nicki Minaj and Jay-Z was my jam. As soon as I got in my Nicki mode my phone started ringing, which pissed me off. It was a blocked number again. I’d been getting calls from an unknown number for about a week now and it was getting on my nerves because they never said anything. They just listened to my voice and hung up. Irritated as ever, I answered the phone.


“Bitch, you have no idea what you’ve done. I’m gonna get your ass…”

Before I could even respond to curse her ass out, she hung up on me. It was probably somebody’s baby mother or girlfriend that I’d fucked in the past

When my phone rang a few seconds later, this time I was gonna be ready.

“Bitch, take your beef up with your dude!” I yelled into the phone.

“You have a collect call from… Nelson White, an inmate at a correctional facility. To refuse this call, hang up. If you accept this call dial 0,” the automated operator stated.

I let out a huge sigh before hitting zero. I wasn’t in the mood for Nelson’s shit right now.

“Thank you. This call is subject to recording,” the operator continued.

“Damn, you finally decided to accept my call!” Nelson barked.

“Look, calm down,” I said irritated that I even picked up the phone.
“What the fuck do you mean calm down. You ain’t been answerin’ my calls for a minute. You gettin’ brand new now since you fuckin’ wit’ that New York dude. Yeah, I heard about that shit.”

“I don’t fuck with nobody.”

“Yeah, I bet you don’t after somebody killed his faggot-ass. When he was locked up, they say he was fuckin’ with those boys. Since when you start likin’ gay mufuckas.”

“Whatever. What did you call me for, because I don’t have time for this shit?”

“What the fuck is up wit’ you, Denie? Man, you used to love me. What happened to us?”

“You went to jail and left me out here by myself that’s what happened. If you hadn’t rolled out, life wouldn’t be so fucked up.”

“That was all Rich’s doing. You changed Denie. Your obsession to make your mother pay consumed you. You were so angry and bitter.”

I was furious. “I can’t believe you just said that. Didn’t you see all that shit I went through? Damn, one minute you say I’m strong. The next minute you’re saying I’m bitter. You know what Nelson…go fuck yourself. And lose my damn number!”

Hanging up on his ass, I let out a loud scream and turned my music up. Nelson wasn’t gonna fuck up my day with that hating shit. I made it to the salon in less than twenty minutes. As I stood outside and rang the bell to be buzzed in, of course it started raining again. Finally Pam, the owner of the shop let me in.

“Hey Denie, how you been?” she asked with a huge smile.

“Good and you.”

“Girl I’ve been good, dealing with my daughter’s senior prom stuff. Those shades are hot,” she said, eying my Chrome Heart sunglasses.

“Thanks. Is Jermaine up stairs?”

“Yeah, he’s up there, but I need you to sign in. I’ll call upstairs to see if he wants Travena to get you started down here.”

“Okay, thank you,” I replied.

“No problem.”

I had a seat in the waiting area until Travena, Jermaine’s assistant was ready to start on my hair. Usually the salon was packed, but you know how Black people are. When the rain starts coming down, they think twice about getting their hair done. A little rain wasn’t about to stop me though.

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