The Distort Arc: Cape High Books 1-4 (Cape High Series Omnibus) (66 page)

BOOK: The Distort Arc: Cape High Books 1-4 (Cape High Series Omnibus)
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"Go take a shower, honey, and put your best shirt on," Jeanie calls from the kitchen.  "We're going to the Hall today!"

"What?  What for?"

"We're going to add you to the family ledger," Ken says.  "So you're an official Liberty."

I stare at him, wondering why I feel like the world just pulled out from under my feet.  Sure, they've talked about it, but I never really expected it!  "But--you don't gotta--"

"We want to," Ken says, placing his hands on my shoulders, then tugging me into a hug.  "You've proved yourself far more than I ever imagined, son," he says, hugging me tightly. 

"You don't know--" I try to protest.  "I'm not a--I'm not Liberty material!  I'm just a kid that was left in the trash, okay?"  I jerk from his hold.  "I was left in the trash to die by my own mother.  I'm not good enough to be a--I'm not good enough to be one of you, okay?"  There, my ugly past is out.  I feel dirty for just saying it.  He'll probably be shocked--

"No, it's not okay," Ken says.  "It's not okay that she left you there, and it's definitely not okay that that's how you define yourself.  You are more than the actions of one woman, Jack.  Or even two women, if you count what Star Born did to you.  Do you think I'd lie to you?"

"Yes," I say bluntly, but it's hard to keep eye contact with him.  I find myself looking down and muttering, "No."  Because I just can't see this guy lying to anyone.  I think he'd tell God Himself exactly what he thinks, even if it got him in trouble, or something.  America's Son is the super that everyone knows is stuck on "Truth, Justice and the American Way."

"Jeanie and I have always wanted to adopt," he goes on.  "But we can't exactly adopt a norm, this life is too dangerous for them.  We wanted to adopt Emily, but it would have been awkward, considering that she's dating our son.  But when we got another chance, the chance to take you in, to help you learn to become a super, we jumped at it.  And we've been watching you since you moved in with us.  You don't back down when things get tough, you care for your friends, and you're willing to risk your life for them.  Those are all Liberty traits.  Not to mention you're a good kid, at heart, and you fit right in.  So--"

"This is way too fast--have you even asked Trent about this?" I demand.  "He doesn't like me--"

"I didn't," Trent admits, stepping out of his room.  "But lately you haven't been that bad.  Plus, I think having a brother that I can beat on when he gets annoying is something I can definitely get behind."

"You've been alone too long, honey," Jeanie says, coming into the hall.  It's getting a bit crowded, honestly, especially when she comes over and hugs me.  "You need a family that loves you, no matter what your past is, and we want to be that family.  Please give us a chance?"

"It's me that..." I start out, pulling away from her.  "I'm the one that doesn't deserve a chance," I say, staring at them.  "You've built up some super good image of me--it's a lie.  I'm not a good guy.  Just ask Zoe--or Sunny--or anyone from the old home.  You're just going to wake up one day and wonder why you were so STUPID as to give me your name, got it?  You're going to regret--"

"I don't think so," Trent says even as Ken opens his mouth.  "I think you're scared."

"I am NOT scared!" I snap.

"Sure sound like you are," he says, crossing his arms over his chest.  "Poor little Jack, covered in metal, an elementalist, even, but still a chicken when it comes to family ties.  You yourself said it's only a year or two before you're legal, so what does a ceremony and a name matter?"

"Because it's not like the 'Styles' name, is it," I say.  "It's some big thing, like your secret identity or whatever!  And I've only been here for what, a week?"  They're all staring at me, as if waiting for me to say something that actually matters.  I have to be honest right now, getting that look by three walking, talking tank destroying heroes is a bit unnerving.  "Fine," I say, throwing my hands in the air.  "Not my fault if you regret it later."

The group hug would have killed me if I wasn't a metal coated tank.  "That you realize how important this name is to us just seals the deal, son," Ken says.  "You are a Liberty.  You might be the first black sheep Liberty, but you're definitely a Liberty.  All this ceremony is going to do is make the rest of the cape world acknowledge it."

"Am I really going to get stuck with the name Metallic Menace?" I ask as they loosen their hold.

"Maybe we should change his first name to Dennis, huh?" Trent says.

"Do and I'll nail your bed to the ceiling," I mutter.

Ken is laughing, which is probably not a good sign.  "It's a good traditional super villain type name, though!" he says.

"Which means all super villains have stupid names, huh?" I complain.  It's a relief to change the subject, even if it's still the elephant in the room.  I'm going to be adopted.  I feel a little sick to my stomach and light headed all at once.  I need to tell Aubrey, right?

"Well it's not like we can put Liberty in your name like we did Trent's," Jeanie says thoughtfully.  "Especially if you two keep having family brawls--it'd be too difficult for the reporters to do play-by-plays."

"How about Iron Fist?" Ken asks.

"Too communist," Trent says before I can reply.  "I think he should go for something to do with anarchy."

"I don't know, that might be pushing it--"

"Jack, honey, go get cleaned up, we've got to be there in an hour and we still haven't eaten," Jeanie orders.  "We have time to come up with your official name, don't worry!"

"You've got an appointment and you only tell me now?" I demand even as I head for the bathroom.

"Less time to argue," Ken says.




"So they're just going to adopt him?" Max asks as he and Frank pull up to the Hall in a car.  It would have been faster to fly, but with his being a recognized super villain, impossible for him to come to the ceremony in costume.  "Don't they realize what the guy did?"

"They know," Frank says.  "They believe that they can make a positive impact on the boy."

"Do you believe it?" Max asks.

"Time will tell," Frank says as he gets out of the car.  Max follows, a frown on his face as he looks up at the massive building.  He's not used to going through the front door.  He looks to his father, only to stare as the man goes still for a long moment.  "I believe we have a visitor, Max."

"What?  Where?" Max asks, looking to the sky.  There's no one there.  He looks at Frank, who's heading for the massive statue of Lady Justice that stands in front of the Hall.

"You can come out, child," Frank says.  "Although I'm a bit confused why you're hiding in the first place."

Max watches in confusion as a teenage girl steps out from behind the statue.  Her black hair is in curls, her outfit is a mix of frills and leather, and she looks... guilty.  It disappears soon enough, replaced by an arrogant expression.  "I demand you take me to a Superior," she states, putting her hands on her hips.  "I'm in need of their assistance."

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Frank says, "seeing as we have no clue who you are."

"Read her mind," Max suggests.  "She could be a threat."

"You have no right to read my mind!" she says sharply, a hint of panic making her voice squeak.  "You can't do that!  It's a violation of my rights as a Hall member!"

"You're a Hall member?  Which branch?" Frank asks.

"I--well--I'm not one YET," she admits.  "I'm supposed to go to school first--but I'm going to be one!  I--I need to talk to a Superior!"

"I'm afraid Superior is busy at the moment," Frank says.

"Not SUPERIOR, a Superior, a technopath!  Like m--"  She shuts her mouth quickly, flushing brightly and looking at Max with something he can't quite place.  "Like Technico or Zoe," she finishes. 

"She knows that Zoe is a technopath," Max says, his eyes narrowing.  "Read her mind."  He looks at Frank, expecting to see the same expression on his dad's face, but is shocked to see a curious look, instead.

"This is very interesting," Frank says in a mild tone.  "I'm afraid that both of the ones you've mentioned are either busy or unable to help you at the moment, and I have a pressing engagement to deal with.  I would send you to the school, but I'm unable to clear you for entrance, so you'll have to come with us--"

"Dad!" Max snaps, only to stop as he realizes he's just outed a secret in public.

"Max, do be a gentleman and escort the young lady," Frank says.  "But keep a very close eye on her.  She's not a Hall member, yet."

"We have no clue who she IS, Mastermental," Max protests.

"If we're to say that, officially we have no clue who you are, either, my boy," Frank says silently.

"Yeah, but--" Max stops as the steampunk girl grabs his arm.  "Fine.  But one wrong move and I'm sticking you to the ground, got it?" he says to her.

"Wow, you're really short, aren't you?" she says, looking at him curiously.

"Shut it," he mutters, reluctantly leading her inside.  "And don't grab so tight, I've got a girlfriend, last thing I want is people thinking I'm cheating."

"You've got a girlfriend?  Who?" the girl demands.

"None of your business."

"He's dating Zoe Rosenthorn," Frank says almost cheerfully.  "Did you not know that?"

"Already?  She's like, fifteen!" the girl says.

"Already?" Max repeats, looking at her more closely.  "Who are you?"

"America's Son and Star Spangled!" his father says before Max can get a reply.  The Liberty family is heading towards them, complete with Jack in tow.  "Congratulations on this momentous occasion.  And to you, as well, Jack."

Max looks over, seeing Jack staring at him coldly.  "Let go, now," Max says, trying to pull away from the girl.

"No way, do you even KNOW who that guy is?" she demands, moving closer and trying to hide behind him.  "That's Cold Steel!  He's--he's the guy they tell horror stories about--"

"I believe," Frank says, "that we need to clarify who Max is escorting right now, in case there
are any misunderstandings."

"I don't think there are any," Jack says.  "He's cheating on Zoe--"

"I am not!" Max protests.  "It's Dad's fault--he told me to escort her!  I'm acting as guard because she's an unknown cape!"

"Thank you, Frank," Ken says, looking at the girl curiously before turning back to Mastermental.  "The others are already in the main room, if you're ready to start the ceremony--"

"Ceremony?" the girl asks.  "What ceremony?"

"We're adopting Jack into the Liberty line," Jeanie says, hugging Jack's arm.

"He wasn't born a Liberty?  That means--but he--he's a super villain!  One of the biggest super villains around!  You can't do that!" she almost wails, pointing at Jack.

"No he's not," Max says, looking at her strangely.  "I am."

The girl looks from Max to Jack, then back again.  "THIS YEAR IS SO CONFUSING!" she bellows, stomping her foot.  Everyone just turns and stares at her.

"I was right, it seems," Mastermental says with a mild smile.  "I do believe we have a time traveler in our midst."

Almost surprisingly, Jack is the first to react.  "Cold Steel, huh?  I like it!"




I've almost forgotten my new super name as I stand in front of Mastermental, with Ken on my right and Jeanie on my left, with Trent beside her.  They've brought in most of the Hall members and the entire school, even the zoo kids and Sunny's girlfriend are sitting in the chairs behind me.  I hear someone sniffle and have the feeling I know a few people that it could be.  Summer and Aubrey are at the top of the list.

"As of this, overseen by myself, Mastermental, head of the Hall, your peers, and God, I now declare you a son of Liberty," Mastermental says after all the papers have been signed.  "Holding all rights to the name and the liberties that come with it."  He steps forward, placing a hand on my shoulder and turning me to the crowd behind us.  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to be the first to introduce you all to Jack Styles, son of Liberty," he announces with a smile.

Jack Styles.  That sounds really good.  Before the grin is fully crossing my face I'm tackled to the ground by an extremely happy girlfriend.  "Jack I'm so happy for you!" Aubrey announces even as Ken and Jeanie pull us both back to our feet.  Trent starts laughing as the two drag us all into a hug, including Aubrey.  I feel what little skin I have left get hot with embarrassment, but a grin pulls at my lips.

My name is Jack Styles.  I might have started out in a trash can, but I ended up a son of Liberty.

I'm freaking super.


Star stares down at the black uniform she's wearing, reaching up and touching the collar that's wrapped around her neck, only to jerk as it shocks her.  It's ironic, she decides, that once again she's stuck in a little room, held captive by people stronger than her, and waiting to die.

She stands, heading for the bare table in the room and staring at it blankly.  In her mind all the science tools appear in front of her, the tower of experiment test tubes, the old, rinky-dink computer, the papers covered in sketches and notes.

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