The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series) (34 page)

BOOK: The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series)
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“Luck,” was all Kade said.

Before they could continue with the conversation, the dragon’s head came up, indicating that it sensed something.  Kade looked around and noticed smoke in the distance.  His heart started to pound as he recognized where he was.

Rayden, be alert for danger,
Kade sent to the dragon. 
Let me know as soon as you sense anything,
he thought and then turned to Darcienna.

“Be ready to use your shield and let me know as soon as you sense danger,” Kade said over his shoulder.  She did not answer.  “Darcienna?” Kade questioned as he twisted around to look at her.  He saw fear in her eyes that brought a knot to his stomach.  “Darcienna,” Kade said more forceful as her eyes began to glow.

“I can already sense danger; a danger more evil than what we faced back at the cabin.  It’s like there is more than just the monsters.  Kade, they are going to know we are coming,” Darcienna said, the fear heavy in her voice.  He started to regret his decision to allow her to come.  He knew if anything happened to her or her boy, it was on his shoulders. 

Kade sat staring at the town off in the distance.  He turned to face Darcienna and pulled the medallion out from under his shirt.  “We won’t be sensed as long as I have this,” he said as he held it up for her to see.

Darcienna seemed to take small comfort as she stared hard at the medallion.  After a moment, she looked into his eyes as though she were looking for something more.  He was not sure what she saw but she calmed down immediately.

“What do you plan to do?” Darcienna asked.

“I have a few ideas,” Kade said.  He looked into her eyes and saw her confidence in him was complete.  He desperately hoped he could live up to her expectations.  “I can make us invisible so they can’t see us, and I can make it so we can’t be heard, but I am not sure that will be enough.  The last time I did, they were able to track our scent.  But it’s a start.  Let me think for a moment to see if there is something we can do about our scent.”


“Give me a minute while I think,” Kade said as he started going through callings in his head.

“I have an idea,” Darcienna said, trying to get his attention.  Kade was too focused on the town and his own thoughts.  “Kade!”  Darcienna said forcefully. 

“Darcienna, I need you to let me think.  Please,” Kade said a bit rougher than he intended.  She wilted.  He regretted his words instantly, realizing that she was trying to offer a solution.  “I am sorry, Darcienna.  What was your idea?” he asked softly.

“I was just going to say, if we can find a stream or river with a lot of mud on the bottom, we could use it to hide our scent.”

Kade brought the dragon to a stop and turned in his seat to look at her.  She smiled but it was not her normal smile.  It was more timid.  He hated himself for causing this change in her.

“That is a good idea,” Kade said and meant it.  “That is a good idea,” he repeated, smiling as he thought more on it.  “I am sorry I was short with you.  I am just worried about my parents,” he said, seeing some of her real smile return.

Suddenly, the dragon tensed.  Kade felt as though he were sitting on a rock as the dragon’s muscles hardened.  He closed his eyes and opened his mind to the dragon’s thoughts.  It was the strongest connection he had made with the dragon, yet.  It was almost as if he were the dragon.  Then it hit him.  The familiar scent of a grimalkin came to him.  Not just one but two.  And, they were on the edge of town, waiting.

“They have laid a trap for us.  That’s good.”

“Why is that good?” Darcienna asked incredulously, thinking that he was losing his mind.

“Because it means they are still searching for me, otherwise, they would not have set a trap.”

“But, what about your parents?  What if they find out who they are?”

“I expect they found out.  If my stubborn parents would not leave town, which I know they won’t, then the invaders only hope in catching me is to keep them alive to use as leverage,” Kade whispered as he scanned the area.  “That’s why it is good that they have set a trap.”

“Well, that does have a twisted sort of logic,” Darcienna said, doubt heavy in her voice.

“Yes,” Kade said as he turned toward her.  “It might be their only chance of surviving; otherwise, whoever it is has no reason to keep them alive.  As long as I am free, they would be a fool to throw away their only leverage against me.  They will keep my parents alive until they have me, and then, they will kill us all.  I have no doubt about that.”

Darcienna nodded slowly.  She looked off in the distance as she studied the town.  She was conscious of Kade still watching her so she did the only thing she could.  She gave him hope.

“Your logic is sound.  So, let’s get on with our plan to make sure we are not caught,” Darcienna said with a smile she dearly hoped conveyed trust.  Her heart feared otherwise, but for now, she was going to force herself to believe.  “Imagine there reaction when we get your parents out right from under their noses,” she said with a grin.

A slow smile crept across Kade’s face.  He nodded slightly as he looked toward town.  It was time to make this happen.  He ignored the trepidation he felt and scanned the area for the river he remembered from his childhood.

“Rayden, there is a river that runs through here.  Can you find it?” Kade asked, allowing the question to pass through the mental link, also.  The dragon took several deep breaths and then swung its head around to look off to the north.  Kade sent the thought to keep quiet and Rayden grunted his acknowledgement.   “Okay Rayden, take us to it and prepare to get dirty.”  The dragon was confused by the thought, but regardless, it headed north.

Rayden took off and ran for several minutes as he followed the scent of water.  They came out of the woods and stopped on the bank of a slow moving river that was not much wider than the length of the dragon.  Kade recalled it being much larger.  It was drying up, but he was sure it would have what they needed.

“This should do,” Kade said.

He slid off the dragon while holding onto the ridges, making sure his legs didn’t buckle from the long ride.  He flexed his muscles and pounded on them to get the circulation flowing again.  Content that he could feel his legs once more, he turned and held his arms out to catch Darcienna as she dismounted.  Her legs buckled slightly, causing him to stumble under the awkward weight of her and the child, almost falling into the river.  He stood up, and for a brief moment, stared into her eyes.  The world seemed to fade.  Kade steadied her and took a step backward.

Turning toward the river, Kade stood looking at the passing water for several long moments without saying a word.   He forced his mind back to their plan instead of the beautiful, blue eyes that stared back at him in his mind. 

Darcienna studied his back, noticing the way his muscles tensed and relaxed several times.  As she started to slide around him to get a better look at his face, he turned toward her.  He had a hard look in his eyes.  She got the uncomfortable feeling that he was preparing to say something that he knew she would not like.  She feared he would try to send her away to safety once again.  She smiled at him in an attempt to soften his resolve, certain she was not going to like what he was about to say.  She knew her smile had some effect on him and she was willing to use it for all it was worth.

              “You have a choice,” Kade said firmly, shocking her into the realization that he was much less affected by her smile than she thought.  But…if he was offering her a choice, one of the choices had to include staying with him.  What she did not know was that he was struggling to keep his resolve.  “You can either go south with my parents when we free them,” he said as she hung on every word, “or you can let my parents take the boy with them.”

“I think that would be best,” Darcienna responded as he turned his back.  His heart was pounding, certain she was leaving.  He hated pushing her away, but he knew it was for the best.  “Do you think they will take him?” she asked as she removed the boy from his sling and looked lovingly into his eyes.  Kade’s head whipped around to study her face as her words struck home.  He nodded and let out his breath.  She looked over the boy’s head to catch his eye.  “I don’t want him in any danger, either.  If your parents are willing to take him, then I think that is the right decision.”

“Are you sure?  This is no easy decision,” Kade said as he studied her closely.

“Of course!  I will miss him dearly,” Darcienna said as she looked upon the boy with deep fondness, “I have a debt to settle, also, and I think you are going to need me,” she said as she looked at the river.  He nodded once and relaxed.

“Okay,” Kade said, relieved she was staying with him but disappointed he was correct about her motive.  Revenge.  It was selfish on his part to let her come and he knew it, but he had given her the chance to go, and if her reason for staying was revenge, then so be it.  He still knew that if she came to harm, he would remember this moment and know that he should have made a different decision.  He paused momentarily as he considered changing his mind.  He turned toward her and she glared hard at him.

“I…am…going,” Darcienna said so firmly that he flinched.  “You gave me the option and I have chosen.  This conversation is over,” she said as she put a hand defiantly on her hip.  And just like that, it was done. 

Kade nodded just once.  It was final.  Besides, he knew she had talents that might make the difference between success and failure.  That shield was not to be taken lightly.

              Darcienna turned and looked at the horizon, judging the position of the sun.  Two hours of light left at best.  She turned back to Kade to warn him when she noticed his eyes a little lower than she expected.  She was considering teasing him when he spoke.

“You okay with getting mud all over those clothes,” Kade said as he indicated her outfit.  She laughed at herself for thinking this oaf would notice anything other than a dragon.

“I can always get more if I need.”

He nodded and turned toward the river, grateful for being quick with his wit. 
Why does she have to be so incredibly alluring?
he asked himself, picturing those shapely hips. 
I must keep my eyes in my head,
he thought as he stole a quick glance over his shoulder.  He found her calmly watching him.

“When the sun goes down, we are going to coat ourselves with mud and sneak into town,” Kade said.  “I want to scout first before we decide how to proceed.”

“Do you know what you are looking for?  What traps might be set?” Darcienna asked.

Kade took a few precious moments, making sure to sound like he knew what he was doing.  He turned to look her in the eyes and smiled.  With a confident, calm voice, he said, “It will be as if we are ghosts.  We will be in and out without them even knowing we were there.  Have faith,” he said, not feeling the confidence he was pretending.

Darcienna smiled, relieved and walked down to the river.  She bent, scooped up a handful of water and drank deeply several times.  Kade and the dragon followed her lead.

“I think it would be a good idea if we had something to eat while we wait,” Kade said as he called on the Divine food.

“Is this all you can make?”

Kade paused, trying to digest her tone.  Was it disappointment or just plain curiosity?  He noticed the way she was looking at the meat, on the verge of salivating, and grinned as he handed it to her.  She accepted it eagerly.

“I can make anything, I guess, but I must know the food extremely well.  You can’t just ask for something.”

Kade heard a low growl and felt a strong puff of air as Rayden huffed at him, eagerly waiting for his share of the food.  Kade chuckled at his eating machine that had stealthily crept up on him.  He performed the Food Calling, tossing the meat to Rayden, who caught it and swallowed without chewing.  Kade conjured and tossed as fast as he could, trying to see if he could get ahead of the dragon.  He grinned at his little game.  After cooking ten times, and feeling as though he were on the verge of sweating, he looked up to see the dragon eagerly waiting for the next toss.

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