The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series) (40 page)

BOOK: The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series)
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Judeen weakly reached up to find Kade’s searching hand and struggled to stand.  He looked back in the direction where he had last seen Morg but found nothing.  He decided he had to take the chance.  He dismissed the Silence Calling, and then quickly reformed it.  The tower creaked again.  Kade felt the medallion on his chest turn ice cold.  He reached up and gripped it tightly.  After a moment, he let it fall back to his chest as his mother’s voice popped into his ears.

“I don’t think I have the strength to climb down,” Judeen said, out of breath, obviously struggling.

“Easy, Mother.  I am not going to leave you.  I have come too far to give up now.  Either we all get out, or none of us do, but we stay together.  This should help,” Kade said as he performed the Healing Calling.  He found her head and let the power melt into her.  Her hand came up to his hand and she held it briefly.

“Yes, Zayle was able to teach you a few things,” she said with a little more strength.  Kade felt relief at the improvement in her voice.

“Mother, I know he is my grandfather,” Kade said, dispelling any further need to deceive him.  She gasped and for just a moment, Kade feared she may start to cry.

Once again, Kade felt the medallion go cold, but this time, it was colder than before.  He was afraid he might be pushing its limits and decided not to press his luck.  So far, it appeared to be keeping them safe.

A loud creak emanated from the other tower.  Kade’s head whipped around to see a black, cloaked figure climbing the ladder.  Time was running out.  If that figure came to this tower next, everything they had worked for was done.

Kade felt his mother move, and at the same moment, the tower leaned a little further.  He quickly pulled her toward the ladder to shift the weight of the structure.  For the moment, it stopped its fall.  That was the best they were going to get.  The tower was coming down, but the question was, would they get off in time.

“We must hurry!  Hurry, Mother, hurry!”

“Kade, I am not sure if I have the strength, but I will try.”

“Now!  We must climb down, now!  Father is trying to keep the tower from falling, but he can’t hold it for long” Kade said as he climbed over the edge onto the ladder.  “I will go first, in case I need to catch you, but we must hurry.  I know I am asking a lot, but it is important to try to be careful.  Morg cannot hear us but he can hear if the tower makes a sound, so be careful.”

“Then we need to go,” she said, trying to sound confident.  Kade could hear the doubt in her voice. 

He moved slowly as he worked his way down each rung.  Even with his extra strength, he still found it strenuous to move carefully.  He could not imagine why his mother did not just collapse and fall but she kept pace and kept her footing.  At one point, the tower gave a slight creak, threatening to topple, but it was not enough to get Morg’s attention…yet.

Kade was almost at the bottom when he stepped on something that squirmed under his foot.  He flinched slightly, realizing it must have been his father’s hand.  He could feel movement below him and guessed his father was going down.  He tentatively put his foot back on the rung and found it clear as was every rung until he was touching solid ground.  He reached up to feel for his mother and found her leg.  As she stepped down, he put his hand on her back to give her support just as she collapsed.

A loud groan made Kade look up as the tower leaned dangerously.  He quickly turned, searching frantically for his father.  Since he and his mother were not under the same Silence Calling as his father, finding the man was going to be difficult.  Kade desperately wanted to recast the Silence Calling to include his father, but with Morg so close, it would be foolish at best.

“Mother, stay with me!”  Kade said, his voice thick with panic.  “We must find Father!”

He turned toward a side alley, praying his father went in that direction.  As he started toward the narrow path between the buildings, the fifty-foot structure creaked loudly and continued to moan as it picked up speed in its fall.   It was coming down.  He turned in time to see it topple and hit the ground with a loud crash.  Kade’s head turned so quickly toward the other tower, you would have thought he had been slapped.  As he feared, Morg had moved to the edge of the platform to stare at the fallen structure.  Kade knew, without a doubt, that it was only moments until Morg would be there.  He watched in alarm as Morg quickly swung over the platform and descended the ladder so fast it almost looked like he was falling. 

“Morg is coming!”  Judeen screamed.  Kade felt his heart racing and panic threatened to overwhelm him.  

With a firm grip on his mother’s hand, he turned to run for the alley, but before taking two steps, he bounced off an unseen, solid object, sending it sprawling.  Kade knew instantly that it was his father and quickly scrambled forward.  Just as Morg hit the ground, Kade’s hand closed on a leg.  Morg was moving toward them at a run.  Kade found his father’s arm, and with more strength than he had intended, jerked him to his feet.  With an iron grip on both his mother and father’s wrist, he raced for the alley.  Just as he was leaving the main road, Morg let out a yell.  Kade glanced over his shoulder and saw Morg pull something from under his cloak.  The street was instantly a dust storm.  Buildings started to rattle dangerously, and signs flew by impaling walls and trees.  If the small party had been in the street, they would have been sent flying.  Buildings started to give way as the wind increased considerably.

The ground started to erupt randomly, sending dirt flying in all directions.  Kade was amazed at the amount of callings that Morg was able to cast so quickly.  This just had to be impossible.  Callings this powerful had to require too many moves.  The more powerful the calling, the more difficult it was to perform, and the more complex the steps involved.  This calling that Morg was using had to be immensely powerful and very intricate, but they were coming so fast it was impossible, and yet…they were happening. 

Kade raced out of the alley and into an open area with very little cover.  He stopped just behind one of the trees and quickly released the Silence Calling he was under, also releasing the one his father was under.  His heart was pounding so hard from fear he thought it would burst.

“Father,” Kade whispered frantically.  For just a moment, he wanted to be the kid again who counted on the parent for safety and then it passed.  It was up to him and he knew it.

“Blood and ash, Son!”  Garig swore loudly.  Kade quickly shook his parents free, and as fast as possible, performed the Silence Calling to include them all.  “What happened back there?  I tried to talk to you but you were not answering!”

“Father, I can’t explain right now, but I need you to stay calm while I work on getting us out of here,” Kade pleaded, trying to keep his own fears in check.

Before they could take one step, the ground exploded just behind them, sending Kade and his parents sprawling.  Kade looked over his shoulder in time to see Morg exit the alley and aim something at them, as he spoke in the ancient language.  Another blast struck the ground just past his head and set off an explosion so loud that Kade’s ears range violently.  It was impossible for him to focus as his eyes rolled back in his head from the concussion.  There was dust and dirt showering the area, blurring his vision.  Kade shook his head and then his anger and hate erupted.  The Divine Power crashed into him, filling every part of his being.  He let it consume him.  He welcomed it.  The more hate he felt, the more of the Divine coursed through his veins, matching his fury.  It was a raging torrent of power that demanded to be used and Kade was not going to deny it any longer.  If Morg wanted a fight, then so be it. 

He is soon to find out that he is not the only one who can command the Divine!
Kade thought vehemently.

Kade launched into a move that would have left the most practiced dancer in awe.  Lightning burst forth from his hands in an explosion that could be heard for miles.  It raced toward its intended target with blinding speed.  The concussion shook the ground and Morg’s eyes flew wide.  At the very last possible moment, the evil Chosen waved something in front of himself.  The bolt slammed violently into the man, sending him through the wall of the building behind him.  Garig felt hope as he watched his son deal his share of justice.  His ears rang furiously, but he was more than ok with it.  But, to Kade’s complete horror, the evil Chosen emerged from the wreckage of the building.

Kade felt the anger and hate grow even more, and he welcomed it.  He let the blackness take him completely and the power consumed him.  He spun into his next calling and Divine Fire shot forth.  Kade felt the adrenaline coursing through his body and felt invincible.  At that moment, he felt power beyond his wildest dreams.  His gift was alive, firing rapidly.  The flash from the lightning had him seeing stars, but he never slowed.  He wished with all his being that he had another devastating calling to use, but it was not to be.  He returned to the Lightning Calling, and just as he let loose, something tore into his shoulder, sending him reeling.  He hit the ground hard and rolled, coming to one knee with his right foot planted firmly.  He tried to raise his arm but it was dangling uselessly at his side.  Kade looked up through pain filled eyes to see that Morg had staggered from the impact of the lightning. 

At least some of it had an effect
, Kade thought.  Something shimmered around Morg and then winked out.  The evil man’s cloak was smoking and his hair was singed.  The Master Chosen struggled to stand and was soon on his feet.

“Son!”  Judeen screamed in horror.  “Son, where are you?”

Kade looked on as the feeling of euphoria was replaced with horror. 
How could Morg have survived that?
he thought with despair. 
No!  NO!
  Kade thought as he slowly stood.  He still had his strength, and if he had to die while strangling Morg with his one good arm, then so be it.

“You almost got away with it,” Morg said as he pointed at them with his right hand and brushed his badly torn cloak with his other.  “I could have found you sooner, you know.  But, better later than never, I say.  You can drop the calling,” Morg said with arrogance enough for ten men.  “It was that tower falling that got my attention.  My pet wanting to get to it made me think.  It all made sense,” he said as he barked a laugh. 

Kade squinted to see through the dust but he could not make out what it was he was seeing.  Was Morg holding something or were his eyes playing tricks on him?  He could not get his vision to clear, but it did not matter.  With his increased strength came an increase in speed.  He judged the distance and prepared to charge.

“Kade,” Garig said.

“Mother, Father, you must stay silent.  No matter what, when I make my next move, you need to run for all you’re worth.  Run or all I have done will be for nothing.  Find Darcienna,” Kade said, leaving no room for argument.

“Kade,” Garig said, as he found his son’s good shoulder.

If it had been the other one, that touch would have sent him to the ground in agony.  There may be no physical pain in that touch, but the feel of his father’s hand made his failure hurt.  He wished his parents didn’t trust him as much as they did.  Now, he knew he was going to let them down, and they were all dead because of him.   Kade felt his rage return, and his determination to rip the life right out of Morg redoubled.  The pain in his shoulder dulled considerably as the Divine Power returned in full.  It might not be useful as a weapon right then, but it did dull the pain.  Kade flexed his legs, ready to charge no matter the consequences.

“No, Father!  Right now, I am in charge and it is my plan.  If you do not do as I say, then Mother will die,” Kade said, playing on his father’s protective role as a husband.  He knew he was putting his father in a position he could not refuse, but it had to be done.  Judeen sobbed Kade’s name once but he ignored it and refocused on Morg.

“Give up young one.  You have no chance,” Morg said with a sneer.

Kade was certain that Morg only wanted him to drop the calling so the evil Chosen could look him in the eye as his life was violently torn from him.  At that moment, Kade would have given anything to rip the life from this man, but he knew it would take a miracle for that to happen.  He crouched, ready to spring, hoping he would give his parents the much needed diversion to escape.  It was all he had left and he was going to make the best of it.

“Have it your way,” Morg said boldly.

As the evil Chosen raised his arm and started to speak the ancient language, Kade launched.  Something black flew from the dark, landing on Morg and raked his face with its razor sharp claws.  It sank its teeth viciously into his shoulder and tore.  Kade had only taken two steps when he skidded to a stop.  In the next instant, he realized the creature was a fraction of a second too late as the blast raced directly for him.  He only had time to grit his teeth, hoping to survive the impact.













A bright, blue explosion blinded Kade and sent him sprawling to the ground.  He gasped as he lay on his back, half blinded from the flash.  He was clenching his jaw and every muscle in his body so tightly that he trembled.  His mind raced through his arms and legs, checking for pain and injuries.  There was nothing more than the throbbing in his shoulder.  He quickly ran his good hand over his chest, and feeling nothing, leapt to his feet.  But that would mean…something had intercepted the calling.  Something unseen had come to his aid.  And then…his eyes focus on the familiar, green barrier directly in front of him.

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