The Docklands Girls (4 page)

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Authors: June Tate

BOOK: The Docklands Girls
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A week later, Cora was sitting quietly in the Lord Roberts sipping her half pint of bitter, when the door opened and Hank walked in. She, delighted to see him, waved and smiled, but he just nodded, walked to the bar and ordered a drink before wandering over to her and sitting down.

‘Hank! How lovely to see you. How did the exercises go?’

‘They were hell, really. We were soaked to the skin, cold and miserable, to be honest. We were all glad when they were over and we could sit in a hot bath and eat a decent meal.’

She was immediately sympathetic. ‘How awful, but I guess it was essential in preparation for the real thing.’

‘Yes, of course, we all realise that.’ He took a good swig of his beer. ‘So now, what I really want is to have sex with a woman until I’m exhausted – are you free?’

Cora was so shocked she was speechless for a moment. Hank had never spoken to her in such derogatory tone, but now she knew he’d discovered her secret. She sat up straight and glared at him.

‘I never ever thought of you as being a callous person. You surprise me!’

He raised his eyebrows. ‘
! How do you think I felt when one of my buddies told me what you do for a living? Yet you have never ever let me get near you! How do you think I felt?’

‘I didn’t exactly lie,’ she said quietly, ‘I just didn’t go into detail, but don’t you understand? You were
. I didn’t want you as a punter, with you I wanted to be me – as a person, just an ordinary girl, a girl you liked – as I liked you.’

There was a certain vulnerability in her voice which Hank recognised and which quelled his anger somewhat. ‘Why do you do it, for Christ’s sake?’

‘Because I want a future! I have nothing. No one. I have to fend for myself and to do that I need money, money that will take me to London when I have enough. Enough to put all this behind me, to allow me to start a fresh life where no one knows me or anything about me. Can’t you understand?’ Cora was now the one who was angry.

Hank was at a loss for words. What she told him made sense, but he couldn’t get rid of the images of this lovely girl in bed with other men. It was driving him crazy because to him, she was special.

He shook his head. ‘I thought you were my girl. How wrong can a guy be?’

Cora fought the tears which threatened to come and rose from her seat.

‘I’m really sorry, Hank, but that’s who I am – and that’s what I do.’ She walked out of the bar, tears slowly trickling down her cheeks. She took a few steps along the street, then broke down and sobbed until there were no tears left to shed.

Inside the bar, Hank walked up to the counter. ‘Have you got anything stronger than beer, landlord?’

Leaning closer so as not to be heard, the landlord said, ‘I have some bourbon under the counter, Yank.’

‘Fine, make it a large one, will you? And keep them coming!’


Belle locked her front door and started to make her way to the Horse and Groom when, in the dusk of the evening, she saw Cora leaning against the wall near the Lord Roberts. She was clearly in distress.

‘Cora, whatever’s the matter, love?’

‘My lovely GI has found out that I’m on the game! Oh, Belle, I’m so miserable.’

Seeing the state of her friend, Belle took her by the arm and back to her room where she poured them both a stiff measure of gin and added some tonic.

‘Here, love, drink this. I’ll join you. Oh, Cora, life really is a bitch!’

‘It was bound to happen. We met one of my punters one night and he was in the same company as Hank. It was only a matter of time.’

Belle nodded. ‘He didn’t like it, of course. That’s understandable.’

‘I never let him near me except for a few kisses and cuddles and then just now, he asked me if I was free tonight as he wanted a woman. That really hurt.’

‘Of course it did, but you can understand him. He must have had a hell of a shock when he found out. How did you leave him?’

‘I told him that’s what I did and walked out of the bar. So that’s the end of a beautiful friendship.’

Belle, knowing of Cora’s future plans, tried to cheer her.

‘You listen to me! Pretty soon all these boys will be off to fight a war. They’ll have other things on their mind and those lucky devils who survive will go home to their families. We won’t even be remembered but you, you’ll be off to London starting all over again. A new woman. You think about that instead, my love!’

‘You’re right, of course, it’s just that I wanted a proper relationship, a real one, one that wasn’t business. Hank treated me like a young innocent woman, not a brass, because deep down, I don’t feel like one. Every time I take a man to my bed, I just think it’s another step towards a better life.’ She let out a deep sigh. ‘I really can’t work tonight, but I just don’t want to be on my own.’ She looked at Belle for support.

‘Right. I’ll take the night off too. You can bunk in with me. Oh, fuck it, let’s just get plastered and I’ll tell you how I came to be working the streets.’

It was quite a story.

Belle began. ‘My parents were devoted churchgoers; I’m not surprised that comes as a shock to you,’ she said, seeing the expression on her friend’s face. ‘I was dragged to church twice a day on Sundays, whether I liked it or not. The only thing that made it bearable was the young vicar, who happened to be good-looking. I’d sit and stare at him throughout the service. Then one day as we were leaving, shaking hands with him outside, he suggested I might like to join the choir.’

‘Well, you still have a great voice,’ Cora chipped in having heard Belle sing many times in the Horse and Groom when the pianist played and everybody joined in.

‘As you can imagine, I jumped at the chance and my parents were thrilled at the prospect. But what they didn’t
know was that very soon, the young vicar would make excuses for me to stay behind after the others left. At first he gave the reason that it was to help him put the music sheets away and tidy up, but deep down I knew differently.’

‘What happened?’

‘Nothing to begin with. He’d hold my hand just a little bit too long as he thanked me for helping, then he’d put his arm round my shoulder as he walked me to the door, then one evening he asked me back to the rectory to give me a copy of a new hymn we were to learn, made me a cup of tea and sat next to me on the sofa.’


Belle shrugged. ‘Well, one thing led to another and I left him no longer a virgin and – as I thought – madly in love.’

‘Oh, Belle, that was so wrong of him! He used his position to seduce you.’

‘But don’t you see, I didn’t care. We had an affair for several months until one evening his bishop called unexpectedly and saw us through the window.’

‘Oh my God! What happened?’

‘He was moved to another diocese and my parents were informed.’

‘You weren’t pregnant, were you?’

‘Oh no, he wasn’t entirely stupid, he took precautions, but my parents disowned me and kicked me out of the house.’

‘How old were you?’

‘Seventeen. I was working and rented a room near Canal Walk because it was the cheapest and the only one I could afford. One evening, I saw the girls working and got talking to one, found out I could earn more money as a brass and so I changed jobs.’

‘But you once told me you were married.’

Belle gave a wry smile. ‘Yes, another bad move. I met this man, managed to keep from him as to how I earned a living – I said I worked in a shop – and indeed, after a while, I left the streets and got such a job in a general store. We married and it was fine for a couple of years until he found out about my past and wanted me to go back on the streets because I could earn more money that way … that’s when I kicked him out.’

‘But you returned to doing tricks.’

‘I did and made more money – but it was all mine. I’ve been doing it ever since. Like you, Cora, I’m saving, but for my retirement. I want a little bungalow with a small garden. I might even have a cat. Maybe open a B & B. I don’t want to live with a man again. Sod that! And as for sex, well love, I’ve had enough of that to last two lifetimes.’ She doubled up laughing until her stomach ached, then poured another drink.

But as she lay in bed that night, she silently admitted to herself that the things she’d told Cora about living alone were not strictly true. She was lonely. Yes, she had friends, but what she really wanted was to find a man who truly loved her, whom she could love back. A man to care for
– care
her. Someone she could lean on for a change. A man with whom she could sit quietly in the evenings, his arm around her shoulders, listening to the wireless.

She turned over with a deep sigh and shut her eyes, telling herself everyone had to have a dream or life would be unbearable. At least she’d have a bungalow to look forward to and that was more than most people aspired to.

In the following weeks, life continued in Southampton. More troops were moved into camps around the town and every evening people listened avidly to the news, relieved to hear that Allied troops had taken Monte Cassino. It seemed that the Germans were now on the run. Newsreels in the cinemas were full of pictures of this success and Winston Churchill with his V-sign and famous cigar did much to cheer the population.

Life on Southampton’s streets didn’t change. The black market thrived, queues for food seemed to get longer, women spent time in the shops set up by the WVS, swapping and buying second-hand clothes – and the National loaf remained as unpalatable as ever.

The GIs who frequented the local pubs in The Ditches were generous enough with small food items, which they bought in their PX stores, and the children could be heard asking, ‘Any gum chum?’ whenever they saw an American uniform. Yet beneath this was the expectation and fear of the invasion.


Cora hadn’t seen anything of Hank, which didn’t surprise her but still made her sad. However, as the days passed and her nights were busy, she put the experience behind her until one evening, he walked into the Lord Roberts. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him.

He walked straight up to the bar and ordered a drink, then picking up his glass he walked over to her and sat down.

Cora was sitting in silence and looked at him, wondering what he was going to say.

‘Hello Cora. How are you?’ he asked quietly.

‘I’m fine, thanks. I’m very surprised to see you in here,’ she said.

He stared at her. ‘To be honest, I’m surprised too. But I can’t get you out of my mind and it’s driving me crazy!’

Her heart seemed to miss a beat. ‘I didn’t think you wanted to see me ever again after the last time,’ she said.

‘To be frank, I hate what you do. I hate every man you’ve taken to your bed, but I couldn’t keep away any longer.’

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ she asked nervously.

‘I guess I still want you to be my girl.’

She was stunned. ‘Hank, how can that be when you know the business I’m in?’

‘Well, I’ve given a lot of thought to what you said, how you felt about …’ he was at a loss for a moment, ‘your business. That it’s a way to earn money to give you a future, so I’m hoping that these men don’t mean anything to you.’

‘But of course they don’t! How could they?’

‘In that case, will you be my girl again?’

She frowned. ‘Can you live with what I do and still want me? Won’t that come between us?’

He leant forward. ‘Look, Cora. Pretty soon we’ll be shipped across the Channel and I’m not sure just how long we’d have together, so let’s just enjoy what time we have. No recriminations. What do you say?’

A smile crept slowly across her features. ‘I’d like that, Hank. I’ve really missed you.’

‘You have?’ He looked pleased.

‘Yes, why are you surprised?’

‘I guess after our last meeting and, I admit I was unkind, I thought you wouldn’t want anything more to do with me.’

She placed a finger over his lips. ‘That was then, this is now. We won’t ever mention it again. From here on in, I’m your girl. Right?’

He leant forward and kissed her. ‘Right! Can I take you out for a drink to celebrate?’

‘I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.’


During the evening, Hank asked her about the night she lost her parents and her home and, as he listened, he could see how she’d suffered and began to understand how hard it had been for her to survive such a trauma.

‘The Germans came over every night about the same time. We used to hear the sirens go and we knew we were in for another bad night. Mum used to make a flask of tea in case it went on for a long time. We didn’t have a shelter so we used to crawl under the dining room table. We had blankets and pillows there to make us comfortable.’ She took a sip of her drink. ‘At first you’d hear the sound of the guns, then the planes and the whine of the bomb – then silence. That was the worst part because soon after the
silence you’d hear an explosion. On this particular night it seemed worse than ever. There were more bombs exploding than before and they seemed to be getting nearer than ever. Every time we’d cling on to each other, wondering if it would be us next … and then it was.’

Hank caught her by the hand. ‘Don’t go on, honey, if it upsets you,’ he said.

‘No, I want you to know, then perhaps you’ll understand.’ She took a deep breath and continued.

‘We heard the bomb. Then the silence and suddenly all hell broke loose it seemed. The ceiling caved in on top of us, there was dust everywhere, the table collapsed, then I don’t remember anything until the air raid wardens and the firemen started to dig us out. All I remember was a strange voice saying, “Come along, miss, wake up, there’s a good girl”.’

‘Oh, Cora, honey, I had no idea.’ Hank’s voice was full of sympathy.

Tears welled in her eyes as she said, ‘They managed to pull me free and into an ambulance, but when I asked about my parents, the men went quiet – and then I knew.’

Hank called the barman over and asked for two brandies. When they arrived, he made her drink some. ‘Here, this’ll do you good.’ He watched her closely as she did so. Then he asked for the bill.

‘Come along, honey, drink up, I’m going to take you home,’ he said seeing the distress etched on her face. ‘Gee, I’m sorry I asked. It was stupid of me.’

She gave a wan smile. ‘No, I wanted you to know. Now you do.’


They walked silently through the unlit streets, using Cora’s torch to light their way in the blackout, ignoring others who were out enjoying their evening, through The Ditches and to her room. When they were inside, she put on the kettle to make some tea. They were sitting side by side on the bed, waiting for the kettle to boil, Hank holding her in his arms as she cried silent tears. He stroked her hair and patted her back as you would a child, making soothing noises until she stopped grieving. Then he kissed her gently.

‘I understand so much more now,’ he told her. ‘You have so much courage for someone so young; I only wish I could take the hurt away from you. I feel so useless.’

She looked up at him. ‘Hank, will you make love to me?’

And he did, gently, with great tenderness and as he felt her relax, he hoped he went some way to help the mental anguish she’d been through that night. He prayed that being able to talk about it would be therapeutic for this lovely young woman who’d come to mean so much to him.


Olive couldn’t wait for the invasion to begin. The event would bring an end to her worries. All those damned Yanks would be gone and her life would be back to normal. What she really meant was that she would once again have control over her daughter.

Ever since Hildy had taken up with ‘that GI’, as she thought of him, things had changed considerably. Hildy was out of the house more often and sometimes all night. When she’d accused her daughter of being a loose woman, no better than those on the streets, Hildy had not battered an eyelid, but had just looked at her mother.

‘What I do is not any of your business, Mother. I’m a grown woman, not a child and you don’t run my life for me.’ Then she’d walked out of the room leaving Olive speechless.

Whenever Milt Miller came to the house, Olive was on edge. The young man was polite to her, but she knew that he could see through her duplicities and was aware of the emotional games she played, so she was very careful about what she said. Once when she’d questioned Hildy about an opinion she’d voiced which didn’t agree with hers and had said as much, Milt had intervened.

‘You forget, Mrs Dickson, that Hildy has a mind of her own.’

After that, she said little in front of him, keeping her spiteful and negative remarks for when she was alone with her daughter.


That evening, Milt and Hildy were taking a walk through the park together. The evening was pleasantly warm. They strolled slowly, holding hands and chatting about inconsequential things to keep both of them from thinking that soon they would have to part, knowing the future would be uncertain.

They sat on a bench and lit cigarettes. Milt placed his arm about her shoulders.

‘Gee, Hildy, I can’t tell you how happy I am that we got together. These past few weeks have been some of the happiest in my life, I want you to know that.’

There was an underlying sound of finality about his words that made her look at him.

‘Have you heard something about the invasion?’ she asked, tensing within his hold.

Feeling her stiffen, he kissed her cheek. ‘No, honey, nothing definite but things are moving. More troops are being brought into the port daily. Something is going on, that’s for sure and I’ve a feeling we’ll be off before very long, so every moment we spend together is precious.’

‘Oh, Milt. I’ll miss you so much,’ she said, her voice choking in her throat.

He cupped her face in his hand and looked at her. ‘I know in the beginning we said we’d get together with no strings, but I don’t want it to end when I leave.’

She was puzzled. ‘What do you mean?’

‘You know there isn’t anyone in my life and, until now that’s been just fine, but Hildy … will you write to me while I’m away and wait for me to come home? I want us to have a future together. How do you feel about that?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I want you in my life after the war too, not just for now.’

She looked puzzled. ‘How can that be?’

He burst out laughing. ‘I thought that was fairly obvious. Will you marry me, Hildy?’

Her eyes shone as she held his gaze. ‘There’s nothing I’d like more, Sergeant. Of course I will!’

He smothered her with kisses. ‘You’ve made me the happiest man alive. We’ll have a good life together, I promise. I have the afternoon off tomorrow; we’ll go and buy an engagement ring so, at least when I do ship out, I’ll know it’s official and …’ he chuckled, ‘it’ll keep any other marauding men away from my girl.’ He paused. ‘Wait until you are wearing my ring before you tell your mother.’

She knew he was right. If she were to spill the beans to her mother when she got home, she’d hear nothing but
aggravation and that certainly would spoil her happiness.

‘You don’t like my mother, do you?’

‘No, honey, I don’t. I won’t lie to you. I think your mother is a selfish woman who bleeds you dry. She would spoil your life, if you let her.’

Letting out a deep sigh, Hildy agreed. ‘Partly my own fault. I let her rule me during my teenage years and when I began to have a mind of my own and to grow up, she couldn’t handle it and became worse.’

‘Now don’t you worry any more. I’m going to be around to sort out all your problems in the future.’

‘You just make sure Milton Miller that you keep your bloody head down when you do cross the Channel, you understand?’

‘Don’t you worry, darling. I’m a good soldier; I know when to duck. Now come on, let’s find a pub and drink to the future.’

Later he walked her home and kissed her goodnight at the door. ‘I’ll pick you up at the factory after your shift tomorrow and we’ll go to Parkhouse and Wyatt to buy a ring, then out to lunch. I’m off duty until the morning, shall I book us a room for the night?’

She readily agreed wanting to spend as much time with him as she could before they were forced to part. ‘I’ll take a change of clothes with me to the factory.’

Once in her bedroom she pranced about like a teenager, muttering, ‘Mrs Milt Miller. Hildy Miller.’ Then she sat down, found a piece of paper and practised signing her name as Milt’s wife. Eventually she climbed into bed and fell asleep.


The following morning, she packed an overnight bag and left the house for work before her mother was up, leaving a note to say she wouldn’t be home that night. There was a bounce to her step as she made her way to her machine and she hummed away to herself as she happily contemplated the afternoon.

The foreman noticed her jollity and said, ‘What’s up with you today, Hildy? You look like the cat who’s discovered a pint of cream.’

She grinned at him. ‘Oh nothing really, just that life is good.’

He walked away, shaking his head, unconvinced by her answer, not noticing the small case she carried. Something had happened to her, he was sure, but what? At the end of the shift when he saw that she had changed into a dress and this time saw she was carrying a small case, his eyes narrowed. Was she leaving without telling him? Surely not, she was too professional in her job to do that, but where was she going? He turned away. Women! What man could ever understand them? Certainly not him. He’d been married for several years and they were still a mystery.


Had he continued to watch her, he’d have seen the GI waiting who walked over to his employee lifting her up in his arms and kissing her enthusiastically before they walked away holding hands.

Milt and Hildy walked to the jewellers, stopped outside and studied the rings on display in the window for a while, then walked inside the shop. Milt had a quiet word with the assistant, giving her an idea of the price he was prepared to pay and waited with Hildy whilst she chose a couple of trays filled with rings for them to look at.

Hildy’s heart was pounding with excitement as she tried several rings and eventually chose a half hoop of emerald and diamonds. She put it on her finger, holding out her hand to see the effect.

‘Oh, Milt, this one is lovely.’

‘I like it too, but is it the one you really want, honey?’

She glanced back at the others before her and looking up, eyes sparkling with excitement, she said, ‘Yes, this is the one without a doubt. I absolutely love it!’

He beamed at the assistant. ‘I guess that’s the one we’ll take then.’

Hildy reluctantly removed it from her finger and passed it back over the counter and watched it being put into a ring box and a small bag. She waited patiently as Milt paid for it, put it in his pocket and then they left the shop together.

‘Come on,’ he said, ‘I’ve booked a table for lunch at the Polygon Hotel to celebrate and then we’ll go to our room.’

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