The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Jubilee wants to live with me, I know. I’m the one who’s been holding back so as not to hurt her if I took on more subs. But Larry? Larry needs to be close at hand 24/7 because of his job. Living in the main building is really essential for him. He has to be always available in case there’s a problem.

There’s lots of empty space in the main building. But is any of it suitable for us to have a room of our own? Would it be appropriate for me to keep my little house if we had some shared accommodation like a large room in the house? What about Jubilee? All she has is a bedroom with a half bath. Hmm. And am I ready yet to live with other people? It’ll be a big adjustment for me. I’ve been alone for a long time. I know Jubilee is ready and willing, but is Larry? Lots more to think about there before I say anything to them.

Jubilee stepped quietly into the room, immediately slipping her dress off over her head and leaving her sandals neatly side by side at the door. She stood in the center of the room, feet shoulder-width apart, eyes down, shiny dark-blonde hair falling forward over her face, looking so beautiful his dick was instantly harder than hard.

Carey longed to touch his dick, to move his pants, to give his equipment more space, but he was the Dom and his position meant he could never show any weakness at all. So he stood still, waiting for Larry.

At exactly seven, Larry opened the door and stepped into the room. Carey nodded to him and Larry locked the door behind him before undressing slowly and methodically. In the center of the room, Jubilee never moved, but Carey knew she’d be listening to the noises they were making and would have an excellent idea of what was happening.

Once Larry was standing beside Jubilee, Carey turned to his bag of toys and took out two pairs of handcuffs. They both already stood with their hands behind their backs, so cuffing them was easily accomplished. Next, he blindfolded each one then filled their mouths with ball gags. This was only for the effect it had on them. The dungeon was fully soundproofed, so no screams of orgasm would be heard anyway. But gagging a sub made them much more aware of their mouths, of their breathing, of their own desire to vocalize their feelings, so by gagging them he heightened their appreciation of the night’s program.

Carey had put a lot of thought into whether to use a cane or a paddle. The cane was a much sharper, more immediate pain, as the heat and blood rushed to that thin line where he’d struck the body. But with the paddle he could get a good system of strikes going, gradually increasing the heat and pain of the ass, until the subs remembered the event every time they sat down the next day.

Carey swished his cane through the air, making sure both subs knew what was about to happen. Again and again he whipped the thin bamboo through the air, making the distinctive sound, until finally he laid two strokes on each shoulder of each sub. Before they could acclimate themselves, he swapped the paddle from his left hand to his right and paddled first one ass cheek then the other. Jubilee’s right cheek, Larry’s right cheek. Jubilee’s left cheek, Larry’s left cheek, hitting Larry only slightly harder than Jubilee. Finally, he took up the cane again and laid four or five strokes over the pink skin marked by the paddle.

“Definitely the best of both worlds,” he said to them. “
Star Trek: The Next Generation
and also Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana, but I won’t claim the point as you’re at a disadvantage right now.” He patted Jubilee’s breast as he stepped in front of her.

He returned to his bag of toys and got out a handful of clothespins. “Jubilee, you may watch,” he said, removing her blindfold. She raised her eyes but didn’t turn her body until he nodded to Larry. Hesitantly, Jubilee turned to face Larry, and Carey kneeled down, holding the stretchy flesh of the side of Larry’s cock with one hand while attaching clothespins, one after the other, to it with the other hand. Larry’s cock was hard, but there was always some loose skin, in Carey’s opinion, and five clothespins soon attested to that fact.

“Now it’s your turn to watch, Larry.” He removed Larry’s blindfold.

This time Carey settled the clips of the clothespin over first one of Jubilee’s nipples then the other one. Next, Carey kneeled down again and sucked her clit out of its protective little hood. Already it was engorged, and he sucked until he was sure it could grow no larger. Then he attached a clothespin to it. There were two more clothespins in his bag and he fixed one to each of Larry’s nipples.

“That should do for now,” he said, letting them know he was about to try something else.

Actually, it’d been damn difficult to get the clothespins on Larry’s cock. For a start, he was very hard, but also the Prince Albert meant that there was quite a bit of real estate he couldn’t use. Nonetheless, five clothespins was plenty to make Larry urgently need to come.

“Kneel and suck him, Jubilee. Use your teeth on his jewelry. Make him feel those clothespins pulling on his dick.”

She looked so sexy kneeling in front of Larry, naked, her hands cuffed behind her, her pert ass all pink from the paddle. His own dick was aching to be buried deep inside her. But the scene was by no means finished yet.

He watched Jubilee wiggle this way and that, using her mouth over as much of Larry’s cock as she could reach, licking and sucking his cock, pulling the head deep inside her mouth.

Every now and then, Larry’s hips would involuntarily thrust into her mouth before he’d regain control and hold himself still.

“Enough. Stand, Jubilee. Larry, suck her clit.”

Larry almost tied himself in knots getting his head on the correct angle, but he managed it without falling over, despite not having the use of his hands. He also solved part of the problem by sucking the clothespin into his mouth as well as Jubilee’s flesh, but Carey hadn’t told him not to, as it was certainly one solution to the problem.

“Stop. Both of you kneel.”

Carey removed all the clothespins then left his subs there while he got undressed. Next, he had them stand while he changed the handcuffs from behind them to in front of them.

“Larry, lie flat on your back on the floor.”

The sub was becoming quite accomplished at kneeling with his hands cuffed, although this time it was harder to lie down with his hands before him. Nevertheless, he managed it quite neatly, certainly without any ungainly movements, far less falling over.

“Now lie on top of him, Jubilee.”

When she was resting on the sub, Carey said, “Put your hands over each other’s head so they’re behind the other person’s neck.”

Carey squatted where he could see Jubilee’s face clearly. “You like pain, don’t you, Jubilee? What if I was to fuck your ass with no lube? I’d push into you and it’d burn deep inside. But you’re used to being fucked in the ass. Your body would let me in. You’d be hotter and tighter than ever, especially with your ass so pink right now. Would you let me, sub? Can your Master fuck your ass with no preparation at all?”

Jubilee blinked then nodded. Carey watched her face flush and her eyes grow heavy lidded. She wanted him to take her, to claim her like this. He’d known all along she’d agree. However, he would lube his dick, just not her ass. And since they’d ass fucked so recently her tissues would let him in, he knew.

He slathered his cock with lube then kneeled behind Larry and Jubilee. He held his dick poised at her rear entry then pushed hard. He could feel her pushing out, aiding him, helping him breach her entry. He did have to push quite firmly and steadily, but soon his dick popped inside and he was grasped by her hot, welcoming flesh.

When he was seated as deep as he could go in her, he said, “Larry, you may enter her now.”

That was hard without using their hands, too. Jubilee and Larry had to wiggle around and slip and slide, Carey following them so his dick never moved from her ass.

He could feel Jubilee’s body heating as they slithered this way and that, struggling to get Larry’s cock into her pussy. It was like a puzzle, so close yet not quite right. And often she slipped to one side or the other, until finally everything was in the right place at the right time and Larry was inside her, pressing deeper and deeper, pushing her tissues around him and resting against Carey’s dick through the thin membrane that separated them.

They were all so aroused the actual fucking wasn’t going to last long, but that didn’t matter. It’d been an excellent session, certainly enough to show Larry that he needed to make a commitment to stay with them. That would be Carey’s next task. To demonstrate to Larry the steps he needed to take next.

“Together,” gasped Carey, suddenly unable to wait any longer, either.

They withdrew then slammed in. Withdrew again and pressed deep. They thrust fast, hard, bodies slippery with sweat and excitement, hearts pounding, chests struggling to draw enough breath. Carey knew he couldn’t expect Larry to hold on any longer. It was almost impossible for him to keep control, either. “Come,” he ordered.

His word caused all three of them to orgasm together. Carey’s seed pumped and pumped and pumped. He couldn’t believe how much semen he had. It seemed to come from his very toes and still his dick poured out more.

Underneath him Jubilee was shaking and her internal muscles were holding him like a vise as her body shivered and shook. He wrapped his arms around her to stop her rolling off Larry and onto the floor. Finally, he stood up and unlocked the handcuffs, undid the ball gags, and put the toys back in his toy bag.

“Larry, there’s a conversation you and I need to have, but I think it’d be better if Jubilee was there, too. We should meet on neutral ground. The Wooden Spoon at one o’clock tomorrow?”

“Very well,” said Larry.

Carey raised an eyebrow at Jubilee. She was looking tense and apprehensive, so he smiled at her. “All right,” she whispered.


* * * *


Jubilee had been to the Wooden Spoon several times. The most recent time, Cameron had invited her and Carey and he’d organized a platter of Oreo cookies as an appetizer for her. She did adore chocolate. Today there were no cookies waiting for her when she arrived, but the coffee was hot and strong and smelled wonderful.

Carey poured her a cup as she entered the restaurant and sat down, and she breathed the aroma in deeply. “Lovely.” She looked into his handsome face and smiled. His bright-blue eyes gazed into hers and her belly clenched with desire. She loved him so much. Why oh why didn’t he love her in the same way?

Quickly, Jubilee looked down into her coffee cup, concentrating on not crying. She wanted him so much. She would be perfectly happy if only he’d claim her forever as his. Or even his and Larry’s. She liked Larry, and she’d be fine if Larry wanted to make things official between the three of them. As long as Carey put his collar on her and claimed her as his personal slave.

“I’m guessing this particular Wooden Spoon is named after the kitchen implement, not after being the person, or restaurant, that comes last in a competition,” said Carey.

Recognizing his attempt to put her at ease as friends, not as Dom and sub, Jubilee grinned. “Yes, but at the University of Cambridge, in England, the wooden spoon was awarded to the man who earned the lowest marks to get an honors degree. Not to the person who came last or even to the student who earned the lowest marks yet still passed. Besides, those spoons were four feet long and were banned in 1875.”

“But the actual award lasted until 1909. It wasn’t until 1910 that degrees were given out in alphabetical order so no one knew whose marks were the lowest,” replied Carey.

Just then Larry joined them. He stared at them both and said, “If you two are arguing about trivia again, I’m going straight back home. I don’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about.”

Jubilee laughed. “Not arguing, no. Besides, don’t you think the entire concept of third-class honors is kinda weird? I mean, I get the idea of honors and doing well, but third class? Reminds me of those trains they used to have with first-class, second-class, and third-class seats.”

“Third class just had open holes, not real windows,” said Carey. “I’ve lived in places where they have that kind of train, when I was growing up overseas.”

“One year my parents gave me a set of encyclopedias. They got them from someone who’d just gotten the Internet connected and didn’t want them anymore. I read all the way through to ‘T’ until I got bored with them,” explained Jubilee, who’d noticed Larry still looked confused.

Just then the server arrived and they ordered their meal. But Jubilee was feeling relaxed now and able to eat. Before, she’d been so tense she was pretty sure she couldn’t have swallowed a bite. Now she’d accepted that Carey couldn’t possibly have chosen to taken them all out to lunch just to tell her he didn’t want her anymore. That he had all he needed in Larry. He wasn’t a cruel person, so whatever he planned to say might be different but shouldn’t be devastating. She could deal with that.

While they ate they chattered like old friends. She was learning more about Larry as he opened himself up to her and Carey, and everything about him that he revealed, she appreciated. He took his job so seriously, genuinely caring about the property and the people.

“Are you going to allow Leticia to redo that back garden?” she asked.

“Allow? Hell, I can’t wait for her to start. Every time I go there I think how badly it needs love and attention. I’m sure there’s still vegetables and other good things under all the weeds. I’m absolutely thrilled she wants to take it on.”

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