The Dom With a Safeword (3 page)

Read The Dom With a Safeword Online

Authors: Cari Silverwood,Leia Shaw,Sorcha Black

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: The Dom With a Safeword
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“Come in and help me. I’m going to need you for the buckles and things. You know how to put them on right.” She toyed with a lock of her hair, like she did when she was nervous. What was she up to?

Her grip on the door tightened, making the edge dig into her hand. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” All the images she’d ever had of Sabrina naked slipped back into her mind. She tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth.

“Oh please! You’re not going to try to have your way with me in a dressing room, are you?” she asked with a flirty smile and naughty gleam in her eye. Sabrina knew damn well Q would love to do just that.

Heaving a sigh, Q walked in and shut the door behind her. She was making a big mistake. As she chanted in her head that she could control herself, she locked the door. Sabrina shucked off her dress, and Q averted her eyes. At times like this she wished Sabrina was a little shyer.

“What do you think?” she asked after a few moments.

Q looked up and swallowed hard. Sabrina was standing in front of her in a white lace bra and panty set. The wispy fabric left little to the imagination.

“I just got them yesterday. Are they cute?” She turned to show Q that the underwear were of the thong persuasion. The curve of her perfect ass beckoned.

Q balled her fists at her sides. There was no way even Sabrina was this naïve. What was she playing at? The feeling of her clit throbbing hard against the seam of her jeans made her lightheaded. “Very... uh... pretty,” she gasped.

Sabrina smiled seductively. “Pretty? Is that all you have to say?”

With every second, her control was slipping away. “Put some clothes on before I make you regret it, little girl,” she growled. Maybe spanking her ass –
or biting
it – would teach her to behave.

“Little girl? I’m older than you are.”

“By six months. You’re also lighter and shorter than I am. I could do all sorts of naughty things to you and you wouldn’t be able to stop me.”

“I dare you try.”

This close, she could see Sabrina’s breathing deepen and the faintest tremble take hold of her.

Q took two steps and glared down at her. “I don’t take dares.” Their gaze locked and there was a silent battle of wills. The pupils of Sabrina’s eyes dilated and she blinked. Slowly, Q lowered her lips until they hovered just barely above hers. The other girl shifted her gaze to her mouth. Q brushed her lips softly against Sabrina’s, then drew back.

Sabrina made a little mewling sound, frowned, then gave herself a shake. She turned fast and grabbed the topmost skirt and slipped it on as though nothing had happened. The rapid rise and fall of her chest suggested she wasn’t as unaffected as she was trying to act. The matching purple PVC shirt she’d picked buckled up the front, and Sabrina fumbled with it for a few minutes before conceding defeat.

“Can you help?” she asked in a small voice.

Q sat in the pile of clothing on the bench and waved her over. Could a person faint from lust? Sabrina stopped in front of her, reddening. By the time Q got to the third buckle up, the soft swell of Sabrina’s breasts became impossible to ignore. She brushed her fingers lightly over the tops of them. Her breath caught in her throat. The nerves in Q’s fingertips felt like they were sizzling with electricity.

Sabrina’s eyes closed and she thrust her chest out in a silent plea for more.

“You don’t act like a straight girl.”

“You don’t make me feel like one,” she breathed, looking down at Q.

“Unhook your bra.”


“Do it,” Q commanded. She was often shocked at how easily she could get Sabrina to obey her. This was pushing things. Would she do it?


“You can’t wear a bra with this shirt. This one’s got a hole in the back and the strap will show.”

“Oh!” Sabrina gave a nervous giggle and turned away, unclasping it and slipping it off through the armholes. She tried to yank the edges of the top together to cover herself before turning back. By holding it in place, she just barely concealed her nipples. “I think it’s too small.”

“No, it’s fine. It just needs to be tied. Let go.”


“Now, little girl.”

Sabrina’s fingers slowly let go and the sides of the shirt slid aside of their own accord. The shirt didn’t cover anything important anymore, but held her breasts up like a bustier. She brought her hands up and covered her nipples. “Just buckle it already!”

“No. I want to look at you first. Drop your hands.” If Sabrina did this, there was no more wondering about where things stood between them. Q waited, holding her breath and shifting to ease the seam of her jeans away from her clit.

Sabrina whined and flushed terribly red, but she obeyed.

Oh fuck.
Q leaned back against the wall and let her gaze slide over her friend, from her conflicted eyes to her parted lips, and down to the luscious curves of her breasts. Her pretty pink nipples were hard and Q fought not to touch. Yet.

“Are you done now? Help me get this buckled. What do you want to look at me for, anyway? You ogle perfect models all day.” Sabrina’s words came out in a rush, like they were falling over themselves to leave her mouth.

“You’re perfect. And as for the models, if I was into plastic, I’d buy myself a Barbie.”

She grumbled and her brow
creased. “Well just take a damn
picture already. It’ll last longer.”

“I’d love to take pictures of you. Are you volunteering?” Q felt a little guilty for pushing her – Sabrina did think of herself as straight. This was a big step.

“Can we discuss this some other time? I need to find something for tonight so we can go home and get ready.” And yet, despite her protests she didn’t move.


“Can I touch you, Sabrina?”

A fresh flood of colo
r rushed to her face, but after a pause she nodded, looking at her toes. She bit her pretty bottom lip endearingly.

Q squirmed in her seat, trying not to let on that her control was evaporati
God, she makes me so crazy.

The first touch of Sabrina’s skin was like silk and she barely held back a groan. Part of her brain clamored for her to stop, but she couldn’t will herself to do so. Possessed by her inner hedonist, her hands slid up to cup Sabrina’s breasts. She rubbed her thumbs gently over her nipples.

The hiss of Sabrina’s breath spurred Q on, and the girl thrust forward into her caress. “Please, Q! You’re killing me.”

!  Cross is going to hear you. He’d probably come watch. And such a pretty show he’d get. It’s a shame not to share it.” She rolled both nipples between thumb and fingers.

“No, Q,” she whimpered quietly.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No! Just don’t call your friend in here. I’d die.”

“Okay then…quiet.” Q leaned forward, the light scent of bubblegum on Sabrina’s warm skin making her want more. Even the smell of her was intoxicating.

Her gaze met Sabrina’s as she swept her tongue over the point of her nipple. It tightened, and Q kissed it lightly before sucking it into her mouth. She pressed Sabrina closer with a hand on her lower back, her other hand brushing from just behind her knee, upwards under the PVC schoolgirl skirt. As she sucked, flicking her tongue, Sabrina’s little moans of pleasure encouraged her. Q traced her fingers under the skirt, along the globe of Sabrina’s ass then drew them toward the front of her panties.

A loud knock made them both jump. “Yes?” Q managed to say, hoping she didn’t sound too breathless.

“You two are taking awhile in there. You need a hand?” The bastard was laughing.

Q grinned up at Sabrina who still looked dazed. “Do we need help?”

Sabrina’s eyes focused and she shook her head emphatically.

“No, Cross. We’ll be out in a couple of minutes.” Internally, she swore a blue streak. The interruption was welcome, in a way. She didn’t know if she would have been able to stop
without intervention, and Sabrina deserved better than to be with her first girl in a changing room. They were too old for that shit.

“Suit yourself, Q. If you change your mind just holler.”

Sabrina covered her face w
ith her hands
. “Let’s just take this and go. Can I wait for you in the car? Take my bank card.”

“It looks like it will fit and it’s hot on you. You okay?” Q stood, drawing her friend into her arms. Sabrina clung to her, which pleased her immensely. She kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll go to the cashier. Here are my keys. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Sabrina changed back into her little white dress so fast Q didn’t get a good look at anything. She bolted out of the fitting room for the car.

As she paid, Q wondered if Sabrina would ever let her touch her again, and hoped to hell she hadn’t just fucked everything up.

Chapter 3


Jude leaned back in his chair. Fifth row back from the front row of the seats, with the
pit swarming in front of him – almost the best place at a Slipknot concert. He’d not dared the
pit itself. His father’s words ran through his
head whenever he considered it.

Think ahead, Jude. Keep your head on your shoulders, think ahead, and stay safe.

Well. Done that. Thought ahead. A surgeon didn’t need broken fingers from some overweight wrecking ball bouncing off him in the pit. Though… He
out a sigh. This would be his las
t heavy metal concert.

He scrubbed his hands through his hair, feeling the short strands curling over his fingers. His surfer cut had gone too. He hadn’t w
orn his guitar-playing Fuck-the-
t-shirt in case somebody here decided that made him a pussy. In the future, that and the
shirt he’d bought in Germany would only see the light if he was mowing the lawn of his picket-fenced mansion.

What about his kink life? Would he have to give that up too? That was one thing he didn’t think he could live without. A quarter of the
at the local BDSM club seemed to be professionals, so maybe not. Tying up women, dominating them – since his early college days, he’d delved further and further into that fascinating world. Though he’d never checked out the BDSM community in Michigan, maybe it would be the same?

He looked down. Plain black buttoned shirt. Boring. Stable. Black and boring like his future. Years of pre-med, then diversion in Europe for a few years to “get his head straight” but now he was cornered. Even since he was a kid, his father had expected him to be a doctor. Planned it, labeled him, squashed him into a mold.

The music pulsed to life, ramming straight into his skull and clearing away all his good, doctor-like thoughts. The crowd screamed. The
pit surged inward.

“Fuck.” He stood up, feeling the sheer energy from swearing course through him like a storm tide sweeping a beach clean.

Playing it safe and thinking ahead could wait another day. He edged along to the aisle and jogged down. The
lights flashed on something purple ahead of him. A woman? At
least she was staying on the edge. Up on the tiptoes of her black boots, she strived to see past a shaggy-haired teenager. She jiggled about, teetering. Her curves invited appraisal, especially where the pert mounds of her ass showed beneath her short skirt, and he admired them as he walked closer. There must
be a boyfriend, here,

Tendrils of her hair curled down to the neckline of the little purple outfit – the back of which was wide open and displayed a delicious amount of skin. The PVC schoolgirl skirt drew his eye to her beautiful legs. Fetish wear – he’d bet his life on it. As he drew closer, aiming to squeeze between her and a six-foot bruiser of a guy, her profile stopped him dead.

He knew that face. The right shade of blond hair too. The name snapped into place in his mind – Sabrina – the smart-mouthed crazy one who liked ghost-hunting. How could he ever forget the two sexy girls who’d invaded his yard a few nights ago?

Fetish wear, though? His mind wandered down that kinky path for a second. But…so what? Some wore it just for fun. Didn’t mean she liked getting tied up and dominated. Unfortunately.

Despite the drowning volume of the heavy music, he heard her scream.


Jude put a hand on her shoulder and saw instantly why she’d screamed. Her friend was down on the floor, arms flopped to the side. A circle of men had formed around her, stopping her from being trampled by others. By the time he got past the big guy, another had dragged her to her feet and propelled her toward him and the screaming, waving Sabrina.

Somehow he ended up taking one arm and supporting Q across the back while Sabrina helped on the other side. Together they made it outside past security on the doors. The sound muted as the doors shut behind them.

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