The Dom With the Perfect Brats (10 page)

Read The Dom With the Perfect Brats Online

Authors: Leia Shaw,Sorcha Black,Cari Silverwood

BOOK: The Dom With the Perfect Brats
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He and Izzy exchanged a look, and he forced himself not to smirk. “The way you kissed her didn’t look very straight to me. If you want to
try the way I do things, you need to be open-minded. But as of now, you’ve said no, and I respect that. Don’t do something you’ll regret later.”

She toyed with her bottom lip in the way that made him want to put something in her mouth.
After a long moment he moved to unbuckle the first strap.

“No, don’t!” Gemma stopped him before he’d even slid the leather out of the buckle. “I-I’ll do it. I mean, it’s really not a big deal...right?” Her eyes were big and she looked at him, seeking reassurance.

He kissed her gently. “That’s not for me to say. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to me, but I’m not you.”

“It’s not a big deal,” she muttered to herself. The glare she directed at him would have made a lesser man try to placate her. “I don’t know what to do, though, so you’d better not laugh at me.”

Inside he was smug as hell, but outwardly he just nodded solemnly. “I wouldn’t do such a thing. When you’re doing your best to please me I’ll have nothing but praise for you.”

“Praise? I’m not a child or a dog.”

“Of course you’re not, pet.”

She muttered something rude under her breath.
Without thinking he grabbed her arm and swatted her ass twice before letting go. Gasping, she clutched her bottom.

“What the fuck was that for?”
she yelled. Her chest was heaving, and she looked positively edible.

Shit. She wasn’t his yet. “Sorry. Force of habit. I’m not used to women disrespecting me without immediate consequences. I apologi

“So, if we start playing with you regularly, you’d punish us?”

“Only if you needed it.”

She blinked at him a few times.

“There would be rules we discussed and negotiated.”

Gemma shuddered
but turned back to Izzy, who had been watching them with interest. A deflection? This was in effect, a change of subject. Kissing Izzy seemed less of a conflict to Gemma than thinking about his rules – interesting. “So what do I do?”

He urged her closer to the bound girl. “Are you okay
, Izzy? Do you want to stop?”

Izzy looked at him briefly
then focused on the area rug under her feet. She didn’t say no, but she hadn’t answered the question either.

“We’re going to keep going
, Izzy. Do you remember the words if you want things to stop?” She nodded, but didn’t make eye contact. Her skin was covered in goose bumps despite the warmth of the room, and her nipples could have put someone’s eye out.

She wanted this but was too shy to admit it.

Standing beside Gemma, he urged their mouths together again. In moments, their kisses became passionate. Taking Gemma’s hands, he ran them along Izzy’s neck and shoulders then slid them under her breasts to feel their weight in his hands. Izzy whimpered. Without prompting, Gemma ran her thumbs over Izzy’s nipples, and pinched them gently. The response she got made her bolder and she toyed with them until Izzy was writhing. Every so often he caught her glancing down at Izzy’s body then she’d reapply herself to kissing.

When he thought she was ready, Cross gently pulled Gemma away from Izzy’s mouth, coaxing her downward. An evil gleam in Gemma’s eyes warned him of impending trouble. She backed a few steps and Cross took hold of her hair again. With a little smile, Gemma bent at the waist, leaning her torso forward, but sticking her ass out at him.
Cross watched, enthralled, as Gemma’s mouth skimmed Izzy’s nipple. The upward slide of Gemma’s skirt exposed shapely tattooed thighs, a delectable ass, and a lacy black thong. That, along with Izzy’s cry of pleasure as Gemma’s tongue flicked at her nipple, and Cross almost lost control of himself.

He drew a deep breath and calmed himself. What – was he a teenage boy? He’d watched girls play together at the club before, for goodness sake. But these girls could become his if he played his cards right. Then he could strip them, make them kneel, fuck them...

Gemma latched onto one of Izzy’s nipples and sucked.

Izzy sob
bed. “Please!”

He stepped in.
His hand in Izzy’s hair, Cross traced her lips with his tongue then kissed her. She responded desperately, straining forward, her lips clinging to his. He broke the kiss and she tried to follow, but was tightly caught in the leather web.

Cross moved behind Gemma and watched her ass as she tortured Izzy. The first contact of his fingers on her posterior startled her, but she didn’t object, so he ran appreciative hands over her bare skin. Like silk. He was pretty sure he
could have a handgasm touching her.

The sound of Izzy’s begging
had become pitiful. Cross grasped Gemma’s hips firmly, pulled her ass to his groin and ground against her. She gasped, and released her hold on Izzy’s waist, overbalanced, and was only held upright by his hands. He pulled her up and pushed her closer to Izzy.

“What?” She wriggled in his grip, not trying to get away, but trying to rub up against him.

“Do you want to see if that worked for her?”

She bit her lip
, but her eyes gleamed and she nodded.

“Touch her and see.” He smiled encouragingly.

Gemma ducked her head and looked uncharacteristically shy. He grabbed her hand and pressed her fingers against Izzy’s panties. She stood there looking shocked, but a moment later, he felt her fingers shift under his, then she rubbed them in little circles over the turquoise fabric.

The bound girl
gasped and thrust her hips at Gemma, her mouth open, her eyes half-lidded in a haze of need. “Oh god, Gemma! Please!”

With a look of concern, Gemma withdrew he
r hand. Cross allowed it, and held it up to show it to her.

“Wet. That means you did it right.” He grinned, even though it felt like his cock was about to
pack its bag and abandon him.

She stared at her two fingers for a moment, her face unreadable.

“You should lick them clean,” he suggested.

The suggestion shook her out of her fog. “What? No!”

Izzy was sobbing incoherently. Poor thing.

Gemma’s reaction to his recommendation wasn’t surprising.
With a grip on her wrist, he pulled her hand to his mouth. Slowly, he sucked her fingers clean, watching her expression turn feral. By the time he was done with her, she looked ready for anything.

This wasn’t supposed to go this far so fast. He hesitated then started to untie Izzy. Her hands were getting
cool. As he took her down she pressed against him, mewling – begging for anything to help it stop. For the first time in his domming life he wasn’t sure what to do.

He tucked Izzy into his bed. She was trembling probably both from need and exhaustion. Sub drop too, maybe? She
whimpered quietly.

Let’s go with sub drop
, he decided. He slid in next to her and pulled her into his arms, petting her hair.

“Condoms?” Gemma growled, pacing.

He wondered if he should safeword. Maybe he needed one, like Jude did.

“I wasn’t going to fuck either of you tonight. It’s too soon.”

“Listen to me, Mister Dumbass Dom. You made me do this to her. Now you’re going to fix it. It’s too mean to leave her like this.” She arched a brow and perched her hands on her hips, a challenge in her eyes. He wondered vaguely when she had tugged her dress back down into place.

“Top drawer,” he finally admitted.

She retrieved the full box as he got out of bed and pulled off his jeans. His rampant hard-on sprang free and he sighed in relief.

“Hot ass,” came Gemma’s amused voice from behind him. Fuck, that girl needed to be put over his knee. Talk about getting a D/s relationship off on the wrong foot. He wasn’t sure when she’d taken control or why he’d allowed it.

“Clothes off,” he growled back.

She sniffed. “My clothes can stay on. You’re not fucking me tonight.”

“We can negotiate that later. And that was an order, girl, not a request.”

He went to Izzy and undressed her slowly, kissing his way over the parts that he bared. She cooperated with being stripped as though she’d developed a clothing allergy.
Dress, panties, nothing else except her and glorious skin.

A moment later Gemma joined them,
bare. “I may be naked, but I’m not having sex with you tonight, Cross.” She tried to stare him down but looked away first.

“That’s fine, brat,” he replied in his best Dom voice. “I have no interest in fucking you until I teach you some manners.”
Liar, liar
, he berated himself. He pulled Izzy’s hands over her head. “Hold her arms here, please, Gemma.”

“What? Why?”

“My submissives don’t get to sit around and watch unless I tie them there first.” He rolled on the condom and he caught Gemma staring wide-eyed at his cock. “Is it good enough for you?”

Her eyes went from round to narrowed. She
shrugged then winked. “If you can control that monster it might be worth my time. I’ll let you know after I’ve taken it for a test drive.”

He hooked Izzy’s knees over his shoulders and looked down into her
eyes. “This went faster than I thought it would. Do you want me to stop?”

“Oh, fuck!” Izzy whimpered. “If you stop now I’m going to die.”

Cross chuckled as he slid his cock back and forth through her wetness. “Well we wouldn’t want that to happen.” Every time the tip of his cock passed her entrance, her hips bucked to try to capture him.

“Patience, little one. Don’t rush. I don’t want to hurt you.” He caressed her skin then started to press into her slowly. She panted and whined, and he gritted his teeth. Hot. Wet. Tight.

Gemma had let go of Izzy’s wrists. The girls kissed and he imagined his hard cock between their mouths, just barely avoiding getting off embarrassingly fast.

They made out as he thrust into Izzy – the sensations and the show almost too much to bear. Gemma licked and sucked down Izzy’s neck and chest, then fastened her mouth over one of Izzy’s swollen nipples. The girl beneath him went wild. Izzy shrieked and her eyes rolled back, her hips almost bucking him off. He held on and held out as long as he could manage, but eventually his control slipped. Slamming into her one more time, his cock
nearly fucking exploded. Swearing, he got in a few more strokes before he collapsed half on top of her.

Her legs slipped off of his shoulders and he rolled to the side, pulling her along in his wake. She was like a rag doll in his arms and hummed in contentment as she snuggled into his chest. His gaze met Gemma’s and he remembered he had unfinished business.

He kissed Izzy’s forehead, then rose and cleaned himself off in the en-suite bathroom. A few moments later he was standing in front of Gemma, who was sprawled in the bed, but looked annoyed.

“I told you I’m not having sex with you today, Cross,” she grumbled.

“This isn’t about sex, girl. I gave you an order and you disobeyed me.” He sat on the edge of the bed and the mattress dipped under his weight.

Gemma rolled toward him out of sheer physics. “What do you mean?”

“I told you to hold Izzy’s arms, remember?”

She shrugged a shoulder. “I didn’t feel like it. Besides, I think she liked what we did together better than she would have liked that.”

Cross sighed and shook his head. “I know this is hard for you to understand, considering how things were with your ex, but it’s different with me. If you don’t listen, you get punished.”

You can’t punish me!”

“Did you do what you were told?”

“No,” she sulked.

“Did I warn you about this already this evening?”

There was a long pause. “Yes.”

“So what’s your excuse then?”

“Your idea was dumb!” she retorted, crawling backward on the mattress.

“Wrong answer.” Cross hauled Gemma face down, over his lap. She tried to squirm away, but he wrapped an arm around her waist. With his free hand he stroked her b
ackside, reveling in the feel of it again. She was giving him one serious ass fetish.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She was angry, but he was undeterred.

“Some girls need to learn things the hard way.” He waited, she wriggled again, but no ‘no’ or ‘stop’ safeword was forthcoming. If anything, the woman was subdued compared to her normal mouthy self. Promising. Now to see how she reacted.

He swatted her derrière several times, and it slowly warmed and pinked under his hand. The intensity of his slaps built until she yelped a bit with each one. He could tell she was trying to be quiet. Stubborn. When he decided the punishment had fit the crime
, he stopped, surveying his work. Several light handprints showed red on her skin, and the satisfaction he felt at having marked her was considerable. He stroked gently over the welts then reached between her legs. He spread her folds and was pleased to feel how moist she was. She squirmed and complained, but followed his fingers with her body as he toyed with her. Her response to the spanking plus the numerous tattoos made him wonder if she was a masochist – and just how much of one.

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