The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) (17 page)

Read The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) Online

Authors: Solease Barner

Tags: #dragon, #paranormal chick lit, #paranormal adventure romance, #fantasy adult erotica, #romance sex, #fantasy about shapeshifting, #paranormal adult erotica, #fantasy about a prince

BOOK: The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
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“Did you all just hear that?” I ask,
everyone shaking his and her head no. I hear it, again. Whoa, what
is that? I’m going crazy. It reminds me of that dream with the
dragon I had months ago. I’ve never been able to shake that dream,
and what connection does Draken have with it? I feel very uneasy
right now, like danger is coming.

“Is there work being done on school
grounds, like remodeling, that would make a loud noise?”

“Cess, you are just nervous about the
test, there is no remodeling going on,” Linda says, shaking her
head. I know what I hear. It’s getting close. Why do I sense Draken
is near? This is really creepy. I feel like I’m in a horror movie
and something bad is about to happen. The door opens slowly, and in
walk Draken, Showken, and Layern. Holy shit, I did sense him. He is
glaring at me.

“Draken, umm, what’s wrong?” I ask,
not getting a response, just a very slow walk over to me. He picks
up my books, and starts placing them in my bag. I should say
something, but not when he is like this. I better wait until he is
calm. He would never harm me, would he? Everyone is looking at
them. Rachel is looking at Showken, and to my surprise, so is

“Cess, do you know this guy grabbing
your things? We have not even started studying,” Scott says, and is
thrown across the room. It’s like everything is in slow motion.
Showken and Layern are calming everyone, saying it’s just a
misunderstanding, and Scott is over in the corner, bleeding from
the mouth. I look up at Draken, who has his hand out for me. I’m
not taking it. He is crazy.

“I’m not going anywhere, why are you
here, and why did you just do that to Scott?” I ask, pissed, but
not yelling. Draken looks very scary right now. Linda and Kyle go
over to Scott, he is yelling at Draken now.

“You are going to jail, you are
finished! I don’t know what your problem is, but when I’m done with
you, you’ll wish you were dead!”

“Dead is what you will be if you speak
another word to me,” Draken says, with a coldness that I’ve never
heard. “Showken, Layern, take care of this. Princess and I are
leaving.” When I start to protest he grabs my arm, pulling,
standing me up and walking me out of the room. When he closes the
door I can’t hear anything that was going on in the room. What did
he mean, for his brother to take care of it? Draken and his brother
are not into killing, are they? I mean, they are from another
country. Shit, I have gotten myself into something now. I’m not
sure if I should be scared or pissed at being pulled down the hall
as he is scanning the rooms. He finally settles on one, opening the
door and closing it behind him. There are no windows in this room.
I feel an ache in my side, and the roar is getting

“Draken, you, have you lost your mind?
I’m not scared of you! Let me out of here! Why did you do that to
him, and how did you even find me?” I yell.

“Princess, please be quiet, for your
safety,” he says, through clenched teeth. His head is down, and he
won’t look at me.

“I’m leaving.”

“DON’T MOVE!” he yells. Oh shit, I
need to pee. I’m scared. What is happening? Have I been sleeping
with a crazy man? I’ve been sleeping with a crazy man.


“Did I not say be quiet?”

“What did I do?” I’m confused about
why he is here like this.

“I told you, I warned you, yet you
still did it anyway.”

“Did what? I did nothing at all, we
are just studying.”

“He touched you. More importantly, you
touched him back, smiling. Why?”

“Draken, you are over-reacting- wait,
how did you know that?”

“You have forced my hand, Princess, I
can’t take another man touching YOUUUU!” He still doesn’t look up,
but is pacing in front of the door. I want to leave and check on

“Are my friends okay?” I ask quietly.
He snarls.

“Yes, they will never know any of this
took place.”

“What? Draken, what are you taking
about? You threw Scott across the room. There was blood running
from his mouth. I can’t be with you if you are violent. Wait, you
still haven’t said how you knew what happened,” I say, trying to
get him to look at me, I bend trying to see his face, but he turns
quickly, grabbing me and pinning me to the wall. He presses his
head into my chest and roars.

“Draken, you are scaring me now, what
is going on?” I ask, afraid.

“You forced me, Princess, I’m not
someone you can take my requests and do as you please.”

“Draken, I need to know

“You will, I have no choice now, but I
need you right now,” he says, and I can hear his breathing calming.
I’m not having sex right now.

“Princess, I need you so I can gain
control, you are the only one who can help me. I’ll explain, I
promise, even how I knew how to find you and how I’d seen
everything, just let me make love to you right now.” Whoa, he has
never said that to me. Make love? Whether he loves me or not, this
outburst is unacceptable.

“Draken, I don’t think . . . it’s not
a good time, we need to talk.”

“I said we will, please don’t deny me
Princess, I smell your arousal,” he says, taking a deep breath. I
close my eyes, trying to think. I feel him holding my hands above
my head and using his other hand to stroke down my side, squeezing
my breast.

“Draken, please,” I say, as my body
starts to submit to his hands.

“Please what?”

“Draken, this is not the time. We
really, ohhh, noo!” He gently slips two fingers inside me, twisting
and turning, and doing it torturously slow, in . . . out . . . in .
. . out, and before I can think straight, I agree.

“Okay, Draken,”

“Princess, I-” he starts to speak, but
he lets go of my hands and hikes me up, placing my legs around his
waist. My clothes are gone, and before I can change my mind, Draken
is inside me, thrusting. He is very gentle, and is kissing me
everywhere like he had lost me.

“You’re going to hate me, but I don’t
want you to. I have to tell you now,” he whispers into my ear,
biting and licking my ear lobe.

“Draken, I just need, ooh,

“Mmm, Princess, don’t. Just feel me,
my body, my strength, my weakness and my beast,” he says, and I’m
lost in his words. I can’t believe this is happening. When we are
done, he pulls out of me gently, not letting my legs go. I hold on
as he fixes his clothes and places me on a counter. Without
speaking, Draken pulls my shorts back on and I notice my panties
are in shreds, but he places them in his pants pocket.

“Come. I need to face the music.” We
walk out the door where Showken and Layern are, not making eye
contact, and stand outside his SUV. I climb in and he follows. The
ride is silent, and I feel his pain as he sits next to me, looking
out the window. We pull into their driveway, and he is out of the
car and around to my side, opening the door before I can turn my

“Draken, if you don’t start talking
now, I’m going home.”

“I will explain, but not outside,
please just let me get it out,” he says, and I notice Showken and
Layern look serious, but hurt also. What is going on?

“Fine,” I snap, feeling very confused.
I’ve just seen and heard some crazy shit, yet my stupid body
submits to him. I walk into the house, where Hawken and Gemi are
standing, no one is saying anything. They look like someone has
died or something. I’m not moving until I get some answers. I’m
standing in the foyer as Draken comes and stands before


“Don’t call me that. How did you know
where I was and what happened? Are you watching me? Have a
listening device on me? What? Because I really need some answers
right now.”

“I was not supposed to fall in love
with you, but I did. You were chosen by me to be a Giver for me. I
know you don’t know what that is, but just listen. As the
relationship grew, I found myself needing to be around you. See . .
. Layern has a gift . . . and I can find you by your scent, because
I carry it with me, now. This is new to me and I told you, no
touching, and you touched and he touched. I need to be where you
are. Also, my thoughts are not logical when it comes to

“Draken, you are talking in circles.”
I say, placing my hands on my hips. “Just tell me the truth without
the incomplete thoughts. You are skipping the growling I heard, and
you tossed Scott fifteen feet,” I’m a little shaky because I think
he just admitted to loving me, but I’m not sure. Shit, I’m not sure
of anything right now.

“Look, I’m trying to give you answers
without terrifying you, too. I’m not letting you go, so you can get
that out of your head. I thought I could let you go, but I’m not
willing to - what the fuck!” Draken says, with a hissing sound. I
turn and see a beautiful woman coming down the hallway. This better
be one of his brothers’ women, or I’m so done with him. “Ravla, why
are you here?” Oh, so he knows her.

“I was concerned, Draken, you hadn’t
called for me. So I came to make sure you were being taken care
of,” the woman says, looking at me with a frown.

“Ravla, you lie!” Layern says, as
Draken turns extremely scary-looking.

“Draken, who is this woman?” I turn
and look at him.

“Oh, I’m his Giver. And you are?” she
asks. I feel the need to say something, until Draken gets in her

“RAVLA!” Draken roars and everyone,
including me, steps back. She is on her own, I don’t know what is
going on with them, but Draken is pissed and even his brothers feel
it. Showken pulls me away from Draken.

“Draken, please, I was thinking,” she
says, glancing at me, and then looking at him. “Well, I figured you
. . . uhh, didn’t want me any more, and I had to find out who you
were seeing before you get married.” Did she just say

“Married?” I say, looking at him. He
doesn’t look at me, but in a flash he moves his hand, and a purple
glow is around her neck. When he turns to look at me, his face
looks similar to the beast in my dream. I need to scream and my
mouth is open, but nothing comes out. Everything goes




You knew what you were
doing, Ravla. I will never have you again, and you are bound to a
cave until I decide your fate,” I say, picking Princess up off the
floor. She has passed out.

“Draken, please.”

“It’s Prince Draken to you from now
on,” I growl. Instantly two guards show up beside Ravla. I’m sure
Showken sent for them. They open a portal, and her cries are
nothing to me, as she has hurt my Princess to the core. “Layern, is
she okay?”

“Yes, Draken, carry her to the study
and lay her on the sofa.”

“I’ve really fucked up now. She knows
about my engagement. She will never forgive me, and I will never
let her go,” I say, walking quickly to lay her down. I don’t even
know how long she will be out. “Not to mention, I still need to
tell her I’m a dragon. FUCK!”

“Draken, you just placed Ravla, your
long time Giver, under arrest. You know you must go back and deal
with that,” Gemi says, looking me in the eye. One thing I can say
about Gemi, he doesn’t say much, but when he does he’s usually
right. Knowing protocol, I should be home meting out Ravla’s
punishment, but I can’t leave Princess, she needs me.

“I will wake her now, she can’t leave
this house. Understand?” I ask everyone. They all nod, knowing she
knows way too much for things to go back to being normal. I lean
over and go into Princess’ mind, urging her to wake. Her eyes are
open in no time.

“Oh, Draken, I had the worst nightmare
ever. I was at the school studying when . . .” she stops and looks
around, noticing all my brothers are watching her very closely.
“Shit, it wasn’t a dream, you . . . you are a monster!”

“I’m a dragon, big difference,” I say,
watching as she curls up at the end of the couch. She looks so
frightened. How could I let this happen?

“Are you all, umm,

“Yes,” Showken says, giving a winning
smile. Only Showken would be smiling when I’m falling. Ravla
exposed my marriage, which should never have been done. I exposed
myself, by tracking her down when that human placed his hands in
her hair, it was like I felt his filthy touch. She is looking at me
with tears in her eyes.

“You mean I love a dragon?”

“You love me?” I ask, watching her

“I thought you were a man. I’m scared,
I want to go home, please.”

“I can’t allow that, Princess, I must
talk with you first.”

“Are you going to kill me?” Those
words hurt more than anything I’ve ever heard. How could she think
I would harm her, ever?

“No.” That’s all I can get out of my
mouth. I’m so confused right now. I’m sure a messenger will be
coming soon for me to go back to my land, leaving Princess with her
thoughts. I can’t take her home. I’m in so deep, and I can release
her from me and me from her, but there is only one way.

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