The Draglen Brothers - SHOWKEN (BK 2) (14 page)

BOOK: The Draglen Brothers - SHOWKEN (BK 2)
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“Hi, beautiful.”


“You going to invite me in?”

“Oh, yes, come in, Showken.”

“Thanks,” I say, as I step in the door. I lean over and kiss
her cheek. Jasmine’s eyes are like bright lights, all wide and shiny from excitement about Marilyn and me. I set the food on her counter in the kitchen, making sure I place some cupcakes on the counter. I turn and see Marilyn, eyes are wide. Yes, sweetheart, I brought us some cupcakes, but I have our own box, I think, looking into her eyes. I hold up the second box, placing it in the fridge. I hear the gasp. “Huh!” I wink at her. Bruiser is right by my leg in no time, my new pet.

“Hey Bruiser, you watching these ladies for me?” I ask, rubbing him. We play for a minute. I head over to Jasmine who is watching me, giving me a smile of satisfaction.

“Hello Jasmine.”

“You can call me Jazz, and this little one here is my daughter, Rachel,” she says, pointing to the Young playing with some dolls. The Young looks up at me, granting me
a beautiful smile.

“Okay Jazz, very beautiful daughter you have. I hope you like spaghetti, garlic bread and cupcakes.

“I want a cupcake, mommy,” the Young says.

“You have to eat your food first, baby girl,” Jazz says. Marilyn is still standing at the door, watching me. She must not have believed me when I said I loved her.

“Precious, you okay?” I ask, walking up to her. I stop a few feet away, smiling. I see she’s
wet in her private, slowly getting soaked, like poured honey. Later baby, I promise, I say in my head, looking her in the eyes. I hold out my hand for her. She stands there a second.

“I’m fine, just fine
, Showken. Thanks for dinner, it smells great,” she says, ignoring my hand. I chuckle. She’s nervous now. She walks over to the cabinet and pulls out some plates. She doesn’t have a real table, it’s very tiny, so I guess we are all eating in her living area. I go over and start fixing plates with her. Jazz gets her Young ready for dinner, taking her to wash her hands in the bathroom. I have a chance to speak with her alone.

“Love, just relax, we
’re going to have a good time,” I say, standing behind her. I pull her hair over her shoulder, softly kissing her neck. Her body stiffens with my touch. I like that.

“I told you, I’m fine
, Showken,” Marilyn says. I’m not convinced, but I will leave this subject for later. Jazz and her Young come back and we fix everyone plates. The Young has this little chair at the coffee table. I make sure Bruiser has something to eat, and I sit on the floor, letting the women have the sofa. We end up watching a Disney movie because of the Young. She selects “The Little Mermaid”. This movie is fascinating. I can’t believe they let this Young believe that mermaids are like this. The mermaids I encounter are quite dangerous creatures. I’ve kissed a few, but I’ve killed more. Oh well. We laugh and play games after the Young falls asleep. The last game we decide to play is Truth or Dare. It’s Jazz’s idea.

, truth or dare?” I ask. She looks at me then Jazz. These ladies are getting to their limit on drinks, oh well. I’ll call for a driver for Jazz and her Young, she can’t drive home like this.

, Showken, it’s my turn again, you have not answered any questions or done as many dares as Jazz and I. Nope, it’s your turn,” Marilyn says, giggling. Oh, she’s paying attention. I have avoided my turn numerous times. I can’t answer the questions they keep asking.

“Well, personally, I
’d like to know if Showken has a brother who would be interested in me. Just for fun, nothing serious,” Jazz says, taking a swallow from her beer. She’s serious. Oh Jazz, you just don’t know what you’re asking.

Jazz, stop distracting him with ‘lets hook Jazz up’, I want some questions, I mean, answers from Showken,” Marilyn slurs.

“I think I’ll make you both some coffee,” I say, rising from the floor.

“Oh, no you don’t! I don’t need any coffee. Do you need coffee, Jazz?”

“Nope, I feel good.” They both look at me with their brows lifted. Okay, if they want me to play, I’ll play.

“Okay, what do you want to know?” I ask, smiling.

“I’m first,” Marilyn says. I lick my lips
, sit back on the floor and give them both a huge grin.

“Well, baby, what
do you want to know?” I say, giving Marilyn my full attention. Her heart speeds up, and I can almost taste her arousal it’s so strong.

“Umm, how many women you’ve slept with?” I
can’t take my eyes off her. She looks beautiful, but here goes the start of my lies. The list of women goes back more than a couple of centuries. Shit, I don’t like this, but I’ll try to tell part of the truth.

“First I need for you to understand, women have always been a weakness of mine, and I never thought I would love someone. I’ve slept with many since I started working the family business, which is about fifty,” I say, reading her reaction. She looks at me, takes a deep breath and relaxes. I catch Jazz mouthing the word “man-whore”. I just stare at Marilyn. There have been more women than that. I just gave her the ones I’ve actually fallen asleep with since I’ve been working for the business.

“Okay, did you use them?”

“I did, but they used me, too.”

“What number am I?”

“I’m not playing this any
more, if you want to know more about me, beautiful, it will be when we are alone.” I can tell she’s angry. Why did she ask that question, shit? I didn’t even tell her the truth. Women are so confusing.

“Jazz is my family
. Whatever you say, you can say in front of her,” she glares. I put my hands together, because she looks so hot being angry at me. I could strip her right here and now. I don’t say anything. I hear her breathing picking up. I won’t take my eyes off her. I release a scent to put only Jazz asleep. She immediately starts yawning.

“I’m getting sleepy. I better get going.”

“There is a car waiting for you, Jazz. I don’t want you driving with the child.”

“Ok, thanks,” Jazz says. She gathers her things, picks up the Young and gives Marilyn a kiss on the cheek. Marilyn
doesn’t move. I let Jazz out of the apartment and watch her to the limo that’s waiting for her. When she’s safely inside, I close the door and turn and see Marilyn looking at me, with hurt in her eyes. I walk right over to her and kneel before her.

, just tell me what number I am.”

“You’re not a number, you’re the only one. Please don’t get angry about something you asked.”

“No, I’m not the only one, when you get bored you will leave me, too. I’ll be a number sooner or later,” she takes a breath. “I think we should end this before someone gets hurt, which will be me.”

“No, there is no going back, no ending. I love you and you love me. Tell me, please. Let me hear it from your lips.”

“I can’t, Showken, fifty women is a lot to take in. Yet, I can’t really judge. I have a past, and I promise when you find out, this will end. I rather we do this now.” I hear what she’s saying, but I don’t care about her past, mine will always be worse than hers. I walk over to the stereo and put in a CD that says ‘slow music’. The music starts playing. I walk towards her, she stands and before she can think I have her in my arms dancing.

“I can’t dance
, Showken.”

“Yes you can
, baby,” I say, swiftly bending and placing her legs around my waist. “Now just move the top of your body,” I say. I start dancing her around, grinding my body all over her. I love her; she’s not ending anything.

“Please, baby
, tell me,” I plead, moving her up against the wall to her bedroom door.

“Showken, I-”

“Please, I love you Marilyn, tell me now.”

“I, I, what does it matter?”

“It matters, Love. Trust me.” I move my hands up her shirt, needing to feel her skin. She moans as my thumbs softly circle her nipples. Oh, mmm, I love this woman. I won’t lose her.


“Yes what, say it baby.”


“Please I need to hear it.” She hesitates, looking me in the eyes.

she yells. I growl and head for her bed. I can’t control myself. I’m tearing her clothes off. I keep my mouth busy on her lips, neck and shoulders so she doesn’t notice the rips in her pants or shirt. I feel her pull my hair hard. I’m spreading her legs fast. I smell her arousal through her panties, I thought the scent was strong earlier, but now I think I don’t ever want to leave this room. I bend down, using my teeth to tear at her bra. I can’t even slow down to do all of the things I should. I’m in her face in no time. I look her in the eyes as I push myself inside her sweet body. “Ahhhhhh!” she cries out.

“I love you,” I whisper in her ear, continuing to
make slow love to her.




My walls are crumbling. I didn’t plan on sleeping with Showken again. I just said ‘I love you’ to him. Well, I actually yelled it, but he said it back. He’s going to hate me when he finds out I was nothing but a whore. I’m trying to think of how to stop this, but he feels so good. My body loves his hands all over me. Our chests, touching, feel so right.

“You are perfect for me, b
eautiful,” he says, softly biting my ear. I can’t control the moan. “Mmmm,” my body responds to him. I’m not even sure what he and I are. Is he my boyfriend? I’m not sure. Showken entwines our hands, squeezing just enough to make my body shiver. The rhythm of his thrusting inside me is amazing. I feel like he’s taking me to the clouds with each push.

“More,” I moan.

“Okay,” Showken says, low. He rises just a little. He is now staring into my eyes. I can’t keep staring at him and I close my eyes, enjoying our bodies connecting. I feel his head lean down over my breasts, he captures me with his mouth, biting softly, sending me over the edge. “OHHHHH!” I yell.

“Yes, b
eautiful,” he continues. “I love that you scream in ecstasy because of me.”

“You feel, feel, oh, Showken, please don’t stop.”

“Never,” he says, releasing our hands to squeeze my breasts. This man is amazing. Maybe I should stop fighting, “Ohh, Showken?” I pant.

“You like that, huh?”

“Yes, Ohh!”

“Mmmm, don’t hold back
, go on, scream, Precious.”


Showken finds his release soon after me. He flips us over quickly, now I’m lying on top of him. Trying to catch my breath, I notice how hot it is. I know I have the air conditioner on. Everyone knows that when you live in Paradise Valley, Arizona, the air conditioner has to stay on most of the year. I rub my hand back and forth on Showken’s chest, and feel the heat radiating off his body. Shit, he has a fever.

“Hey, you have a fever. Why didn’t you stay at home instead of spreading your germs? I can’t get sick, I have bills to pay, which require me working.”`

“Aww, you worried about me? Thanks love, but I don’t have a fever.”

“Umm, yes you do,” I say, lifting my body off him.
“I can feel the heat all over you. I should have noticed this before sleeping with you. I need to make myself some green tea. I hear it can sometimes prevent colds.” I slide next to him, and he watches my every move.

“I’m not sick
, beautiful, just . . . happy,” he says, in deep thought.

“Don’t try to be tough, if you’re sick I’ll make you some soup, but you can’t sleep in my bed. I have to work, sick is not something I can afford.”

“I’m not sick, now stop all this talk about your bills, work, and soup. I can pay your bills if that’s what troubles you.” He looks healthy, but his body is on fire. He’s taking some Tylenol regardless. I’m not taking any money from him; I pay my own way. Besides, the men I’ve encountered always want something in return from me.

“I don’t want your money. That is never up for discussion, I will work and pay my own bills. Now, I’m no doctor, but I know a fever when I feel one. I’m going to my medicine cabinet in the bathroom and getting you some Tylenol. Before you say anything, that’s not up for discussion either.”
He gives me a huge smile and those dimples make me want to just bite him. Damn, he’s fine. He licks his lips and stares at me for a few seconds.

“Listen, sometimes my body can get hot,” Showken says. “I’m pleased to see you caring about me like this, but I’m not taking any Tylenol. Now as for me paying your bills, don’t close a conversation before it starts,” he continues. “I want to spend more time with you, I want to hear you say ‘I love you
, Showken’ not only when we are having sex. I need you around more, not working two jobs; we need to see each other often. I can relax and spend more time with you, as it’s a family business, my brothers can handle it.”

“What are you saying
, Showken?” I say, suspicious.

“I want to take care of you, spend time with you, and maybe take you to my land.”

“Showken, wait… this, us, we are not even supposed to be in bed together. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I really like you, but be honest, this between us will never work.” I take a deep breath. “We should not make plans to spend more time together. I think that after this night, let's go our separate ways, okay.”

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