The Dragon Ring (Book 1) (35 page)

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Authors: C. Craig Coleman

BOOK: The Dragon Ring (Book 1)
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“Your aunt is a lethal menace, but the sorcerer-king of Dreaddrac is a much greater threat. I’m asking you, Saxthor, to go in search of the Crown of Yensupov’s power jewels. If Tournak and Bodrin will accompany you, all the better, but know the mission may cost your lives. The southern kingdoms and principalities of the Powterosian peninsula are unprepared to withstand the evil force poised to sweep down on them from Dreaddrac’s sinister and ambitious king. The Dark Lord is the danger; Earwig is but his puppet.”

Saxthor sat down, put his head in his hands and thought a moment. His head popped back up. Memlatec moved around the table and stroking his beard, fixed his stare searching Saxthor’s face. Tournak cleared his throat. It was like thunder in the silence. Memlatec glanced at Tournak and then to Saxthor.

“Having been away so long, I know each of you harbors an overwhelming desire to return to family and friends. Saxthor, I must call on your sense of dynastic responsibility to overrule homesickness and accept this challenge. Do you remember Neuyokkasin’s history? The stories the queen told you as a child when visiting your ancestors at Konnotan’s royal tombs?”

“I do.” Saxthor dropped his crossed arms and began doodling on the tabletop with his finger. “I was just nine when mother took us kids there. She pointed out the ancestors’ mausoleums and told us what each king achieved for Neuyokkasin’s people. “Those imposing marble monuments made a profound impression on me then. My brother and sister squirmed to get back to the palace, yet I was fascinated and wanted to hear all she could tell about them.”

“Your mother didn’t want to rule, but she wouldn’t shirk her dynastic obligations. She had to take the throne or the kingdom might have dissolved under your uncle’s corruption and Irkin’s ostentatious arrogance and social ambition.”

“Too bad Uncle Minnabec wasn’t up to the royal responsibilities. I wouldn’t be here now with you carefully trussing me up in your plan.” Saxthor grinned at the wizard, who ignored Saxthor’s remark.

“Saxthor’s father and mine were best friends, too,” Bodrin said. His eyes twinkled. “My father said the Calimon family had the kingdom’s highest integrity. I’ll go with him whatever he decides.”

Memlatec nodded and put his hand on Bodrin’s shoulder.

“Saxthor’s father, the young Count Augusteros Calimon de Chatronier, was of equally prominent lineage as his mother. The count brought the ancient gentility of his house to Neuyokkasin’s throne. Known for integrity and dignity, the Calimon dynasty has revived the support of both the nobility and the general populace.”

Tournak coughed. Memlatec turned back to Saxthor.

Memlatec noted the proud, faraway expression on Saxthor’s face. “Though the burdens were heavy, your forefathers never denied your dynasty’s burden. They rose to the challenges,” Memlatec said, thinking the gentle hooks of dynastic responsibility were binding the young man to his destiny. “Will you let all they’ve achieved be swept away?”

Saxthor looked up smiling.

An unusual ripple in the river jostled the boat, causing Memlatec to recheck the water lapping on the hull. He hoped the owl wasn’t off looking for rats. If Earwig’s agents discovered them, they were doomed. The craft settled back with no more disturbances. All focused again on Saxthor.

Saxthor knew his decision would endanger all their lives. He fidgeted, turning the dragon ring on his finger. He glanced at Bodrin and then faced Memlatec with a wry smile.

“You sent me to Tixos and Yamma-Mirra Heedra, too, I think.” 

“I had to be sure.”

Saxthor nodded. “I understand that.”

“Will you undertake the journey to retrieve the jewels?”

Saxthor stood facing the wizard, his brilliant green eyes resolute. “I’ll do as you ask, if it can save Neuyokkasin.” He turned to his long time companions. “I’ll go alone. No need to endanger my friends.”

“Fat chance of that,” Bodrin said standing. “Without me to watch out for you, you’ll trip on the boat rail, fall overboard, and drown. I’m going with you.”

“Us,” Tournak said. He stood and put his hands on both their shoulders. He glanced at the young men and smiled at Saxthor. “You’re coming along with

Saxthor frowned looking at the ring he spun on his finger. “Wealth, power and position corrupted my aunt and uncle. Couldn’t the crown’s power, and indeed the dragon’s influence corrupt me?”

“The crown came to you because you can wield the power it possesses without being overwhelmed by that power,” Memlatec said. “Remember who you are, Scion of the House of Calimon, and you’ll master those abilities.”

“Very well, I’m a Neuyokkasin Prince of the House of Calimon de Chatronier. Like my ancestors, I’ll accept the challenge.”

“Your lineage is your strength, Saxthor. You won’t fail for lack of trying.”

Saxthor sat back down and scanned those around him. He took Sorblade from his belt and laid it on the table.

“I hope this power is worth the risk of our lives.”

Yamma-Mirra Heedra glowed in the ring on Saxthor’s finger.



The End


Neuyokkasinian Dictionary:


Augusteros  (a gus ter’ Os)

Prince Consort and husband Queen Eleatsubetsvyertsin of Neuyokkasin; also name of Crown Prince; brother of Saxthor Claremendak

Ahkenspec  (ah’ ken spek)

King of Memptahhamin the remnant of forest elves now isolated and hidden in the western hills above the Morass Desert

Akkin  (ah’ kin)

River flowing from Edros Swamps of southern Dreaddrac; Border between Prertsten and Heggolstockin

Aleman  (Al’ man)

Memlatec’s housekeeper

Armon (R’ mon)

Sail maker and merchant in Tixumemnese; Memlatec’s agent to aid the travelers

Astorax  (as’ tor ax)

Creature half man half deer with deer’s horns.

Battara  (Ba Tar’ a)

Saxthor’s dog (as a boy in the palace)

Betsoya  (Bet soy’ a)

Mother of Bodrin Vicksnak; Countess Vickinsoff

Bodrin  (Bod’ rin)

Bodrin Vicksnak; Closest friend and companion of Prince Saxthor

Bordabrundese  (Bor’ da brun’ dEs)

King Bordabrundese was king of the sandhill dwarves of Hador.

Botahar  (BO’ tah har)

Primary inland commercial center of Sengenwha just north of Lake Pundar

Calamidese  (Cal am’ a dEs)

King Calamidese VII, king of Sengenwha.

Chatra  (Cha’ tra)

Prime minister of a sovereign court

Calimon  (Cal’ i mon)

Family name of dynasty succeeding first dynasty of Neuyokkasin; Augusteros Calimon, Count de Chatronier and Neuyokkasinian Prince Consort; father of Prince Saxthor Claremendak Calimon de Chatronier

Castilyernov  (Cas’ til yer nov)

Castle or fortress

Chatronier  (Sha’ tron yA)

Title of Neuyokkasinian prince consort Augusteros Calimon

Claremendak  (Clair rem’ n dak)

Middle name of Prince Saxthor Claremendak Calimon de Chatronier

Crackle  (Crac’ l)

Rambunctious young dragon from Dreaddrac

Dreaddrac  (Dred’ drac)

Kingdom of the Evil One at the northern point of the peninsular of northern Powteros continent

Earwig  (Ear’ wig)

Upstart, classless woman who sold her soul to the Evil One through witchcraft to overthrow the ruling family of Neuyokkasin.  Married to Minnabec III, deposed last ruler of first dynasty of Neuyokkasin  Irkin Megla, formal name

Earwighof  (Ear’ wig hof)

Fortress home of Zerwin and Minnabec III outside of Konnotan

Edros  (ed’ rOs)

Swamps of southern Dreaddrac between east and west mountains on border of southern Dreaddrac

Eleatsubetsvyertsin  (el eat’ soo bets vyert’ sin)

Eleatsubetsvyertsin Calimon de Chatronier, Queen of Neuyokkasin, daughter of Minnabec II, husband of Augusteros Calimon and mother of Prince Saxthor

Favriana  (Fav rea ah’ n a)

Fortress in Talok-Lemnos guarding southern point of Lake Pundar at source of River Nhy

Feldrik  (Fel’ drik)

Fortress in Heggolstockin at the mouth of the Akkin River that guarded against incursions from Dreaddrac and Prertsten

Fortresska  (For tres’ ka)

Castilyernov at mouth of River Nhy and guarding harbor at Olnak in western Neuyokkasin

Girdane  (Gir’ dane)

Commercial city of western Graushdem

Graushdem (Graush’ dem)

Principality between Hador and Talok-Lemnos

Graushdemheimer  (Graush’ dem hI mer)

Capital of Graushdem

Grekenbach  (Grek’ en bok)

Kings of Graushdem

Habbernee  (Hob ber’ nE)

Former friend of Saxthor at court school; ner-do-well who sought to recover fortune in Highback Mountains of Tixos

Hador  (HA’ dor)

Dukedom between Graushdem and Dreaddrac

Heedra  (HE’ dra)

Neuyokkasinian commercial center at intersection of Rivers Nhy and Upper Nhy.  Centrally located on the Vos Plain

Heggolstockin  (Heg’ Ol stock in)

Principality at center of the northern peninsula of continent of Powteros

Helshia  (Hel’ sha)

Island created by Memlatec off western coast of Tixos as hidden refuge for Prince Saxthor

Hendrel of Hador  (Hen’ drel)

Sorcerer from Hador expelled when the dark presence moved in there

Highback Mountains (HI’ back)

Three mountains standing well above surrounding hills in remote northern most Tixos

Hoya  (Hoi’ ya)

Northwestern most city of Talok-Lemnos on the Pundar River at border with Graushdem and Sengenwha

Hyemka  (Hyem’ ka)

Commercial Neuyokkasinian city on River Nhy on the western edge of the Vos Plain

Icktak  (ic’ tak)

Greeter elf from Talok Tak Forest elf kingdom

Irkin  (Irk’ n)

Upstart witch-wife of Minnabec III of Neuyokkasin, from city of Wodin.  Usually called Earwig

Jedrac  (Jed’ rac)

Heggolstockin general who founded Hador as it’s first duke at the end of the Wizard Wars.  Carved out his dukedom from Heggolstockin and declared his independence from Graushdem

Keyock  (KE’ ah k)

Pigeon king

Kious  (KI’ us)

King of Tixos

Kieechee  (KI E’ chE)

Queen of Pigeons

Konnotan  (Kon’ oh tan)

Capital of Kingdom of Neuyokkasin

Lemnos  (Lem’ nOs)

Name of region in southern half, and lake in north of Talok-Lemnos

Lyttia  (Lit’ tE ah)

Daughter of Henri Tulak, king of Talok-Lemnos; wife of King Minnabec II; Queen of Neuyokkasin, also last queen of Talok-Lemnos before absorption into Neuyokkasin

Magwan (Mah’ gwan)

Evil Dragon in time of the Third Wizard War; mother of Dragon Magnosious; Mate to Melnosious

Magnosious  (Mag nO’ shus)

Dragon conjured from egg by Zerwin to destroy ruling family of Neuyokkasin; Son of Magwan and Melnosious

Medrax  (Med’ rax)

Creature conjured by a sorcerer from an animal that combines both animal and man.  The creature does the bidding of the sorcerer.  Invariably evil

Melnosious  (Mel nO’ shus)

Dragon father of Magnosious from days of Third Wizard War

Memlatec  (Mem’ la tec)

Ancient primal wizard at the Neuyokkasinian court; mentor to Saxthor

Memtahhamin  (Mem’ tah hah’ min)

Kingdom of forest elves ruled by Ahkenspec in a forest on the between Lake Pundar and the Morass Mesas

Mendentak (Men’ den tak)

King of Talok Tak forest elves  (all members’ names end in ‘tak)  Son of  late King Peldentak and Queen Merritak

Merritak  (Mer’ i tak)

Dowager Queen of Talok Tak forest elves, widow of King Peldentak, mother of King Mendentak

Minnabec (Min’ ah bec)

Kings of Neuyokkasin

Munattahensenhov  (Mun ah’ ta hen sen hov)

Central mountain and highest peak of the Ice Mountains in Dreaddrac

Neuyokkasin  (Nua yok’ ka sin)

Kingdom at the neck of the Powterosian peninsular encompassing the River Nhy and the Vos Plain.  Ruled by Queen Eleatsubetsvyertsin; home of Saxthor Claremendak Calimon

Nhy  (NI)

Major river of the Powterosian peninsular and heart of the Kingdom of Neuyokkasin.  Flows to the western sea at the port of Olnak

Nonee (NO’ nE)

Crown Princess of Neuyokkasin, sister of Saxthor, daughter of Queen Eleatsubetsvyertsin and Prince Consort Augusteros

Occintoc  (oc’ n toc )

Ancient empire covering most of the continent before the Wizard Wars.  It collapsed in the first Wizard War leaving the continent to fragment into the early kingdoms

Olnak  (Ol’ nak)

Second largest Neuyokkasinian city; Port for trading with Tixos and Harbor at mouth of the River Nhy

Orc (Orc)

Short, muscled, stupid foot soldiers bred by the Evil One to fight his enemies in battle as armies

Ormadese  (or’ ma dEs)

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