The Dragon's Gem (17 page)

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Authors: Donna Flynn

BOOK: The Dragon's Gem
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“I have the feeling she isn’t going to answer any of our questions. She doesn’t like you and she’s pretty mad at me right now,” I told her as I pulled up in front of the large offices that housed my father’s facility. “Are you sure you’re up to this?” I asked.

“I’m scared, but I want to know if your blood is strong enough to cure my blindness or not.”

I got out and went to her side
, helping out of the car and wrapping my arm around her waist. “It doesn’t matter to me. I fell for you without any idea you might ever see, and I will cherish you whether you’re blind or not.”

“Thank you,” she said as the large glass doors slid open allowing us to enter the lobby where my father stood
talking with two scientists whom he quickly dismissed when he saw us.

“Well, well
, two visits in such a short time?” my father asked coming to stand before Aurora.

“I just came to keep Draco
company, if that’s alright,” she said, covering up her presence by my side.

“You are welcome anytime
, my dear. Draco I heard that your department was done with their research. Is there something wrong with your data?”

“No, I just wanted to recheck some things before our final presentation
next week,” I lied smoothly. “You can never be too thorough.”

He nodded. “That is true. You two go on ahead
, don’t let me keep you.”

“See you later, D
ad,” I called over my shoulder as I escorted Aurora to the elevator. Luckily, the doors opened as soon as I hit the button and we stepped quickly inside. I waited for the doors to close before letting out the breath I had been holding. I didn’t make it a habit to lie to my father but until I knew for sure, my blood could cure Aurora’s blindness I didn’t want to tell anyone.

“Do you think he knew we were up to something?” Aurora asked next to me.

“You never know with my dad, but I think he was so happy to see us together that he didn’t put two and two together.” I pulled her close and kissed her delicious lips softly. “I know I’m happy we are together.”

“Draco,” she whispered as my lips brushed hers.

“Hmh…” I sighed against her warm mouth.

The elevator dinged
as it stopped on the floor where my lab was located. “We’re here,” she murmured.

uch to my dismay the door began to open and she pulled back. “Damn express elevators,” I swore unhappily, earning a chuckle from her. “What?”

“Nothing,” she said with a grin.

“I suppose we should get to work,” I said, taking her arm and escorting her to the private lab that I knew was currently vacant.

“Yeah,” she said
, her voice trembling.

, if you’re unsure we don’t have to do this,” I assured her. “I told you before it doesn’t matter to me whether you’re blind or not. I only wanted this for you.”

“I do too
, that’s what scares me, but I need to do this if there is even a small chance it could work,” she replied.

“I think it is better than sm
all, but until we test our theory, I won’t be sure.” I helped her to a chair. “Now if you will excuse me for a few minutes I need to call one of the lab assistants to take some of my blood.”

She gripped my hand
, looking worried. “Why can’t we just cut our fingers, press them together, and see if that works?”

I lifted her hand to my mouth and brushed the back of it with my lips. “One
, because I refuse to mar such lovely fingers, and two, if we want this to work longer than an hour, I think I will have to inject you with my blood.”

“Oh,” she said
, her cheeks flushing furiously.

“Don’t worry
, we don’t catch human diseases. My blood can’t harm you in any way.”

“Oh, no
, it’s not that. I just didn’t realize you would be forced to give me your blood, I mean surely you can’t do that all the time.”

squeezed her hand, hoping to offer reassurance. “This is just a first step. If it works I will seek a more permanent answer.”

“Okay then,” she said bravely. “Let’s get this going.”

Chapter Ten



I waited patiently while the lab assistant took a few vials of Draco’s blood, but couldn’t suppress the apprehension I felt about what we were about to do. If our experiment worked, I might see again, and that was in a lot of ways, as terrifying as it was exciting. To see again would open a new, foreign, and completely different world than the one I was used to. Because I had been born blind I had no real comprehension of color or shapes, I didn’t know how to read or write the way seeing people did, and I had the feeling I would be lost for a very long time while I tried to figure it all out. On the other hand, I would get to see what my loved ones looked like, what I looked like. I would be able to do all the little things that right now required help, like dressing, eating, or walking in unfamiliar places. It would afford me a freedom I had never known before.

, are you okay?” Draco asked.

I shook of
f my musings and nodded. “I’m fine.” I heard him thank the lab assistant and then the door squeaked closed so I knew we were alone again. “Are we ready now?”

He took my hand in his
, rubbing his finger over the palm slowly, comfortingly. “If you are ready, I am,” he answered, his voice husky with emotion.

“I’m ready,”
I assured him.

“Let’s do this
, then.” I felt him push up my sleeve and wipe a small patch of skin with something cold. “Okay this is going to pinch.”

I almost laughed. If he had any idea how many times my father had given me needles or taken my blood
, he would have understood my reaction, but as it was, I kept that information to myself. I felt a slight prick, then a warm sensation in that area as he injected me with his blood. He pulled the needle away and took my hand in his own as we both waited to see what the outcome would be. Before too long the warmth began to move up my arm and through my body growing, spreading until I felt like I was on fire. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t communicate to him that I was burning up, but he must have known because I felt him lift me in his arms and lay me down on the cool steel gurney that was in the center of the room. Cool air began to circulate over me, cooling me from head to toe, and I felt my body relax.

“I’m here
, baby,” Draco whispered next to me, his own anxiety easy to read.

My eyelids beg
an to flutter wildly as light and color began to fill my vision. I was overwhelmed with everything that came into view. With Draco’s blood pumping inside of me, everything was more vivid and defined than it had been the night before and I gasped, clutching Draco’s hand, nervous and excited, but also scared.

“What do you see?” he asked next to me.

“Everything,” I said, looking up at him and feeling my heart still as I took in his good looks and well-muscled body. “You’re gorgeous,” I whispered.

He chuckled and helped me sit up. “Can I get you anything?”

There was only one thing I wanted, one thing I had to know before I lost my vision again. “A mirror,” I told him.

“A mirror?” he asked looking confused.

“I have never seen what I look like,” I admitted.

“Well then
, you are in for a treat,” he told me, brushing my lips with his own before turning away to find a mirror. It only took a few moments before he turned back and handed me the mirror, watching as I turned it and looked inside, seeing myself for the first time.

I stared at the image before me in awe, taking in my long hair, pale complexion
, and full lips in surprise. My entire life I had known only darkness and had never dared dream I might see what I truly look like, and now that I was looking at myself, I was overwhelmed. My hands began to shake and tears filled my eyes. Draco reached out, taking the mirror from me, his face stretched with worry. “I’m okay,” I mumbled.

“Baby, you
’re beautiful,” he said pulling me into his arms.

“It’s not that.
” I bit my lip. “I have never seen myself before, never dared dream it could happen, and now…” fresh tears filled my eyes and I looked away from him in embarrassment. “Even though I can see, I don’t know what colors I am seeing.”

“Ah,” he said.

“I feel so stupid,” I mumbled.

“You’re not stupid,” he said
, taking my face between his hands. “You have never seen colors before, how can you be expected to know what they look like?” He grabbed the mirror and shifted so he was behind me, his arms around me as he held the mirror so we were both peering at the glass. “Your eyes are green, but not just any green. They are the color of the most perfect emeralds.”

“A gem,” I whispered
, making the connection between the name his kind had for their mates and my eye color.

“My G
em,” he answered huskily, his lips brushing my ear and making me shiver.

“Draco,” I murmured
, trying to turn and face him.

“Not yet,” he said holding me in place. “Let’s finish.” I turned and looked back to
the mirror. “Your hair is what most people call chestnut, which is like a brownish-red color,” he explained, running his finger down my long tresses then over one shoulder before placing a kiss there. I tried to turn again but still he wouldn’t allow it. “Your skin, so pale and luminescent, is like an opal and your lips are the color of the finest rubies.” He laid the mirror on a nearby table and turned me to face him. “You are beautiful and perfect in every way, and I am so lucky to have you for my own.”

I didn’t have time to reply before his lips moved over mine in a fiery kiss that left my knees shaking an
d my heart pounding in my chest. I responded eagerly, wanting his kiss, his touch, like the air I breathed to survive. We might have stayed that way forever if not for the door that suddenly slid open admitting Max, who looked anxious and worried.

“Dad, what the heck?” Draco said
, holding me to his side when I tried to move away.

“You need to leave, now!” Max said
, looking behind him to the elevators. “The council has sent some of their people to collect you.”

“What?” I asked
, all of the joy I had felt just moments before gone.

“It’s alright, I knew it might come to this if Soran wasn’t found,” Draco said calmly.

“You had nothing to do with his disappearance. If anything, the council should be questioning Melinda not you!” I objected.

“What is she talking about?”
Max asked, looking confused. I quickly walked across the room to him and he stared at me in disbelief. “How…” he asked, obviously shocked to see me navigate the room on my own.

“It doesn’t matter right now,” I told him
, panicked at the idea of anyone taking Draco away. “I saw Soran’s car today. Melinda’s scent is all over the passenger seat. She had to have been with Soran that night.”

, we can work on that, but for now Draco has to go.”


s alright,” Draco said, hugging me close. “I know a place to hide where they can’t find me.”

“No,” I cried. “You can’t go! W
e can find proof that you didn’t do this, just stay.”

“Baby, listen to me.” He ran his finger over my cheek
, looking as upset as I felt. “I don’t want to leave you, but for now I have to.”

“I’ll go with you,” I said.

He shook his head. “It’s just not possible. I can move quicker on my own and your father would be devastated if you just ran off with me.”

I hadn’t given any thought to how my father would feel about my leaving. I realized
he was right. That I couldn’t just up and disappear. But I wanted to with all of my heart. “It’s not fair,” I murmured against his chest.

“As soon as we find Soran and whoever is behind all of this, I will be back for you,” he promised.

“I can help,” I said, feeling hopeful for the first time. I knew he had nothing to do with Soran’s disappearance and I was going to prove it.

“No,” he exclaimed
, looking horrified.

Max’s cell rang out and he answered quickly
, then hung up and looked to his son. “You have to go now! Maynard held them as long as he could. They are on their way up.”

, listen to me,” Draco said, looking deeply into my eyes. “Do nothing, trust that I will find Soran and bring him back.”

“But I…”

“Now, Draco!” his father demanded.

“I love you, Aurora,” he said kissing me quickly before heading for the door. “Take the samp
les and use them if you need to,” he called over his shoulder.

“I’ll be right back,” Max said to me
, following Draco out of the door.

Quickly I grabbed the six vials of blood he had left behind and shoved them i
nto my bag. Once I was sure the vials were secure I grabbed my cell phone out of my bag. “Call Belynda,” I said, waiting impatiently as the phone rang repeatedly.

“Hello,” Belynda said on the fifth ring.

“I need you,” I said.

“Aurora, what’s going on?”

“The council came for Draco,” I told her, frustrated by the tears that slid down my cheeks.

“Where are you?”

“I’m at the lab.”

“Be there in ten,” she said before hanging up.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open revealing two burly males, who looked exceedingly angry and one older male, who immediately met my gaze through the large glass window. One of the men opened the door of the room and the older man stepped through. “You must be Aurora,” he said.

you are?” I asked sharply, angry his presence had forced Draco to flee.

“Tegrid,” Max said
, walking into the room behind them.

“I thought it best if came when I heard
that the council had decided to send for Draco,” he said to Max.

“He’s gone,” Max
, said simply.

I figured that might be the case.” He turned and looked to me. “I assume you have no idea where he is?”

Even if I did
, I wouldn’t have told him. “Absolutely no idea.” I answered smartly. His cheek twitched as if he wanted to smile at my response, but he managed to control the urge.

“You two go and search the building with the others,” he ordered. Both men moved immediately at his command and left them alone in the room.

“Draco had nothing to do with Soran’s disappearance,” I said quickly.

“I know,” he said softly
, surprising me. “I am on his side.” He turned to Max and they shook hands. “Now, I heard the reds were on guard that night, why don’t we take a little drive over there and talk to Lionel.”

“I ne
ed to see Aurora home,” Max told him.

“Belynda is coming for me,” I told
him, meeting his concerned gaze.

“I thought you said Draco’s mate was blind?” Tegrid said
, looking confusedly between us.

“I am
, or was,” I said.

“We will talk about that later,”
Max, said. “Right now, I want to clear my son’s name so he can come home.” He took my arm and tucked it under his. “For now it might be best to maintain your blindness so your sudden vision won’t freak out your father.”

I nodded. “I’m not sure how much longer I will have my vision anyway.”

“This is not permanent, then?” Tegrid asked as we entered the elevator.

“Experimental,” I told him sadly.

“A lot of scientific discoveries don’t work well at first, but if I know my son, he will find a more permanent answer,” Max said, patting my hand.

“I’m thankful just for this little bit of time,” I told them as the elevator came to a halt.

“Aurora,” Belynda called out as the elevator doors opened.

For the first time I could see the female who had quickly become my friend. She was tall and thin
, with a glorious mass of blonde hair that had streaks of colors in it that I obviously didn’t recognize. She strode quickly towards us, looking as concerned as I felt. Max tightened his hold on my arm, reminding me that I still had to pretend I was blind and I looked down to the ground rather than meet her eyes.

“She’s fine,” Max assured her as he handed me off to her. “Aurora
, I will stop by later so we can talk,” he told me, squeezing my hand before letting me go. “Take care of her,” he said to Belynda then turned away to walk off with Tegrid.

at’s going on?” Belynda asked. “What is Tegrid doing here?”

“Who is he?” I asked
, confused by the awe in her voice.

“He is one of the most prominent o
f our kind, head of the Dragon Council, and one of the oldest dragons in existence,” she explained.

I stopped walking and looked up at her in
shock, which earned a surprised gasp from her as she realized I could see her. “Say nothing until we get in the car,” I told her sharply before looking back down at the ground and allowing her to led me to her waiting vehicle. Once in the car she turned to confront me. I quickly explained what had transpired before her arrival, starting with our visit to Soran’s car and the moment the council’s people arrived to collect Draco.

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