The Dragons of Argonath (57 page)

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Authors: Christopher Rowley

BOOK: The Dragons of Argonath
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They commandeered horses and wagons for the children, and moved up the valley at a steady pace that took them out of Nellin within a day. The curious procession, nine great battledragons, two dozen wagons filled with children, a number of horsemen and some prisoners chained up in another cart, brought out the people as they passed. Many of them knew Wexenne. Few cheered him now. There were a few insults thrown their way, and one incident of sniping, which the dragonboys suppressed with lethal effect, but for the most part the people they passed seemed to have little sympathy for Wexenne or the cause of free Aubinas.

At Lake Torenz, the 109th picked up some of General Cerius's men who'd been captured at Redhill. They had been badly treated: starved, beaten, and in several cases, mutilated.

That night, and the next morning, the dragonboys torched a few fine houses and let pillars of smoke send a warning ahead of them. Lessis scolded them, but to little avail, and indeed even she found it hard to sympathize with the wealthy landholders who had mistreated Cerius's men. More pillars of smoke went up every time they passed some overly great farmhouse.

As they drew closer to Posila, the word of their coming reached the town on the heels of the news that Deer Lodge had been sacked and Wexenne arrested. A wave of panic swept over the Aubinan. General Neth struggled to retain control. His force started to melt away as men spurred for their homes. If dragons were sacking Deer Lodge, right under the Sunberg in the heart of Nellin, then what might be going on in their own farms? After fully a third of his troops had deserted, Neth himself withdrew. Morale inside Posila disintegrated. When General Tregor on the Imperial side put in a surprise attack at dawn, he broke through. Dragons from the 155th got into Posila. By noon the Aubinans were in flight, and Posila was taken.

The next day the 109th marched up the Posila Road with the wagons in tow, and found General Tregor waiting at the head of the small legion force, drawn up in parade formation to welcome them back.

No mention was made of the fact that they had gone off without permission. Lessis had sent a message tied to a hawk's leg to Tregor the previous day to explain what had happened. She took full responsibility for their actions. It would all be explained later, or so she wrote. Charges of mutiny, desertion, dereliction of duty, all were to be dropped forthwith.

Other messages were winging their way to Marneri, from whence they would go on to Andiquant. The Empire of the Rose had had a lucky escape. The Dominator was defeated and driven from Ryetelth.

Temple bells rang loudly throughout the Argonath cities that day and the next. The Aubinan revolt had hung over the entire Argonath like a dark cloud. Now it was dispelled. In Antiquant the emperor proclaimed an Imperial holiday and sent a list of medal commendations to the legion headquarters in Kadein.

A month later, at a grand ceremony in the plaza in front of the Tower of Guard in Marneri, the campaign was commemorated and honors awarded.

The 109th were given medals of honor, battle stars, and a fresh campaign star. Commander Urmin was also honored, along with most of his officers and many individual soldiers. So too was the village of Quosh. Farmer Pigget and several other men from the village were present to receive a special Imperial medal of honor. In addition, it was announced that the Emperor Pascal had undertaken to raise the funds to rebuild the village.

A day of celebration was declared for the city of Marneri.

Lagdalen and Hollein spent most of the day with their daughter, together again in quiet bliss, thankful to have survived.

Relkin and Eilsa were also together for much of that day, albeit with her Aunt Kiri as chaperon. However, the medal ceremonies had done something to Aunt Kiri. She was actually smiling at Relkin now.

Eilsa was soon to take up a place at the temple school in Widarf, on the coast near Kadein. There she would receive counseling to help dispel the evil dreams that had troubled her since the fight at Wexenne's house.

That evening Relkin and the rest of the 109th were treated to a grand dinner by the Merchant's Association of Marneri, who had also taken on the burden of feeding the dragons. Relkin and the other dragonboys tucked into the best meal they'd had in ages, and washed it down with excellent ale.

As for their enormous charges, they were busy raising the roof of the Dragon House with song as they drained their kegs. They sang so loudly that they woke Wexenne of Champery in his prison cell in the Tower of Guard.

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