The Dragon's Wrath: Ashes of the Fallen

BOOK: The Dragon's Wrath: Ashes of the Fallen
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The Dragon's Wrath

Ashes of the Fallen


Volume 2




Brent Roth




The Dragon's Wrath: Ashes of the Fallen

Copyright © 2015 by Brent Roth


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher.






















The Dragon's Wrath

Ashes of the Fallen




Chapter 41: Disbanding

(Sunday, May 23rd Game Day / Wednesday, February 17th Real Day)

Chapter 42: Quest Chains 'n Stuff

(Wednesday, May 26th Game Day / Thursday, February 18th Real Day)

Chapter 43: The Second Floor

(Wednesday, May 26th Game Day / Thursday, February 18th Real Day)

Chapter 44: Perusing for Profit

(Saturday, May 29th Game Day / Friday, February 19th Real Day)

Chapter 45: Pugs

(Saturday, May 29th Game Day / Friday, February 19th Real Day)

Chapter 46: A Neutral Smith

(Saturday, May 29th Game Day / Friday, February 19th Real Day)

Chapter 47: Fourth Floor

(Sunday, May 30th Game Day / Friday, February 19th Real Day)

Chapter 48: Population in Flux

(Tuesday, June 1st Game Day / Saturday, February 20th Real Day)

Chapter 49: An Ox to Grind

(Friday, June 18th Game Day / Friday, February 26th Real Day)

Chapter 50: Return to the Fifth

(Thursday, June 24th Game Day / Sunday, February 28th Real Day)

Chapter 51: The Big Boss

(Friday, June 25th Game Day / Sunday, February 28th Real Day)

Chapter 52: Settling Affairs

(Monday, June 28th Game Day / Monday, March 1st Real Day)

Chapter 53: Welcome Home

(Monday, July 19th Game Day / Monday, March 8th Real Day)

Chapter 54: A Simple Village

(Wednesday, July 28th Game Day / Thursday, March 11th Real Day)

Chapter 55: A Quick Hunt

(Friday, August 6th Game Day / Sunday, March 14th Real Day)

Chapter 56: Rattanorv

(Saturday, August 7th Game Day / Sunday, March 14th Real Day)

Chapter 57: The Trade Voyage

(Monday, August 9th Game Day / Monday, March 15th Real Day)

Chapter 58: Establishing a Trade Route

(Thursday, August 12th Game Day / Tuesday, March 16th Real Day)

Chapter 59: Foreign Construction

(Sunday, August 15th Game Day / Wednesday, March 17th Real Day)

Chapter 60: Back Home, Again

(Sunday, September 5th Game Day / Wednesday, March 24th Real Day)

Chapter 61: Stranger, Danger?

(Saturday, September 11th Game Day / Friday, March 26th Real Day)

Chapter 62: Infrastructure

(Saturday, September 18th Game Day / Sunday, March 28th Real Day)

Chapter 63: A Glorious Day

(Sunday, September 19th Game Day / Monday, March 29th Real Day)

Chapter 64: The Day After

(Monday, September 20th Game Day / Monday, March 29th Real Day)

Chapter 65: For Far Too Many

(Monday, September 23rd Game Day / Tuesday, March 30th Real Day)

Chapter 66: Restart

(Tuesday, September 24th Game Day / Tuesday, March 30th Real Day)

Chapter 67: Overseer

(Thursday, September 30th Game Day / Thursday, April 1st Real Day)

Chapter 68: Rats, Just Rats

(Friday, September 31st Game Day / Friday, April 2nd Real Day)

Chapter 69: New Faces

(Monday, October 11th Game Day / Monday, April 5th Real Day)

Chapter 70: Infested Zones

(Wednesday, November 1st Game Day / Monday, April 12th Real Day)

Chapter 71: Intruders in the Night

(Sunday, November 7th Game Day / Wednesday, April 14th Real Day)

Chapter 72: A State of War

(Wednesday, November 10th Game Day / Thursday, April 15th Real Day)

Chapter 73: The Raid

(Saturday, November 13th Game Day / Friday, April 16th Real Day)














The following work contains mature themes, including but not limited to detailed representations of violent combat, death, and occasional profanity that are intended for a mature audience and may not be suitable for children under the age of unknown.


This Volume is a direct continuation of The Dragon's Wrath: A Virtual Dream (Volume 1) and will most likely make little sense if you're reading this first. These are not standalone books and are not meant to be read out of order. If you have yet to read the first work, I strongly advise you to do so and then return to this one at a later date.


Other than that, hope you enjoy the read!





Chapter 41: Disbanding

(Sunday, May 23rd Game Day / Wednesday, February 17th Real Day)


Staring at the mutilated corpses of the goblins before me, I couldn't help but laugh a little. Here I am, sitting in the blood and flesh of my enemies while casually munching on the dried flesh of a rabbit. If there was ever a time to admit being desensitized, this was it.

The smell of congealing blood gave a unique iron-esque tinge to the odor of puke and urine that had been floating around. It was still a nasty smell, but we had become used to it by now. Looking down at myself, the stains that marred my white fur beyond recognition were already starting to dry and there was some lingering doubt that it would even wash out.

Well, at least I wouldn't be an entirely white and fluffy guy anymore.

I guess that's somewhat of an upgrade.

Taking a look at the [Old Dory] once more, I saw that it was a [Poor Quality - Common Grade] item. Basically, it was the second to worst condition an item could be in along with being the most generic. It was a step above complete junk, but just barely.

Inferior Quality was the lowest of the low, complete trash in any sense. Poor Quality was considered barely usable, while Decent Quality was alright. After that were Average, Good, Great, Exceptional, and then finally Legendary Quality. Item Grade followed in a similar ladder, from Common to Uncommon, Rare to Ultra Rare, and then Legendary last.

It went without saying that a shift up either category increased the value of an item exponentially. Well, for a beginner dungeon the loot wasn't that bad. A spear and shield were a great combination for tanking.

Tossing the [Old Dory] on the ground, I shook my head. It just wasn't what I was looking for. If only one of those goblins used an axe… oh well.

A quick glance at the in-game clock told me that the daylight period had ended and it was now dark outside. Somehow, we had spent nearly an hour and a half clearing eight groups of five mobs. That was fairly slow for clearing trash groups, but we weren't of the highest levels either. Still sitting on the ground, my questions of whether we would continue or not were answered in short as that archer-leader that had been silent since I took over, finally decided to talk once more.

"We've sorted all of the items that dropped in a pile here and we'll split everything based on value," the archer begrudgingly muttered.

I had no issue with that, fair loot principle is the best course of action with pickup groups, especially since you were unlikely to see each other again. Nodding my head in agreement, the female rogue had started to divvy up the items.

She looked in my direction twice before I decided to clear any confusion, "feel free to divide the items up as you see fit, I'm not particularly interested in any of it."

Confused by my statement, the rogue inquired. "You don't want the shield? You're the tank, you should take it." Well, I didn't even bother looking at the shield since I couldn't really use it anyways, I didn't have a one-handed weapon to go with it.

Shrugging my shoulders, I let her continue on with the sorting.

The total collection of loot amounted to forty weapons, one per goblin that was killed. Thirty-seven of those were inferior quality swords worth about ten copper coins a piece. Two poor quality swords worth around sixty copper coins and the last poor quality item was the spear, worth around thirty copper.

That spear was actually a better weapon despite the same grade and quality, but being simpler to produce with a smaller amount of iron it wasn't worth anywhere near as much. I figured a poor quality shield was probably worth fifty copper though, since it was banded together with iron rings and leather straps.

There were also four rings that dropped, each with a small enchantment of +2 to one random attribute. Having never seen an enchanted item in the North, I had absolutely no clue as to their appraised value.

I would have to trust the rogue here.

As I was thinking things out, the female rogue had put the shield, spear, and one of the two low-quality swords in one pile and divided the rest amongst the four of them. Then she called out to me, "the shield should be worth around one-hundred by itself. The rings are worth about thirty in town. Will this split work?"

Running the math in my head as best as I could, it seemed I had the largest split this way, but I was sure she was aware of that. A little confused since we already decided on equal distribution, I raised my concern.

"I believe my share is slightly larger, is that alright?" I asked plainly.

She let off a nice smile as she explained, "I figured you could use it, it's only a few copper anyways. Consider it payment for successfully tanking." She was definitely my favorite of the four… and quite possibly the smartest of the bunch as well.

"Ah, well thank you then."

As soon as I had said that, the four guild members grabbed their belongings and made their way to the exit without so much as a word to whether we were continuing on or not. As they reached the exit they said their thanks for the party and quietly left one after the other.

The group disbanded just like that.

Alone and relaxing by myself in the dungeon, I continued to munch on rabbit jerky while thinking things over. I kind of wanted to go to the next level, but my party had left without a word. In an effort to console myself, I walked over to check the loot.

Inspecting the shield first, my mouth nearly dropped to the floor.

The [Old Aspis] was a [Decent Quality - Uncommon Grade].

It wasn't an inferior quality or even a poor quality piece. It was of decent quality and of an uncommon grade… that girl.

This was worth at least two-hundred copper and she should have known.

She did me a favor.

I wasn't a big fan of favors.

Well, I would repay it in some fashion later. Debts were not something to be carried around. Having concluded my business and with nothing else to do in the lonely dungeon, I soon left as well.


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