Authors: Emma Daniels

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But Louise simply hadn’t wanted to listen, no matter how many times he sat her down to explain what her duties and responsibilities were. She’d gotten the idea into her head that she would expose all the wrong-doing, not only in the community but also within the department. In the end she even began accusing him of covering up fraud, because in her opinion that could be the only reason for his insistence she cease her own investigations.

His only option had been to recommend her transfer to another section, for which she’d obviously never forgiven him. He could tell by the baleful look she’d cast him earlier in the day that she still thought him the biggest crook of all.

But Victor didn’t care what other people thought of him any more. Ever since Amanda’s all too public desertion he’d shut himself off from everyone and everything, vowing never to make the same mistake again.

Why then couldn’t he get that darn Sophie woman out of his head?











When Sophie woke the following morning, she knew she couldn’t face work that day. Even though she hadn’t had another dream about the way too handsome Vic Rose, he hadn’t been far from her thoughts. Now she just kept remembering those dreams in sexy, graphic detail. She simply couldn’t bear to look at him with those thoughts tumbling about in her head.

It was still teaming with rain, a perfect day to remain in bed until noon, so she switched off her alarm, rolled over and went back to sleep until about nine thirty, when she got up to ring in sick. Since she rarely had a day off just for the heck of it, and hadn’t had a decent holiday in years, she contemplated asking for a few weeks off.

After eating her breakfast, and getting dressed, she went into her spare room, and turned on the heater. She spent the next few hours going through her bead stash and planning a new project. The entire process relaxed her so much she even forgot to have lunch. It wasn’t until about two-thirty that she felt hungry enough to set her tools aside and rummage through her fridge for something to eat.

It made her realise she needed to do some shopping. The rain had eased throughout the day so she headed down the road to the local shopping centre. Since it was a week day, there were plenty of parents, strollers and school children on their way home. Sophie tried to ignore them as best she could as she filled up her trolley. Then she headed to the newsagent, and bought all the current bead magazines she could find.

After she’d packed the groceries away, she put a relaxing CD onto the stereo, and read through the magazines. It proved a great wealth of inspiration, compelling her back into her bead room to start two more projects that kept her awake till midnight.

Exhaustion finally dragged her off to bed where she wondered if she could call in sick again the following day to complete her projects. But being the conscientious person she was, she got up a few minutes after the alarm.

It was no longer raining, but an icy chill nipped the air as she hurried to the train station, her hands thrust deeply in her coat pockets and her scarf over her head as well as around her neck.

On entering the foyer to her building she saw Vic Rose waiting for lifts. Even with his back to her, she’d recognise his trendy, over-long hair-style and wide shoulders anywhere. He was wearing a long black leather coat. She thought it made him look like a hit-man. Sophie contemplated waiting for another lift, but when a couple of people stepped in close behind her, she had little option but to precede them into the confined space.

Like everyone else she turned around to face the closing doors, which meant she didn’t have to look at him either. It was quite crowded, but she didn’t recognise anyone. Sophie stuck out her hand to press the button for number ten since she was closer to the control panel. As she did so she became acutely conscious of him behind her, particularly since she was certain she could smell the leather from his coat.

Someone standing beside her wanted to get off at level five, and Sophie had to move aside to accommodate the large bag they were carrying. In doing so she stumbled against someone’s foot and right into Vic’s broad chest.

“Oh drat,” she muttered.

As she was about to move away, she felt his hands against her waist to steady her. She swore she could feel the heat of them through all four layers of winter clothing. It made her long to step back and lean her head against his shoulder and rekindle those passionate dreams.

“Are you all right?” he asked close to her ear. His warm breath against her skin made her tremble. He even had a sexy voice, she realised, deep and husky. And he smelt so good, the scent of his aftershave gently wafting over her.

No I’m not, she wanted to say, particularly as he still hadn’t removed his hands from her waist. Just one more step back and she’d be in his arms, exactly where she wanted to be.

Instead she stepped away from him, and they reached floor number ten.

As soon as the lift doors opened Sophie was through them, rushing across the floor as though a demon was on her heels, which she supposed there was, the demon of desire, drawing her to this man that everyone else seemed to hate.

She really did have to have some time off, she decided as she reached her desk. None of her colleagues were there yet, so she sat down and switched on her computer, staring blankly at the screen as it fired up for the day.

As soon as Jane arrived, Sophie cornered her to ask her for some leave. She appeared surprised to hear that Sophie wanted it as early as next week, but thought there wouldn’t be a problem as she really did want to get Louise to pull her weight.

Sophie was stunned to hear Jane disclose this piece of information, but what she said next came as an even bigger shock.

“You know that Amrita now wants to get out of the section. Well, yesterday she heard about one of the other positions she’d applied for. She’s not due to start there until the end of the month, but it would coincide with training up Geoff as one of the team leaders, leaving a case officer’s position vacant. How would you like to give it a go, until it is advertised, of course?”

Sophie stared at her in surprise. This was the first time anyone had ever talked to her about possible promotion. Had it come any other time she would have jumped at the opportunity, but after what had happened in the lifts today, she very much doubted she could look at Vic Rose, let alone work with him.

“Had Amrita still been in charge I would have loved to, but I’m not too sure now,” she answered uncomfortably.

“Oh Sophie, don’t believe everything Louise says,” Jane replied. “Half of it is based on paranoia and the other on wounded pride. I’ve worked with Vic too, and as long as you do your job and do it well, you won’t have a problem with him.”

“Can I think about it while I’m away?” Sophie eventually said.

“Well of course, but I’d prefer to know as soon as possible. You’d have no trouble picking it up. You know most of what’s involved anyway. I don’t know why you haven’t tried before this. You have loads of potential.”

“I had my reasons at the time, but thanks for your vote of confidence, Jane. I really appreciate it.”

Maybe going on leave now wasn’t a good idea, she thought. Perhaps she’d just been over-reacting. Sophie had never been a drama queen. She blamed the dreams for this sudden apprehension, but they appeared to have stopped, and if she maintained a professional distance between them, surely those incredible sensations she’d experienced in the lift would never plague her again.

God, she’d acted as though she was in love with the man, which of course was ridiculous. She hadn’t even felt anything this sensual with Duncan until they’d started dating, but then Duncan had never looked like a Greek God in black leather. Vic Rose looked hot no matter what he did or didn’t wear, and she wouldn’t hazard a guess he knew it too, which was probably the reason for his reluctance to let her go in the lift. He’d probably thought he was giving her a right little thrill.

Yes, Sophie had to take a break so she could get back into her jewellery making. The creative spark had been ignited, and she wanted to give it full reign. Two weeks to do precisely that was just what she needed.


Victor didn’t know whether to be glad or disappointed when he found out Sophie had taken two weeks leave. But when he heard that Jane had recommended her for a case officer’s position, he almost groaned out loud in frustration.

Working with her after having actually touched her would be torture in the first degree, because he knew she wouldn’t want to repeat the experience. She hadn’t even wanted to answer him, fleeing the moment the lift doors opened. Her body language had issued a very clear message; Keep away creep. And he felt like a creep every time he remembered those sexy dreams he’d had about her.

He knew what he had to do, but every time he so much looked at another woman, all he could do was compare her to Sophie. She was the only one he wanted, just like six years ago Amanda had been the only woman for him.

Even though Amanda had been attracted to him, it had still taken weeks to get her to trust him enough to go on a date with him, let alone sleep with him. Perhaps that was what he had to do with Sophie, work his way into her affection.

It would be torture in the first degree, when all he wanted to do was pull her close and kiss those soft lips of hers, to feel her satiny skin against his, to be inside her and hear her soft gasps of delight, just as he remembered it.

But Victor was a very patient man. He could endure anything if it meant reaching his goal.











Sophie had been enjoying herself so much in her bead room that she rang Jane on the Thursday of the second week to ask for another week off. She had also managed to push most thoughts not associated with jewellery making out of her mind. It wasn’t so hard then to agree to Jane’s insistence that she start in the case officer’s position on the day she got back.

But during her third week off, Sophie began to feel unwell, and her enthusiasm for her projects waned. She felt more tired than usual and began to get queasy whenever meal time came around.

It reminded her of the few weeks of pregnancy she’d experienced, when she’d actually looked forward to the nausea and tiredness, knowing it to be a good sign. But now she realised she must have contracted some kind of low-grade virus, which didn’t really inspire her creativity, so she went to bed early on Sunday night, sleeping all the way through. But when she woke, she didn’t feel any more refreshed than when she’d fallen asleep.

Reluctantly Sophie dragged her queasy and weary body out of bed, not feeling the least like learning a new job.

The first person she saw when she got off at level ten was Vic Rose. He appeared to be deep in concentration with someone on the phone, and Sophie headed silently past, but he must have sensed her presence, for as soon as she drew level with his desk, he looked up.

“Good morning,” he said, smiling up at her. During her time off, she’d managed to forget how devastatingly handsome he was, particularly when he smiled.

“Morning,” she murmured, completely floored by his charming grin.
“I’ve got a desk for you when you’re ready,” he said.
“Oh, um, well I’d better go and see Jane first,” she stammered. Why was she suddenly feeling so tongue tied?
“Have you been sick? You’re looking a bit pale,” he remarked.

“Just a bit of a virus I think, but don’t worry I won’t let it interfere with my work,” she gushed, knowing this was he’d want to hear. Remain professional and business-like, she ordered herself.

“If you’re not well maybe you shouldn’t have come back just yet.”

Why was he suddenly so concerned about her welfare, she wondered, when all she’d ever heard about him was that he expected hard work, no matter what?

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