The Dream Life of Sukhanov (36 page)

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Authors: Olga Grushin

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary

BOOK: The Dream Life of Sukhanov
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a cognizant original v5 release october 08 2010


I am immensely grateful to my wonderful agent, Warren Frazier, and my incomparable editor Marian Wood—without them none of this would have happened. Thanks also to my remarkable UK editor, Mary Mount; my copy editor, Anna Jardine, who is as tireless as she is skilled; and everyone at the Penguin Group who believed in this book. Finally, thanks are due to my parents, Boris Grushin and Natalia Kartseva, for their love and support and for serving as a priceless source on Sukhanov’s Russia, and to my husband, Michael Klyce, who helped in more ways than I can name.


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