The Dream Sharing Sourcebook: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Your Personal Relationships (54 page)

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the dream with her and with his wife, and they were able to "find her some way home" by gradually phasing her out of the job and spending more time with her as a family outside of work. Steven said, "We created a vision out of the dream of 'We are one big happy family' that has helped both our family life and my business."
One of the most frequently occurring coworkers to appear in our dreams is our boss. Perhaps this is because an employer has so much effect on our lives, both practically and emotionally: Your employer has authority over you, gives you orders, and provides you with your livelihood. So, in addition to issues in your job, a dream that features your boss will bring up feelings you have surrounding this kind of authority and control. What does it bring up about other authority figures in your lifeyour father, your mother? What does it say about the boss part of you? Are you the authority in your own life, or is someone else "bossing you around"? Many of these questions were relevant to this dream that Seth had about his boss, Don, who seemed rigid and threatening to him.
Making More Space
I get out of bed and hear a knocking on the wall. I can't figure out what it is. I push on the wall with my hands, and it gives way. There's another room there with a lot of space. I feel excited. Then I see Don standing there in the middle of the room, smiling. I am apprehensive.
Seth had just finished college, and this was his first job. He had rented a small studio apartment for the summer that had room for only one bed in it. On Seth's first day at work, Don had told him that there was no space for him to have his own office and gave him a desk in a corner. He was quite anxious about
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working with Don, who seemed distant, like his father, whom he seldom saw since his parents' divorce. ''In working on the dream,'' Seth explained, "I could see how I was having Don be my father. The dream showed me that I didn't need to be afraid of my boss, that he would make more 'space' for me. I talked to Don the next day, and we eventually became good friends. I also began to open up some communication ('push on the walls') with my dad, and things have started to 'give way' there, too."
Dreamwork with and about Teammates
Visualizing proper techniques or success in a game or contest is used frequently with athletes and for competition of all kinds. Using the visualizations from your dreams and visions, and then sharing them with your teammates, is a wonderful way to create bonding and increase your effectiveness together. You can even incubate a dream with your teammates before a competition to help all of you focus on your goals or to get additional "coaching." That is what we did the night before we participated in a rowing regatta. At dinner, we suggested to our teammates that we all incubate dreams to help us improve our performance in the race. The next morning at breakfast, one of the rowers, Astrid, told the following dream.
"Go For It!"
I'm discussing our upcoming race with several other people from the Rowing Club. Somebody has called a famous woman teacher who gives us some advice for the race: "Go for it!" she says. I'm impressed that this woman took the time to talk to us. Then we start talking about a difficult issue in my life, like whether or not to have another child. I say, "It would be easier if nothing I did affected anyone or anything else." My teammate Kayla says, "Try that!" I am intrigued and pleased to get feedback.
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When Kayla heard that she was in Astrid's dream, she said she was glad she could be of help to her! "I think we both felt more connected to each other after discussing this dream and those of others," Astrid said. It brought up the possibility of every rower supporting each other in doing their best in the race and feeling good about whatever they accomplished (rather than worrying about how they "affected anyone or anything else"). Astrid reported that the dream also helped those in the women's boat get in touch with the "leader part of ourselves and respect it more." Our vision and motto for the day became "Go for it!"which we definitely did. We all had a great time, even if we didn't win the trophy that day. (But our club did win at the next regatta!)
Dreamwork with and about Teachers
Teachers are common figures in our dreams, appearing often as symbols of guidance or authority. Noticing and sharing such dreams can enhance these relationships in your waking life and add to your understanding of what they mean to you. Recognizing and owning the teacher part of yourself in a dream can also help you acknowledge your own inner guide or knowledge. The following dream occurred for Donna, about her spiritual meditation leader, Saul.
It's OK to Rest
I'm lying down in bed in a big house. I notice that Saul is there next to me. The meditation group is about to start in the next room. Saul gets up to lead it, indicating to me that it's OK for me to stay in bed and rest. It feels good.
Donna enjoyed going to her meditation group on Sunday mornings but had been feeling very stressed and tired lately.

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