The Duke and the Dressmaker (The St. James Series) (10 page)

BOOK: The Duke and the Dressmaker (The St. James Series)
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Chapter Fifteen


Philip wandered aimlessly around the edge of the ballroom. Not really understanding why, he continued as if he had a destination. He left Emma with his mother by the punchbowl. A couple of young bucks tried to talk to her, but he knew his mother would have her in hand. He smiled when he thought of Emma’s excitement over such a small thing as a ball. Females were certainly strange creatures.

Of course, Caroline had loved balls
because she enjoyed all the attention. With her stunning looks and her body, Caroline had been the center of attention at every event she attended. He hadn’t realized it until they had been married for a while, but life was always about Caroline, no one else. He never saw his ex-wife staring at a baby the way Sara had gazed at the Ardleigh baby yesterday. But then, Lady Downey wasn’t self-centered like Caroline.

He stopped for a moment as he caught
quick movement across the ballroom. Was that Sara? His gaze followed her around the edge of the room. He couldn’t tell where she was headed, but she hurried. She appeared panic-stricken. In fact, she stumbled as if she was about to faint. He charged across the ballroom, trying not to draw attention to himself. Edging through the crowd, he finally stepped in front of her.


Sara dodged him, startled. “Oh, Your Grace. Pardon me. I didn’t…” Her eyes darted at the people around them. She searched the dance floor and the crowd across from them.

Philip quickly
grasped her hand and escorted her toward the dance floor as the band started the next piece.

“Waltz with me, Lady Downey?” His voice was soft and non-threatening.

Sara searched his blue eyes. She hastened behind him to the dance floor. She would follow him anywhere.
I think I am going to faint. I don’t feel well. Where is Stinky?

His arm encased her waist. He
drew her in close to him. She picked up his scent, his essence. Strong arms wrapped around her, protected her. Her heart started to relax.

“Sara, look at me,” he whispered. He waited until her eyes found his.
“I have you now. You are safe. What is wrong? Remember, whatever it is, I will protect you.”

Her eyes searched his then dropped again. Her pulse beat rapidly in her veins. Could she trust him? Was Philip St. James for real? Would he protect her? She leaned into him, trying to
extract strength from him. She was losing. Her courage had deserted her. She was alone; there was nothing more she could do. Stinky would find her.

He leaned in close to her ear. “Sara, relax. I will not let him hurt you. You will stay with me tonight. He will not frighten you again.
Her grip on his hand loosened. She relaxed a little.

“He came for me again,” she whispered.

“What happened?” He forced a smile for the crowd as they continued to dance.

He was at my door, and someone scared him away. But I couldn’t stay. What if he returned? What if he came back for me? What would I do? What could I do?” She closed her eyes and drew his heat into her body. Her hand rubbed across the fabric of his dark coat, pulling, grasping at anything. The trembling slowed. She took a deep breath, smiled and raised her chin so the crowd wouldn’t suspect anything. For a moment, she couldn’t speak. As her panic subsided, and she focused on the man holding her, she was astonished at how unbearable handsome he was. His dark hair and blue eyes against his black coat and white cravat took her breath away. His silver waist coat finished the outfit perfectly. How could any man look this fabulous?

Your Grace, help me. What do I do?” She couldn’t stop herself. She wanted him to make everything better. If he would only take care of her, hold her in his arms once in awhile. Squeezing her eyes shut, she forced the tears back. Couldn’t she have a caring husband, too? Couldn’t she have one that would love and protect her like Ardleigh protected Phoebe? Was it too much to ask?

it was possible, but not the duke. Why would any duke be interested in her? There was nothing noble about her. A duke needed someone with a strong and noble family, someone with a large dowry, or at least a great beauty. She was none of those things. Why did he bother with her? Her husband had always called her worthless. Why was the duke feigning interest in her well-being? Confusion covered her face.


Emma tugged on her mother’s arm.

“Mother, look!
Over there, see who Philip is dancing with? Isn’t that Lady Downey?”

“Oh my word, I think you are right, Emma
, but when did she get here? I did not even see her arrive. I must say she appears to be upset. What do you think, my dear?”

“Oh, I think they make a beautiful couple, Mother. Look at Lady Dow
ney’s gown. Is it not gorgeous?”

duchess’s eyes narrowed as a small smile crept across her face. “Why, I think they make a perfect couple. Now, how long do you think it will take before your brother realizes it?”


Philip called for his carriage. He and Sara had left through the side terrace doors. Keeping a tight hold on her, he called out to Ardleigh on the front steps.

strode over to where Philip waited for his carriage. Philip kept his arm on Sara’s lower back.

“Good evening, Lady Downey.
Everything all right, Brentwood?” Ardleigh squinted at Sara in the dark.

“No, everything is not all right, but I will handle it. Would you please tell my mother that I will be unable to escort her home
? Tell her not to wait up for me, I will explain in the morning.” Philip searched the area for his carriage. He didn’t want Sara outside getting a chill. He feared her grasp on reality was slipping.

Their carriage arrived
, and the duke helped Sara inside. Before following her in, he noticed Miranda Montrose traipsing on the opposite side of the house with a murderous countenance to her. She caught his gaze before he noticed her clenched fists and the raw anger in her face. He shook his head thinking about Miranda. How could he manage to get her to stop? She did not appreciate the recent turn of events in their relationship. She had sent several notes to his house, hoping for a reconciliation. He had only responded to one. “It is over” was all he had written. Apparently, she still did not comprehend his intent.

He climbed in and
sat across from Sara, gazing into her emerald eyes. He realized how happy he was to be looking at Sara instead of Miranda.

“You are ravishing tonight,
Sara, and please do not argue with me. You were clearly the most beautiful woman in the ballroom to me.” He smiled at her humility. How he loved that she was not a vain woman.

Sara blushed and averted her eyes.

Philip reached over and tugged her onto his lap. She didn’t resist. Her willingness was totally unexpected. His arm came around her shoulder before he kissed her briefly. He traced his thumb across her lower lip.

“Thank you for not arguing. Your husband was totally wrong about you and I suspect a little mad. Have I told you that you have the most kissable lips I have ever seen?”

He leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. He tasted her again and deepened the kiss. Thoughts of chestnut locks falling over her breasts ran through his mind. How would she feel in his arms? He was surprised at how much he wanted her. Sweeping his tongue inside her mouth, he angled the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck, a small moan erupting in the back of her throat.

His thumb brushed
her ankle, caressing her soft skin tenderly. He ran a line of kisses down her jaw, across the pulse in her neck. His tongue found its way down her collarbone. Philip could feel her fingers tightening into his shoulders, tensing at his assault on her skin.

He broke away and held her tight next to his chest. His fingers stroked her hair, pulling the pins out. What was this woman doing to him? He had never wanted any woman the way he wanted her.
Her innocent response to him inflamed him even more.

He was right about one
thing, she would be a passionate lover. Her husband hadn’t realized what a gem he had. He could taste her passion, feel it to her core. Loud moans of ecstasy tore through his mind as he thought about bringing her to climax. He was never wrong about such things.

The carriage pulled to a stop in front of his townhouse.


The door opened and they stepped inside. Sara was a nervous wreck. Her fingers trembled in the
duke’s hands.

“Alfred, this is Lady Sara. Please make her welcome. We will remain here tonight. Please make the bath ready.”

Philip’s butler nodded. “Of course, Your Grace.” Alfred motioned to the housekeeper and sent her on her way.

Philip led
Sara to a large bedroom and helped her with her cape.

“Where are we, Your Grace? Where have you brought me?”
Sara’s eyes roamed his room.

“Philip, please. My name is Philip. No ‘Your Grace’ allowed here. We are in my townhouse. Do not worry
; my staff will not speak a word of your arrival. They are paid handsomely to be discreet.”

He motioned her to a chair in front of the hearth and started a fire.

“You will stay here tonight with me. I will not allow you back in your place with that man watching for you.”

Sara sat down and stared at the man in front of her.
His muscles rippled through his white shirt since he had removed his jacket to bank the fire. Philip was a fine looking man from head to toe. He bent over, and she blushed because she couldn’t take her eyes off his bottom. Even that was muscular. His strength vibrated in his legs as he worked.

came to a difficult decision: she would sleep with this man. And why not? She wanted to experience sex with another man. What did people see in it? She had hated it with Duncan. He had always been drunk, calling her cold after he ripped into her, finally grunting and swearing at her at the same time. He seemed to think something was her fault, but she never understood what. When he was that drunk, she never wanted to anger him, so she never asked. She just crossed her fingers until the next time.

Didn’t she deserve to see what it would feel like to be loved by a man? Duncan had never loved her.
She realized the duke didn’t love her either, but he made her feel special. Just once she wanted to feel loved, protected, cared for, and admired. Philip would do that for her tonight, wouldn’t he? Just for one night? Couldn’t she pretend for one night? She was a good person. Didn’t she deserve some happiness, too?

Her fingers twisted
her gown in her lap, bunching folds of her gown in her nervous hands. Doing so brought a painful reminder of her broken finger. But she was safe now, wasn’t she? She squeezed her eyes shut to make sure this wasn’t a dream. When she opened them, she took in her surroundings. The room was beautiful. A thick, rich carpet covered the floor not far from the fire. Dark wood floors crossed the room with a rug under the bed as well. A small table and chairs sat near a window, one chair with a footrest. The bed, the largest she had ever seen, bore a navy blue coverlet and numerous pillows in different shades of blue.

She stood and
tiptoed over to the bed, caressing the linen with her fingertips, luxuriating in the richness of the cool texture. He came up behind her and circled his arms around her waist. Leaning in, he kissed her neck and darted his tongue into her ear. At first, she tensed but forced herself to relax. Closing her eyes, she focused on the softness of his warm lips on her neck and the warmth of his body against hers. She fell back into his embrace, allowing herself the luxury of basking in Philip’s caresses.

Sara didn’t understand the feelings she had when he was near. Heat pooled in her belly. Her breasts
tensed against the constraints of her gown, begging to be set free. She had never experienced these sensations with Duncan. Her senses were assaulted by Philip’s touch, his scent, and his soft words. He made her feel wanted, desired, and special. She noticed her dress pooling at her feet.

She turned to stare at him. His blue eyes bore into her. How had he done that? She had never felt hi
s touch on the buttons of her gown. Thank goodness for her corset. She was so self- conscious of her naked body. She watched as he unlaced her corset, his hot breath on her bare shoulder making her tremble. Then he lifted her as if she weighed nothing and carried her to the bed.

followed his every movement as he removed his shirt. Unable to tear her eyes from his torso, she licked her lips at the muscles in his arms and the flat plane of his belly. Her hand reached up to touch the dark hairs on his chest, but he was still too far away.

“Do you like what you see, Sara?”

Nodding her head, she could feel the blush start at her head and travel to her toes.

“Good. I was getting a little nervous.” He removed the rest of his clothes and slid between the sheets. “You are agreeable to this? You
do want me?”

Astounded that he awaited her response, she nodded again as she gazed into his eyes. “Yes, Philip. I do want you. I do so much want to do this. But I am nervous.”

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