The Duke and The Governess (26 page)

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Authors: Lyndsey Norton

BOOK: The Duke and The Governess
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‘Jessie? What’s the matter?’ he asked softly, he took her hand and was surprised to feel it tremble. ‘What’s wrong?’ He asked in dread. ‘Are you unwell?’

‘Not really.’ She whispered as she kept her face turned to the window. ‘I am with child.’ Anthony inhaled sharply with the shock, but he did not release her hand and shuffle away from her, as she assumed he would do.

He was quiet for a moment. ‘Well at least there wasn’t anybody in the hallway to comment on your swoon and we have observed the etiquette and never sit in a room alone.’ Jessica nodded through her misery. ‘Are you sure?’ Anthony asked softly.

Jessica glanced at him and then back out of the window. ‘I haven’t seen a doctor yet, so no. But deep down inside I know it’s true.’ She sighed. ‘I’ve never been late before, never.’

He was quiet again. ‘This is Warwick’s bastard!’ he spat suddenly vehement. ‘He’s given you a full belly and now he doesn’t want to know!’ He watched with compassion as Jessica’s face crumpled and she started to sob. ‘Well, he’s going to wish he’d never set eyes on you, let alone his hands.’

‘No Anthony!’ she blurted, turning her tear streaked face towards him. ‘No duelling, I couldn’t stand the thought of either of you dying over this. If that happened we would be destitute and on the street.’

‘You won’t be destitute, Jessie. I’ll marry you and give the babe a home and if it’s a son it will become the next Earl.’ He said generously and made Jessica sob all the harder.

As the carriage pulled up outside his large residence in Queen’s Walk, Jessica allowed the footman to help her down the steps and she ran into the house, racing up the stairs like a child and throwing herself onto the bed.

Anthony stood on the step and wondered if he should wait. He sighed deeply and climbed back into the carriage and asked the driver to take him to White’s.

Fortunately for the Duke of Warwick, Anthony Carruthers consumed a rather large amount of claret, before starting on the brandy, so he was well foxed by the time he caught a glimpse of the Duke in a private sitting room as a steward delivered a jug of claret. He was staring into space and he had a very worried look on his face, but Anthony didn’t notice.

‘Warwick!’ he almost shouted, as he saw the Duke and burst through the open door, practically flattening the steward in the process.

John Farrington looked up sharply and was astonished to see a very intoxicated Earl of Dean staggering towards him as the steward tried to sidle out of the door.

‘Dean.’ The Duke said affably, standing and extending his hand and was totally affronted to receive a very weak and inaccurate right hook to his chin. John sat down with a thump and his chair rocked back against the wall.

‘What the hell was that for?’ he demanded and was even more astonished to watch Anthony’s eyes roll up in his skull as he collapse gracefully onto his face.

‘Good god, Your Grace!’ the steward gasped and looked down on the Earl. Standing right behind him were a group of youngbloods fresh from University.

‘Not very sporting of you, Your Grace. You should let the blackguard sober up first.’

‘Do you know
?’ John asked coldly.

‘Who me?’ the youth said. ‘Not a chance.’ He said as he struggled to stay on his feet.

‘Good, then bugger off my lord.’ The Duke said firmly and closed the door, heaved Anthony onto a settee and loosened his cravat.

Suddenly the door flew open. ‘I understand there is a challenge afoot?’ the Duke of Norfolk enquired. ‘Do I have to remind you that duelling is against the law?!’

‘Nobody’s been challenged!’ John said with mounting disquiet. This matter was going to get out of hand
. ‘I couldn’t duel with him any
way, the poor sod is three sheets to the wind!’

‘But you will be accepting his challenge?’

‘Of course not.’ John spat harshly and then stopped and smiled at Norfolk.
Anthony’s threat sounded like a bell in his mind.
‘But I’ve just had a wonderful idea for a challenge and you don’t even need a weapon.’ Norfolk raised his eyebrows in query. ‘A fist fight.’ John looked down on the Earl with compassion, ‘but we’ll need him sober first.’

Ten minutes later, the two Dukes escorted Anthony to his carriage and turned him over to his footmen for delivery home.

Anthony was so drunk that he didn’t even remember seeing the Duke, let alone giving him a bruised chin. The betting book at White’s was filled by then end of the next day as word spread that the Earl of Dean and the Duke of Warwick were going to have a boxing match. It was well known that both of them had frequented Gentleman Jackson’s boxing hall regularly. So the betting was fierce. It was another two days before the Duke of Norfolk called at Queen’s Walk.

Jessica was just sitting down to tea in the drawing room when the Duke’s card arrived. ‘Mary?’ Mary, in her usual corner, looked up from her book. ‘Do you know where the Earl is?’

‘I’m afraid I don’t, your Ladyship.’

‘Well, it would appear we have the Duke of Norfolk for tea.’ She smiled at the butler. ‘Show the Duke in, Bennett
and see if you can locate Lord Anthony

Jessica nervously arranged her skirts and as the Duke strode purposefully into the room, she rose and gave a graceful curtsey. ‘Your Grace. I’m honoured to receive you.’ she said formally.

Norfolk stopped abruptly, saw Mary in the corner and sighed. ‘Lady Carruthers.’ He said with a formal bow. ‘I was hoping to find your brother-in-law at home today.’

‘Please sit down, Your Grace.’ Jessica smiled. ‘Would you like some tea? Or maybe something a little stronger?’

‘Tea would be fine.’ Norfolk said gruffly and sat in the nearest chair, watching Jessica serve tea with a steady hand. She had absolutely no idea why Norfolk was there and hoped Anthony hadn’t done something precipitous.

‘I must say I’m surprised to see you here, Your Grace.’ Jessica said as she handed him a cup of tea and using the cake tongues manoeuvred one of cook’s light sponge fairy cakes onto a plate. She place it down in front of him. ‘Has my brother-in-law done something unwise?’

‘I’ll say.’ Norfolk grunted and sampled his tea leaving Jessica with her cup stalled halfway to her mouth and a look of horror on her face.

‘Please don’t tell me he has engaged in a duel with somebody!’ she almost whispered. Norfolk was intrigued as her cup started to shake in her hand.

‘Nearly, but not quite, Lady Carruthers.’ And he made a grab for the cup before she dropped it. ‘Do not be alarmed, Madam. There is no duel. Not yet anyway.’

‘What happened?’ she asked in dismay.

‘Well, it appears that a couple of nights ago, the Earl was well in his cups.....’ he didn’t get to say anymore as Anthony rushed through the door.

‘Your Grace! What an honour.’ He turned brightly to Jessica. ‘Would you excuse us, Jessica? The Duke and I have some important business to talk about.’

Jessica looked from one to the other and saw the closed faces of politicians, so she smiled demurely, curtsied again to the duke and left with Mary following on her heel.

‘Wha’ d’you think that’s all about?’ Mary asked cheekily.

‘I don’t know yet, but I intend to find out.’ Jessica said firmly.




‘Your Grace.’ Anthony said and sat down in the chair Jessica had vacated.

‘You do realise you’re in the poo?’ Norfolk said and smiled.

‘No.’ Anthony replied cautiously. ‘How did I land myself in the poo?’

‘You saw the Duke of Warwick,’ Anthony closed his eyes, ‘in a private salon at White’s. You burst through the door, landed a facer on him and promptly passed out because you were inebriated.’

‘Oh! God!’ Anthony whispered. ‘Tell me this isn’t common knowledge?’

Norfolk sighed. ‘I’m afraid it is. You have only two choices, meet the Duke on the field or apologise for your inappropriate behaviour.

‘My behaviour wasn’t inappropriate at all.’ Anthony said indignantly. ‘If I hadn’t already promised a Lady I wouldn’t do it, I’d be meeting him with pistols in the park!’

‘Actually, there is no need to break your promise. The Duke has asked me to approach you with the offer of a pugilism contest instead of pistols.’

‘A fist fight?’ Anthony said in wonder. ‘Now why didn’t I think of that?’

‘There is just one thing.’ The Duke said calmly. ‘Warwick would like to know why you hit him.’

‘That will be for his ears only, Your Grace.’ Anthony said firmly. ‘My reasons are very private and I don’t suppose the Duke would like them bantered about either.’

‘Can’t you give me a hint?’ Norfolk wheedled. ‘Warwick is really concerned.’

‘Then tell him it’s for the honour of a lady.’ Anthony said proudly.

‘Now I’m really intrigued.’ Norfolk muttered. ‘This wouldn’t have anything to do with his hurried departure from that house party, would it?’

‘I don’t know, Your Grace.’ Anthony said stiffly, ‘I have no idea why the Duke left Malvern as quickly as he did, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were related.’

Norfolk sat back, stroking his chin. ‘I haven’t heard any untoward gossip about that house party,’ he mused ‘but I know that Lady Greyston was all over him like a rash.’ He looked up at Anthony with a raised eyebrow in query.

‘I’m afraid I don’t know Lady Greyston well enough to offer a Duke to a duel, Your Grace.’ He smiled suddenly. ‘I’m not going to tell you anything more. So stop badgering me, Your Grace.’

‘So when are we going to have this boxing match? And more importantly where?’ The Duke asked with a smile.

‘I would expect to hold it somewhere like Hyde Park or maybe over the road at Green Park.’

‘I would have thought Hyde Park was too public.’ The Duke smiled. ‘What about the garden here? More private. Less chance of the common people seeing a Duke and an Earl beat each other to death.’

‘I would have thought they would enjoy the spectacle, but I would rather hold it at the Duke’s residence. Lady Carruthers will skin me alive if she finds out about it.’

‘Then you’d best keep her in, because some bloody busy body will tell her.’ Norfolk slapped his hands on his knees and stood up.  He held out his hand. ‘I’ll get the Duke to name a time and day, if he doesn’t mind it being in his garden.’

The two men shook hands and Norfolk strode out of the room, leaving Anthony with a deep wish he hadn’t got
so intoxicated the other night.


The Duke of Warwick was tucking into roast beef at Boodle’s when the Duke of Norfolk found him. Norfolk dropped onto the bench opposite him and smiled deviously. ‘One boxing match entered into.’ He said softly. ‘He wants to keep it private and suggests your garden.’

‘My Garden?!’ John gulped around a mouthful of roast potato. ‘I would have expected us to have to hold it somewhere public. The betting at White’s is furious already.’ He sighed. ‘I don’t suppose he told you why?’

‘The only comment he made was that it concerned the honour of a lady.’ Norfolk said as a steward brought him a glass and took his order for dinner. After the steward left Norfolk smiled, ‘you didn’t compromise Lady Greyston at that blasted house party did you?’ He snorted at the thought. ‘I must say it would explain why you left so damned quick.’

didn’t compromise her, she compromised me! Anyway, I
had to leave quickly. Victoria’s brother had been stabbed and left to die in Wapping

‘Good God!’ Norfolk blurted. ‘Is he recovering?’

‘He is now. It was touch and go for a while, but he’s out of the woods now. I’m thinking of sending him to the country to recuperate.’

‘Best thing for him.’ Norfolk agreed. ‘So who did you compromise?’ He watched Warwick speculatively as the steward brought his dinner.

John kept his politicians poker face on, not giving anything away, but his heart rate was through the roof.
There is only one reason why Dean would make this kind of fuss. Jessica is pregnant and he’s angry about it.
He thought, desperately trying to keep the smile off his face.
I must find her. Perhaps she’s at Dean’s country residence.

‘I was surprised to be greeted by Lady Carruthers at Dean’s monstrous residence.’ Norfolk said just as he was stuffing a fork full of meat in his mouth.

‘Lady Carruthers is there?’ Warwick asked staggered.

‘She is.’ Norfolk confirmed and looked again with a raised eyebrow. ‘Something tells me it’s her that you are both interested in.’

John sighed deeply. ‘Promise me this won’t go any further. I can do without this hitting the gossip mill.’

‘You have my word.’ Norfolk said seriously.

‘I love her.’ John admitted finally, keeping his voice so low Norfolk could barely hear him. ‘I have loved her since the first time I saw her at her debut ball.’ He looked up suddenly, ‘your first ball, actually, Robbie. Even before I married Victoria and she was forced to marry Carruthers through no fault of her own.’

‘I thought they were caught in the bushes.’ Norfolk whispered.

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