The Duke's Blind Temptation (9 page)

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Authors: Paige Cameron

Tags: #Siren Classic

BOOK: The Duke's Blind Temptation
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“I noted the looks you gave the duke,” she said in a cold tone. “The duchess said you and your family were kind to Rafe when he was at his hunting lodge. I do hope you didn’t build up any expectations.” She stopped and eyed Ellie from her head to her feet then turned back to stroll along the path.

“As a duke, Rafe will require a sophisticated wife. One that will bring both additional power and prestige to him and his title. A baron’s daughter would never be acceptable.”

Ellie seldom held back what she wanted to say. This time was no different. “I find you the epitome of rudeness. Surely, a duke does not need that quality in a wife. But do not worry, I have no expectations about the duke or any other man. Now if you will excuse me, I prefer to walk alone.”

Taking long strides, Ellie quickly distanced herself from Lavinia. Her heart hurt. To be replaced was bad enough but by such a snobbish, spoiled woman made it worse. Tears filled her eyes. She blinked furiously, refusing to let them fall. She’d known this might happen.

In her anger, she wasn’t aware of the time or distance she’d covered. The shadows cast across the garden brought her back to the present. She turned and started back toward the house which she saw far in the distance.

“Ellie.” A man’s voice came from her left. Rafe moved hurriedly to her side. “We were worried when you didn’t return with Lady Lavinia. She said you just walked off on your own.”

“That’s correct. She was not pleasant company.”

“I’m sorry. I’d hoped you’d enjoy the gardens.”

“They are very pretty, Your Grace. Excuse me, my mother will be waiting.” She tried to hurry past him, but he caught her arm. “Ellie, I know much has changed since the last time we saw each other. Let me explain, and please call me Rafe.”

“Your Grace is your proper title. You don’t need to give me any explanations. I understand a duke requires a completely different bride than an earl. I did refuse your offer. As I said before, you have no obligation to me.”

This time he let her walk away.

Come after me,
her heart called to him.
Please, don’t forget me.

However, when she finally glanced back, he had walked in the opposite direction almost out of sight.

Her mother frowned on her return. “We must leave. It is very late and will be dark before we arrive home.”

“Stay the night with us, Lady Upton,” the duchess said. “I’ve already had a room prepared, one for you and one for your daughter.”

“It is too much of an imposition.”

“Not at all. You can leave early tomorrow, well rested, and the trip home will be much less stressful. I’ll send one of our grooms with a note to your husband.”

“Then thank you. How can I refuse such a lovely invitation.”

“Mary,”—the duchess motioned to one of the maids—”show the ladies to their rooms. Dinner is at eight.”

Her mother took Ellie’s arm, and they followed the maid up the sweeping staircase. Ellie vacillated between pleasure and discomfort. She’d see Rafe one last time. Still, he’d probably ignore her and lavish attention on the lovely Lavinia.

“Ellie, we will speak later,” Mama said as the maid went to show Ellie her room farther down the hall. “Come to my room at half past seven. We will talk.”

“Yes, Mama.”

The maid went down the passageway and around a corner before stopping. When she opened the door, Ellie gasped at the furnishings. A bright red and gold carpet spread across the large area. On one side stood a bed with a canopy. The bedspread and canopy top were white with red and gold threads running through the material. The window curtains matched. A slight breeze blew the drapes inward.

Ellie walked to the window and looked out. Her room faced the back of the house. In the distance, she saw a large lake with white swans gliding across the water. Beyond that, a thick coppice of trees edged the meadow.

“’Tis one of the most lovely rooms,” the maid said.

“It is, indeed, beautiful. Thank you.”

“Do you need anything right now, my lady?”

“If you’d undo my gown, that’s all I’ll need until time for supper.”

The maid came behind her and loosened the gown. Ellie heard the soft click of the lock as she left. A wave of tiredness swept over her. All the emotions of the day and no sleep last night had left her exhausted. She slipped out of her gown and lay across the turned-down bed. In seconds, she slept.

A faint noise roused her. Shadows hid the corners of her room. The smell of cut hay blew in the open window. She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye and heard the lock click on her door. Sitting up, she brushed her long hair out of her face and watched as the figure walked to the nearest candle and lit it.

Rafe turned and smiled. “Now you can’t run away from me before we talk.”

With determination, he strode to the bed. His gorgeous blue eyes swept over her, leaving a trail of fire. Ellie glanced down. Her chemise barely covered her breasts and left her long legs bare. She started to pull the covers up.

“Don’t. After all it’s not the first time I’ve seen you undressed.” His sensuous mouth curved upward. He lifted her foot, and his finger slid over her instep. He leaned down, and his breath whispered across her toes, and then he placed his mouth on the curve of her calf. “Lay back and close your eyes.”

Ellie did as he said. Without sight, all her concentration went to what he was doing to her body. His hands massaged her leg, and his mouth followed with light, butterfly kisses.

Her breathing quickened as his hands came closer to her most vulnerable and sensitive spot. His fingers gently moved between her lower lips, and his breath blew across the tender skin. His tongue circled her clit. Ellie bowed her body and opened her legs further to give him better access. His fingers caressed her soft skin and sent an ache deep inside her. She tossed her head back and forth on the bed.

“Rafe,” she moaned his name.

He moved down, and his tongue tenderly licked her opening. Embarrassed, she tried to pull away.

“Stop, let me love you.” He raised his head, and his eyes blazed with desire. Slowly he moved one finger inside her while he watched her expression. She moved restlessly under his caress. “Do you want more?”

“I want you inside me.” Her words came out in short breaths.

“Not yet. We have plenty of time before dinner.” He gave her a wicked grin. “And I have you at my mercy. If you yell out, someone will come and discover us together.”

“You’d have to marry me,” she warned him.

“You’ve already refused my offer, as you so graciously reminded me earlier.”

As he spoke, he placed another finger inside her and moved them in and out, creating a sensation of fullness and need. He bent his head and caught the tip of her breast between his teeth. Gently, he teased her tight bud and then covered her breast and suckled hard.

Heart pounding, out of her mind with sensations of heat, hunger, and a deep ache inside her abdomen, she raised her body closer to him.

“Damn you, take me,” she cried out.

But he moved to the other breast and continued his tender assault. By now, she couldn’t stay still. In the distance, she heard his deep chuckle.

Moving quickly, he slid back down her body and sucked on her clit. His other hand caressed her breast. He was all over her, his musky, male scent, the softness of his hair brushing her lower abdomen, all male taking, ravishing. Suddenly, his cock was at her opening. Without hesitation, he pushed in and pulled her legs up and over his shoulders, sending him even deeper. Furiously, he moved in and out as his mouth covered hers. A swell of sensations rose from her center and up over her chest, sending her into a timeless void. He swallowed her scream as his hot seed burst into her.

Minutes later, she still trembled in his arms. He held her close as his breathing slowed. He moved to take some of his weight off her. His lips brushed across her closed eyelids, along her cheek, and whispered over her mouth.

With an effort, she opened her eyes. “That was more astounding than the first time,” she said and smiled at him.

“I wanted you to know what you’d miss by not marrying me.”

“Your mother plans for you to marry Lavinia, and you hardly noticed me today.”

“I know.” He rolled to her side and reached out to touch her hair. “So soft,” he said, rubbing the golden-brown strands between his fingers. “Everything about you is soft.”

“Why?” she persisted. She knew from his expression he understood her question.

“It is so soon after my father’s death that I preferred not to upset my stepmother. I’ve gone along with her attempts to bring Lavinia and me back together hoping she’d see it wouldn’t work, but she’s a determined woman.”

“What do you mean, back together?”

“I offered for Lavinia just before I went to war.” He put his finger across her lips as she started to speak. “Let me finish. When I returned, Lavinia was horrified at my blindness. I overheard her tell her mother that she would not marry a crippled man. I released her from our engagement. I have no further obligation to her.”

“Except her family and your stepmother must believe you do.”

He took a deep breath. “Yes, apparently they feel I should overlook her behavior. She did not mean what she said.”

In his words, Ellie heard the duchess voice. “Then what was this about? A good-bye?”

“No. But, I will need time to convince both families that there will be no marriage, at least not to Lavinia.”

Did he play a game between them? The thought popped into Ellie’s head, shaking her confidence. No, he’d never have come to her room if he didn’t care for her, would he?

You have given into him quite easily

For the first time, shame rose inside her.

He turned her face toward him. “What are you thinking? Talk to me.”

“Please go.” He started to protest, but she added, “Please.”

“I’ll go for now, but this isn’t the end of us. I promise you.”

Ellie turned to her side, away from him, desperately trying to control the hurt that swelled inside her. She heard his movements, his dressing, and then the squeak as a hidden panel opened and closed behind him. He’d seen she was given this room because of the hidden passageway. She’d heard older homes often had several.

She’d been stupid. She’d fallen right into his arms. A sob rose up through her chest and out her mouth as tears poured over her cheeks.

“Fool, fool, fool,” she mumbled and stuck her head in the pillow to drown out her despair.


* * * *

Rafe slipped back into his room without being missed. His valet would be along shortly to help him dress. A tub of hot water stood ready for his enjoyment. He threw off his clothes and sank into the steaming heat. Lying back, he let his head rest against the edge of the tub and closed his eyes.

Ellie looked magnificent in the afterglow of lovemaking. His cock twitched just thinking about her. He wanted her again already.

Lavinia had never aroused him the way Ellie did. His stepmother expected him to make another offer for Lavinia. It was a smart move. She’d bring even more money and prestige to the family. She’d been well groomed on being a duke’s wife, on being involved in her husband’s home and entertaining important guests. Her sophistication far exceeded Ellie’s.

Inside he knew he’d never forgive Lavinia for turning her back on him when he was blind. Perhaps his stepmother might, but it was burned into his consciousness. He’d been planning to go to his hunting lodge and see Ellie when the Templetons arrived. He didn’t doubt his stepmother arranged their visit and concealed the fact from him.

What a coil. How to manage to get what he wanted without offending everyone else around him? That was the question.

Rafe heard the door and opened his eyes. His valet entered and went to the wardrobe to get out his evening attire.

This promised to be an interesting evening.

* * * *

Ellie and her mother were the last to arrive downstairs. Ellie’s mother had given her a brief lecture on controlling her expressions and emotions. She’d not been pleased to have to spend the night.

Lavinia, her mother, and the duchess were dressed in appropriate mourning clothes and still looked as though they wore the height of fashion. Ellie glanced down at her blue gown, and when she raised her eyes, Lavinia smiled.

“I should have offered you one of my dresses. How difficult to spend the night without a change of clothes. But then my gowns would be too large at the top and too small at the waist,” Lavinia said in honeyed tones.

“I’m fine thank you.” Ellie forced herself to be pleasant when she really wanted to slap her.

Rafe stepped forward and handed her mother and her glasses of red wine. “You look lovely,” he said. His eyes smiled into hers, and his hand brushed across her fingers as she took the glass from him.

“Rafe,” his stepmother spoke up. “Lavinia needs her glass refilled.”

“I believe Booth is here to announce supper.” He motioned to the doorway.

“Yes, Your Grace. Please follow me.” Booth led the group into the formal dining room.

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