The Dukes (81 page)

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Authors: Brian Masters

Tags: #Non Fiction

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Granby, John Manners, Marquess of

(1721-1770), 251-2, 356-7 Granby, Marquess of (1885-1894), 256-7 Granby, Marquess of (1959- ), 358 Grosvenor, Gilbert le, 373 Grosvenor, Sir Robert, 374 Grosvenor, Sir Thomas (d. 1700), 374,375 Grosvenor, Richard Grosvenor, 1st Earl

(1731-1802), 377, 382 Grosvenor, Robert Grosvenor, 2nd Earl

(1767-1845), 377 Grosvenor, Lady,
Mary Davies Grosvenor, Earl (1951- ), 383, 384
Gunning, Elizabeth, Duchess of Hamilton and Duchess of Argyll (1734-1790), 289-90, 318-19, 412 Gunning, Maria, Countess of Coventry, 318

Gw-nn, Nell (1650-1687), 83, 96-100, 103

Hamilton, Lady Anne (d. of 9th Duke of

Hamilton), 319 Hamilton, Lord Anne (1709-1748), son

of 4th Duke of Hamilton, 317 Hamilton, Lady Charlotte (d. of 9th Duke of Hamilton),
Duchess of Somerset Hamilton, James Hamilton, 1st Marquess

of (d. 1604), 312 Hamilton, James Hamilton, 2nd

Marquess of (1589-1625), 312, 392-3 Hamilton, James Hamilton, 1st Duke of

(1606-1649), 23, 284, 312-4 Hamilton, William Hamilton, 2nd Duke

of (1616-1651), 314 Hamilton, Anne Hamilton,
3rd Duchess of (1636-1717), 314-15, 322 Hamilton, James Douglas, 4th Duke of

(1658-1712), 315-17 Hamilton, James Douglas, 5th Duke of

(1702-1743), 317 Hamilton, James Douglas, 6th Duke of

(1724-1758), 317-18, 415 Hamilton, Duchess of (wife of 6th Duke),

Elizabeth Gunning Hamilton, James Douglas, 7th Duke of

Hamilton, Douglas Douglas, 8th Duke of

(1756-1799), 319 Hamilton, Archibald Douglas-Hamilton,

9th Duketof (1740-1811), 319 Hami'ton, Alexander Douglas-Hamilton, 10th Duke of (1767-1852), 319-20, 327 Hamilton, William Douglas-Hamilton,

1 ith Duke of (1811-1863), 320 Hamilton, William Douglas-Hamilton,

12th Duke of (1845-1895), 320-2 Hamilton, Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, 14th Duke of (1903-1973). 322-4

Hamilton, Angus Douglas-Hamilton, 15th Duke of (1938- ), 20, 90, 256, 311, 324-7 Hardwick, Elizabeth, "Bess of Hardwick"

(1518-1608), 172-3 Hartington, William Cavendish, Marquess of (1917-1944), 192 Hartington, Marchioness of (Kathleen

Kenned-), 192 Hertford, George Seymour, 7th Marquess of, 78

Hervey, Augustus (later Earl of Bristol),

416-17 Hess, Rudolph, 322-4

Howard de Walden, Lord, 207 Howland, Lord (1962- ), 30

James, J. N. R., 379

Innes, 28th Laird of, 306 Innes-Ker, Lady Sophia, 309

Ker, Lady Essex, 305-6 Ker, John Bellenden, 306 Ker, Harry, Lord Ker (d. 1647), son of 1st Earl of Rosburghe, 287, 305, 306 Ker, Jean, 305 Ker, Margaret, 306 Ker, Robert Hepburn, 306 Ker, Walter, 306 Kerouaille, Louisetde, Duchess of

Portsmouth (1649-1734), 83, 97-8, 101-5, 128

Kildare, John Fitzthomas Fitzgerald, 1st Earltof (d. 1316), 264, 270, 272 Kildare, Thomas Fitzgerald, 7th Earl of

(d. 1477), 270 Kildare, Gerald Fitzgerald, 8th Earl of

(1456-1513), 270 Kildare, Thomas F tzgerald, 1 oth Earl of, "Silken Thomas" (1513-1537), 269, 271 Kildare, George Fitzgerald, 16th Earl of

"The Fairy Earl" (1603-1660), 270, 272 Kildare, Gerald Fitzgerald, Marquess of

(1914- ), 280-1 Kingston, Evelyn Pierrepoint, 2nd Duke

of(1711-1773), 415-17 Kingston, Elizabeth Chudleigh, Duchess of(1726-1788), 415-17

Lamb, Lady Caroline (1785-1828), 185 Law, Susan Adelaide ("Marchioness of

Blandford"), 245-6 Leeds, Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of, Earl of Danby (1632-1712), 420-1 Leeds, Francis Osborne, 7th Duke of

(1798-1859), 421 Leeds, Duchess of (Louisa Caton), 421 Leeds, John Francis Godolphin Osborne,

1 ith Duke of (1901-1963), 420, 422 Leeds, Francis d'Arcy Godolphin Osborne,

12th Duke of, 422 Leinster, James Fitzgerald, 1st Duke of

(1722-1773), 270, 272-3 Leinster, Duchess of (Lady Emil-

Lennox, wife of 1st Duke), 273, 274-5 Leinster,tWill am Fitzgerald, 2nd Duke

of (1749-1800), 274 Leinster, Augustus Frederick Fitzgerald,

3rd Duke of (1791-1874), 274-5 Leinster, Charles William Fitzgerald,

4th Duke of (i8i9-i88g), 276-7 Leinster, Gerald Fitzgerald, 5th Duke of (1851-1893), 277

Leinster, Maurice Fitzgerald, 6th Duke of

(1887-1922), 23, 278 Leinster, Edward Fitzgerald, 7th Duke of

(1892- ), 14, 23, 264, 277-80 Leinster, Duchess of (Way Etheridge, 1 st

wife of 7th Duke), 278, 280 Leinster, Duchess of (2nd wife of 7th

Duke), 280 Leinster, Duchess of (Jessie Smithers,
Denise Orme, 3rd wife of 7th Duke), 280 Leinster, Duchess of (Vivien Conner, 4th

wife of 7th Duke, 280 Lennox, Lady Sarah, 26 Leveson-Gower, Lady Elizabeth, 377 Lincoln, Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of

(1512-1585), 365 Loch, James, 339

Londonderry, Frances Anne, Marchioness

of, 270, 362-3 Londonderry, Alastair Vane-Tempest- Stewart, 9th Marquess of (1937- ), 418

Lupus, Hugh, 373

Macduff, Lord, 11, 370 Mailer, Norman, 295 Mallaby-Deeley, Sir Harry, 278-81 Manchester, Henry Montagu, 1st Earl of

(1563-1642), 400, 401 Manchester, Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl

of (1602-1671), 398-400, 402 Manchester, Robert Montagu, 3rd Earl

of (1634-1682), 402 Manchester, Charles Montagu, 1st Duke

of (1662-1722), 402 Manchester, William Montagu, 2nd

Duke of (1700-1739), 402 Manchester, Duchess of (Belle Montagu,

wife of 2nd Duke), 27, 402-3 Manchester, George Montagu, 4th Duke

of (1737-1788), 403 Manchester, William Montagu, 5th Duke

of (1771-1843), 403-4 Manchester, William Drogo Montagu,

7th Duke of (1823-1890), 404 Manchester, Duchess of (Louise von Alten, wife of 7th Duke), 190-2, 320, 404-5, 412 Manchester, George Montagu, 8th Duke

of(1853-1892), 405 Manchester, Duchess of (Consuelo Iznaga del Valle, wife of 8th Duke), 248, 405

Manchester, William Montagu, 9th Duke

of (1877-1947), 23, 26, 388, 405 Manchester, Duchess of (Helena Zimmerman, wife of gth Duke), 248, 405

Manchester, Alexander Drogo Montagu, 10th Duke of (1902- ), 16, 19, 28, 387-90, 405 Manchester, nth Duke of, 9, 387 Manchester, 12 th Duke of (1938- ),

Mandeville, Lord, 389

Manners, John, 350

Manners, Lord John,
7th Duke

of Rutland Manners, Lord Robert (1962-1964), 356 Manners-Sutton, Charles (1755-1828),

Archbishop of Canterbury, 355 March, Earl of, 29, 133-4 Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of (1650-1722), 30, 94, 233, 234, 235-6, 237-8, 241-2, 349 Marlborough, Duchess of (Sarah Jennings, wife of 1st Duke), 24, 235-6, 237-8, 241-2, 349 Marlborough, Henrietta Churchill,
Suo jure
2nd Duchess of (1681-1733), 243 Marlborough, Charles Spencer, 3rd

Duke of (1706-1758), 243-4 Marlborough, George Spencer, 4th Duke

of ("739-
'7). 244-5
Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill,

5th Duke of (1766-1840), 245 Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill,

6th Duke of (1793-1857), 245-6 Marlborough, John Winston Spencer- Churchill, 7th Duke of (1822-1883),


Marlborough, Duchess of (Lady Frances Anne Vane, wife of 7th Duke), 246,


Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill,

8th Duke of (1844- 1892), 246—7 Marlborough, Charles Spencer-Churchill,

9th Duke of (1871-1934), 247-9 Marlborough, Duchess of (Consuelo Vanderbilt, wife of 9th Duke), 26,


Marlborough, John Spencer-Churchill,

10th Duke of (1897-1972), 249 Marlborough, John Spencer-Churchill, 1 ith Duke of (1926- ), 90, 233,


Marlborough, Duchess of (Susan Hornby,

1st wife of 1 ith Duke), 250 Marlborough, Duchess of (Rosita Douglas,

3rd wife of 1 ith Duke), 250 Mary, Queen, 210-n, 230, 320, 367, 377 Mellon, Harriot,
Duchess of St Albans Monmouth, "James Crofts", Duke of, and 1st Duke of Buccleuch (1649-1685), 83-9. 92, 112-3 Montagu, Sir Edward (1532-1602), 400 Montagu, Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of (1638-1709), 94, 411-12

Montagu, George Brudenell, 3rd Duke of

79°)> '09 Montagu, Lord Edward, 388 Montrose, James Graham, 1 st Marquess

of (1612-1650), 284, 285, 392-6 Montrose, James Graham, 2nd Marquess

of(1631-1669), 396 Montrose, James Graham, 1st Duke of

(1682-1742), 396 Montrose, William Graham, 2nd Duke of

(1712-1790), 396-7 Montrose, James Graham, 3rd Duke of

(1755-1836), 397
Montrose, James Graham, 4th Duke of

(1799-1874), 397-8 Montrose, Duchess of (Caroline Decies,

wife of 4th Duke), 398 Montrose, Douglas Graham, 5th Duke of

(1852-1925), 398 Montrose, James Graham, 6th Duke of

(1878-1954), 398 Montrose, James Angus Graham, 7th Duke of (1907- ), 14, 29, 387-91,

Mowbray, Lady Anne, 35

Murray, Lord Charles (son of 1st Duke of

Atholl), 298 Murray, Lord George (son of 1st Duke of

Atholl), 298 Murray, Lord George, Bishop of

St. David's, 299 Murray, General (brother of 3rd Duke of

Atholl), 299 Murray, Jean, 298-9

Newcastle, William Cavendish, 1st Duke

of(1592-1676), 411 Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess

of (1624-1674), 195 Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of (1693-1768), 16, 29, 113-4, 348, 359-6o, 365-6 Newcastle, Henry Fiennes-Clinton, 2nd

Duke of (1720-1794), 360-1, 365-6 Newcastle, Henry Pelham-Clinton, 4th

Duke of (1785-1851), 17, 363-5 Newcastle, Henry Pelham Pelham- Clinton, 5th Duke of (1811-1864), 358-9, 362-3 Newcastle, Henry Pelham-Clinton, 6th

Duke of (1834-1879), 358, 361 Newcastle, Duchess of (Henrietta Adda

Hope, wife of 6th Duke), 358, 361 Newcastle, Henry Pelham-Clinton-Hope,

8th Duke of (1866-1941), 361-2, 366 Newcastle, Henry Pelham-Clinton-Hope, 9th Duke of (1907- ), 14, 23, 28, 362, 366-7 Norfolk, John Howard, 1 st Duke of (1430-1485), 18, 33, 35-7, 257

Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of

(1443-1524), 33, 35-9 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of

(1473-1554), 24, 39-42, 45 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th Duketof

(1536-1572), 18, 34, 45-9 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 5th Duke of

(1626-1677), 50 Norfolk, Henry Howard, 6th Duke of

(1628-1684), 50 Norfolk, Henry Howard, 7th Duke of

(1655-1701), 50 Norfolk, Duchess of (Lady Mary

Mordaunt, wife of 8th Duke), 50-51 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 8th Duke of

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