The Duke's Lady (Historical Romance - The Ladies Series) (23 page)

BOOK: The Duke's Lady (Historical Romance - The Ladies Series)
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And then her gaze lingered on the ugly scar that marred Lee’s once-perfect features. And for a moment she saw a flash of blood seeping from the scar. She blinked. There was no blood. But somehow she knew this man fit into her memory. She had to get away from him.

“How is the belle of the ball?” Jonathan seemed to come out of nowhere to rescue her. “I do hope you’re enjoying yourself?” he inquired.

“Jonathan . . .” She paused and took a deep breath. “Do you know Captain Lee?”

“No, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure,” Jonathan replied.

Lee nodded. “It’s good to make your acquaintance.” He shook Jonathan’s hand. “I’m Jewel’s uncle.”

“What!” Jonathan exclaimed.

Jewel grabbed Jonathan’s hand. “I believe this is your dance, Jonathan,” she said, pulling him onto the dance floor with the stunned expression still on his face.

After they started dancing, Jonathan recovered from his initial shock. “Is that man daft? You can’t be related to him.”

“That was my exact thought. But I don’t understand why he would make up such a story.”

“I don’t know, either. What does Adam say?”

“I haven’t had a chance to talk to him since I’ve spoken with the captain. He’s dancing with Colette.”

“Well, luv, if he is dancing with her, I would wager she jerked him onto the dance floor.” Jonathan laughed.

Jewel laughed, too, but she couldn’t help wondering if maybe Adam wanted to be rid of her. He had tried so hard to find out who she was and where she belonged. What if he believed this Captain Lee and sent her away with him?

“Jonathan.” She hesitated, taking a deep breath. “You once said if I needed someplace to stay, I could stay with you. Did you mean that?”

“Yes, I did.” His blue eyes glistened with sincerity. “Has Adam done something to you?” Jonathan asked immediately, his arms tightening around her.

“Not yet.” She paused before continuing. “Jonathan, I’ll not go with that captain if Adam sends me.”

“I think you’re cutting Adam a little short,” Jonathan chided her. “I’ll find him after this dance and see what this is all about.”

Adam couldn’t be that crazy, Jonathan thought. But if he were, Jewel would belong to
And he would take care of her.

He’d make sure of it.





Adam was lounging against a pillar surveying the crowd when he spotted Jonathan walking purposefully toward him.

“Let’s go to my study. We need to talk!” Jonathan insisted.

“Where’s Jewel?” Adam asked. “Have you seen her?”

“I just finished dancing with Jewel. She said she was going upstairs to the retiring room. She should be fine there.”

When they reached Jonathan’s study, Jonathan swung around. “Who is this Captain Lee?” he blurted out. “I couldn’t believe my ears when he told me he was Jewel’s uncle. And she’s pretty upset, too, I might add.”

“Did she say anything?”

“Jewel doesn’t believe she is related to Captain Lee in any way. However, she seems to think you might send her away with him.” Jonathan gave him a long, penetrating look. “She is wrong—isn’t she?”

“What the hell do you think?” Adam’s temper exploded as he threw his empty glass into the fireplace, shattering it into a thousand pieces. It was bad enough he was worried, but Jonathan’s unexpected question had pushed him too far.

“I don’t know what to think!” Jonathan snapped as he leaned against his desk and folded his arms.

“The lady, and I do mean the one with black hair”—Adam paused, emphasizing each word—“will be going nowhere unless it’s with me.”

“You love her, then?”

“What the hell has that got to do with anything?” Adam ran a hand through his hair. He barely held his temper in check. He moved to the cabinet, where he picked up a crystal decanter and poured a shot of Madeira into two glasses. Turning, he handed Jonathan a goblet. “I don’t know why we’re arguing when we need to think clearly. I don’t trust Lee. What if he tries to take Jewel when one of us isn’t near her?”

“You’re right. But what could he possibly want with her?”

“You’re forgetting the map.” Adam explained his suspicions to Jonathan, then filled him in on everything he knew.

“What are we going to do?”

“Do?” Adam let his gaze drop to his drink. “I’m going to send her home. I hate to do it, but she’ll be safer there.”

“And then what? Do you think he will come after her?”

“I don’t know. It depends on how much he wants the map. I wish I could tell where the diagram leads. Maybe it would tell me why he wants it so badly.”

Jonathan pushed away from his desk. “We’d better get back out there.”

“I agree.” Adam set his glass on the desk and followed Jonathan. “I’ll find Jewel.”



The upstairs chamber was a good place to relax and get away from the crowd. Jewel rubbed the back of her neck, easing the tension. Her head swam.
If they don’t give me some food soon, I’ll be drunk.
Several ladies had been in to freshen up, but now the room was empty, and she knew she needed to get back to the ballroom, but her feet refused to cooperate.

The door swung open, and in swept Colette. “Oh, it’s you, darling. Imagine me finding you hiding here. Well, now we’ll have a chance to get to know each other better, won’t we?” she said sweetly, seating herself on the upholstered bench by Jewel.

“I don’t know that we have anything to say to one another,” Jewel replied, wondering what this woman was up to.

“Well, my dear, Adam’s told me quite a bit about you.”

“Really.” Jewel tried not to let any of her emotions show.

“Yes, he’s told me everything.” Colette stood, then started to pace back and forth. Suddenly, she stopped and stared straight at Jewel. “I told Adam I didn’t mind you staying with us after we’re married.”

“He isn’t going to marry you!” Jewel snapped.

Colette gave her a look of surprise. “Oh, but you are wrong, dear! Where do you think he spent his nights while in London?” Colette’s slow, satisfied smile made chills run over Jewel’s body. “He didn’t want to break the news until after I’d met you. You see, Adam needed my approval.”

“You’re lying!” Jewel said with much more conviction than she felt.

“Well, we’ll just see who he spends the night with tonight,” Colette said, rearranging her shawl around her shoulders. She swung around, her head held high; then, with a final glance at Jewel, she left the room evidently feeling victorious.

Stunned, Jewel couldn’t move. Hadn’t Adam denied his intentions earlier when she’d asked him? The woman was just making it up. But what if she wasn’t? An icy fear encircled her.

Jewel returned to the ballroom, hardly knowing in which direction she walked. She definitely didn’t want to see Captain Lee. Soft music filled the room as couples danced. Jewel stayed close to the wall until she could escape out to the terrace. Standing in the comer by the rail, Jewel looked out over the gardens. The cold air felt good on her flushed face. Her jangled nerves had made her fidgety. She would just stand here and calm down before seeking Adam. The winds gave advance warning of the approaching storm, but the breeze felt good as it tugged at the loose strands of hair. Hearing the doors on the far end of the terrace open, she saw a couple walk out. The lighting was much too dim for her to make out their faces, and she was thankful they couldn’t see her standing in the shadows as they walked down the steps on the far end.



After scanning the ballroom and not finding Jewel, Adam decided to look outside. He had made up his mind. He’d send her back to Briercliff to keep her safe from Lee’s clutches. Adam knew he’d made the right decision. He needed to figure out just what the captain’s intentions were. He’d join her later after he was sure Lee wouldn’t be a threat.

Adam moved out one of th
e six doors that led to the terrace, then went down the steps to stand at the bottom. Could Jewel possibly have walked out into the gardens?

He heard a movement and peered into the shadows. A woman walked up the path. As she drew closer, Adam noticed it was Colette and she was headed straight for him. There was no telling what she had been doing, he thought.

When she reached him, she stopped in front of him and draped her arms around his neck. The next instant she pressed her body suggestively into his. He was too tired for this. However, his body took over from his sluggish thoughts. Damn! He’d drunk too much liquor. He could feel himself hardening against Colette’s curves, but it was Jewel’s face that flashed in his mind. The overpowering scent of sweet gardenias brought him to his senses. My God, what was he doing? He pried Colette’s arms from around his neck as if she were a serpent.

“Adam, darling, it has always been so good between us,” Colette cooed.



Jewel’s head snapped around at the sound of Adam’s voice, but she couldn’t see him from where she stood. Moving in the direction of his voice, she stopped dead in her tracks. Below her, two people were entwined in a lovers’ embrace. Thinking it was the couple that had come out earlier, she started to turn away. Then someone opened a door and the light caught in Adam’s black hair.

She couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped her lips. Swallowing convulsively, she felt sick to her stomach as a river of conflicting emotions ran through her. Gulping a breath of air, she bit her lip to keep from crying. Her beautiful evening had just come to an end.

What a fool she had been!

Jewel picked up her skirt and swung around. If that was how he felt, she would go back to the party and have the time of her life.

Adam sensed Jewel even before he heard her gasp. “Damn,” he swore as he shoved Colette away from him, practically knocking her down. Taking the steps two at a time, he caught Jewel before she entered the ballroom, and spun her around to face him. “It’s not what you think.”

Jewel held her head high, fixing him with a cold stare. “It’s not necessary for you to explain. Please let go of my arm. I intend to dance.”

“I think not,” Adam said.

“I beg your pardon!”

“You’re going home.”

“I am not!” she snapped, her voice growing louder with her anger.

“Yes, you are, even if I have to throw you over my shoulder,” Adam growled. “And keep your voice down.”

“Go to Hell!”

“Sweetheart, I’m sure I will someday, but not before I take care of you.” Adam took a deep breath, trying to cool down his rising temper. “I can’t explain now, but you must go home.”

She didn’t bother to respond, but her eyes shot daggers at him just before he slid his arm around her waist, holding her tight in case she decided to protest further. He then escorted her through the ballroom to the front door, ignoring her mulish silence while he helped her collect her wrap.

Once they were outside, Adam motioned for his carriage. They walked down the steps. “Things aren’t as they appear. I’ll explain everything later.”

Jewel stopped in front of the carriage and glared at him. “I don’t want to hear it! Colette is waiting for you. Try not to disappoint her.” Turning, Jewel stepped up into the carriage, disappearing into its darkened interior. At the groom’s hesitant look, Adam gave a reluctant nod. The servant immediately slammed the carriage door.

Adam watched as the coach pulled away. She was wrong, of course. He should have made her listen to him. But there wasn’t time. The important thing was to have her away from Captain Lee. There would be time for explanations later.

Adam went back into the ballroom, nodding to Jonathan that he had accomplished his task. Once again Colette appeared at his side. By now, he was very tired of her. He bent down to Colette, his voice low and menacing. “Colette, you seem to have a hard time understanding. What we had was nice while it lasted, but it’s over. You need to find someone who can give you the attention you need. However, I’m not that gentleman.”

Red angry blotches stained Colette’s cheeks. “Well, I never!” She clamped her mouth shut and stomped off across the room.



Adam purposely waited until after the supper before speaking with Captain Lee, giving Jewel plenty of time to reach home.

Captain Lee found Adam first. “I’ll be glad to take Jewel home with me tonight. Where is she?”

“She doesn’t believe you’re her uncle.” Adam’s voice brimmed with contempt. “She’ll not be leaving with you tonight.”

“Your Grace, I presume you are familiar with the law.” Lee returned Adam’s stare; then Lee’s lips curled back in a snarl. “I can prove she is my niece, and you can’t stop her from going with me.”

“When you can prove the fact, we’ll talk. Good night, Captain,” Adam stated flatly, then left.

“It appears I’ll be paying the lofty duke a visit on Christmas Day,” Lee remarked to himself.

Adam couldn’t wait to leave the party. His conversation with Captain Lee weighed heavily on his mind. Unfortunately, Lee had been correct. If he could prove Jewel was his niece, Adam would have no rights to her.



The coach’s lamplights flickered as the carriage bumped along through the night. The strength of the wind buffeted the coach from time to time. Jewel clung to the straps to keep from being tossed to the floor. Peeking out the window, she tried to see anything that might tell her how close they were to Briercliff. For a moment, she had a good mind to tell the driver to stop so she could get out, but then what? Out here in the middle of nowhere, she had no place to go. Besides, somehow she had to be aboard Adam’s ship when it left. If what Colette said was true, Adam might be planning on staying here. But one way or the other Jewel would get aboard that ship.

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